11. Truth Revealed
Harry snuggled into the warmth of his jacket as he waited for his boyfriend to show up. He felt a jolt of guilt as he remembered the kiss he shared with his best friend only an hour earlier. Minutes later, he saw the figure of his lover walking along the dirt trail leading to the hay field.
Louis stopped only inches away from Harry. The two of them stayed silent for a few moments, staring at each other as their breathe blew out in white clouds.
"I-I can't even tell you how s-sorry I am." Louis sighed, trying his best not to cry.
"It's okay, Lou. I know you didn't mean it. That's not why I asked you to come here." Louis frowned at Harry's words.
"When I was on my way home with Niall, we were talking a-and, and" Harry sighed.
"-and one thing lead to another, and we kissed." Harry choked out. Louis was speechless. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this betrayed. A voice in the back of his head told him that he had no right to get mad after what he'd done to Harry. He believed that it was true, this was karma getting back at him.
"So, what, are you breaking up with me? Is that it?" Louis let out a shaky breathe. Harry shook his head frantically, surprised by Louis' reaction.
"Louis, no! I-I love you. I just needed to tell you. I want there to be no secrets between us." Harry reached for Louis' hand. Louis turned his head away from the younger boy, thinking about what to do next.
"It's okay, you're right but please don't ever cheat on me again." Harry's heart ached when Louis said he'd cheated. He hadn't thought of it that way. It meant nothing to him, the only person he liked kissing was Louis. His Louis.
"Never again. " Harry promised. Louis smiled, leaning down to plant a kiss on his boyfriends cold lips.
"Come here, it's getting chilly out." Louis shivered, holding his arms out for Harry who cuddled into them quickly.
"I thought you had to be home before dinner." Louis stated, trying his best to keep Harry warm.
"I don't care what Zayn says, I'd rather be with you." Harry inhaled the scent of the older's shirt.
"What about your mum? Won't she worry?" Lou questioned. Harry stiffened at the mention of his late mother.
"What? What is it?" Louis asked, noticing Harry's discomfort.
"My mum," Harry sighed. "Sh-she pa-" Harry's eyes began to water and he couldn't help but hold on to Louis' shirt tighter than necessary.
"She passed away s-six years ago. " Harry felt the familiar heat gather I'm his throat as his face grew hot and tears streamed down his face.
"Haz why didn't you tell me?" Louis squeezed his boyfriend tighter while planting kisses on the top of his head.
"I don't kn-know. It's hard to think about, you know?" Harry mumbled, looking up at the taller of the two.
"How, uh, how'd she. . ." Louis found it hard to say anything, all he could think about was how it must've affected his poor Harry.
"Cancer. Diagnosed when I was two. They'd thought she was finally getting better, it caught us all by surprise." Louis began stroking the smaller's.cheek.
"Baby, I'm sorry. " Louis sighed, pulling Harry closer to him. The two stayed quiet for another few minutes. Louis picked Harry up in his arms, laying him in his back then lying next to him so they were both looking up at the sky.
Louis cleared his throat. "My mom fucks her boss for promotions."
"Why would she do that?" Harry gasped.
"Ever since my dad left, she's had to earn money for Li and I. It's tough, she's hardly ever home but she manages to put food on the table. Sure she can be obnoxious and a bit inappropriate but she does what she can and I love her for it."
"She sounds like she really loves you too." Harry smiled.
"Harry, can I ask you something?" Louis spoke up while stroking Harry's head of curls.
"Is it just you and Zayn?"
"Yeah, I don't remember my dad, it's been Zayn and mum for as long as I can remember. After she died, it was only natural that he'd continue to care for me. He's the only father I've ever known." Harry shrugged.
"I like this. " Louis chuckled.
"What?" Harry asked.
"Telling each other things. It's nice." Louis sighed.
"You know what else is nice?" Harry smirked.
"I think I do." Louis giggled, climbing on top of his boyfriend's smaller frame.
"I love you." Harry's breathe quickened as he spoke.
"I love you." Louis spoke against the heat of Harry's neck. Louis began trailing kisses down Harry's jaw, collar bone and shoulders.
"You know, we never did finish what we started earlier." Louis chuckled devilishly causing Harry to whimper.
"Lou." He breathed. The two were soon cut off by the obnoxious ringing if Harry's cellular.
"You should probably get that." Louis suggested. Harry shook his head pulling the older down for a heated kiss.
"Harry, no." Louis pulled away. "Babe answer your phone."
Harry groaned, retrieving the device from his pocket. The caller ID read 'Dad', he let out a grumble before answering.
"Harry, where are you? You're an hour late." Zayn spoke sternly into the phone.
"I'll be there in twenty minutes. Got a bit held up" Harry sighed.
"You're not getting off that easy, we'll discuss this once you're home." Zayn said before hanging up.
"I am home." Harry sighed.
A/N: I know I say this a lot, but sorry for the crappy filler. It's just information that needs to get out of the way for me to continue. So.. I was thinking... next chapter... should it be Liam's first date or a jump to the big chess match/lacrosse tryouts?.. p.s. both have possible smut (; You decide ;) -weirdox
Published: January 17, 2015
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