*~Chapter 26: A Very Long Night ~*
Nagito's POV
It was weird having Jordan~kun at work everyday. He gives me these weird looks everytime I pass by him. It creeps me out. "Ko!", "It's almost time to close up!" Ichigo~chan yelled from the other room. I sigh. He was still there. "Um excuse, I'm going to have to ask you to leave" I say.
"Oh ok" he says, getting up to leave. That was easy, too easy. I walk to the back where the changing room was. "Hey don't forget to bring your heels", "Also are you coming back to my house?" Ichigo~chan asks, rummaging through her cubby.
"Yeah, though can we stop by my house?", "I want to get extra clothes" I replied, taking off my uniform. "Ok, Haji ordered food by the way" she tells me. I freeze, "He's still there?", "Its like midnight or something" I asked. "Yeah, sometimes he stays over" she explains.
"Um Ichigo~chan", "I did something bad to Hinata~kun" I stated, finishing getting dressed. "What did you do?" She says turning to me. "I may or may not had teased Hinata~kun before we left" I say shyly, looking down. She starts laughing, "You're fucked Ko!", "All I say is good luck" she says heading out the room, I follow her.
"W-wait!", "Why can't you help me?!" I asked nervously, not understanding what she means. "There's no convincing him otherwise after that" she replies. I gulp, so I'm not scared of Hinata~kun, I'm scared of what he'll do. He's actually quite adorable, besides when he gets dominate. I shuddered.
Dominate people are scary. What will he do to me though? "So do you know what he might to do me?" I asked her, while she locks up the shop. "Not really, so you really are on your own" she replies. "Who are we talking about today?" A familiar voice said. "Go away Jordan" she says, finishing locking up.
"Ah, but I didn't do anything" he says smirking. Ichigo~chan grabbed my wrist and dragged me away. "Aww where are we going?" He asks, following us. Ichigo chan stops, "There is no 'we', it's me and Ko" she growls. "I just wanted to hangout with guys, it's been awhile" he says creepily.
Ew, I smell despair. I look at him disgusted. He grabs me and pull me closer to him. "If that can't happen", he grazes my face, "I'll just take the cutie". Right on cue Kamukura~kun came and kicked him in the face. My face lit up, "Hi Kamukura~kun!". "Hi Komaeda" he says coldly.
Same Kamukura~kun! Glad he didn't change. "What are you guys doing out late, it's midnight" he asks, in his normal cold tone. "We were hanging out and about to go home" Ichigo~chan replied. "Ugh, just go I'll keep him here" he groaned. "Thanks Kamukura~kun!" I said with a smile. "Just keep smiling Komaeda", "Just keep smiling" he mumbles.
I was confused but kept walking with Ichigo~chan anyways. "Do you know Kamukura~kun, Ichigo~chan?". "Yeah I do, he's a big softy once you get to know him" she says. "Really?", "Kamukura~kun is really a true person of hope!". Ichigo~chan giggles. "He's already grown soft on you", "Cause really I'm surprised you know his name" she says.
"Does anybody knows Kamukura~kun's name?" I asked. "No, unless you're close with him or trusts you". "So Kamukura~kun trusts me?". "Most likely, or it could be something else" she says as we near my house. "Then it is very strange then", "But we're here, you're welcome to come inside" I say, unlocking my door.
"Sure, I want to see what the inside of your house looks like anyways" she says. We both walk in and I turn on the lights. "Holy shit, how is it so big in here", "You might as well call this a mansion inside a normal house!" She exclaimed. "I'm not exactly proud of it but I'm glad you like it" I say, climbing up the stairs.
She follows me into my room. "Whoa your room is amazing!". "Your room is better". "Whatevs, show me what type of outfits you have". I lightly blush, remembering some the embarrassing clothes that I have. "Um how about you pick Ichigo~chan" I say. "She pushes past me and runs through my closet.
"You're an natural femboy Ko?" She asks me. "An shy one actually, I guess you can say I'm in the closet" I say trying to be funny. Ichigo~chan starts laughing, "Omg that was not cool", "But seriously you should Express yourself more, be comfortable!" She says.
"I don't know about that, just choose some outfits and let's go" I mumbled. "Ok jesus".
The night has been a very long one. We finally made it back to Ichigo~chan's house. I'll admit, I was nervous as hell, because Hinata~kun was still there. "How about we go back to my house" I stuttered out nervously. "Ko you act like he's going to kill you" she groaned.
"I wouldn't mind that actually" I say with a smile. She glares at me, "O was going to help you at first, but nevermind, I'll let him eat you alive" she says annoyed. I blush, "Eat me?". "Yeah but why are you–?", "Oh ohohohoh, thinking dirty are we?" She asks smirking.
I blush more, "I– no I mean–". The door opens and reveals an angry Hinata~kun. My face turns red and look down at the ground. He had obviously just got out the shower, he was wearing black joggers and had a towel around his neck, with no shirt on showing his abs.
"Where the hell have you guys been?" He asks angrily. "We were hanging out, we got sidetracked of time and came later than expected" she explained annoyed. "It's late!", "What if something bad happened to you guys?!" He scolded. "That already happened and we're fine, well I think Ko is anyways" she replies.
"The fuck does that mean?", "Someone tried something and you didn't call me?!" He yelled. She sighs, "If you're that worried your boyfriend just ask him how he feels" she says pushing through him. I tried to walk past him too, but he grabbed me, close the door and pinned me to it.
"You don't think I forgot about that stunt you pulled" he growled. I nervously smile. "Nothing to say huh?". He sighs and leans towards me. My face heats up more, he passes my lips and goes to my ear. "I'll guess I'll punish you later then" he whispers. I whimper and my pants instantly get tight.
He leans back and looks me up and down. "I didn't have to do much did I?" He says chuckling. I was beyond embarrassed, I slid down against the door. I hear Hinata~kun sigh. He picks me up bridal style. "Let's run you a nice cold bath" he mumbles. I snuggle into him. "Aww you're adorable". I lightly hit him, "Jerk". "You started this Mr.Tease". "Hmph".
Author's Note: I hope you guys enjoyed! Also idk why I keep writing Nagito out of character. It's kinda pissing me off. Anyways, I have a question for you guys, after this book is done is there an au you guys would like for me to do? The book isn't ending soon, I think, it's just for the future.
Finished on:07/14/20
Published on: 07/15/20
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