*~Chapter 56: Bittersweet (LHVD pt.2)~*
Earlier That Day...
Nagito's POV
My head fucking hurts. I just want to go home and hangout with everyone. Izzy, Ichi, Hajime, Sonia, Gundam, FC, Pecan, and even Jordan. I'm hungry, we've barely eat besides what Jordan gives to us. He's nice for at least risking his life for us to keep surviving.
Sure it's mostly because of me, but he doesn't have to. "K-komaeda~san? Are you ok?" A shy voice asked me. I looked up to the person, "Tsmiki~chan?! What are you doing here?!" I asked. "Um I came to help you?". "Don't be fooled Ko, she's working with the gamer bitch" Ichi says.
"Why would you work with her, Tsumiki~chan?" I asked, disappointedly. "I-I have my reasons too, w-with my help you didn't get hurt as bad" she tells me. "What is your exact reasons, Tsumiki? You know our lives are in danger right?" I snapped. "I-I know, I'm just really embarrassed about my reason" she mumbles.
"Is our lives embarrassing to you?!" I yelled. I know I shouldn't be yelling at her but I was pissed at this point. "I a-am sorry!" She yells quickly. I sigh, "No, it's fine I guess I'm hangry". "O-oh! I had brought you m-more cookies!" She tells me. Tsumiki grabs her bag and pulls cookies out of it.
Those cookies looks hella good. "O-open up". I slightly open my mouth and she puts a cookie in. I love chocolate chip cookies, they're the best. "D-do you like them?" She asks. "Yes, chocolate chip cookies are the best". "You guys do know I exist right?" Ichi asked.
"No, because you're a figurative person in our imagination". "Don't get fucking sarcastic with me, I want cookies too" she states. "I only brought some for Komaeda~san". Ichi rolls her eyes, "Thanks for caring about my survival too".
"S-sorry, I wasn't t-thinking about you", "B-but I'm pretty sure Jordan~san left m-more food for y-you guys" she stuttered. "Great, where is the food before I start yelling and cursing" Ichi asked bitterly. "I don't know where the food is though".
"Better find it quick before I find a way out of this chair and beat your ass" Ichi threatened. "Ichi calm down, you can some of my cookies" I tell her. "Yayyy, now patch up Mr.Sleeping Beauty so I can have cookies" Ichi demanded. "Y-yes ma'am".
"So are you ready to spill why you're helping Chiaki?" I asked. "I-I rather not say", "I-I'm afraid y-you might hate m-me" she mumbles. "I can either hate you for not helping me out of here or I can hate you for your reason" I tell her.
She starts shaking a bit, "I don't want you to hate me!". "I'm not going to hate you Tsumiki chan, I just want to know why you gave into despair". "K-komaeda~san, I-I, I'm in love with you ok?!", "I wanted so bad to hurt Hinata~kun but I knew that would make you sad, plus Chiaki would beat me again!".
"Chiaki also said if she got Hinata, that I-I could have y-you". I am surprised but not surprised at the same time. Since when was everyone falling for trash and worthless scum? Love is a dangerous emotion, Ichi, I have finally learned my lesson about this emotion.
"That is unreasonably understandable" I tell her. I just notice she was crying during the whole mini rant. "Tsumiki chan, don't cry, I don't hate you", "It's somehow understandable". "Really? Komaeda san doesn't hate me?" She asks, looking up slightly.
"Of course, I understand that you like me and don't really have a way of expressing it". "You have a unique way of expressing your feelings too Ko". "Shut up Ichigo". "Yo, there was this one time we were out with Jordan and there was this girl flirting with him right?".
Tsumiki nods. "Ichigo, shut up". She starts to laugh, "So when Jordan had turned around for a few minutes, Ko dragged the girl and yeeted her". I looked away as both girls starts to laugh. "It's not funny" I grumbled. "You were so jealous that day, and Jordan was so confused" Ichigo says in between laughs.
"Ok this is bullying". "Would you like to hear more stories?" Ichigo asks excitedly. "Y-yes!". "No, hell no!" I yelled. They both laugh again.
Present Time...
I'm not dead? So who did the bullet hit-? I had turned around and my eyes were filled with horror. No no no no no no no no no! "Jordan!". I had rushed over to him, "Please, please don't die" I mumbled. "Marshmallow? Oh hey". I glare at him, "Don't say so causally asshole". He laughs softly and caresses my face.
"I am sorry you know" he mumbles. "I heard everything earlier you know? I wasn't sleep", "Of course I forgive you". "Stop crying, it would be a shame if they came for you, just to see you die infront of them". I didn't actually notice the tears on my face, but they were running. "You didn't have to do that", "You could've pushed me out of the way!" I yelled.
"You're end up having a headache from crying and yelling", "Are you still hungry? There's more food in my bag for you and Ichi" he asks. More tears filled my eyes, "You're dying and you're worried about me?!". "So you're not hungry? I had brought you some bagels and onigiri" he tells me.
"Stop, stop doing that". "Ichi, can you hear me?". "No all I hear is you dying" she replies, sarcastically. He laughs hoarsely, "Anyways, I had got you some, actually it's a lot of food". "You're an asshole you know that?!" She yells. "So I've heard". "I'm going to kill you" she mumbles.
"But I'm already dying, Ichi". "Well stop dying". "It was either today or sooner" he mumbles. "What?", "Ichi what is he talking about?" I asked. She looks away and down. "Marshmallow, I was always dying just like you", "I just ended it a lot sooner" he tells me.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!", "You can't just die like this!" I yelled. "You're definitely going to have a headache later". "Stop worrying about me baka!", "Where is Tsumiki?!" I yelled. "Having a panic attack in the corner" Ichi responds. "You're not helping her?" I asked.
"I'm going too, but I'm waiting for the perfect opportunity" she says with a smirk. "Do you guys like forgetting other people are here?" Chiaki asks. "This is your fault you fucking bitch". "Nah, it just mean you're irrelevant" Ichi states.
Why does she have to be funny in the wrong moments? I hear slight giggles from behind me. Not them too. "Stupid strawberry". "Thanks for the compliment, but the name suits you better". Jordan laughs hoarsely. "Try not to move, alright?" I tell him.
"I'm going to die Marshmallow it's fine", "I'm just glad I could spend it with the both of you". "Ok before this gets completely sad again, can I just embarrass Ko?" Ichi asks. "No what the hell!" I yelled. "Is it more stories from earlier?" Tsumiki asks.
"You get a sticker!" Ichi yells. "Please no more stories" I mumbled. "Heh, I heard the one from earlier" Jordan says. My face turns red, "No you didn't!". "You yeeted a girl behind my back" he says with a weak smirk.
"So like I was saying, this time we were out with Haji and two girls tried flirting with him". I internally groaned. "Both of those girls ended up in a hospital" she finishes while laughing. I did not want him to know that. "Sooo, you're still yeeting people Marshmallow?" Jordan asks me.
"Shut up". "Can I tell the next story Ichi?". "Oh yeah! You were there too go ahead". "So, Marshmallow was with Mr.Tall and Mysterious and five girls had walked up to them". "Jordan pleaseeee, don't say this one" I begged. He laughs some and then starts coughing.
"Alright let's hurry the story up so can properly say goodbye", "Basically those girls almost ended up dead". "So why is this funny to you guys?" Hinata kun asks. "The jealousness and possessiveness within these acts" Ichi responded.
"Are you guys done now?", "This was so annoying to watch" Chiaki stated, rolling her eyes. She pulls back out the gun and points it at me. "I think it's time for you—". Chiaki's life flashed before her life before her bullet hit Jordan again.
"NOOOO, JORDAN PLEASE" I cried. Ichigo had shot Chiaki with tears in her eyes. "Ichi...come here" he whispered. She didn't move, "I wanna... spend the last few moments with... you both". She quickly sat down next to me.
"Both of you...stop crying", "I at least want to see you smile" he says. "You want us to fucking smile while you're dying?!" Ichi yelled, more tears falling down. "In my final moments, yes". I grab his hand and intertwine my pinky with his.
I smile through my tears, "I promise". "Marshmallow?". "I'm promising the same thing Ichigo did" I tell him. He smiles, "Ichi smile". She wipes her tears and gives her brightest smile that she could give. "Thank you... both of you". "Aishiteru, to the both you" he tells us. "Aishiteru Jordan~kun". "Aishiteru Jay".
Two hours later the police had finally arrived. Chiaki did it, she officially made both of us traumatized. Jordan...he died in my arms, Ichi ended up killing Chiaki, and Tsumiki was escorted to a mental hospital.
"So are you guys going to finally tell him you're the same person?" Ichi asks. Wait what? "You guys are what?". "Me and Izuru are indeed the same person, he just uses magic to have his own body temporarily" Hinata~kun explains. "Basically I have feelings for the same person but in different bodies?" I asked.
"Yeah, we just never told you" he stated. I look to Izzy and he looks away. "How am I going to choose then? I can't have the both of you". "Who said you had to choose?". We all turn to Izzy, "What?". "Sugar, you don't have to choose" he tells me. "And why is that?".
"I'm not going to keep hurting Hajime just because I want my own body", "I've already told you how I feel, so there's no point anymore" he states. "This is what you meant, oh how you hurt me you big softy" I tell him, going up and hugging him.
"I told you I'll tell you later" he mumbled. "I'm going to miss you, if you merge back together". "Would you like to choose between us then" he asks, smirking while letting me go. "Hell no! If you merge I'll technically have both of you so it's a win for me".
He smiles at me, "I'll make sure Hajime doesn't hurt you nor do anything stupid". "Hey! I'm right here that is so rude" he yells. Izzy and I laugh at him. "So, see you later?". "Yeah, see you later Sugar, don't get kidnapped again or I'm not coming to get you" he says walking towards Hinata~kun.
"You lie! You'd be the first person to come look for me". He stop and smiles, "Yeah I am". Within moments, they merged back together, now it's just Hinata~kun. "Nagi, I know today has been shit but I at least have some things to say".
"I also know we don't know much about each other, but I'm willing to get to know you better as my boyfriend?". I smile, "Of course I'll be your boyfriend silly". He hugs me tightly, "Aishiteru". "Aishiteru Hajime".
AND THAT'S THE END FOLKS! BUT WAIT, THERE'S MOREEEEE! Keep scrolling please, and I mean past the Halloween special. Also it's kinda convenient this is the last chapter which is also the longest.
Finished on: 12/16/20
Published on: 12/16/20
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