2- Ikigai
"Fucking hell!" He all but bellowed in the confines of the lavish new boardroom filled with suits.
A hand made a slow short journey from his beard to his sideburn as fury slowly bubbled from within. Fury he had never felt before in his life because this is business. Something he's living for now.
His eyes perused over the file in front of his, hands clenched into tight wicked fists with knuckles that has seen better days -embellished with so many scars that have different stories. His jaw ticked wrathfully along with a few veins pulsing harder with every word he read.
The other people inside the boardroom sat on edge, waiting on baited breath for the wrathful anger that would follow. He is not known for his patience but lack of it and when he's angry, he worked instantly to get rid of all the distractions. Why wouldn't he? He was a street fighter. A badass good one too.
Bilal Hashem Garo reclined back in his chair watching the paper in front of him with amazement, frustration, hot rage that he's all used to by now. He's got anger management issues right from birth which was the reason why he never wanted to join the business proposals coming for him.
Just when he decided to start his own security company, a field he is very much used to and thought he knew how to maneuver his way around it, they took him by surprise. Not really. It's all his fault for trusting that people will do what he alone did for so many years by himself.
He never relies on people, they never seize to fuck him over. Just when he started to trust his employees, one used his left leg to bring him down a few notches. But there is no problem, he's still better at the game. Better than everybody else because he's worked for far too many ruthless business tycoons.
There is one thing he needed now though. To find out who the fuck did this and then ruthlessly maim them too. He is going to strip them off whatever it is they have.
A lesson to the rest of them.
When he finished reading every single detail that paper entails, Bilal raised his piercing eyes filled with electric intensity that made every single man and woman in that room to squirm and hung their heads down. Not able to make eye contact that could burn them down.
He tried quenching down this hot bubbling rage but he couldn't. From his reclining position on the chair, his palm gave a loud sound on the table in front of him when he banged it there. He's used to brutality of all kind, he didn't feel the pain snaking through his arm and rendering him paralyzed. No, it was the anger taking all the impact.
The pain always comes later on when he lies on bed trying to get some sleep.
"Who the fuck is behind this?!" He questioned with eerie command that demanded an answer, a chilly calmness laced in each word.
The women visibly trembled at the sound of his deep, baritone and forceful voice while the men bow their heads deeper as though they were about to curtsy. They should know better than waste Bilal's time, every single second is precious to him now. He despises wasting time no matter how insignificant.
He has a strict routine that he follows every single day without fail.
Leisurely, he rise from the chair, unfolding his large body in that threatening way he's mastered but then no one is even looking in his direction. If not for their brains, Bilal would never have hired them. They cannot answer a simple question or at least meet his gaze. He's not holding anyone at gunpoint for goodness sake.
He rounded the table with dilatory steps, his Gucci loafers making soft noises on the floor as he moved with panther-like gait. God knows that wasn't what he wanted to do. He wanted to throw one of the empty chairs in the boardroom against the glass wall and shatter it but he is restraining. So bad.
His anger is slowly getting controlled it seems. Well, a big congratulations for the fortunate fools in front of him.
"If I don't get an answer right now, I'm going to fire each and everyone of you." He stopped behind one of the men's chair, the man recoiled on his chair. Was that a whimper?
Biting back a grimace filled with disgust, Bilal continued rounding the board table before he gives the man a panic attack. "Answer. Now."
Shuffles, fearful whimpers, ruffling of papers cloaked the entire room for the next minute before a woman's shaky voice started talking more like blabbering some gibberish then silence. Bilal wanted to hit his head on the glass wall behind him. He's never been brutal to his employees before so why the hell are they this frightened?
Probably heard so many bestial things and stories about him from people outside. Oh, well. He was that and more.
A man took over, eyes on a paper in his hand though Bilal knew there was nothing there for him to read out. Just an excuse to not look at him dead in the eyes. Maybe Bilal have something funny on his face, he'll check after the meeting.
"We have no idea who did this, Sir. We've been trying to track the person down but he's closed every single hole..." His stutters were cut short by a slam of Bilal's hand on the table yet again.
"I don't want to listen to your bullshitting excuses! I want a name. Someone else's name. Whoever it is. Any guesses or tracks?" Bilal questioned, taking labored breaths to keep his violence at bay.
He's lost millions because of their recklessness, they are fucking fortunate that he's still talking with his mouth and not fists. How could they be this fucking stupid? Are they cybersecurity experts at all? He is starting to doubt their talents. Every single one of them. When he made sure to hire the best out there.
Apparently, they were sluggish enough to let things slip away from them when they should be on the screen all the damn time during working hours. What were they doing when their new security strategy was stolen to another different company? How was that possible?
That was Bilal's first project but they've failed him woefully.
He was going to create a machine that would help all those rich folks track down their unruly kids without hassle. If the phone can be tampered with, what Bilal had planned cannot be tampered with because... well, because he is going to make it himself. But they blew it over! Now what is he going to do about it when the other company already talked about it to the media?
Maybe, he'll spend the next few days torturing the person that leaked that piece of information. By the time he is done trampling over them, another new idea will blossom like always.
"We don't have any name yet, Sir." The woman that tried talking earlier tripped over her words like she was just learning English. Shame.
Bilal buttoned his Brioni suit and made his way out of the boardroom before people or objects could get mutilated. "Get me a fucking name in less than twenty four hours or start applying for jobs elsewhere. If I'm in a better mood, I'll permit you to have those jobs."
He made his way back to his office fuming all the way inside. His scowl was fresh and he had no wish to let it go for sometime but the second he entered into his office and met with a sight he wouldn't exactly welcome but cannot say no to, the scowl dropped. Only one family could bring him to his knees like that.
Jannah, a little girl with wild dark hair -her mother probably arrange before they left- flying in all direction came bounding into him and he genuflected to pack her in those brawny tree-trunk arms. One of his arm is the complete size of her body, no kidding there. He loves his large form.
"Uncle Beee!" Jannah squealed in his arms when he twirled her around, her fine fallen teeth sticking together in her mouth like white fur balls.
"Jay Jay." He rained her face with kisses while she tried pushing his face away screaming ew all over the place.
His three year old niece tried to wiggle out from his arms and go play with his secretary but he wouldn't let her. Why is she in a hurry to leave her uncle to go see another person out there? A stranger to her no less? He won't have that. He was obsessed with the girl throughout her life. Still is.
When she resigned and pouted, he did the same. "I want to go play with Benazir."
Through his own pout, he answered her. "She is working and you shouldn't interrupt her. Come let's catch up for a little before she rounds up her work then you can go."
She let out a hump before she gave a begrudging nod. "You can be so persistent, Uncle Bee." He sent a wolffish grin her way.
He carried her to the chair behind his desk then scowled at the other two people in the room with them. His half sister, Aisha who's more like his sister through and through then her husband who happens to be his friend, Ammar Ibrahim Attahir. Two annoying people in conjugation. Jannah will have to endure so much.
Aisha laughed at his expression and leaned back so he could see what her husband was doing to her. The whipped guy was busy massaging her fucking foot like a goddamn masseur. Bilal eyed the both of them with disbelieve only to get a one shoulder shrug from Ammar. The guy is gone forever and ever. Never to return.
She's only four months pregnant and the damn bump isn't showing yet but he's already doing that? Bilal cannot just wrap his head around why his friends are the way they are with their wives. It makes him want to throw up everything in his stomach.
First it was Adnan and his wife, Jannah senior and now Ammar and Aisha. Just what in earth have they given them to eat?
Both men are awfully dominating and lofty when it comes to business, especially Adnan that resembles a Mafia Don. All that drops the second they sighted their wives, they turn to cats wanting attention. They'd do anything for their wives, even murder in some cases.
Bilal believed in true love, he does hundred percent but the extent they are taking the whole being in love thing is nauseating. Drop all manly act and act like someone that's been whipped through witchery or sorcery? He wants no part in that kind of love anyway.
A soul mate, that's what he wanted. Something he believed in with epistemic certainty. He truly believes everyone has a twin heart somewhere. Someone who gets you, who understands all your complexities, accepts you as you are, would walk through fire for you and be there, regardless.
He's never experienced that level of romantic connection before. But he craves it. Not that he would ever admit that to anyone because it makes him sound like a soppy asshole.
The highest he'd gotten to having anything romantic in his was getting attracted to Jannah senior -Adnan Ibrahim Attahir's wife- before she married him. That ended before it started because she liked his friend from the beginning. When he decided to come back for that love, she was swiped off her feet by the oil magnate. It was never meant to be anyway.
Whenever he sees them together, the crave for something equivalent to that makes his chest tighten. He's yet to meet that woman and he won't settle for less just because he wants to fit in. He will wait for as long as he could for her to come. She's going to come because she has no other choice.
He's waited thirty four years for that, nothing will stand in his way. Maybe it will be love at first sight because he's waited a long while for her? Whatever the case may be.
Aisha smiled at her husband, too much aspartame thrown in the sweet smile she's never given Bilal then took her legs off his thighs and yaw her attention back to her scowling brother. She raised a brow before producing a wooden food basket from beside her.
With a smile, she held the basket and stood up. "I thought I should bring some food for you but seems like Benazir needs it more. She was so polite when we came but you, not at all."
She knew she's gotten him when the scowl dropped and his eyes narrowed. There is only one persons food in this entire planet that Bilal cannot resist, Aisha's. Whenever she calls him to come to her house for some lunch or dinner, he never turns her down except if he is not in the country.
Before Aisha could take three steps, Bilal is already there in front of her in record time. He snatched the basket away from her and watch with dismay as Jannah strutted past him to go meet Benazir outside. Why do they like her so much? This mother and daughter duo.
Bilal rearranged his scowl now that little Jannah is not there with them. "Apart from bringing me food and threatening to give it to my secretary, what brought you two here? I don't like entertaining guests in my working place during work hours."
Ammar straightened on his seat, a smile dancing across his lips. "You look good acting all bossy. It's great to see that you're wearing suit now though you still need more furnishing on ties."
Ammar is far more disparate than his older brother in form of looks, intelligence and so much more. While Ammar is the go-to brother with charming personality and easygoing smile, Adnan is the exact opposite. Meeting Adnan Ibrahim Attahir directly is like a death sentence. Your prearranged funeral.
'There is a reason I always want to shot the Attahir brothers right in between their eyes.'
Bilal thought darkly but didn't say it out loud, Aisha would spank him no doubt. Instead, he gave Ammar a mocking smile. "Fix the classes for me then."
Working a hand through his head, Ammar grinned largely. "I will make sure to do that." Then turned to his wife. "Babe, how about we go shopping for your brother? He needs more ties."
Aisha looked between her brother and Ammar then shook her head. They always love getting beneath each other's skin all the while fixing her in between them. She takes turns supporting one person this time and the other next time. Today though, she's there on a different mission.
"I'm here for you, Bilal. Because there are a few matters we really need to settle down as soon as possible." Aisha crossed the room and went to seat opposite him.
Intrigued by his sister's seriousness, Bilal dropped his scowl and crossed his arms on the table. The smell of her food wafting from the basket to his nose. This is going to be a long talk and he hopes to God he can endure it. She looks serious though.
"Go ahead."
He watched from his peripheral vision as Ammar settle himself in the far corner of the room, his attention on his phone. This is between the two of them then. What was he expecting anyway? She's never once complained about Ammar.
Aisha took a deep breath before she started. "You are thirty five years old, Bilal. I don't know what is it you are after but you need to settle down and start your own family. No, no cutting me off today. You're not going to get younger or anything. All your friends are married with family but you're still flying from one country to another trying to make sure your clients are safe. You're good at what you do, of course but you need to understand that life is short. You are wasting it away."
He is thirty four though, he didn't correct her.
This is the what?... nth time she's talked to him about this but she's never appeared this utterly serious and in control of her words. Even her expression looks solemn which means she's really concerned about his bachelorhood.
Bilal worked a hand through his beard, his eyes darting up the snow ceiling. "I want to settle down too, sis. I'm just waiting for the right woman and the minute she comes, I'm going to settle. I swear it."
Aisha's expression softened a little before a light flicked in her eyes. "I have someone in mind and maybe, just maybe things will work out for you two."
His scowl is back in place, more scary than the one he dropped. "You know I don't like this arrangement of a thing. It makes my skin crawl so no, I'm not going through with it."
"But this is someone you know. You've been together for awhile now and who knows whether this is the push you two need?" Aisha was persistent and her daughter accused him of being the same. Scoff.
Bilal eyed his sister, not actually believing that he got persuaded into wanting to know who it is even though he knew that he was not going to go through with this blind-date of hers. He gave a curt nod and recline back on his seat.
"Benazir! She is the perfect person to give chance to. You've been working with her for how many years now? Three? You know everything about her so why not? Boss and secretary love. That is my favorite trope!" Aisha grinned so hard her face almost split into two.
Bilal could only chortle and raise a brow. Aisha has hit her head somewhere. "No. Thanks but no."
"No? And who told you you have any other choice in this? I've given you enough time to bring forth your own woman but you haven't so you do as I say without complain. I'll set you two on a date. Be sure to attend." She twirled around the chair, her expression the one of triumph.
Just then Benazir walked into the room with Jannah in her arms. A young twenty seven year old single woman.
Bilal permitted his eyes to thoroughly look at the woman his sister wants to set him up with. He felt her blush beneath his gaze but he was relentless, not looking away from his perusing inspection.
With her fair skin -total turn off for him- and long limbs, Bilal knew she was not the one for him. Benazir is beautiful, she's got the brain, her fashion sense is thoroughly professional and she maintains a good relationship with everyone in the office. But for some reason, she is just not the one for him.
Wherever his woman is, her skin is going to be dark unlike his olive skin. He's always loved dark skinned women right from Jannah. It will not change now but he might go to this date to please his sister just this once.
Besides, Benazir looks like she won't have false hopes about them together.
What do you think about Bilal abeg? Just a few words on how you see Madina and Bilal coming together.
Long or short chapters? Short will come early and long will take time so you choice...
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