zero : mourning
If you can forgive me, please, let me know. There's a lot that's happened and there's so much I can't forgive myself for doing. Please, I wasn't always like this but I had to do what I did.
Everything I've done has been for you, for all of us. I didn't have much of a choice.
Kill or be killed, that's what they always say, right? It's all fair in love and war, right?
See, I didn't have a choice but you did. You always did and I'm sorry this happened and I'm sorry it all had to end like this but it's my blood on your hands. It's hers, too. It's always been about her and you were so blind by hate you couldn't see what you did. You couldn't see the life you helped take.
But I'm the one asking for forgiveness. I need that, I deserve it.
But you were never good at forgiving, at giving someone peace and kindness. You were built on rage, it was forged in your bones and somehow, it was burned into mine by proxy. I don't mean to put all this blame on you but you've got to understand that this was your vengeance, your revenge plot and not mine. I didn't want this life, I never expected any of this to go down but when you showed up calling for my blood, how was I not supposed to answer?
You helped take her from me and before this goes down the way we all know it will, I need you to understand that I'm sorry.
I'll always be sorry and I'm hoping, someway or another, this won't be the true end. For you, maybe, but for me?
God, I hope I've got more life to live than this.
But it would all end the same way, like it had been written by the fates before my time. Everything would end the way it was supposed to be, written in the stars, splayed in blood.
Ad astra.
(to the stars)
the beginning of the end....i could sob
<333 my baby blaire <333
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