episode 30.1: the end of a dynasty [part 1]
"You fucking bitch!"
Joohyun was caught by surprise as soon as she opened the door. Jungkook's hand went straight for her throat and pushed her to the wall, strangling her.
"You messed with the wrong guy," he hissed. His eyes had only one thing in them—rage. "I will kill you."
Joohyun's free hands tried to push the raging guy away but he was far stronger than she was.
"I should've known you were an attention seeking whore the moment you bumped into me. I shouldn't have helped you—"
"But... it's too... late now... is it?" she managed to taunt him even though he held her neck tightly. It just added to his fury making his grip grow tighter. The woman just let out a chuckle.
"You bitch—"
Out of nowhere, Jungkook toppled to the side as something hard just hit him on his jaw making him release the taunting brunette from his grasp.
"Joohyun, are you okay?"
Jungkook immediately turned towards the guy. He knew that voice. It was too familiar. For two fucking years he was held captive, it was impossible for him not to recognize that bastard's voice.
"Lucas," he hissed glaring at his former captor. "I should've known it was you."
The guy scoffed then matched his gaze.
"It's about time that half-sister of mine get knocked out of her high horse," he spat. "Not too proud now that his perfect husband turned out to be a fucking fraud."
He felt something snap as he lounged towards the guy and threw a punch. Lucas was able to dodge it easily but wasn't able to see the other. It hit him square on the face.
"You bastard!"
Joohyun was quick to escape the scene and ran out of the apartment. But It seems like the two didn't notice as they didn't stop throwing punches at each other.
"The Kim's ruined my life!" Lucas yelled as he and Jungkook were at each other's faces. "I wouldn't have grown up without a father if it weren't for them! I should've had a complete family! All those years... for all those years—"
"Your mother lied to you!" Jungkook managed to blurt out.
Lucas scoffed. "So you're saying I'm not a real Kim? I'm smarter than you think, Jeon Jungkook. I had my sample tested with one of my siblings and it was a match. I am a Kim and my mother isn't a liar!"
"I didn't say you weren't!" He said pushing the younger away. "You are a Kim. But she's not your mother! She's an obsessed psycho who kidnapped you when you were just a baby! Don't you see? You don't even look like her!"
Lucas' brows furrowed as he loosened his grip on Jungkook's shirt.
"Your grandmother knows the whole truth but you almost fucking killed her," he spat. "Good thing she wasn't that easy to kill and she told your brothers and sister the whole truth."
"Do you think I'm an idiot? Why would I even believe you?"
"Then don't!" Jungkook's coffee brown orbs full of anger. "I don't fucking care if you believe me or not but I'm telling you the truth. What else can I gain from you when I've already lost everything?! I'm just here to fucking end that good for nothing slut's life—shit!"
The girl managed to escape amplifying Jungkook's rage.
With no one else to blame and Jungkook being a fuming mess, his fists flew towards Lucas and continued doing so before a familiar voice echoed within the four corners of the room.
"Jungkook, stop!"
But the man did not hear anything—rather, he chose to be deaf and continued to throw a fit and center all his frustrations, rage and sadness into one person. Someone he knew was involved in the mess he's currently in.
"Jungkook please!" the voice rang. "He's still my brother!"
His fist stopped mid-air as he felt a pair of arms around his upper torso. He could hear her soft sobs as her face buried on the crook of his neck.
Slowly he lowered his arm and wrapped it around his wife. An unfamiliar woman went to help Lucas up as he looked a bit dazed from all the hit or blood loss.
"Doll..." was all he managed to mutter as he gently brushed his wife's hair. How... how did she find him? How...
Their moment was cut short when all of a sudden, Lucas spoke.
"It's not true," he whispered. "My mom didn't lie to me. You are the ones who're lying to me. You're all just saying that to make me stop—"
Lisa took a small envelope from her purse.
"That's the letter your so-called mother sent to my dad more than ten years ago," she explained handing it over to the younger male. "I know you're familiar with her handwriting so you'd know it isn't forged. There's also a picture inside of her with you."
Lucas grabbed the decades-old paper and started to read it.
Hey baby! It's me, Jiyeon. How are you? I know I haven't been in touch with you but that restraining order said to be at least ten meters away from you and your family. But don't worry. I've always been around you, watching. And missing you.
But you know who misses you too? Our baby, Lucas! He's such an angel, baby. He has your eyes, too. Too bad he had his mother's nose. But it's okay. Nothing a small rhinoplasty can't cure.
I know you're wondering why I have him. Well I saved him from that nasty fire in the hospital and instantly fell in love with him! He looks so much like you! So I took the liberty of taking him home and maybe, you could come with us? We can start our own little family together. You, me and Lucas. We can finally be a perfect family!
But if you make the slightest mistake of mentioning this to your wife or mother (or the authorities), I won't hesitate to end your youngest son's life.
I'll wait for you, my love.
Forever yours, Jiyeon.
Lucas was lost for words and tears started to stream down his face. All these years... all these years he held a grudge on the family he believed that took his father away from him when in fact, the person he called mother his entire life was the one who took him away from his real family.
"Your mother," Lisa started as she moved closer to her youngest brother. "The mother you grew up with kidnapped you, Lucas. She took you away from us. Dad went to get you but they ended up in an accident that took our real mother's life. He fell into a depression that's why grandma made a decision to bury everything and move on with our lives when you and that suddenly Jiyeon disappeared. To be honest, I didn't know about you either 'coz I was barely a toddler when she took you. Lucas... you're not a bastard. You're a real Kim. You're finally home."
Jungkook clenched his fist. This did not escape Lisa's gaze making her sigh and face her husband. She's caught in between her family and her new one.
"Kook..." she faced him. "I know what he did to you was cruel. I know it's wrong and I'll understand if you'll press charges. He kidnapped you and you suffered. But I just want you to understand that he was confused. He didn't know. He too was a victim of that kidnapper's lies. I'm so sorry..."
"He took two years from me," he stated monotonously. "I missed two goddamned years of my son's life and yours."
As their gazes locked, Jungkook couldn't help but recall everything he had done to her as well. What Jisoo, him and his brother once did to her and her family. He sighed.
"But it's all in the past now, I guess. I have you and Junghyun now and I have a whole lifetime to make up for the lost years..." his knuckles gently trailed her cheek. "If you'll still have me."
"It wasn't his fault," Lucas interjected—who seemed to have recovered from shock. "Joohyun planned it all to get rid of you. So no one would get in her way getting back at your brother."
"I know," Lisa said turning to the unfamiliar girl she came in with. "Seulgi filled me in on everything and I put two and two together. I know Jungkook wouldn't do that to me. And someone else facetimed me so I thought someone might've been involved. I just... well, I just got caught off-guard with the news article. The one where he was kissing her..."
"It was an accident," Jungkook immediately said to her. "I swear--"
"I know," Lisa said looking squarely at him. "I know, Kook. I know that now. That's why I'm here."
He turned towards the stranger she called Seulgi. "Who...?"
"I'm Joohyun's best friend," she answered. "I tried to stop her. But she wouldn't. So I asked our friend to give me Lisa's address so I could tell her everything. I'm glad I caught her before she left."
Jungkook turned to Lisa confused.
"I planned to leave Seoul for a while," she explained. "I... I just wanted to clear my head and move on. I left the company too because I thought I was being too ambitious. I wanted to have a family and a career. But after I saw you with her... it was a wake up call for me. I can't have everything. I had to pick. I have to set my priorities straight and--"
Lisa's rumbling was cut off when Jungkook leaned in to kiss her. The seriousness in his eyes once her leaned back sent shivers down her spine. He looked angry but there was a slight glint of guilt written all over those brown orbs that made her feel a bit nervous.
"You're Lalisa Jeon," he said looking straight at her. Not her eyes but to her soul. "You can have anything you want as long as you set your mind to it. You're an amazing mother, a brilliant CEO and the best wife a man could ever have. I might come off as a dick sometimes but that doesn't mean you're not good enough. You are more than enough for me, Lalisa Jeon."
She felt her heart swell up as she lunged herself towards her husband. Her vision started to blur as tears started to build up. For the first time in her life, she finally got the recognition she fought for all her life. Not from her grandmother nor her brother but from a stranger who once she thought did not matter but ironically is the only one that matters.
Jeon Jungkook--the conman who she hated to the bone that she grew to love. The person who understood her more than anyone else. Jeon Jungkook--her husband. Junghyun's father. Her world.
The door created a loud bang as it burst open. All heads turned towards the 97 and a familiar looking brunette seething in anger.
"Sorry for barging in on the cringe fest but we saw this kid escaping," DK said whit his tight grip on Joohyun's arm. "Thought we should just go ahead and catch her for you."
"And man is she a runner," Mingyu--who had his tight grip on Joohyun's other arm, said to which the girl rolled her eyes.
"Not my fault you're a lanky slowpoke," Joohyun mumbled. This reached the guy's ears making the guy almost smack her.
"You have the nerve--"
Suddenly, they heard continuous loud beeps out of nowhere. Joohyun's eyes grew wide as she realized what it was.
"Sooyoung!" she screamed as she tried to break free from the two guys' grasp. But them being two strong men, she didn't stand a chance. "My sister! Let go of me! Sooyoung!"
Seulgi immediately turned and ran towards a white door. Lucas, Lisa and Jungkook followed suit.
Lisa gasped as she saw a woman lying on the bed with tubes stuck in her body convulse and the monitor she's attached to beeped endlessly. Seulgi rushed to the unconscious girl's side to check her condition. She also rummaged inside a drawer next to the bed.
Joohyun's voice echoed as she ran past her. She turned to see DK, Mingyu and Jungkook watch closely at the scene in front of them.
"We're losing her," Seulgi tried to say calmly but one can hear a slight panic in her voice. Lisa turned to the heart monitor which showed almost a flat line.
Joohyun was in hysterics. Lucas and Seulgi tried their best to resuscitate the girl. Mingyu and DK jumped in to stop Joohyun from getting in the way. It was utter chaos. All her ears focused on was the monitor's beep. It all went on for a minute or two before a long beep caused everyone to fall silent.
"Time of death, 11:53."
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