*~Chapter 48: Nightmare Land pt.2 Arguments~*
Nagito's POV
It's been awhile since I've talked to Hajime. I still feel weird calling him that. Everytime I see him talking to Nanami~san, it looks forced and the light in his eyes are gone. What is she doing to him? "Sugar Buns you're staring too hard". "Yeah I know shut up Izzy", "Wait Izzy?!".
"The one and only", "Now why are you still stalking them?" He asks. "I'm not stalking, it's called observering", "I'm not a stalker like you" I tell him. "I'm not a stalker Sugar Buns". "You literally just came out of nowhere". "Actually I saw you here and walked over" he says.
"Stalkerrrr". "Sugar Buns don't test me today" he threatens. "Oh no, Izzy is threatening his Sugar Bwuns again". "Soo, how many times will you do that?" He asks with a smirk. I push him away, "Shut up". "So what are we doing today?" He asks me. "It's not a 'we' today, I'm hanging out with Ichi".
"Is that why you're here, at the cafe you work at?". "Yeah, Ichi called me here for a reason". "Koko! Why are you sitting down talking?" She asks. "You called me here right?". "Yes I did, you have to work today" she scolds. "Sorry, I forgot". "Its fine, we're closing up early today so we can hangout afterwards" she tells me.
"Can I join?" Izzy asks. "No—". "Of course you can Izuwu, now I'm taking your precious Sugar Buns away from you" she says, pulling me away from the table. I turn and wave to Izzy, he smiles and waves back. I wonder if he'll be ok by himself.
Izuwu POV
Hmm, what should we do tomorrow? I know Sugar Buns wants to go to the carnival but what else can we do in the mean time? "Izuru". "Hajime". "Why do you keep hanging out with him?" He asks, sliding into the booth I was sitting at. I roll my eyes, "He's my friend you have a problem?".
"No, it's you guys always hangout with each other" he mumbles. I eye the girl who also sat next to him. "You don't see me asking and complaining about hanging out with her" I snapped. "I had already explained to you—". I cut him off, "Yes I know, and you also know that Nagito is my friend too".
My mood has been ruined by the headache that keeps coming and going. He was glaring at me and I was glaring back. "Friends don't hangout every second and every breath they have". "You jealous I get to hangout with him and you don't" I said with a smirk.
I don't care he had the to ask out the girl to save Sugar Buns, I've could've easily did it myself. "Why would I be jealous of emotionally numb person". I'm not numb anymore, at least I hope so. "I'm not numb, for someone who's really talentless, you talk a lot of shit".
I'm pissed and the one person who doesn't make me angry is working. "I'm not—". "Can I take your fucking order please?". I look to the maid and it was Sugar Buns, he looked pissed and annoyed. "I apologize" I mumbled. He was glaring at the both of us.
"Are you going say something Hajime?" He asks bitterly. "I apologize". "Great, now masters, what can I get for you today?" He asks, gritting his teeth with annoyance. "Can I start off with a drink?" I asked him. He looked annoyed with me, but then smiled. "Of course what type of drink can I get you?" He asks.
"Can I get water?". His smile dropped, "Sure, what can I get you?" He asks turning to Hajime. "Kusamochi". "No drinks?". "No thanks" he mumbles. "I'll come back with food and drinks" He stated, I could see a tiny smirk on his face. Nanami, I believe that's her name spoke up after he left, "You guys are embarrassing".
I tilt my head slightly, "Well I was here first, you guys came over here and started the conversation", "Mostly Hajime since he can never keep his mouth shut". He glares at me, I just roll my eyes. "I am sorry for the way he acted" she tells me. "I'm use to it".
"Hajime be nice to him" she scolds. "No one wants to be nice to a stuck-up, smartass like him". She hits him on the top of his head. "Apologize" she demands. "No way in hell, its not like he cares". That is true, I don't care. Now if it was Sugar Buns, that's a whole different story.
"So? You don't actually know if he has feelings or not". "Can you guys drop it, I liked it when it was silent at the table" I stated, I didn't care for their words. "I'm back, hopefully I didn't take long" Sugar Buns stated as hands us our food and drinks. While he was putting down my drink, he slipped a note to me.
I question him with my eyes and he just smirks. "Enjoy your meals, and drinks". "Marshmallow! I still haven't received my drink!". His ears flop to the side, maybe in annoyance? Though his tail brushed up against my leg, way too close to an area and then he leaves. I glare at him and he turns around smiles.
"Why did you glare at him?" Hajime asks. "No reason". I took a sip of my 'water'. I sighed, something told me he was not getting me water. I rolled my eyes and opened the note.
If you thought I was going to give you water ya wrong. You were look extra thirsty so I gave you Sprite instead. Have a nice time to waiting for me. <3
~Sugar Buns p.s check your phone
I refolded the note, and pulled out my phone. 2 text messages from Sugar Buns. Should I check it or? "How's everyone doing over here?". "We're good Berrycake". "That's good" she says with a smile. "Where's the maid for our table?" I asked. She smirks, "He's in the back". "So why are you here?" I asked, crossing my arms.
"You have a problem sir?". "Your coworker is mean, ma'am". She laughs, "Yeah, if you check your phone I'm pretty sure he gets meaner". She was smirking, "So you know what it is?". "Of course I do". "You're a bad influence on him" I tell her. "Bold of you to assume I told him to do that" she says.
I raise my eyebrow, "Maybe I did you don't actually know". I open the text Sugar Buns sent me and—. "Ichi we need you in the back". I glare at him, "Looks like someone finally opened it" Ichigo says giggling. "You wanna explain this?" I asked. His face turns red and he drags Ichigo away.
"What the fuck were you guys talking about?" Hajime asks. "Nothing, its nothing".
Sugar Buns
Izuwu: you're mean
Sugar Buns:
Nuh just
teasing a bit
Izuwu: fuck you
Sugar Buns:
You love me
Izuwu: 💖
Author's Note: I'm really out of it, if the chapters weren't good already, they got worse. I'm sorry for that and one day in the future will change that.
Finished on: 11/16/20
Published on: 11/20/20
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