1. I Wish
Guess who's back, back again. Weirdox is back, tell a friend.
One day. One day. One day someone will love me like that. I thought silently to myself as I sat watching my favorite movie, The Titanic. I can't help but feel a little wishful whenever I watch it. I mean, who doesn't want a love story like Rose and Jack? Well, I mean without the dramatic death scene.
I sometimes think I'll never find such love, I haven't found it yet anyway. That's maybe because you're only thirteen years old, idiot. I tend to talk to myself quite often. It gets boring if I don't talk to myself. Who else am I supposed to talk to? I'm mute. That's the one disadvantage of being mute, it gets lonely. . . And quiet.
Just as the credits rolled in, I was about to replay it but Zayn turned the television off.
"This movie again?" he questioned. I gave him a slight nod before reviving the T.V.
"Oh no you don't. It's a school night, you should be in bed by now." I groaned at Zayn's strict curfew but it's not like I can argue. I slumped my shoulders as I slowly walked up the staircase leading to my bedroom.
Before I fell asleep, I mad sure to send a goodnight text to my best friend, Niall. It's something I do every night to let him know I'm not dead, simply going to sleep for a few short hours. He quickly replied with a goodnight text back. His way of telling me, he has time for his best mate - me.
I woke with that feeling you sometimes get, you know when you feel like you've slept for ten minutes when it's actually been several hours. I proceeded to stretching my arms letting out a yawn.
Once I was out of bed I quickly stumbled into my bathroom for a shower. Zayn must've still been asleep, he usually uses the bathroom to shave in the mornings. Although, when I'm lucky I can beat him to the bathroom and take my shower as I was able to do today.
As I'm dressing, there's a knock at the door. There he is. I smiled deviously.
"Harry, you have twenty minutes to eat breakfast before we leave." Zayn called through the door. I knocked twice, letting him know I understood. Since I've been mute for over six years, my stepdad Zayn has caught on to my ways of communication. He's somewhat supportive of my muteness. He has his annoyed times but for the most part, he finds communicating with me quite easy. Ever since Mum died, he's tried his best to make me happy and I love him for that.
I run down the stairs in my school uniform ready to fill my tummy with whatever I can find. I settle for an apple and a cup of milk. Some may think I'm strange, I think I'm normal. Maybe I'm not different, maybe they're the weird ones. I could be the only sane person on Earth and they'd never even know.
"You ready, pal?" Zayn entered the kitchen wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt. He works at home being a writer and all so he doesn't really need to dress up in the mornings. I nod following him out the door.
"You're going to need to take the bus after school, is that alright?" he asked me. Knock. Knock.
"Still not talking, eh?" he chuckled. I shook my head.
"C'mon Hazza. I'm forgetting what you're voice sounds like." Zayn whined playfully. "Bet it's already deepened, you're thirteen now. Practically a man."
I laughed at that. I knew better than to believe him. He was always going to think of me as a child, his little Hazza.
"I have an interview with a publisher today. Miss Edwards, I think. She called me in to talk about my book. It might be published, you know." Zayn spoke, the occasional nod from my part.
Eventually, we arrived at the school. Zayn parked in a vacant spot and turned to me.
"Want me to walk you inside?" he questioned. I quickly shook my head.
"Alright, are you staying after for a chess game?" I thought for a moment. If Niall stays for a chess game, I can stay with him. If Niall leaves, I'll have spare time to sneak over to the football field and watch the lacrosse try outs.
I nod, even if he doesn't stay I'll still have something to keep me occupied before I need to catch the bus.
With one last wave, Zayn's gone. I send Niall a text asking him if he's at school yet. He soon replies telling me he'll be here in two minutes.
I let him know I'll be waiting in front of the front doors.
Moments later, Niall comes walking towards me.
"Hey there, Haz." Niall waved, me mirroring his hand gesture.
"Why is it that every time I see you, you manage to look even better than before?" Nial joked. Niall tends to joke like that, always complimenting me and such. He doesn't like me though, I'm sure of it.
"Let's head to maths early." Niall linked his arm in mine and we entered the building.
Before we arrived at my math class, I made sure to retrieve my mini white board where I write what I want to say.
There was only one other person in the room besides the teacher. Liam.
I've been going to school with Liam since year one. He just so happens to be blind. I've never really communicated with him. Even when I could talk. I guess I never really knew what to say.
"Morning Liam." Niall called.
"G'morning Niall." Liam replied with a smile. "Is Harry with you?"
"He is indeed." Niall sighed.
"Hello Harry." Liam piped.
I sighed quietly unable to answer.
"Don't take it personally." Niall told Liam.
Later that day Niall told me he was going to be at an audition for the school play. This gave me a chance to run down to the football field where the lacrosse tryouts were held. For the passed few months, I've had a small obsession with Lacrosse.
I've been waiting weeks for tryouts to start. Not that I'll ever tryout. I'd never build up enough confidence. Hell, I can't even talk. I thought as I took a seat on the top bleacher trying to go as unnoticed as possible.
I watched as the boys gathered on the field, starting a game. Halfway through the game I noticed a fluffy mop of light brown locks. I frowned slightly.
I saw a white stick in his hand. Liam. What could Liam Payne possibly be doing at lacrosse tryouts. He was sitting on the front bleacher, his face turned upwards slightly.
Once everyone went in to the locker rooms, I ran down the row of benches. I stopped in my tracks when Liam spoke up.
"Who's there?" Liam asked.
I gulped. What do I do? I can't talk to him.
"Don't hurt me, I may be blind but-" Liam tried being tough although it was obvious he was terrified.
"My brother will be out any second now." He paused, voice trembling. "H-he's in year eleven. So you better watch out!"
I didn't want to scare him so I ran off. I ran as fast as I could. Once I reached the bus stop, I threw myself onto the small bench. I was panting like a hyena.
Several minutes pass and I find myself growing hungry. There's a small store just up the street. I decide to walk myself over there to buy a snack before the bus arrives.
I scan the shelves for my favorite snack. Bingo. I think when my eyes land on a bag of jumbo gummy bears. After purchasing my delightful treat, I walk back to the bus stop. To my dismay, I spot a familiar head of hair. Liam is sat on the bench holding his white cane. I slowly sit on the spot next to him.
His head turns towards me frantically.
"Lou?" Liam questioned. My breathing quickened. Not this again.
"Louis? Answer me."
"Why aren't you answering me? Please don't hurt me. Do you want money? I'll give you anything!" Liam began sobbing hysterically. I shook with fear. Why the hell is he crying?
I sighed. I reached my hand out to comfort him but I was thrown to the floor.
I groaned as my back hit the concrete. A body lunged itself on top of me and I began whimpering in pain. This boy was a lot bigger than me, he had blue eyes. Blue eyes that glared down at me, white teeth clenching in anger. I let out a small sob. Unable to push him off or even cry for help.
"What the hell is wrong with you? Do you like harassing disabled kids? You little shit! I could have you arrested!" He spat in my face.
"Lou. Who was it?" Liam questioned.
"Just some year nine kid." he called back.
"I bet you were going to slap him around a few times, huh? Get it on tape, earn a few laughs?"
I shook my head frantically.
"Speak!" he yelled causing me to whimper. I opened my mouth several times but no words came. I can't do it. I want to speak. I need to. I tried once more. Nothing.
"Why won't this prick speak?"
"Maybe he's scared." Liam shrugged.
"Hey, you go to our school don't you? Li he's wearing our uniform. You probably have class with him." The boy muttered, at that I nodded.
"He's nodding his head. Why won't you say anything, kid? Do you want me to hit you?"
"Lou, what's he look like?" Liam asked causing me to sigh. Oh how I wish he could see me.
"He's got green eyes, curly brown hair." The boy known as Lou said.
I tried pushing Lou off of me but it was no use.
"Quit fidgeting!" He yelled. I began scanning the area for my book bag. I saw my white board poking out of the large pocket. I reached my hand out and pointed at it.
Lou turned his head and saw with raised eyebrows.
"What've you got that for?" he asked. I whimpered pointing at it like a mad man.
He began climbing off of me to my enjoyment. I jumped up to my bag and pulled out the white board.
Please don't hurt me! I didn't mean to scare Liam. I don't speak, I'm mute. I scribbled onto the board then showed it to Lou.
He looked beyond shocked. Then he groaned and began hitting himself.
"I'm such a dick!" He yelled.
"What? What happened?" Liam asked.
"He's mute!"
"What? Is that your name?" I nodded.
"That's a really cute name. Is it short for Harold?" Lou winked throwing me off guard. I nodded.
"Cute name for a cute boy." He chuckled. I could feel myself blushing, nobody's ever called me cute other than Niall.
What's your name? I asked.
"Louis Tomlinson. I'm in year eleven." he smiled.
"He's my brother." Liam mumbled.
I frowned. Tomlinson?
"I took my mum's last name after dad left. His last name is Payne, Liam kept it. He always liked Li better."
I never even knew Liam had a brother.
"Looks like my bus is here. Do you take this one?" He asked, earning a nod from me.
"C'mon Li, bus is here." Louis gripped onto Liam's hand as the younger boy found his way to the step. Liam climbed into the bus quite impressively. After the two paid their fee, I did the same.
Louis continued talking to me, telling me about how he had just learned how to read Braille. The bus stopped minutes later and I let him and Liam exit before me. Louis was waiting at the stop when I stepped out.
He smirked at me, the smirk caused chills to run down my spine.
"Can I see you again?"
I nodded.
"Will you meet me here Monday morning?" Louis asked.
I smiled with a nod and I watched as he guided his brother in the opposite direction of my house. I walked home with the biggest grin on my face. Nobody's ever shown much interest in talking to me ever since I stopped talking. Best Friday Ever.
I found this chapter a little crappy but it gets better. This chapter was more of a prologue to tell the readers what Harry's life is like.
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Published: April 27, 2014
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