*~Chapter 9: Friends Date~*
Hajime's POV
Friday's are honestly the best. We don't have to go to school for two days, which gives me an stress free weekend. I can relax all I want too, and nothing can stop me from doing exactly that! Though I wonder how Berrycake is doing? Maybe we can hangout today.
Wait. I'm supposed to be hanging out with Nanami~chan today! I rushed to the entrance of the school, hoping she was there waiting for me. And I was right, she was! "Hey, Nanami~chan!" I called out to her. She looks up from her Nintendo 3ds, and spots me, then waves with an smile. I run up to her with an smile.
"So what are we doing today?" I asked her, still smiling. "Ah, well I was thinking we could go to my place and play games" she says with an bright smile. I lightly chuckle at the shorter girl. What did I expect from the Ultimate Gamer? "Of course, let's go" I say with an soft smile. "Yay! Thank you Hinata~kun!". "No problem, we haven't hung out in awhile, so it'll be nice plus I've been practicing" I tell her.
"I'll still beat you, I am the ultimate gamer after all" she says with an playful smirk. "Oh whatever, do we have enough snacks, I have a feeling we'll be gaming a long time" I asked her. "Nope, so off to the store quickly, we have to game!" She yells with excitement. I laugh at her child like behavior. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" She says pouting. I laugh at her even more and she playfully hits me.
"Ok, ok I'll stop", "It's just cute when you get excited about us hanging out and playing games" I tell her. Her face turns slightly pink, and I tilt my head in confusion. "Uh, Nanami~chan? Are you ok?" I asked her. "Y-yeah I'm fine" she stuttered. I squint curiously, but shrugged it off. "What type of snacks are we getting?". "Lots, lots of Doritos, maybe some chocolate, and tons of Mountain Dew" she replies.
"Typical gamer" I said giggling. "Shush" she says pouting. I giggle more at her. She grabs my wrist and drags me to the store, mumbling words under her breath. "What was that?". "Nothing, just shush, we're here anyways" she says. "No way, because obviously I can't see Nanami" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and let go of me.
"Let's split up and grab all the snacks, first person who gets to the cash register first wins, and gets to pick the first game" Nanami~chan says. I smirk at her, "Deal". "On your mark, get set, and go" we yell, heading in opposite directions. Hmm... where is the soda aisle again? I make some turn and land in the Chip aisle. Well not the drink section but oh well.
I start grabbing all of big bags of doritos and throwing them in the basket. That should do the trick, now off to the soda aisle! I will beat Nanami~chan!
Chiaki's POV
I can't lose to Hinata~kun, it'll boost his ego, and he'll keep bragging about it. There's no way I'm dealing with that! Maybe I can let it slide a bit, just for him. I giggle to myself. Never mind that now, I have to focus. I rush down the aisles with my kart, trying to find the chips.
I didn't find the chips, but instead the drink aisle. Hm good enough, I think. I grab 4 bottles of Mountain Dew, and leave the aisles. Now what to get? Ooo! I should get some pizza rolls. Where is the frozen aisle again? This day is going to be amazing, I can't believe he actually agreed! Well, I'm not actually surprised, but I'm still excited.
Sometimes I wish he spends more time with me. That stupid girl he hangs out with gets on my nerves, honestly. She doesn't like me, I don't like her. She poses a threat.
Hajime's POV
Ok so I got basically everything I think we need, so now I'm heading to the cash register. I'm totally going to beat Nanami~chan, for sure! I smile with determination. It's going to be amazing when I finally beat her at something! With my adrenaline pumping, I rush to the cash register.
All the hope that I had dissapeared. How in the hell did she get here before me?! My whole smile disappears. She looks up at me. "What took you so long?" She asks me. I glared at her, "You cheated!". "I did not, I played the game fair and square" she says. "This wasn't a game, it was a competition!" I yelled. "Same thing honestly, different regulations" she shrugged.
I lowly growl at her, and start putting the groceries on the conveyer belt. "You didn't answer my question" she says with a smug look. I roll my eyes at her. "You're not getting one". She gasps, then pouts. "How rude". I giggle at her. "Payback". The cashier tells me the total, I had them money, take the groceries with me and leave.
"What game are we playing first?" I asked her. "Mario Kart duh" she replies. "Seriously? You always cheat, then win" I growled. "No I don't, I'm just lucky" she says with an wink. "Whatever, I will beat you, even if I have to cheat" I mumbled.
We finally made it to Nanami's house. She grab her keys out of her pocket, and unlocked the door. "Home sweet home, put the stuff and my room and let's get gaming!" She commanded, excitedly. "Aye, aye captain" I responded while laughing. "Well, hop to it, I have to use the bathroom real quick", "Also set up the game system for me" she asks. "Sure, just don't take too long" I say.
"I won't". She heads off towards her bathroom, while I, head into her room. I put all the bags down, and set up the system. It doesn't really take long though, so I finished quickly. Her room has changed a lot. It's all an light pink, which kinda makes me wanna throw up. I sigh and take in all that's happened this week.
This week was hella eventful. Berrycake and I, became friends with Komeada, we hung out and everything. He scared the shit out of us though. I 'kidnapped' him a few times, saved him from trouble. As much as I wouldn't admit this allowed, I hope he's ok, or doing ok right now. We first met at the grocery store, it was an coincidence honestly.
"Hey, Hinata~kun? You ready to start?" Nanami~chan asks me. "Yeah let's start".
It's been an few hours now, since we've started gaming. I'm very exhausted because I keep losing, though I've always been close to winning until Nanami cheats! Just my luck that it's happening now. I'm in 1st place in Mario Kart right now about to hit the finish line, when Nanami throws a blue shell at me, and wins.
"Man what the fuck! You cheated again!" I yelled. "No I didn't, you just suck" she says. I lightly shoved her. "Wow, you're a sore loser Hinata~kun" she says, getting up and pushing me back. "Am not!". "Yes you are" she says giggling. I pout at her. "One more round?". "One more round!".
Most of the snacks we bought today were already half gone. I didn't really realize until I actually looked around us. "What time is it?" I asked. She grabs her phone and says 11:10". "Huh?! It's that late!" I yelled. "Yeah, I guess your spending the night huh?" She asks. "Well I guess I am". She giggles, "Tag, your it!". I smirk at her as she runs away. "Oh now you've done it" I said chasing after her.
"Noooooo" she yells giggling. "Yesss you have tormented me long enough", "It's time for payback" I said still grinning. She yelps and runs faster. I stop and laugh at her. Does she really think I won't catch her?
Chiaki's POV
I ran away from Hinata~kun, he can sometimes be scary. Most people don't make him mad because of that. I've seen him get angry and serious about these types of things. "Oh Nanami~", "Where are you~?" Hinata kun asked in a song like way. I gulp softly, not wanting him to hear me. Sometimes my talent is a curse.
The whole house was quiet as Hinata hunted me down. I was sweating a bit in fear. My breathe was ragged, and uneven. I turn into the darkness of my hiding spot. "Boo". "Holy shi- what the hell, Hinata!" I yelled in shock. He laughs then tackles me. "I got you" he says smirking. "Get off me!". "Nope". "How did you even find me?" I asked.
"I already knew duh" he replies. "Hmph cheater" I mumble. "Nuh you are!". The arguement ended up being longer than we imagined, we laughed at the end, because of how silly it was. Afterwards we both went to sleep. I hope we stay together forever.
Author's Note: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter though it'll come out next week. The reason I didn't get this out this week, is because it wasn't done so I'm sorry for that. To make up for it, this chapter and the next 3 will come out on the same day. Also, I hope everyone is doing good mentally and emotionally with everything going on. (Updated version: I'm releasing this two days earlier than it's supposed to come out so enjoy :3)
Finished on: 06/12/20
Published on: 06/15/20
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