episode 10: hitched without a hitch
Everyone in the ballroom was genuinely shocked. Even Jin and Jisoo didn't know how to react. As they too were caught off-guard.
"What the hell?" Jennie blurted out turning towards Taehyung. "Did you know about this?"
"What?" Taehyung—who was equally shocked as everyone else, replied. "No. I have no idea what the fuck is going on right now."
Jennie's gaze automatically scanned the room looking for Lisa.
Fists clenched tightly, Lisa was furious. She got played by her grandmother once again. How did she not see this?
She knew very well how her grandmother never takes "no" for an answer. And she never concedes to anyone. Even to her own flesh and blood.
Yoongi ending things with her should've been her clue. Why would he do that so suddenly? And Yoongi had always been a terrible actor. She should have seen through him.
And the scandal? Her brother. The old woman knew she can never say no to her older brother. Even if she hates him now, everyone knew she can't say exactly "no" to him.
"You manipulative witch," she whispered under her breath as the old woman walked towards her and gave her a hug. All eyes were on them so she couldn't push Satan away.
"You may know a lot in business, dear, but I have age right by my side," the woman confidently replied as they broke the hug. "It's been quite a while, actually. It was a nice little game while it lasted, my dear. I'm looking forward to the next one. Oh and by the way, you report to the office starting monday. You'll be my representative for the time being."
Lisa tightened her clenched fists as she tried her best to compose herself. That monster. Using her as collateral just to acquire a new business.
"Miss Kim." She felt a light tap on her shoulder as a baritone voice cut her thoughts. Slowly, she faced the "intruder".
A nice looking guy, maybe a few years her senior, greeted her.
"It's nice to finally meet the youngest face of YK group," the guys said as shook her hand. "I've heard so much about your from Chairwoman Kim."
She feigned a smile. "As much as I'd like to tell you the same but, I know nothing about you, Mr. Oh."
"Sehun's fine, Miss Kim," he corrected. "I was informed about the merger through my father, the Chairman of SS group just a few days ago. But I would love to tell you more about myself over a cup of coffee sometime."
Lisa squinted her eyes. There was something devious about this man. She just couldn't put her finger on it.
"I have time right now," she said smiling at the guy. "You wouldn't mind if we trade coffee with champagne, right?"
"Of course," the guy answered offering his arm for her to cling on.
If her grandmother wants to play dirty, so can she.
Lisa sipped her champagne as she stared through the fireplace. Oh Sehun. Charmer, smart, intimidating but not as much as she was. They shared quite a good conversation for a pair caught off guard with a sudden engagement announcement.
"Penny for your thoughts?"
She turned towards the door only to see Jeon Jungkook leaning by the door frame, suit elsewhere and his dress shirt a bit disheveled.
"If you're someone who just found out you're about to be married to a complete stranger, I'm actually losing my mind right now," she answered.
The guy walked towards her as she sat upright. He sat next to her—where she was leaning towards before he came.
"Don't be shy, kitten," he said urging her to use him a cushion for her to lean on. "I promise I won't tell anyone."
This made Lisa roll her eyes at him as he was teasing her with the photo scandal.
"I get it. You didn't send those pictures. Can we let it go?"
His smile grew wide as he patted his chest.
"Come on, Lalisa Kim. I won't bite if you don't ask me to."
Lisa rolled her eyes before obliging. She leaned on his chest as she was caged by his arms. Then the deafening silence.
Aside from her twin brother and Yoongi, she hadn't done this with anyone. Oddly, it felt... right.
"So, what's your plan?" He broke the ice. "I mean, you should have one. Not unless you want to marry that Sehun guy."
"Well as you know, I currently just got single," she answered straightforwardly. "And he's a CEO. Handsome, has his way with words."
"But do you have feelings for him?"
"Feelings can be developed along the way," she said nonchalantly. "Besides, I couldn't do anything about it. Not unless I pull a runaway bride stunt which will seriously add up to my scandal pile. Plus, SS Group's into developing right now so we can definitely benefit with the apps they come up."
"You're really take this business thing seriously, huh," he stated. "Fierce, passionate and ambitious. Wow. You really are something."
Lisa looked up to him. "Compliments would get you nowhere."
"Got me somewhere last time," she said smugly and winked. "But as much as I admire you, you're not thinking smart right now."
This made Lisa raise an eyebrow.
"Are you insinuating that I'm stupid?"
"No, doll. You're one of the most intelligent people I know," he defended. "Intelligent but not smart. You need to think outside the box."
"What do you mean?"
Jungkook smirked as he tucked the loose strands of her hair behind her ear.
"Con 101: There are tons of ways you could get what you want without compromising yourself."
"So, Mr. Oh," Lisa said as she folded her arms over her chest. "What brings you here to my office? I believe YK is pretty far from SS."
And like what her grandmother said, she's currently back in YK sitting as the Chairman's representative for the time being. It was pretty convenient since Jin was busy with all the wedding preparations.
"Well I was wondering if you'd like to join me for lunch?" The handsome man was indeed on top of his charm game. The way he smiled would definitely make women melt into his arms.
But she's no ordinary woman. It takes more than just a handsome face and charm to entice her.
She subtly glanced at her phone checking the time before turning towards Oh Sehun.
"You have about an hour, Mr. Oh."
"Just Sehun would be fine."
"Sure, Mr. Just Sehun," she answered smiling flirtatiously. The guy caught on and his smile grew wider than ever.
The door suddenly opened.
"Mr. Jung called about your lunch meeting, Miss Kim," Yoongi informed her.
As petty as it may seem, her grandmother decided to assign Min Yoongi as her temporary Secretary to help her transition in. As if she was gone from the company that long. But the main point is, it was so fucking awkward.
"I'll just call Hoseok oppa to cancel," she said on a serious tone. "And please clear my schedule 'til one pm. Mr. Oh and I will be discussing some matters regarding our engagement."
Looking as sharp as ever, Yoongi bowed before leaving her office. There was a sudden sting on her chest.
"Why does that guy look familiar?" Sehun suddenly said. "Do I know him from somewhere?"
"Oh. Mr. Min is my brother's secretary," she explained. "You might've seen him during business meetings and conferences. They're basically tied to each other."
"I see," he said standing up. "So, shall we get going?"
She nodded and followed him as they made their way put of her office.
As she pass by Yoongi's desk, she can't help but throw a short glance towards the guy. He seemed to engrossed in his computer to even notice her walking by. She sighed a bit.
"You okay?" Sehun asked. She feigned a smile.
"Yeah. I was just thinking where to eat since I'm craving for some sushi."
"I know a place," he said offering his arm for her to cling on. She obliged. "I promise you it won't disappoint."
"Isn't your girlfriend a CEO? What's she doing here pocking our wall paint colors with her sister?"
Taehyung jumped as he heard Jungkook's voice from behind him.
"Dude, WTF? Are you out to kill me or something?"
Jungkook raised both his hands as he sat on the bar counter stool across him.
"I just came to check your place out," he explained. "It was too boring back at the mansion."
"I didn't take you for a bar kind of guy," Taehyung stated.
"On the contrary, I used to work as a bartender at Busan," he shared. "Back to my question. You're not really gay, are you? Is it because of her?"
Taehyung squinted his eyes at him. "Why? Are you? Are you here 'coz you're flirting with me? I thought you're into my sister?"
"And risk being skinned alive? No, thank you," Jungkook's smile grew wide. "But you're pretty convincing though. Just not to me."
He folded his arms over his chest.
"Whatever my sister said, it's not true. I'm gay."
"Who are you convincing, me or yourself?" He asked. "Relax, Taehyung. Lisa didn't tell me anything. Your actions speaks for itself. And you're hopelessly in love with your sister's bestfriend who happens to be your brother's ex. Wow. Talk about complicated relationships."
"What?" Taehyung was completely flabbergasted. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Jungkook just shrugged.
"Come on. Only a blind person can't tell you're flirting with her," he commented. "Anyways, that's not why I'm here. I'm here to apply for a job. And you're gonna hire me."
"How?" He raised an eyebrow. "You're gonna blackmail me into hiring you?"
"No," he answered smiling. "But that can be an option."
Taehyung grimaced. "You suit my sister. You're both weird."
"At least I got one vote," He laughed. "But seriously, I need something to do. Who knew being tied to the wealthiest family in the country can be this boring."
"We already have a bartender," Taehyung informed. "You're a day late. Chaeyoung hired the one she's been flirting endlessly with."
"I thought she was with that Jung guy?"
"Nope. The other one. The one Lisa calls shorty."
Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"So my sister let you in on all of our secrets? What a traitor!"
He shrugged. "She may or may not have mentioned it. But yeah, Lisa's hell bent on that ship. And yours. Just a warning."
"I'm well aware," Taehyung replied. "But yeah, I'm sorry. We still can't afford to have two bar—"
"Hey Tae how do you feel about hardwoo—uh, who's this?"
He turned his seat to face Jennie.
"Hello, CEO Park," he said smiling widely at the brunette.
"Jungkook, am I right? Lisa's Jungkook?" He nodded.
"Pleased to meet you, ma'am."
Clueless, she turned to Taehyung to ask for am explanation.
"He's applying to be a bartender," he supplied. "But Chaeyoung's Chanyeol is already booked."
"You got the job," Jennie immediately said.
"Hate to break it to you, Jen but this is my business."
"And I'm Chaeyoung's sister," she argued. "You're gonna tell that Chanyeol you already hired someone else because I refuse to let another creep make googly eyes at my sister and screw her up. Plus, Jimin finally found the balls to make a move on her. He doesn't need another competition to scare him off again."
Taehyung was about to open his mouth to counter the brunette but her phone suddenly rang.
"Hello? Um yeah. I'm just a block away. Okay. Be there in a few." The turned her attention back to the two guys. "I'm off to my business meeting. You start tomorrow, Jungkook. It's nice to formally meet you."
And the blonde just marched out of the establishment.
"Wow. You're whipped."
"I can say the same to you," Taehyung responded. "Something tells me that's not the only thing you came here for."
Jungkook smirked as he swiveled towards the door.
"Just in time, Miss Kim."
"She totally took the bait," he said laughing. "No one's immune to my charm, dad. Not even Lalisa Kim. In a month, we'll be able to get her to sign her shares over to is. We'd get majority of the shares of YK right under their nose."
"Well done, son. I couldn't be more proud of you," the elder said smiling as he huffed his tobacco cigarette. "Soon enough we'll get to take what is rightfully ours. Kim Daseom wouldn't know what hit her."
Sehun grinned as his father poured whisky to his glass.
"Soon we can finally avenge your grandfather from that wicked woman. We will take everything from them just like how they took everything from him," he said grinning.
The two clinked their glasses together and drank for their victory.
"They wouldn't know what hit them."
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