*~Chapter 34: Pervy Ahoge~*
Hajime's POV
She did not have throw me in here. I groaned and look around the office. "Nagi?". He stops and turns to me, "W-what are you doing here?" he asks nervously. "I got thrown in here by Berrycake after the whole class basically destroyed the classroom" I explained. Did I forget to mention he was now wearing blue panda high knee socks, and an oversized light blue hoodie.
I smirked, "Nice outfit". He face urns pink, "Get out!". I chuckle at him, "I'm not doing any harm". "I will" he stated, as he grabbed a pillow and started hitting me. "Hey! Don't hit me", "I just came out of hell and back!" I yelled. He stops hitting me with the pillow and puff out his cheeks. "Come here reckless" He mumbled as he pulled me off the ground.
He forcefully push me on one of the beds and grabs an first aid kit. "You couldve been more gentle with me" I pouted. He glares at me. "Hmph, I don't want to help you but none of the nurses are currently in" He says walking back towards me. "So why are you here?" I asked. "Ichigo~chan brought me here so i could calm down", "I was perfectly fine until someone came in" He explained. "Shady, I didn't choose to come in here".
"I don't care, I feel violated" he grumbles. He starts treating my wounds and I couldn't help but stare at him. He was like an angel, his whitish-pink hair and his cloudy eyes, he's so majestic. "Why are you staring at me?", "I need you to um take off your shirt" He tells me. "I wasn't staring, I spaced out" I say, taking off my shirt.
Nagi's face turns pink. He leans over me again, and treats the wounds on my stomach. His hoodie was coming up a bit, "So why aren't you in your uniform?" i asked. "None of your business" He grumbles. "You're so feisty today" I say smirking. He hits me again, "Trash can't be feisty". "Oh come on, you were being so confident", "Don't stop now" I say.
"I'm not confident at all, your eyes decive you" He says. "You can be when you want, props to Berrycake I don't know how she does it" I stated. "She wouldn't want you praising her", "Ichigo~chan is amazing, somehow she read me like an open book". "What do you mean?", "She does that to everyone even Izuru! His face was priceless" I say.
"Kamukura~kun?", "You both never told me how you know each other". "It's a long story, plus we don't talk to each other" I explained. "I see, you guys are total opposites anyways, physically and personality wise" he says. Funny how he says that. "How could you be sure?" I asked, secretly smirking. "I've seen the both of you plenty of times, so yes I'm sure".
I lift up his chin slowly and stops tending. "Is there something you need?" he asks. I smirk, "So how do you know we aren't the same length?". He blushes, "I-i don't b-but why does that matter?!". "Then you wouldn't know physically if we were the same" I explained, smirking. His face turns red and he hits me. "Why does that matter?!", "You can treat yourself" He yells.
Before he could walk away I pulled him a bit harder than I meant too. He landed on my chest and slowly looked up at me. "Hinata~kun why would you do that?", "Let me go" He whined. "I'm sorry Nagi, for being an asshole and starting your panic attack again". "Though I can't apologize for being a perv, just can't help it" I tell him.
"It's fine Hinata~kun, besides you being a perv", "Just keep your hands to yourself" he states. "But you're too hot, I can't my hands off you" I say dramtically. He rolls his eyes, "Seriously let me go". "And what if I don't want too?" I asked smirking. He hits my chest, "Nagi stop abusing me!" I playfully whined.
"You're such an child, let me go HInata~kun" he whined. "No, you'll leave me if I do, don't leave meeeee" I whined. He gets out of my grip, "Damn straight, now let me finish so you can leave" He stated, annoyed. "Why do you want me to leave so badly?", "I know I'm annoying but I'm not that annoying". "I told you before, I feel violated". "Fine, fine continue".
A couple of minutes passed and the room was filled with silence. "So, why were you with Izuru anyways?" I asked. "I wasn't originally with him, we had bumped into each other and decided to hang out" he explained.
"Sure 'hang out' because that leads to hickeys" I remarked annoyed. "Well I didn't mind it, if it was to help Hinata~kun the I'll be glad to help". "To help me?", "That's really funny". "Kamukura~kun said it would help you go after what you want".
Fuck this did sort of help me, but I'm going to end up taking the wrong path, I can feel it. "Well I take it back then". He smiles, "I'm almost done, you have a lot scars" he tells me. "That's what happen when you fight your whole class".
"You did what?!", "You said the classroom was ruined!" He yelled. "Yeah, because of the fights I had to take on everyone including Yukizome~sensei" I explained. He hits my head and puff out his cheeks. "No wonder Ichigo~chan threw you in here reckless!".
"I'm fine, but you should've seen the other guy" I say winking. He groans, "You're such an idiot Hinata~kun, I wonder how Ichigo~chan dealt with you". I laugh nervously, "A raging hell", "Serious she almost killed me once because I got into a fight with a gang of people".
"You really are reckless, I'm done the wounds should be healed tomorrow or the day after" He says, putting everything back into the kit. (Or the dicccccc ight ima leavevveveve) "You're fixed now get out" he says with a smile.
"Why you gotta be so rude to me, all I do is love and protect you" I say dramatically. "That sounds like Kamukura~kun, since he's saved me a few times but you guys can't love worthless scum". I sigh, "And here I though you stopped talking down on yourself".
I get up and walk towards him, he backs up into a wall. Perfect. I pin him so he couldn't move, "Hinata~kun, please move I've had enough getting pinned against the wall this week" he says. "Not yet, I'm feeling a bit mean right now", I lightly touch his hickeys with my hand.
"You know, I should've been the one to give you these", "It really pisses me off". His face goes red, "W-what are you t-talking about?", "W-why do you care?" He asks nervously. "Are you dating Izuru?". "No, if I did why does it matter?". "Don't get feisty with me Nagi, I'm asking the questions".
"Hmph whatever". "Did you consent?". "I didn't mind, it did take me by surprise though" he repiles. "So why didn't you push away?". "Like I said I didn't mind, so I didn't push away". "Why didn't he come home last night?".
"What makes you think I know?". "Nagi, you were with him were you not?" I asked. "I was but—". "So why didn't he come home?". He sighs, "Before I answer, please don't get and interrupt me". "Ok". "He stayed over to keep me company". (Stream Company by Alli Fitz)
"Did you guys sleep in the same bed?". I let go of him and backed up a bit. His face was a bit pink. "We um did, though it was because we couldn't agree" he answers. "Ugh he always runs something for me!" I yelled. I knocked down one of the curtains. "Hinata kun stop, why are mad?".
"Cause it's fucking bullshit!", "You shouldn't have been anywhere near him!". "He kept me company, why should it matter to you?". "I'm just looking out for you Nagi". "It sounds like you're trying to control my actions and I don't like that".
"Nagi, I care for you and don't want you to get hurt". A pair of arm warp around Nagi and instantly glares at me, "If you have a problem with our relationship than you can fuck off".
Author's Note: I'm doneeeeeee. It's so relaxing to listen to asmr while writing. Anyways enjoy the chapter, I'm going to take a break but not take a break. Also I'd like to say thank you guys for reading this story, I like making people happy.
Finished on: 08/05/20
Published on: 08/05/20
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