episode 12: the husband
"Where tf is he, Jeon? I don't have much time, you know," Lisa said impatiently as she tapped her foot on the floor. "I'm supposed to be in a meeting in ten minutes."
"If only I knew you'd be this excited to be married to me I would've asked you the first time we've met," Jungkook teased. He was sitting beside her at the waiting room making it easier for her to smack him on the arm.
"As if," she spat. "This is just to save my family's ass from grandma's mess. I should've known that guy wasn't to be trusted. My gut is always right."
"You can't blame your grandmother," he said. "The info was well hidden. And the plan was well-thought out. It's just that he messed with the wrong granddaughter."
"I'd say thank you but I paid," she replied grinning. "By the way, why do you need 200 million won? I thought you had money? You even said you earned your first billion in high school."
"As a group we did. But a lot can happen in seven years," he said shrugging.
"Did you gamble? Or get scammed?"
Jungkook suddenly got serious. "Can't tell you. It's confidential."
"I'll be your wife, Jeon. At least share to me what you'll do with the money I paid you—"
"What I do with the money is none of your business."
Lisa was caught off guard. She never saw this side of Jungkook since the day they've first met.
"Hey guys," DK suddenly said walking towards them. "Sorry it took a while. Here's your marriage certificate. You two are now officially Mr. and Mrs. Jeon Jungkook."
DK shook her hand as she stood up.
"Thanks for your help, DK," she said smiling.
"You paid me so no need to say thank you," he said grinning. "It's about time for our team to finally have a girl in it."
"Everyone, I'd like you to meet my husband," Lisa said smirking. "Jeon Jungkook."
"No fucking way," Taehyung blurted out—straight towards the microphone in a very amused tone.
"Our marriage was registered around a month ago," she explained as Jungkook stood beside her. She folded her arms over her chest and looked straight towards Sehun. "You thought you could trick me? Please. I never trusted you the moment we've met. You may look good but not that good. I've seen a lot of more handsome men than you and they can't even last a second in my presence."
"You think you've gotten away with this?" Sehun spat. "SS Group's merger is cancelled since it's stated in the contract that it's only valid under our marriage. Your company would fall—"
"Yes but you might be forgetting something very important," she said as she clung onto the arm of her husband. "You gave me 15% of your company's share. And I don't recall any fine print or stipulation regarding that particular addition to the document. So that mean, with or without the marriage, I now own 15% of SS Group."
This made Oh Suhoon's eyes grow wide.
"15% only gives you a position in the board," Sehun says confidently. "I still own 25%. I still own majority of the stocks—"
"Not anymore," she cut him off. A woman from the crowd stood up. Hirai Momo in a baby pink dress walked towards them. "You remember my good friend, Hirai Momo of Hirai Motors? Apparently her father owns 11% of SS Group shares."
Sehun's forehead creased as he turned to the girl who politely bowed towards him.
"My father was meaning to sell all his shares due to his poor health lately," Momo said smiling. "Miss Kim Lalisa bought it from us a week ago."
This made Sehun's mouth grow wide.
"If my Math's correct," Lisa pretended to count on her fingers. "Then I have about 26% shares. That means, I have more shares than you."
"No that's not true—"
Lisa's face changes from smiling to diabolical in a second. She grabbed Sehun's collar and pushed him so hard he fell on the carpeted floor.
"Do not mess with me or my family, do you hear me?"
Sehun looked furious. Be knew he was defeated. But he won't give up without a fight.
"Why? Because you're gonna kill me off just like what your grandmother almost did to my father?" he spat making everyone in the grand ballroom gasp.
Lisa looked genuinely shocked for a second but she recovered easily.
"You can't lie your way out of this shit—"
"YK may look very successful on the outside but inside it's full of monsters like you," he stated, anger in his eyes. "You pin crimes on innocent men to get away with it. Your grandmother pinned the crime your father did to my real father. He was the one who embezzled funds, not the other way around—"
Wooreum—their butler was about to butt in but Chairmwoman Kim stopped him.
"So if you hold a grudge against my grandmother, why use me? What did I even do to you?" Lisa said without breaking eye-contact. Sehun wasn't able to answer. "Don't answer that. We can just discuss it on the next SS Group board meeting."
And with that, Lisa walked out of the ballroom. Chairwoman Kim immediately followed her outside.
"Why didn't you tell me about this?" The old woman said as she held her granddaughter by her arm.
"After everything you did to me you have the nerve to ask me that?"
"That man almost took our company!" Chairwoman Kim yelled. "Because of your stupid gift, he almost had majority of the stocks—"
"That was because of you, grandma," she cut her off. "You were the one who trusted SS Group, not me. And if it wasn't for me, that merger would've destroyed the company you loved the most. More than your own flesh and blood."
Looking pissed, Lisa yanked her arm back.
"Now if you could please just take this win and leave me the fuck alone. Preferably forever."
And with that, Lisa continued to walk out of the building but an unexpected guest greeted her at the lobby.
"What do you want, Yoongi?"
"I'm sorry, Lis," Yoongi managed to say after telling her the truth. Why he did that to her and to whom she was protecting her from. "I... I did not have enough power to protect you. I know... I know it was wrong for me to do that to you. And everything I said... it wasn't true—"
"You wouldn't have said that if it weren't," she countered.
"I needed to say that to protect you," he defended and heaved a sigh. "It was the only way I can. And after those photos got released, I knew I did the right thing. 'Coz I'll just bring you down."
Lisa's expression softened. Seeing Yoongi like that—belittling himself, hurts her. She was about to say something but someone cut in.
"She doesn't need anyone's protection."
Both of them turn their heads towards the brooding brunette.
"After what everyone saw a while ago, I don't think anyone else would have the balls to cross Lalisa Kim," Jungkook said smirking. "Oh, my mistake. It's Lalisa Jeon now."
"Didn't your sister tell you it's rude to cut into someone else's conversation?" Yoongi grimly stated.
"Not when you're talking to my wife it's not," he replied. Then he eyed him from head to toe. "For someone smart, you made a stupid decision."
This pissed Yoongi off.
"Who the hell are you—"
"You loss, my gain," he said cockily while grinning. "Because of your stupid ego, you let go of a diamond. Were you afraid she had bigger balls than you—"
Yoongi's fist came flying towards his face. Who threw the next one, he couldn't recall. All he can hear was Lisa yelling at them and some staff trying to stop them.
"Oh my God will you two stop it!" Lisa said as she stepped in between them. Then she turned to Jungkook. "Stop it."
He did but that didn't stop him from staring daggers at Yoongi. Then she turned to that guy.
"We'll talk some other day," she said before pulling Jungkook out of the building.
They did not say anything towards each other 'til they got inside the car.
"So... you're getting back together with him?" Jungkook said breaking the silence. This made Lisa raise an eyebrow at him.
"My personal relationships are far from your business, Jeon," she said trying to mask out her anger.
"You didn't answer my question."
"'Coz it's none of your business," she blurted out. "Don't tell me your starting to get jealous? 'Coz bitch we're just married through paper. We don't even like each other."
"You don't, I do," he mumbled.
Lisa's head snapped towards Jungkook.
"What, what?"
"What did you just say?"
"Thank your parents they gave you a pretty face," he spat. "At least you have a redeeming quality for being deaf."
"I'm not deaf!"
"Then why are you asking what I just said?"
"Because I didn't hear it clearly."
"Hence, you're deaf."
"You were mumbling!"
"What's important with what I just said?"
"You might've cursed me or something," she said then folded her arms.
"And that concerns you? Wow, that's new."
Lisa rolled her eyes at Jungkook. They both look like they woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
"Whatever," she mumbled and looked away.
The two were quiet on their way back to the mansion. Lisa couldn't get her mind off Yoongi.
True, she was still pissed at him for breaking up with her like that. But when she found out that it was her grandmother who sent out those photos, she was a hundred percent sure it was all connected. Her grandmother must've forced Yoongi to break-up with her or Wooreum did. He always did grandma's bidding like a lapdog. Whoever blackmailed him, he's not the one at fault.
But Jungkook was right. She didn't need anyone to save her ass. She was capable of fighting her own battles herself.
But love is doing everything in you can for the happiness of the person you love. Even if it means you're not part of that happiness anymore.
As the car came to a stop, Jungkook went out of the car first. She signaled the driver to lock the doors.
Jungkook must've heard the door's lock making him pound on the window.
"What the hell? Lisa—"
Instead of answering Jungkook, she turned towards the driver.
So he did.
"I knew I'd find you here."
Lisa turned towards the familiar voice of her twin brother. He stood next to her with his hands in his pocket.
"The only place in Seoul you can see stars."
"And fireflies."
Taehyung smiled as Lisa turn her attention back at looking up to the sky.
"That was quite the show you pulled there, Li. I'm impressed," he praised his sister. "I mean, you managed to even outthink grandma."
"I managed to ran away from one mess but landed on an even bigger one," she countered. "Jin's out to kill me right?"
Taehyung nodded.
"Great." She heaved a sigh. "It's a good thing I packed."
Her twin brother's forehead creased.
"You're leaving?" he blurted out. "You're leaving again?"
She nodded.
"At least this time, I'm leaving willingly," she managed to joke.
"That's so unfair, Li," he whined. "You just came back. You know how much I missed you—"
"I'm not leaving the country, Tae," she stopped him. "I'm just leaving the mansion. Grandma's close to disinheriting me, Jin's out for my head for stealing his thunder yet again and I can't bear seeing Jungkook."
"Jungkook? Didn't you just marry him?"
"Yeah, but that's only for the business. I paid him. And we'll process our divorce as soon as my marriage license to Sehun get's expired."
"I see..."
The twins stared at the stars in silence for a good minute or two before Lisa heaved a sigh.
"Jungkook said he liked me."
Taehyung turned his attention towards his sister.
"And? That's not such a bad thing, is it?"
"That's the thing, Tae. There's nothing wrong about him liking me," she stated softly.
"Then what's wrong?"
"I like him too. That's what's wrong."
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