💪big guy on campus
March 23rd, 2013
Samantha locked her car door as Hannah and Beth stepped out of her vehicle in the school parking lot. Hannah was listening to music with her headphones in her ears while Beth and Sam were in the middle of a conversation.
"I mean, I was kind of nervous at first but then I realized that speaking in public wasn't so bad. It was kind of relieving to voice some of my poetic thoughts to a crowd, " Beth continued, walking side by side with Sam towards the school.
Sam was happy for her friend, "That's awesome! I didn't know you started a public speaking class at the beginning of the 2nd semester."
"Yeah, it's been pretty awesome."
One of the known differences between Hannah and Beth is that Hannah is more soft-spoken. Beth is a little more assertive and impulsive, while Hannah is on the more naive and shy side. So it was clear that Beth would be the one more likely to take public speaking.
Sam noticed Beth gazing at the notebook in her hand. It looked go be her journal for her poems. The girl peered over her friend's shoulder and asked, "Is that what you're presenting today?"
Bethany gave a wide smile, "Yeah, it's not really good. I was messing around with it last night. But here's some of it;
Genes matter. Some genes make us like orchids-fragile, yet capable of beauty in beneficial moments. Others to the naked eye are like dandelions-hardy with the ability to thrive under diverse circumstances."
Sam was very intrigued by her writing ability, almost speechless. She stared at the page and quickly read it back, "Whoa, Beth. This is so good so far..."
Beth looked away with a laugh, "Stawp."
"No, I'm serious you're super talented!"
"Sam, you're making me blush..."
"What is the topic of your presentation?" Sam asked as she watched Beth close her journal.
"It's about psychological disorders. How society tries to diagnose people with mental illnesses and doesn't see them for who they are other than their illness...," Beth looked a bit flustered by the issue. Noticing this, she apologized, "Sorry. This topic is pretty important to me."
Sam wasn't quite sure what Beth meant by that, but she decided to let it slide. She really didn't want to start something negative before the day even started. She was sympathetic and put her hand on Beth's shoulder, "No I get it. I'm just so glad you're able to share your opinion with the class in such an artistic way."
"Thanks, Sam," Beth turned and saw a classmate she knew, "Oh, I have to go talk to Steffanie about the Statistics project. I'll see you at lunch!"
Samantha watched as Beth began to run towards her friend as she headed towards the school building. Now alone walking in the crowded sidewalks, Sam looked at the oak tree near the school. She stared at the delicacy of the leaves now growing on the branches of the plants, and the birds that sat upon the top twigs of the tree. Spring is coming, Sam thought with a smile. She couldn't wait.
Abruptly, a person placed their arm across her shoulders. Sam looked to her left at a fellow who was staring right back at her; Michael Monroe.
"Morning, sunshine," he spoke, his voice calm and direct. They both walked into the school's double doors and towards the lockers.
Sam wanted to barf, "Would you stop with that?" The young woman began to shake Mike's arm off her back.
Mike acted surprised, "What? I thought you could use a little bit of Mikey to brighten up your day." He then winked at her, which led to Sam rolling her eyes with her arms crossed.
The young man knew Sam wasn't fond of his little flirts, but he liked teasing her. This was a regular, every so often, occurrence where Sam would shoo Mike away while he perpetually flirted with her.
Samantha and Michael have been family friends for many years. Their parents both work in the same company so naturally, they would see a lot of each other. The two wouldn't say they were very close but whenever they interacted with one another, they would enjoy the exchange.
Mike saw the girl's closed-off stance and shrugged his shoulders, "Hey, I was only kidding..."
"Yeah yeah," Sam stopped in front of her locker and started to punch in her combination. As she did this, she noticed Mike continue to stand beside her. She glanced up at him, "So why are you talking to me anyway?"
"Whaaat? I can't just come over to my buddy Sam without needing something?" He made a defeated look while Sam gave him a straight expression. Mike groaned, "Fine. Did you do the English homework?"
"Yes, because I listen in the class, unlike some people."
"Wait, I listen!"
Sam smirked at Mike as he fell silent. Flabbergasted, the jock sighed, "What was the homework?"
"We read chapter 7."
"We're on chapter 7 already?" Mike put a hand to his head beginning to process how far behind he really was. Sam just shook her head while sneaking a giggle, "Good luck, bud."
Sam patted Mike's arm and walked down the hallway to her first-period class. The young man watched her pace down the hallway, averting the crowds of high schoolers. He stood there for a moment more until a girl came up to him, "Hey, Mike. Ready for History?"
"Totally. Say, do you have the history notes?" He pried as the two walked the opposite direction to their class.
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