"Ms. Elaine I think it best if you sit, otherwise you might end up beside our Lady," Ser Marcos spoke softly, his eyes having moved from their tireless stare of the Dornish women to her Handmaids.
The blonde northerner looked up from her stare against the stone floor, eyebrow knitting together, "I'm worried."
"We all are," Marcos answered her, his tone was bored despite his own worries. He had no idea what was up with Lady Victoria lately, her mind seemed to be somewhere else most days and her sickness had put him on high alert. He was doing his best not to seem to concerned as to not scare Elaine but even he could admit there was some need for attention.
Elaine bit her bottom lip and took a seat on the wooden bench beside him, she had grown quite comfortable in the weeks as a Handmaid. He wasn't much for small talk which she understood but there was times that he found her silently questioning things to him. She was very observant, more so then he had anticipated but he respected her for it.
"Do you think it's stress? An illness? Maybe she grew sick from the cold air," The blonde shot off questions quietly, her eyes flickering every once in awhile to the sleeping girl. She hadn't woken since passing out and Maester Luwin couldn't find anything wrong with her. The man had gone off shortly after deciding Victoria was okay to attend to Bran and left the two loyalists to their lady.
"Elaine," the swordsman sighed heavily and adjusted his stance, "I think whatever it is we'll just have to wait and see what she says."
"Hopefully it's nothing horrid, I just hope Lord Stark returns to her side," the last of her words was said with a bit of fury and the knight found himself raising a brow at her tone. She was growing quite comfortable, enough so to talk badly about the presiding ward. He almost wished to snort at her comment, it's not like he could disagree. Once Robb had found that Victoria was alright he hadn't waited a second longer to go off. He'd gone to see Bran which was understandable but even then had left his brother to the Maesters trust.
"You've caught on quite quickly," was his only response.
Elaine stepped her pacing to look over and cock her head, "we've both noticed it, let's not act like it's quite shocking. I just wish her better."
Marcos sighed heavily, looking at the beautiful face of the maiden and his chest constructed. "At least someone else sees it."
"She loves him," Elaine spoke softly, her eyes on the peaceful Dornish women. "I've seen it too many times, but it is not love that everyone else expects to see but duty and there is no one more loyal then her. She's got enough that Lord Stark barely puts in the effort."
"Sound familiar?" Marcos remarked, his thoughts trailing back to a tale even before his time.
"Yes but she is not her aunt, she's a panther raised by wolves and snakes, who knows what she'll do." Elaine spoke proudly.
"You've grown quite attached Ms. Elaine," Marcos warmly responded as he turned his head to see the blue women's eyes grown fierce and protective. He saw her stance and her image mirrored his own, they both owed their lives for the women.
"Lady Valiente needs a women on her side, Lord Stark won't always be there and we have to make it our duty to pick up where he cannot." Elaine finished off and Marcos agreed silently.
If he had any doubts over the blonde handmaiden before then they had completely evaporated as he watched her beautiful face grow valiant.
The two remained in an abrupt silence for a few minutes until eventually the stirring and groans of the lady forced both of them to her bedside.
Elaine took a seat, her hand pressing against Victoria cheek to feel the normal warmth radiating from her and thankfully no signs of a fever. The brunette blinked a few moments, her eyes adjusting to the world until she finally settled on the the two blondes.
"What happened?" Her throat was dry and her stomach was in knots.
"You fainted, Maester Luwin suspects it might have been from all the blood you saw, I didn't want to tell him about your nausea until you were awake." Elaine spoke quickly.
"I should go get him now," Marcos muttered remembering the man had asked to be called upon once the Lady had woken. He lifted his body away, blue eyes flicking one last time to the brunette, "I'm glad you're alright my lady."
Victoria attempted her best at a smile, licking her lips as they felt dry. "That makes one of us, god I feel as if I'm going to be sick again."
Elaine was quick to stand, forcing Victoria's eyes to move away as she found her quick movements slightly nauseating, "I could get you a tin to throw up in my lady."
"Won't be necessary," Victoria answers after a moment, brining her eyes back. She didn't want to concern either of them anymore then they already were so she swallowed whatever bile was in the back of her throat and used the heels of her hands to lift herself. She sat up, exhaling and then feeling relieved when a gag didn't follow out. "I'm fine, maybe the Maester can give me some tea to curb my stomach."
Marcos took this as a sign and nodded his head, "I'm off then, be back shortly."
The two women awaited as the door shut behind him, Victoria leaned her head back and closed her eyes. She drew a long breath and relaxed her tense muscles. Elaine watched this, noticing how tight the muscles of her neck were, almost as if she was holding back anything in her stomach. She took a seat on the mattress, finding a comfortable position, "my lady, are you alright?"
"My head is pounding like I was kicked by a horse and the room is spinning," she responded, her voice tight, clenching her teeth. "I thing I've caught something."
Elaine trailed her eyes away, her stomach tightening as she slowly came to a few conclusions. She's been taken notice of things the past few days, making lists in her head and then checking them off as she'd caught things. The lady was acting considerably stranger by the day, there was moments where she would not eat or only wish one thing, times where her memory would fail and she's have moment of complete inconsistency. All of it could have been one thing or another but the defining theory had been that very moment.
"Elaine, you're far too quiet and when you grow silent I grow worried, say it please," the Lady spoke through her closed eyes, not moving. Her head felt like it weighed her down and therefore refused to even deliberate the women's ideas.
"My lady, I don't mean to offend you or jump to conclusion but—when was your last moon blood?" The handmaiden questioned, her question timid as she wished not to alarm the women.
Victoria thought it over, remembering the last ache of pain and blood that had coursed through her. She deliberated it for a moment before finally coming to a conclusion, "over a month ago? Why?"
"My lady, it's been well over a month since your last moon blood," Elaine corrected her after a tense moment of self doubt. She's thought this through multiple times throughout the day, remembering how the lady had not once asked her to change her sheet or asked where her rag was.
"A month?" Victoria whispered, reeling back into her mind to find that indeed it had well been over two fortnights ago. "What does that mean?"
Elaine blinked at her, growing silent as she knew her lady was well versed in her body. It didn't take her long to draw conclusions and soon Victoria was sprinting off the bed. She ignored the way her body felt ready to topple over and instead forced her feet to walk against the cold ground. It couldn't be, there was no possible way. The moon tea worked every time, without fail it had done its job unless—
"The moon tea, I didn't drink it because Lord Tyrion arrived. I forgot like an imbecile," Victoria felt like her knees were going to give out now, like her stomach was dropping alongside her heart and every fiber in her being was panicking.
There was a moment were her heart pumped so fast she could hear it drumming in her ears and she stretched her arm out to the bedpost. She held on as a soundless scream escaped of pure agony.
"My lady, my lady!" Elaine ran forward and clutched at the flaying arms. "Victoria, you cannot fall! We do not even know if our suspicions are correct, Victoria!"
Elaine hugged and used her strength to lift the women from falling and eased her onto the bed. Victoria endures this in silence, her hand pressing against her abdomen, directly in the spot where a child would grow.
"Elaine, I do. I can feel it, I can feel the child and I can already feel changes. How was I so stupid to not notice before? Dear god," she cried out, reaching out to her handmaiden and clutched her hand tightly. "What will I do? He'll be a bastard born and hated for it, he'll never have any right and seven hells, what have I done?"
Elaine wished to show her lady a brighter side, to be optimistic but she could feel certainty just as much as her lady and the two were disheveled. Neither with an idea what to do or even how to fix it Elaine did the only thing she could manage, she swallowed her fear for the two of them stood, "let's allow the Maester to decide that, for now let's get you back into bed."
The handmaiden was like a mother taking care of an infant, pulling her up and then down again on the sheets. She pulled the furs over her ladies legs and tucked her in warmly, the women was trembling as if terrified which Elaine guessed could have been the right word to use given the circumstances.
Victoria swallowed thickly, looking at her blue eyes maid, "I must be strong. I must be valiant."
She repeated these words to herself like a mantra, remembering them and when the bustling steps of her guests arrived to her quarters she began to mentally say them.
Robb was the first to come through the doors, his shoulders relaxing when he finally saw her awake.He would be lying if he said his heart hadn't yearned to see her since he'd gone off. Victoria was a large part of his life and this has been one of the few times he'd actually worried for her. He immediately came to her side of the bed, finding that her cheeks were tinted a bright pink and her lips were dry. She stares at him in silence until his hand reaches out and intertwined with her own.
For some odd reason Victoria began to cry over this, silent tears began to stream down her face and at first she had not noticed. Her body felt numb as she watched the Lord of Winterfell, her future husband, and the father to her unborn child walk through those doors and smile in pure relief to see her awake. It wasn't until Robb dashed over and clasped their hands together did she notice it along with everyone's response. Elaine had looked away out of respect, Ser Marcos had pressed his lips together and fidgeted as if to restrain from moving, and Robb's tender eyes were entranced the longer her tears fell.
"Leave us," he commended the 3 behind them, and although the two loyal to the Dorian restrained a moment longer they seemed to agree that it was best.
Elaine casts her eyes downwards in hopes that See Marcos does not notice the signs of worry lacing her face as the last few moments sinks in. She wonders if Lady Victoria will tell Lord Stark the truth of her sudden illness and feels her throat swell nearly shut as every possibility fills her head.
As the door closes behind them Robb's expressions softens and he lifts his free hand to push away the salty tears. Her cheeks are warm as a blush rises, "my sweet wife."
Victoria knows he does this because he feels guilt, they'd been arguing more and more lately. The tolls of being acting Lord and Lady were beginning to weigh heavy on them both and it was affecting even the happiest of their parts. Even before she'd crashed to the grown they'd been on the brink of an argument.
The thought boiled and simmered with the rest of her overwhelming emotions, and she grew angry with herself for being this week. She was suppose to be Valiant, not frail and even in these circumstances, even with her secret, she would do so. Her hands immediately lifted and she pushed away the tears, "I'm a bloody mess."
Robb smiled, he had been quite worried for a moment, fainting was one thing, he'd been explained she had not fed since the night prior. Maester Luwin had then dictated it was her fast that had caused her momentary lapse and Robb had been able to breathe a little easier knowing it was nothing serious. Bran had been the bigger worry but now as he'd walked into her chambers and found that tears, actual tears, had dropped from her beautiful eyes did he now realize maybe it would have been better be stayed here. She seemed to be okay however, despite the tears she was holding her head high and cursing which meant all was likely well, still he had to know for certain.
"Are you alright, Victoria? What happened?" He spoke softly, pressing his hand against her long hair the rested against her face.
Victoria felt the answers press against her lips, the many thoughts recurring in her mind drifting. She wishes to tell him many things, her worries, her fears all of it was pressing on her and wishing to come out but she couldn't do that to Robb, not yet at least. If she told him about the pregnancy then he too would worry, and his mind would distract from much more important things. She wanted someone to share her pain with, she wanted someone who was experiencing the same predicament but Robb already had too much.
"Must of been my fast and the anger that got to me, all that blood wasn't helping much either." She lied, her heart pained to do so but it needed to be necessary. Being valiant just wasn't outspoken and brave but it also meant doing what was right and taking responsibility.
She would need to do something quick over it all, that was very true, but for now she would keep it to herself.
"Best to get some food in ya then," Robb seemed to miss the longing look in her eyes but even so he lifted her small hands and kissed her knuckles before standing and heading towards the door. "I'll get your handmaid to fetch you food and we'll have Maester Luwin look over you."
"My lady, you are sure that there have been no other symptoms?" Luwin questioned the brunette, he placed away his small diary into his frock, looking back to the women with curiosity.
She shook her head, "no Maester, I think it was the day that got to me. Since I've taken on more responsibility I seem to forget routinely things."
Beneath the furs and blankets she was covered under her palm pressed against the middle of her abdomen, practically feeling the life grow inside her. She had no idea what she felt, wether brining a child into this world was the right thing given the circumstance or it best to move on with quickest answer. Luwin seemed to accept her immediate answer and moved on, "alright well I guess that's it, finish every bit of your food."
The Maester joked with her and departed with a wink, the brunette returning smile was as fake as she could manage. As he left her side Elaine came and placed a small tablet full of food for her to eat, the blonde refusing to meet her Lady's eyes as they both had secrets to keep.
"I've got to make sure Rickon isn't worried about you or Bran," Robb announced, he walked over and kissed her hairline, running his hand down her soft hair.
"Tell him I'm alright, I'll come see him soon," Victoria murmured, clutching at his hand before he went too far away.
"No, you need to rest," Robb disagreed, "I'll have him brought later, for now you are not to leave this bed under any circumstances."
Victoria decided she was not in the mood to argue so a simple nod of her head was all the fight she gave as she adjusted in her bed and watched the father of her unborn child walk away. The doors closed leaving her knight and handmaid in the room, and the silent ring of tears to escape her.
Ser Marcos was confused as he watched this happen but even more so when Elaine ran over and wrapped her arms over the Lady. She began to whisper soft things to her and rocked the brunette back and forth.
"It'll all be right," Elaine spoke softly, tightening her arms but being careful not to apply to much pressure.
"What is the meaning of this?" Marcos spoke, coming closer as he saw his ladies eyes redden and avoid his gaze. He grew impatient with worry and turned to the blonde, "Elaine!"
The blonde looked at her lady who softly nodded to her and she turned back to the sworn sword. "Seven hells, she's pregnant Marcos. She's missed her bleed."
Marcos had never felt so crushed, in fact he nearly fell over. His hand reached over to the chair that he had watched his lady sit in happily that very morning as she's finishing making up her winter boots for the days work. He remembered his thoughts earlier, how beautiful she truly was and how happy she seemed despite her circumstances. Who knew that times could change so quickly.
The brunette only sniffles now as she attempted to collect herself while in the presence of a man. She pushed away her tears despite her trembling lips, "well Ser Marcos, are you not disappointed in me?"
Marcos seemed to finally snap back, his heart aches as he watched the women he loved now have another growing inside her, a child who was not his own. He had known this would happen, seen for years how Robb Stark and her were lovers who had blossomed. He'd known that her bearing children for another was in the future but like this? With tears in her eyes and tremble in her lips. He knew that despite not being hers, and the father very likely to step up he would protect this women and her child like they were his.
He took his sword out, kneeled and placed it on the ground in front of him, "my lady, I once pledged my life and sword to you and I pledge again to you and this child."
Elaine abruptly stood as well, clearing her throat and kneeling in much the same way as the sworn knight before looking at her lady, "I do not offer much my lady as I am simple and common but my life is yours and this child's now and forever. Bastards have a way of sticking together."
Victoria swallowed the emotions that rose in her throat like bile, her sense of fear accumulating and then disintegrating as she lifted herself into a stronger position. She did not know what the next months would bring, what fate the gods would have in store for her but what she did know was in that moment she had two very loyal companions by her side and one strong child growing in her. The Dornes saw bastard children as an expression of passion, an emotion too strong to be ignored and in that moment as she reached to clutch her abdomen and feel that life inside her it felt like a force to be reckoned with.
She was Victoria of House Valiente, the heir to the Dornish boarders and the future Lady of the North, her blood ran thick with serpents, panthers, and even hints of Dragons, her spirit was of a wolf, like it or not defiance and passion was in her blood.
And now it was in this child's.
TADAAAAAA!!! So yeah she's preggers and if you think shit has hit the fan this is only the tip of the iceberg for my dear child.
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