*~Chapter 4: A Very Strange Day~*
Ok so this chapter might suck, because this wasn't planned. Please don't hate the chapter I promise it'll be good, though it suck very much. I hope you still enjoy though.
Nagito's POV
Why did Hinata~kun and Ichigo~chan take trash out to mall, just to get dinner? "Um, Ichigo~chan?". "Yes Komaeda~kun?". "Why are we at the mall again?" I asked her. "Oh, because we aren't wearing our uniforms out, duh" she replied. "I could've simply changed at home". "Too bad" she says.
I quietly groan. I don't want to be here anymore. To be honest with myself, they're probably being nice out of pity. Nobody wants to hangout with trash. I'll find someway to leave. I have the perfect idea.
"Hey um I gotta use the bathroom, I'll be right back" I say, running before giving anyone the chance to respond back. Knowing that I'm out if eyesight, I run to the exit. As much as I want to hangout with them, I don't want to hurt them.
I sigh and walked back home. It's very lonely here. I explore around my house, like I've never been here before. I laugh sadly, trash like me deserve to be alone. I hum while walking around my house. It doesn't feel like a home, it never did.
I change into my white shirt with the symbol on it, black jeans, and green hoodie. Maybe I should clear my head and go to the Kissaten, like I originally planned. So, I headed out the door and to the Kissaten.
Change of plans, I'm being chased. I had no idea Hinata~kun and Ichigo~chan would be mad and chase me down! They're crazy! Well not crazier than me, well I don't know about Ichigo~chan, she might be. I turn in a dark alley way. This a bad idea.
I turn around and see Hinata~kun, and he is pissed off. I gulp and try to run, but he grabs me. "Where the hell have you been?!" He yells. I accidentally start to shake. Nobody has ever yelled at me before so it scares me. "Well I'm trash and-" he pins to a wall.
"Finish those words and I'll kidnap you". "That's a joke, right?" I ask nervously. "Of course it is, now explain". "Well, I'm not use to hanging out with people, because nobody really wants to be friends with trash, so I maybe ran away?". I mentally face palm. Why did I say it like a question?
"First off you're not trash, secondly why didn't you say so?" He asks me, his tone softened a bit. He let's go of me. "Well I'm kinda socially awkward, if you couldn't tell". He nods and walks away, leaving me alone, in a dark creepy alley. Is it bad that I don't know self defense?
I slowly walk out the alley, only to get pinned by some strange guy. "Heeyyy cutie~" he slurred. Oh God, I can smell the alcohol from his breath. It's disgusting. "How about I take you to my house eh?". "Sorry but I must be going, now if u excuse me-". I try to run but the guy slams me into a wall.
I yelp, hoping someone heard. Ah hope~! Not the time! I struggled to get out of his grip, but it was tight, too tight. I yelled louder. This hurts like hell! Will, will he kill me? I kinda hope so, trash like me deserve to die.
"What's wrong cutie?", "There's no need to be scared, I'll treat you right" he says with a wink. Ew. As much I don't want to live but, I hope someone comes to save me. And right on cue, Hinata~kun kicked the guy in his face. Holy shit! Why does he keep surprising me today?
"Are you ok?" He asks me. "I'm fine, though why are you here?" I asked him. "I heard a very loud yelp, and decided to come back" he stated. Well that makes sense. "Your wrist doesn't look to good". "I'm fine, now I'm going home", "Thank you for save me" I stated, then walked away.
Today was very eventful. I got kidnapped, then almost got kidnapped. I technically made two friends? Which is good though, they probably don't like trash me. If they didn't, would they basically kidnap me?
Hinata~kun probably doesn't like me at all, but tolerates me because of Ichigo~chan. Ichigo~chan is very nice and might actually like me, for me, trash! I can tell she really cares about me, to invite me to sit with her and Hinata~kun during lunch. I still feel bad I made her cry, I'm such an inconsiderate piece of trash!
I made such a pure and hopefully soul cry. I shall be her and Hinata~kun stepping stone! And maybe try to be friends with them! I can't wait for tommorow! For the first time in forever, I went to sleep with an smile on my face. I can't wait for tommorow!
Author's Note: This chapter ooc sorry and it sucks. Some of may still like it while others don't. Also these two chapters weren't supposed to out yet but I'm nice so here ya go!
Finished on: 5/22/20
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