episode 13: fears and everything in between
"So you've decided to pester me again," Hoseok said chuckling as Lisa unceremoniously arrived in his office. "Did Jin kick you out of YK again?"
Lisa huffed before letting her back fall on the soft couch of his office.
"I don't know what to do with life anymore, oppa," she said staring at the ceiling. "I'm not a Kim anymore."
"So I've heard," the older guy said as he stood up from his swivel chair and walked towards the couch. "If you wanted a husband so badly, I could've volunteered. Free of charge."
"Do you like me like me, oppa? Not the sisterly kind," she asked.
"No but, I know you'll be safer with me," he answered straight.
"But if I married you, how could I have stopped my brother's wedding, save the company and not get married to a psycho out to destroy my family all in one?" she countered making Hoseok chuckle as he sat by her side.
"Marriage with any man would've voided your marriage towards Sehun. Even with a stranger, you could've saved the company," he replied. "And marrying Jisoo's brother won't have any effect with their marriage, to be honest."
"But law states we can't marry relatives up to eighth degree—"
"That's for 'blood relatives'," he corrected. "Your affiliation with Jisoo would've been through marriage. It won't count."
Hoseok broke into a wide smile before making her sit up.
"I'm imposing a forced leave for you," he said. "You're supposed to be on your honeymoon."
"But oppa—"
"No buts, Lalisa," he said pushing her towards the door. "You should stop hiding and just face your husband. What you're doing right now isn't gonna help your feelings for him."
"What are you talking about?"
Hoseok chuckled and playfully pinched her cheek.
"You wouldn't have chosen him if you didn't like him, right?"
"So you don't have any plans of leaving this apartment?"
Chaeyoung, her ever supportive sister from another mother, said as she sat beside Lisa on her bed.
"Hobi oppa threw me out of the office," she answered. "He said I'm supposed to be on my honeymoon."
"He does have a point," her best friend said as she laid her legs on the bed with her.
"I don't care if those shoes are Louboutin's but I swear, Park Chaeyoung, I'll throw them out of you stain my sheets."
Chae ignored her threat and proceeded to move under the sheets with her.
"This place is so cozy," she said cuddling Lisa—much to her annoyance. "Are you looking for a roommate or something? This place is close to the club. It will totally save me some gas traveling there if you'd let me stay here."
"Tempting but no," Lisa replied. "You'll empty out my pantry in a day."
"At least someone would cook for you," she argued.
"I don't trust your cooking skills more than mine, though."
"You're mean!"
Lisa chuckled. They were always like that. They bicker all the time but they love each other more like sisters.
She sat up and Chae did the same.
"Wanna eat some ramyun?" Chaeng asked. "I bought a few things just in case you're wondering. I get that you just moved last night but you should at least put something in your fridge."
"I have spare clothes. Maybe I can put those in," she sassed. "Stop pressuring me to go out. I don't wanna."
"Why? Is it because of what happened on your wedding?" She asked. "Or is it because of a certain husband of yours?"
Lisa rolled her eyes making Chaeyoung screech.
"OMG OMG OMG!" She chanted. "Did you two fight? Ah, no. You're not the type to hide after a fight. Maybe it's because you're embarrassed? Ah, no. You're not like that either. Or..."
This made Lisa raise an eyebrow.
"Oh my God you like him!"
Chaeyoung went all out screaming and jumping on her bed like a lunatic.
"It's like a full blown romantic drama! Girl meets boy, they pretend get married and now... oh my God you two would eventually fall in love and not get divorced. Then you'll live happily ever after!"
Yup. She's full on delusional.
Shaking her head, she walked out of the room and went straight to the kitchen—specifically the fridge. Paper bags full of food and supplies were on the kitchen counter.
"So this is her definition of 'a few'," she muttered to herself.
"That's not all. There are more in her car—"
"What the fuck?!" Lisa jumped as soon as she heard his words. "Are you planning on giving me a heart attack?!"
The guy laughed as he placed two more paper bags on the kitchen counter.
"Jumpy as always wife."
Lisa stiffened upon hearing his new endearment towards her.
"H-How did you... How did you get here?!" She blurted out.
Jungkook leaned on the kitchen counter, facing her of course, and smiled.
"I came with Chaeyoung," he casually said.
"When did you two get close?"
"Uh, I work for her?"
"Since when?"
"Since her sister said so," he explained. "Don't tell me you're jealous?"
She scoffed. "As if."
After taking a bottle of water, she turned around. But Jungkook had other plans.
Grabbing her arm, he easily pulled her towards him—her face almost hitting his chest. She looked up at him and scowled.
"What the actual fuck, Jeon?"
"You tell me," he scowled back. "You left me the other night at the mansion without saying a word. If I didn't overhear Taehyung and Chaeyoung talking, I wouldn't have known that my wife left the house for good."
Lisa rolled her eyes and tried to push him. But he wouldn't budge.
"We're not exactly married, Jeon," she dodged the question. "Where I live isn't actually your concern."
Jungkook didn't answer and let her go. He heaved a sigh. Lisa ignored it and proceeded to to go back to her room.
"Fuck it," she heard Jungkook say before feeling a sudden tug on her arm. And with that single tug, she pivoted and felt his soft lips crashing on to hers.
Her eyes grew wide as his arms caged her small body. She wanted to break free but she couldn't move. Unbeknownst to her, she was already returning his kisses. Movement after movement, she felt her knees grow weak. It was like other kisses but at the same time different. She didn't exactly know why but, she feels a certain zing inside her.
Slowly, she relaxed and her eyes closed. His hand gently cupping her face as her arms propped on his shoulder circling his nape.
Their kiss intensified when she suddenly felt being seated on to the countertop. How he managed to get her there, she didn't know—nor cared. As
"Fuck," she let out a soft moan as Jungkook's lips traveled towards her jawline then down her neck. She felt his hand slowly remove her nightgown's sleeve. Her senses on a frenzy as he nibbled her exposed collarbones. "Jungk—"
A loud crash suddenly made them stop and turn towards the living room.
Park Chaeyoung—who seem to have been sneaking out, froze. Lisa acted on stimuli and pushed Jungkook violently off her making his back hit the fridge hard.
"I uh..." Chaeyoung said awkwardly. "I'm leaving. Please continue devouring each other's faces. Bye!"
And in a flash, Park Chaeyoung was gone.
Taking the chance, Lisa hopped off the kitchen counter and attempted to run straight towards her room but Jungkook caught her by her waist.
"Nope," he said. "You're not getting away this time."
She tried to wriggle her way out but he wouldn't let her.
"Stop fighting!" He yelled.
"Then let me fucking go!" She yelled back.
"If I do you'll just run away again!"
"That's the fucking point!"
"Then the answer's 'no'!"
"It wasn't even a question!"
"Why are you being so fucking stubborn?!" Jungkook frustratedly said. "Was it something I did? If it's about the 200 million, fine. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do with it."
"It's none of my goddamned business, remember?" Lisa said crossing her arms over her chest as soon as he let her go. "It's your fucking money now so the hell I care!"
"Argh!" Jungkook was losing it. "What the hell do you want, woman?! You won't talk with me for the past month because of that silly argument and now that I'm about to tell you, you don't want me to. What do you fucking want me to do?!"
"Stay the hell away from me!" She screamed. "Fucking stay away from me. I don't want to play this stupid game of yours anymore, Jungkook. Leave me the fuck alone and I'll just send you the divorce papers."
Jungkook looked really pissed off. He didn't know what the fuck to do anymore.
With a loud thud, the door closed and Lisa broke down on the floor.
What the hell was wrong with her? Why are they even fighting? Why was she being a total whack job right now.
Hugging her legs, she tried to stop herself from crying. But she knew it was useless.
Why was she even crying? She should be happy. Jungkook's gone and because of what just happened, she's sure af that he wants nothing to do with a psycho like her. But why does it hurt?
Because you like him, that's why.
She sighed. Yes. She does. When she even started to like him, she didn't know. Maybe it was when he was there for her when no one else was. Or maybe because of that time he helped her. Or maybe because he's not afraid of her. She didn't really know. But it wasn't because she was vulnerable. That's the only thing she's sure of.
Facing Yoongi again, it made everything clear to her. That what she felt for him before wasn't the same as what she feels towards him now. Not love but it wasn't hatred either. It was... nothing.
And that started to scare the shit out of her.
Because that only meant one thing. What she felt for Jungkook was way stronger than what she felt for Yoongi. And she almost gave everything to him. And she's not ready to lose herself to anyone right now.
In other words, she's scared.
She felt a pair of arms pick her up from the floor which surprised her. He carried her to her room and gently laid her on the bed.
"Move," he commanded. Her stubbornness must've been washed away because she did as she was told without question. "Lean closer."
"Why should I?" she spat making Jungkook break into a smile.
"For a moment there, I thought you were someone else," he said. "Glad I have my wife back."
"How did you get in?" Was all she could manage to say.
"Now that you mentioned it, putting your birthday as the lock combination is not a smart thing, wife," he answered. "Stalkers can easily get in."
"I only have one stalker and I married him," she mumbled. This made Jungkook smile.
They sat there in silence for a minute or two before Jungkook sighed.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked. This made Lisa sigh in response.
"I'm not mad at you," she answered.
"Then why did you leave me at the mansion the other night?"
"I planned on leaving that place after everything went down. I'm pretty sure my grandma's close to disinheriting me and Jin's gonna kill me when he gets the chance."
"And you didn't tell me?"
"What difference would it make?" She countered.
"I'm your husband, Lisa," he said defeated. "We have married each other for convenience but I thought we had a connection. I thought you saw me as your friend."
She didn't answer. She didn't know what to say.
"Besides, your grandmother should be thankful that you saved her company. Your brother as well. And it's not like you have anyone else you could trust marrying for convenience, right?"
"True but... I just... I just want to get away for a while."
This made Jungkook's forehead crease.
"Get away? Who are you getting away from exactly, Lalisa?" He asked getting no response from the girl. "From your family? I highly doubt that. For years you chased for your family. I'm sure as hell you're not running away from them. Is it me? Are you running away from me? Why, Lalisa Kim? Why are you running away from me?"
"Because I'm scared!" She answered. "I'm scared of... I..."
"Because you finally proved that I'm a criminal?" He said in disbelief. Then he scoffed. "I knew it."
He stood up and walked straight towards the door. But before he could leave, Lisa stopped him.
"I'm scared because I like you," she blurted out. "I don't give a fuck if you're a criminal or not. I'm not scared of you but my feelings for you—"
Jungkook only took a few steps to bridge the distance between them.
"Let's be scared together then," he said before devouring her lips fully.
Jungkook groaned as he woke up from his phone's vibration. He unwillingly removed his arm around his sleeping wife and grabbed the annoying device.
Unknown Caller...
"Hello?" He answered with his eyebrows furrowed. "Who is this—"
"Hello, baby bro. Missed me?"
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