Walking out of his suite, Bilal yawned loudly and went to the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast. He's ordered some food for Madina yesterday but totally forgot to ask his men to give it to her after what she's done and said. And how things went the night, he didn't expect that.
He's been hiding behind facade of not wanting her when things are getting strenuous and more baffling for him whenever he sees her. He tends to not think about anything but the past, reminiscing what he's had. What he's been honored to have for the first time.
Bilal never regretted losing his virtue the way he did and with the person he did it with. Sometimes he does though. Because so many others behind him now have what he had, he's very possessive.
He entered the kitchen to microwave the takeaway -Madina's dinner- his men brought yesterday night along with his suitcase only to stop short at the sight of well made barbecue chicken in the kitchen, the sauce winking at him with brunette goodness coating it.
Bilal swallowed, remembering he shares the suite with Madina and she's probably ordered it from the hotel's restaurant. Quickly making his way back to his room, he called to order the same thing only to come up destitute. They don't have it and don't usually do it though they can make it for him if he wants.
"No, don't worry about it." He dismissed, eyes still trained on the mouthwatering well-prepared meal before him.
Perplexed, he made it back to the kitchen that's still vacant except for the barbecue chicken on the alabaster kitchen island. Bilal knew he had to take a bite of that come hell or fire. Madina didn't cook that, did she? Obviously not. She ordered it from somewhere.
He thought for a second: maybe he should start looking for the takeaway pack or the bag it was brought in -so he can order the same thing- but then the idea slipped from his mind knowing he had little time to do all those things if he still wants to taste that barbecue chicken before Madina appears.
Licking his lips, Bilal checked the chicken parts carefully like the quick-witted astute man he is and took the part he knew she wouldn't know has gone missing. Not the thighs or wings since there are only two in each chicken. It was a random part along the chicken breast.
When the piece of the chicken invaded in his mouth and worm in around his tongue, he chewed languidly and savored with relish. He barely managed to let out a moan of satisfaction, his taste buds plummeting with tumult. His eyeballs rolled behind his eye leaving only the sclera for a moment.
"Damn." He murmured, glaring at the chicken knowing he cannot add another bite without her finding out which would result to so many things he doesn't want to think about.
He grazed his teeth along his lips to take away any remains of the sauce then walked to the dustbin in search of takeout container but it was devoid of any bag or takeaway. Frowning, Bilal searched everywhere in the kitchen but came up barren. What the heck?
While he was contemplating going outside to ask if someone came up here to deliver something or if Madina had went out early in the morning, his eyes fell on the dishes inside the kitchen basin still unwashed. The dent between his brows deepened and hardened, a thought moseying in.
Ambling closer, Bilal had no choice but to bring the idea to his head. It's been nagging him since he saw the chicken but why would he believe that someone like Madina would know how to cook? It doesn't make any sense to him at all. Not that he's underestimating her but has she any interest in that?
When did she learn how to cook and why is she this fucking sterling? Before he could contemplate further, one of the doors was opened and he knew it could only be the woman sitting comfortably in his mind. And of course, his taste buds that is currently going haywire.
Not even when he'd ordered his men to take out the man that leaked out his software update project had she disappeared from his head. She was there lurking around ready to snap in and wreck his perfectly impeccable life. He doesn't know what to do with Madina but he knew he wants her gone. One way or the other.
He busied himself with microwaving the takeaways he got her while she walked into the kitchen singing in a shrilly voice. His back was facing her but the kaleidoscopic vibrant color that came with her presence made him tense. Anything rainbow reminds him of this wench.
"Got a white boy on my roster. He be feeding me pasta and lobster. He just hit me up on Tuesday like, What you doing, bae? Let me take you shoppin'. I told him, Well, I'm a little busy. He said, Damn, I'm in your city. But anyway, it's okay, hope you have a good day..." She rapped, sat down on the chair around the island to eat.
Bilal wanted to leave the kitchen to go eat his breakfast somewhere but maybe he can sit there and they will be civil to eat food together without trying to get on the other's throat. They don't have to talk.
He slid on the chair adjacent to her and dive into his food while throwing glances at her barbecue chicken sauce with longing. She didn't even offer him a little. But then again, he doesn't expect that of her. If she does, Bilal would run the opposite direction and never return to the suite.
When he mistakenly glance up at her, Bilal regretted it the very nanosecond later. There is a small trickle of brown sauce by the edge of her lips that is deriding him. It started rolling down to her jaw, he gripped his fork hard between his fist. This is sick.
He tried lowering his eyes somewhere but he couldn't, they were stuck on that little bit of sauce he'd tasted or more like, stole from her plate. He wants another bite but mainly, the one that is by the side of her thin lips. He took a deep breath twice then hauled his eyes to her shirt, anywhere apart from her face.
She was wearing a button down shirt that has spray paint of all rainbow colors seasoning it. Why she wears rainbow stuff is beyond him but she looks like a damned hummingbird all innocent and angelic with no trace of makeup on her face whatsoever.
A small breath left him at the sheer beauty of the woman in front of him.
He's never seen her without makeup since they met again, this is a good start. He cannot decide whether she's prettier with or without it. Seeing the real shade of her lips though, something stirred down south that was totally out of character. He adjusted himself, fork still bowed almost broken from his large fist.
Two buttons of the button down shirt was open wide showing her flawlessly unblemished hickory skin. The way her clavicle rise and fall with each breath she took made all common sense glide off his cranium.
The last straw was her licking her lips with a red tongue, it sent eclectic shock rolling through his entire form but one place was more affected. Dropping the fork, Bilal pushed his chair back and made his way out of the kitchen. He cannot take this anymore. It is absolutely pathetic. This is not who he is.
He didn't make it to the door though, Madina was in front of him like a flash. So she knew he was there this whole time and she didn't bother to acknowledge his presence the entire time? He is her boss for goodness sake. She shouldn't disrespect him this much. At least a greeting would've sufficed.
"And it is normal for bosses to be attracted to their employees? Bravo."
A voice all too familiar mocked inside his head. This is becoming too alarming. He shouldn't cross this territory because there won't be coming back. Not that Madina will permit him.
She was saying something but Bilal's mind was elsewhere, at her naked calf. Why on earth is she just wearing a shirt that only reached her knees? Barely? She knew damn right that he was there with her in the suite. What is Madina playing at n-
Madina's hand snapped in front of his eyes, he trailed them slowly from her short toned legs up to her wide hips that made him exhale sharply then move his eyes towards her chest and finally, her face. Was that a blush on her face? Nah, he imagined it. Madina never blushes.
Her eyes narrowed, she crossed her arms beneath her chest making things more strained for him. "I asked whether you really kill people or not. I want to know if I'm living with a murderer."
Bilal wanted to laugh at how serious she appeared. She cannot be earnest about it, right? Or maybe she's asked the right people who he really is and now she's frightened? But Madina apprehensive? On anything related to him? That's rich. He is going to experiment this.
"No, Miss Sambo, I'm not a murderer. I don't kill people..." Bilal leaned closer and whispered lowly like he's telling her a secret. "I simply make them disappear, puff!"
He saw her swallowing but then she didn't let her defiance falter. "You cannot do that to me. I'm not that easy."
"You'll be the most effortless one whenever I decide to do so, trust me. Don't feel too special." He grinned, a rare sight which made something hitch in her throat.
"No!" She all but screamed, her eyes wild. "You cannot do that. I have friends that won't rest until you bring me back so don't waste your time."
"Who are they? Your sisters? Parents? Oh, the hundreds of men you've been sleeping with for years? You think they can help you?" He censured, tone dancing with reproach that sounded too bitter in his head.
Bilal saw the way she flinched, her eyes watered for a second before she blinked it away. What happened? He wanted to hurt her with his words but after doing the exact thing he wanted to, he's feeling something akin to guilt in his chest.
Shit. He is softening up on her and he doesn't like it at all.
"Fuck you." She croaked in a steady but scabrous voice that tickled something in him.
He wanted to maneuver around the words and how hurt she was so he leaned in leaving barely a foot between them. Bilal licked his lips, intent on making the both of them forget his last sentence that seemed to hurt her. He hated that haunted look in her eyes.
"If you insist." He whispered, his lips grazing her ear.
"Move away, you dim-witted oaf." She tried pushing him with all her strength but Bilal didn't budge. She's just a small wee woman in front of him like a midget.
"Admit it, Bitty, you're scared." The nickname tumbled from his lips before he could stop himself. She was Bitty. She was small.
He hated her. Not the I-don't-like-you kind of hate. No, it is the hate that ran deeper into his veins and made them flutter with its intensity. He hates her with every cilia in his being. He detests Madina Adamu Sambo for the power she has over him. Power she won't know about.
Her defiant eyes found his again. "I'm not scared. Do whatever the fuck you want to do. I'm not afraid of you."
His gaze fell on the silky spill of her hair flowing loose past her shoulders, she's braided them. Dark brown waves made the color of those eyes stand out: smoky brown, framed with thick black long lashes that fanned her cheeks whenever she blinks. He stirred again, dumb shit.
Bilal's gaze fell on her neck, his teeth throbbing for that tender flesh. To touch her. To make her grow moist from it so she could throb the way he does.
Madina moved suddenly, trying to push him away. His arms closed around her, and she struggled until she was crushed by the power of his body. Bilal bent his head as though he was going to kiss her but he only breathed against her mouth making sure she's as lightheaded as he was.
He released her hands and leaned closer, using his body to press her against the wall. Deliberately he wrapped her braid around his hand, and exerted enough force to pull her head back. His mouth hovered just above hers.
She could feel the heat of his breath wafting against her lips in a soft, even rhythm, and she began to tremble. She spoke in a thick voice that didn't seem to be her own.
"Whatever you're going to do, don't even try it. I am a walking diseases in case you've forgotten." She breathed out, a certain huskiness in her tone made him groan.
She's fucking stimulated but he cannot do anything to her. He's made sure to seal all the apertures with his hurtful words ever since the met again. And Bilal won't beg her. Never. It's either he frustrates her or nothing comes out of it, it's an oath.
All at once she felt his mouth on hers, in a hard assault that was over as quickly as it had begun. He lifted his head, staring down at her with those raven-lashed eyes. Madina's mouth tingled from the tease but she held on. Tentatively she licked her lips, discovering a faint coffee and mint sweetness. His lips had touched hers but it wasn't a kiss.
"Seems like you want a piece of those diseases, boss." She said unsteadily, eyes challenging him to say otherwise.
The edges of his wide cheekbones seemed sharper than usual. His face looked exotic, almost Oriental in its austere calm. He moved away from her knowing a second more at that close proximity will lead them back to square one.
Using his thumb, Bilal swiped his lower lip and rub it with his forefinger, his eyes on the fingers he was rubbing. "Maybe I won't mind getting one or two."
"Well, as long as you're ready to beg for it, I'll consider." Madina is now back, all traces of desire wiped from her face at his admission.
Damn. He is thoroughly doomed now that she knew he was still very much attracted to her. Maybe even more than before now.
"In your dreams." His darkened expression cloaked his face yet again but she didn't flinch, only stared with that I-know-it all in her eyes.
"We'll get to see who fantasizes about this moment more by the end of the week." With that, she turned around and left him there by the doorway.
Bilal paced the length of the kitchenette wondering why he'd let his guard down. Why make such a mistake? He should've continued leading her to believe that he'd make her disappear at any moment. Not that he wouldn't now.
It's just that Madina is still the only woman he's been with -intimately- his entire life. After her, there was no other because none stirred him as much as she does and he's repented. One look at her again and he wants to sin all over because she is worth every single violation and peccancy.
She drew him the first time but this time around, it seems like he's taken ahold of the situation. Not that it is going to end in a better note. Things might just get too complicated now that she is his employee and a whole different person he's been with years ago.
He doesn't have any policy or rule against fraternizing with employees. He went back to the sauce she left and finished it whole not caring if she finds out he ate it. It is too tempting to leave it there stranded.
You guys don't comment o. Me too I'll take time before I update😚
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