*~Chapter 43: Birthday Date (WABS pt.3)~*
Nagito's POV
It's the end of the day now, I have to get ready to hangout with Izzy! I'm lowkey excited for it, but suppressing it. "Oh koko!". My crazy girl bestfriend is here. "Yes Ichi?". "So you know how you helped me the other day?" She asks. Something in her eye tells me this is mischievous.
"With Owada~kun?". "Yes, and you know how I mentioned I'll get you a date if you do?". Oh no. "Who is it?" I asked. "You already know, you have a birthday date!" She tells me. "A what?". "Birthday date! With Izuru slowww", "Now let's go get you ready" she says.
I blushed, "I already told you that you didn't have too". "But I did anyways". I have a date with Izzy, wow I'm now fucking nervous. Let's just hope I don't have a panic attack. Heh hope~ "So where are you guys going?" She asks me. "I don't know, he won't tell me" I stated pouting.
"Right, I forgot he said he wasn't going to tell you", "I already know so let's goooo".
"Ichigo chan, what am I wearing?" I asked. "I'm just exploring other options why?". "Why the hell am I wearing a leather bunny suit?!" I yelled. I was embarrassed just by wearing the outfit. "Can you do a little pose, for research purposes?" She asks.
I scrunch up my face and throw a shoe at her. "Hey! That's mean koko". "Hmph, research purposes my ass!", "You were going to take a picture and send it to Izzy!" I yelled. "I mean, you're not wrong", "It was going to be a gift from me to him" she states.
"Can I change out of this?", "I bet you already had an outfit planned". "Boo hoo Ko", "I did and you ruined my fun". I glared at her. "Fuck you and your fun", "I have a date that I didn't even know was a date!!". "At least you have one, it's not that big of an deal" she says, rolling her eyes.
"This is my first one, Ichi". She pulls out phone and starts typing. "What are you doing?". "Giving Izuru another death threat" she replies. My face turns red, "Ichi what the hell don't do that!", "And again?!". "Yeah, obviously I had set rules and give him the talk". "Ichi stop" I whined.
"No way, if he hurts you I'll kill him" she states. "He won't hurt me silly". "I know, he wouldn't dream of doing it", "Just a precaution". "Thanks Ichi, but now get me out of this damn outfit!" I yelled. "Just one picture!". "No you'll send it to Izzy!". "Its 4:54!". I pause, "Ichi he'll be here in 6 minutes!" I panicked.
"No shit sherlock" she states. I glare at her, "Get me out of this fucking outfit then!". The door bell rings and Ichi looks at me. My anxiety rose up. Is that really Izzy at the door? "I'll get the door alright?". I slowly nod my head. She walks out the room and slowly follow her, hiding behind the corner.
I peak around and it was Izzy. I'm not ready yet! What do I do? I can't get out of this myself. I quickly run back into my room and in the closet. Heh, I'm back in the closet, guess I never really stepped out of it. "Where is Sugar Buns?" I hear Izzy asks.
"Maybe in the bathroom changing or his closet" Ichi replies. "You said he was in a bunny suit". That bitch- "I did, probably trying to get out of it" Ichi says giggling. One day I'll kill her. "Ko you in here?". "No shit, why?" I asked. "Can you come out here?" She asks.
"Can you fucking help me out this damn outfit?!" I asked bitterly. "So bitter, I was just curious" she says giggling. "You were going to take a pic and send it to Izzy". "Well-". "I already know he's there dumbass". "Izuru can you please leave so I can help him?". "Sure, but hurry up".
The door closes and I let put a sigh of relief. "You can come out now" Ichi tells me. "Are you finally going to help me out of this stupid outfit?". "Yes, yes". I slowly step out of the closet and instantly regret it. Izzy was still standing right there. "I'm going back in the closet and staying there".
I quickly close the door, "You can't do that!" Ichi yells. My face was red and I'm embarrassed. I didn't want him to see me in this stupid outfit. "Fine, I'll help you out just let me in". "Hmph you better be telling the truth". "I am, I even have your actual outfit". "Good".
When I was finally alone with Izzy I felt embarrassed because of earlier. Stupid bestfriend, can't people get a refund on those? "Sugar Buns?". "Yes izzy?". "Are you ok? I feel like your not mentally here with me" he asks. "I'm fine, just still embarrassed" I admit.
"No need to be, it's just a costume". "A sexy one, might I add" I mumbled. "I don't care, would you like to go the movies or have dinner first?" He asks. "How about the movie?" I suggest. He grabs my hand, "Let's go then". "Isn't the movie theater on the other side of town?" I asked.
"Hm, that is correct". "How are we going to get there?" I asked. "Hop on my back". "Ok? That didn't answer my question though" I stated, climbing on to Izzy's back. "You'll see". I adjusted myself in a more comfortable position on his back and then Izzy jumps on top of a nearby house.
"Izzy what the hell?!" I yelled, clinging to him tighter. "Are you ok Sugar Buns?". "N-not really, I don't exactly like heights" I tell him. "Sorry, just hang on a little longer" he tells me. I close my eyes and quietly whimper. The wind felt nice as Izzy kept jumping from house to house.
"We're almost there, just hang on a bit more" he says. "Ok". "What movie would you like to watch?" He asks. "Hope vs. Despair 2". "Doesn't that have loud noises?". "Yes, but I still want to watch it" I say. "Fine".
3rd Person POV (Nagito Focused)
After the movie was over, we had dinner at this fancy restaurant. It was very pretty. Now, we're walking to another place but I can't tell where exactly because I'm blindfolded. "Izzy why am I blindfolded again?" I asked. "Because you can't see where we are going" he says.
I pout, "Why not?". "Its a surprise" he whispers in my ear. Chills go running down my spine. "H-hmph keep walking". "Are you nervous sugar buns?". "No, keep walking" I mumbled. "Catch me then" he says. "What? I can't see" I stated. "That's the point". I can feel him smirking though I couldn't see it.
"You're not serious, right?". I hear footsteps, they sound they were walking away. "I-izzy!" I actually start chasing him. "Not over there Sugar Buns, you're running into a pole" I hear him say. I stop and try to feel where he was. "Turn right a bit then walk forward". I was confused but did anyways.
He laughs, "That's the wrong way". I pout, "Don't laugh at me". "Follow my voice". "That's no help!" I yelled, trying to hit him. He just laughs even more. "I'm going to beat you up" I threatened. "That's if you can catch me first". I started running again, swinging in different directions.
"You have to do better than that Sugar Buns" Izuru laughed. The two ran down the dark streets, chasing each other. We can say this is the first time these two were really genuine with their feelings. Their laughter filled the dark night.
Nagito finally caught Izuru and fell on him. They both laugh at each and Izuru takes the blindfold off of Nagito. Izuru takes Nagito's hand and pulls him up, "We're at put destination". "Why are we at Ichi's house?" Nagito asks as they walk up the stairs.
Izuru brings the door bell and Ichigo opens the door. "Surprise!". His classmates were all there, but he was confused. Izuru leans down and whispers, "Happy Birthday by the way".
Author's Note: procrastination, fuck you. Anyways this finally done, this chapter is my favorite tbh, but the next one shall be yours ;)
Finished on: 10/25/20
Published on: 11/16/20
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