"What? That's not possible! She has nine lives...dosen't she?"Shadowclaw demanded.
At that point, Dandelionshade approached, eyes hollow with grief for her sister,"No, she dosen't...this was her ninth life,"
"Her ninth..."Birchmask breathed, "So...that means she's actually dead..."
Amberpaw nodded,"Frostedstar is dead,"she repeated.
Something has to be done about this!
Your one to talk. You are the only cat who knows who it is!
She thought, as she padded over to her former leader's body. She buried her head in Frostedstar's fur and prayed to StarClan and Frostedstar's spirit.
Frostedstar, we were never close as kin, but I always respected you. I loved your determination and courage, and I hope that you will be one of the last cats to join StarClan's ranks during this.
"Before we begin, I would like to give Amberpaw her full name as a medicine cat,"Dandelionshade declared.
The medicine cats were gathered at the Moonstone, and Amberpaw was finally recieving her name.
Excitment washed through her as she glanced at the other medicine cats.
Jasminetail, shy but brave. Dragonflyheart, respetable and sympathetic. Batheart, short-tempered yet loving. Nightfang, witty and smart. Brickslash, patient and calm. Ivywood, caring and enthusiastic. Stripedwhisker, graceful and air-headed. Dandelionshade, great but...distant.
"I, Dandelionshade, medicine cat of ThunderClan,"she started,"Call upon my warrior anscestors to gaze... look? down on this apprentice . She has trained hard to understand the ways of a megi-medicine cat, and with your help he will serve his Clan for many moons,"Dandelionshade gazed down at her small apprentice,"Amberpaw. Do you promise to uphold the way of a medicine cat, to stand away? arpart from rivalry between Clan and Clan, and to protect all cats equally, even at the cost of your life?"
Amberpaw's heartbeat seemed to stop in that moment, and everything slowed down as sbe spoke the words that medicine cat through medicine cat had spoken,"I do,"
"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your real? true name as a medicine cat. Amberpaw, from this moment you will be known as Amberfeather. StarClan honours your
compassion and eagerness, well done,"
Amberfeather? Amberfeather thought with wonder, I'm Amberfeather! then her heart sunk, 'Remember the amber feather, Amberfeather.
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