*~Chapter 25: Breakdown~*
Warning!: The following chapter contains mental breakdowns, sharp objects, and gay. Do not try what Nagito did, enjoy.
Nagito's POV
I open my eyes and let them adjust to the lighting. This is the second time I ended up at Ichigo~chan's house, because of an altercation. My whole body hurts, but it feels better. I look to the side of me, and just like the last time, he was there.
Why do you care so much? Just let trash like me go. You'll be better off, you and Ichigo~chan. I wanted to cry, I really wanted to spill my guts to them both, but I can't. It's too painful to talk about. Though it could help to open up, or it could backfire and be even more painful.
It's funny, I usually hide my emotions, but recently I've been doing a terrible job. You've softened me Hinata~kun. Why did you do this to me? I'm scared to love again. Tears threaten to fall. Stupid emotions, I was broken and couldn't feel before, what's the difference now? Was I having another breakdown?
No, don't do this now. "Komaeda?", "You're awake! Are you ok?" He asks. I don't respond. "Are you ok?", "Do you hate me?" He asks reaching towards me. I flinch and back up a bit. His eyes sadden a bit. "What's wrong?", "Well you don't have to necessarily tell me anyways, but I want to help you" he says softly.
No he doesn't, he wants to hurt you. No go away, I don't need stupid voices right now! "Komaeda, are you upset with me?" He asks sadly. I slowly back away from him. I want to go closer, but I'm scared. My breathe gets ragged. So I am having a panic attack. Great.
"Ok, so you don't look good", "Um I don't know what to do" he says, worriedly. I tried to reach out for him, but my breathe got more ragged. Tears started falling. I can't breathe, I can't breathe. I started panicking even more. He tried to touch me and I screamed. Ichigo~chan ran in the room.
"What is going–?" She spotted me and her eyes soften. "Haji, did you try to touch him?" She asks softly. I couldn't really see her, because of the tears in my eyes. "Yeah, do you–". She hit him on his head. "You're not supposed to touch or try to touch someone while they're having a panic attack!" She scolded.
"Oh, I didn't know he was" he says shyly. "It's obviously really", "I'll be back make sure he doesn't try anything" she says heading towards the door. "Yes ma'am" he replied sarcastically. I wanted to laugh but couldn't. I look to the nightstand and saw a needle, me not being in the right state of mind, grabbed it.
Hinata~kun grabbed my wrist and I screamed. I still was having a panic attack so I couldn't handle physical touch. Ichigo~chan rushed back in she put headphones over my ears and started playing soothing sounds. I relaxed after hearing them, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hurt myself still.
Hajime POV
"Ok Haji, what the hell did you do?!" Berrycake yelled. "So he tried to stab himself and I grabbed him" I replied. She hits my head again. "Ow". "Look, I get that you're trying to help and, omg stop Ko" she says. I turn to him and ge was trying to stab himself again, so I knocked needle out of his hand.
He tried to grab it again, but I picked him up. I snatched off the headphones, "Bad Komaeda" I scolded. "Let me go" he mumbled, trying to crawl back to the needle. I stop him, "Berrycake what room doesn't have any sharp objects?" I asked her, trying my best not to hurt Komaeda.
"My room" she replies. "Ok, I'll take him there" I say getting up and picking Komaeda up in the process. He was struggling against, and somehow got out of my grip and picked up the needle. Why the hell was a needle here in the first place? I grabbed him again, and somehow got strength to actually fight back.
"Berrycake do you have anything to restrain him with?" I asked, now wrestling with Komaeda. I was trying my best not to hurt him again. "I have handcuffs" she says swinging them around her fingers. "Why do you–?", "Nevermind hand them over" I growled, getting irritated by Komaeda.
She throws them to me and I catch them with my teeth. I pin him on the ground and um handcuff him. To be honest, he looked cute struggling under me. He started screaming, and it pained me to see him like that. I picked him up and take him to Berrycake's room. He was still screaming then started whimpering because of how loud he was being.
I made it to her room, and laid him down gently on the bed. He sat up, struggling against the handcuffs and his breathe was getting ragged again. I grabbed his chin to make him look at me. "Hey calm down, I'll let you go if you do" I said softly. He looks at me softly and nods.
"Y'all better not be fucking in my room!" Berrycake yelled from downstairs. We both blushed and I uncuffed him. "Are you ok now–", "Oof!". He tackled me into a hug, he felt so cold. "I'm sorry Hinata~kun" he mumbled. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault" I say softly.
"I really am worthless trash" he mumbles in my shirt. I pull him into my lap. "No you aren't", "You're amazing" I mumbled softly. My shirt slowly started getting wet. "Komaeda?", "Hey don't cry" I mumbled, lightly ruffling his hair. And he starts crying even more. He's really emotional today. I guess he's not use to this.
"Hinata~kun", "I don't deserve you guys" he mumbles, pushing me away. He was starting to get up, but I grabbed him lightly and pulled him back to me. Komaeda looks away from me, "Komaeda?". No reply. I lift his chin so he looks at me. His face was stained from crying and it was a light pink.
"Nagi?". "Huh?!". I lightly blush, "It's an um nickname, Berrycake has one for you and I don't" I explained. Silence filled the room, how can he still look so majestic even when crying? "I'm sorry". "Don't be, you have no reason too", "All I want you to is remember me and Berrycake is here for you" I say, kissing his cheek.
His face turns even more pink. "Thank you, Hinata~kun", "For everything" he says softly. Oh fuck he's so adorable!! He crawls back into my lap and sits. I blush a bit more. He looks up at me so innocently. Can you please tone down the cuteness?! He starts moving around on my lap, I bit my lip.
"Nagi, please stop moving" I groaned. "What are you talking about, Hinata~kun?" He asks tilting his head. Damn it, he's so fucking cute! Without an answer, he keeps moving, and I feel my pants tightened. "Hey Ko?", "We need to get going if you're ok now" Berrycake yells from downstairs.
He stops, "Well I'll see you later Hinata~kun" he says smiling. Wait he can't just leave! He kisses my cheek than leaves. He left me hard. I groaned out of frustration.
Author's Note: So um don't kill me for this. :3
Finished on: 07/12/20
Published on: 07/15/20
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