*~Chapter 55: Love and Hope vs. Despair pt.1~*
Nagito's POV
My body hurts. I don't know how many hours I was in that stupid chamber. There's a lot of scars here I that I wished happened for different reasons. "Ichi? Are you ok over there?" I asked. And most of my voice is gone from all of the screaming I did at the end.
"Worry about yourself dumbass, are you ok?" she asks. "No, i've always been dying you know?". "Ko, listen, Izuru is coming for us tonight", "Jordan told me that while you were knocked out" She whispers. "Izzy? Heh, That's good...isn't it?". "Hey ko? Ko? Ko!".
Ichigo's POV
Great he passed out, probably from the lack of blood and food. This is fucking stupid. How long have we been here? I wanna see my babies again, and I can't let Ko die without getting with Hajime and having dem babies. "Ichigo". "Jordan, you little fucking bitch", "Welcome back" I tell him.
"Don't snap on me, I'm risking my life to help the both if you", "If I genuinely didn't like Marshmallow, you'd be here for a long time". "That's so fucked up you know?", "My life matter's too you know?!" I yelled. "That's why I'm helping you too, more importantly Marshmallow wouldn't accept help if I didn't help you" he tells me.
"So you're just helping us out of love?" I asked, angrily. "Yes and you both don't deserve it". My eyes soften as his voice did. "This was also the way to make up for all the bad things I've done to you in the past" he mumbles. "Never knew that an evil compliance can have a beautiful heart" I joked.
"They usually do, but I'm still evil Ms.Hoshi" he says smirking. I smile, "You know, you're not so bad I guess". "You guess?! That's so mean Ichi", "Wait can I call you that?" He asks. "Yes that's perfectly fine with me". We laugh, "I am deeply sorry for harassing you".
"I wanna guess it was because of Chiaki, but I think that was your own agenda" I tell him. "Both technically, Chiaki really wants both of you to be traumatized" he explains. "Was not expecting that, but I'm not surprised". "Do you think Marshmallow will forgive me?" He asks softly.
"Most likely, but he won't forget" I replied. "That's all I want, he can hate me for the rest of his life as long as forgives me". Boy do I hate my multi shipper heart. "Ok stop, you're making me feel bad for you and I do not like that" I tell him. He laughs, "Don't feel bad for me I had it coming".
"If this is your true personality, don't change Jordan" I tell him softly. "I'll try not too". For some reason now, I genuinely felt bad for him. Maybe it's just me being nice after giving him a proper chance. "Ichi?". "Yeah?". "Can you... promise me something?" He asks.
I hesitate for a second, "Of course". "Promise me that you and Marshmallow will always be happy". "I— I can't promise that!". "You already said 'of course' which I was not expecting" he tells me. I look away, "S-shut up!", "I can't promise that".
"Oh how you hurt me, Ichi" he playfully whines. "Oh how I could hurt you if I wasn't tied up" I threatened. He stares at me, and I look away slowly. "S-stop fucking staring at me creep". "Are you...blushing?" He asks with a smirk. "Pfft! As if, you are very unattractive". "Yeah, so you say but most of the girls wanted to date me".
"Shut up". "So I was to untie you, would you hurt me?" He asks. "Maybe" I mumbled. He bends down in front of me and looks up, "Don't look down, that's not good". I glare at him and he smiles. "Don't fucking smile sadistic fuck!" I yelled quietly. "Last time I checked, you're the sadistic one" he says, smirking.
"I'm going to fucking hurt you" I growled. "And I'm going to loosen the ropes" he says smiling. "I— what?". He presses his index finger to my lips and whispers in my ear. My eyes widen at what he just told me. He looks back at me, "Don't look at me like that", "Can you now make the promise?".
"There's no way I—". "Ichigo, promise me, a pinky promise if I must" he says. "My pinky is behind me" I tell him. He intertwines my pinky with his, "Promise?". "I— yeah promise". "Stay here, he should be here any moment". Don't do anything stupid please.
Izuru's POV
We're finally here. I swear I'm going to get both of you out of here. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Hajime asks. I glare at him, "Why would he give us the wrong address unless he wanted to die". "Calm down, we're here now", "Let's just get them and go" he states.
"I don't it'll be that easy" Kirigiri say, speaking up. "I wouldn't imagine it'll be that way, it would be a surprise if it was" I tell her, walking into the building. There was a whole bunch of security guards inside. Damn, this shouldn't be a problem though.
"You two, find out where Sugar and Ichi are", "I'll handle the security gaurds" I whispered to them. They both nod and head in the opposite direction of me. "Excuse me gentlemen, I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to leave". "Sorry but you're not out boss" the leader stated. Well I assume it was.
"Such a shame, I didn't want to get dirty already" I mumbled taking off my coat. "Are you trying to fight all of us?" He asks. "Come at me then".
Hajime's POV
Kirigiri and I run around the building looking for Berrycake and Nagito. "For a building that looks small, it sure is big on the inside" I grumbled. "Stop complaining and focus", "They should be close around here" she whispered. "How would you know?" I asked.
"The only side only had supplies, it said it at the top" she replies. Maybe I should be paying more attention. "There's only three more doors left you check two and I'll check the last one" she tells me. I nod and quietly open the first door on the right. There was nobody in there, I look to Kirigiri and she shook her head.
There was only one door left, and it was guarded by two bodyguards. Kirigiri crawls back over to me, "How are we going to get passed them?" I asked. "I knock them out like I did the rest". "HOLY— god damn don't do that Izuru". "I apologize, but I didn't come to stand here and wait for people to move" he states.
He quickly walks up to the guards and knock them out. "Well that's one way to do that" I mumbled, getting up off the ground and walking towards the door. We both kick down the door, inside was Berrycake and Nagito tied up with Chiaki infront of them.
"I told you she had something to do with this" Izuru mumbled. "Shut up Izuru". "Ah Hinata kun! W-what are you doing here?" Chiaki asks nervously. "Here's a better question, why the fuck did you kidnap my bestfriends?!" I yelled. She pauses, then starts laughing.
"I did this for you" she replies while laughing. "We tried telling her that this would not work but ya know", "The bitch is delusional" Berrycake spoke up. "Shut up stupid Strawberry". "No,no she has a point", "Why the hell would you think this would work?!" I asked. "It would've worked if you didn't figure out" she mumbled.
"So you thought that we, me and Izuru wouldn't notice that OUR bestfriends have missing and we wouldn't search for them?" I asked, highly pissed. "Hand them over now or I'll break your skull" Izuru threatened. "Hold up, can I join in the skull breaking?", "Payback for having me here and breaking Nagito" Berrycake asks.
I look at Nagito, and he looked terrible. He had scars all over his body, his clothes were torn barely wearing anything, and more pale than usual. "What the fuck did you do to Sugar?!" Izuru yelled. Kirigiri and I held him back from killing Chiaki. "Like I said Mr.Kamukura, Someone close to death would probably want to finish the job".
"You son of a bitch!". "Aye! Stop yelling!", "Ko is trying to sleep" Berrycake whispered. "What? I'm not sleep dumbass". "Well oh shit, sleeping beauty is finally awake" Berrycake says smirking. "How the fuck was I supposed to sleep with the "evil" monologue and yelling?" He asked, though his voice was very hoarse.
"True that, y'all couldn't have came before the monologue?! That shit was boring" Berrycake whined. "For people who got kidnapped, you guys are complaining too much" I tell them. "No shit, we got kidnapped but like that also explain the damage that we have on our bodies" she says.
"Izu..ru, Izuru?", "Is Izzy here" Nagito asked. Berrycake burst out laughing, "Who do you think was doing all the yelling?". "Shut up, I was half asleep and only heard like three voices that was blending in" he mumbles. "Can you both shut up before I kill you?!" Chiaki yelled.
"Bold of you to say that infront of Izuru" they stated. "Also you've been saying that for a while now, Ko was almost dead but he got fixed and Cookies", "Which was totally unfair by the way" Berrycake complained. "So that explains why Tsumiki is here" Izuru mumbled.
"Sooo, you did this for what?" I asked. "So I could have you to myself" she answers. "Don't say anything, Berrycake". "God damnnn, my commentary is necessary sometimes you know" she says. "This is a serious situation". "I know, so I'm trying to act positive" she tell me.
I looked at Izuru and follow to where he was looking at. Nagito slipped out of the chair and it looks like he was walking towards Izuru himself. Izuru had started walking too, when Chiaki grabbed Nagito back and pointed a gun to his head.
"Not another fucking step or I'll kill him" she threatened. Izuru had stopped walking, cursing under his breath. I had notice Berrycake is also untied and she raised the chair she was sitting in, and hit Chiaki with it. She looses her grip on Nagito in the process off falling.
Author's Note: The next chapter is that last one, it'll probably be out by tonight hopefully, if not, tomorrow for sure.
Finished on: 12/14/20
Published on: 12/15/20
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