*~Chapter 24: Hurting & Confused~*
Nagito's POV
It's almost the weekend and this week has been pretty eventful. With my cycle of good and bad luck, everything is fine. Also my birthday is in a week. I sigh. My alarm hasn't even went off yet. That stupid nightmare keeps coming to me and I don't like it.
What if I end up like that? No I won't. Wait, I feel like I'm forgetting something. Didn't I get a text yesterday? I grab my phone off the nightstand and unlock it. It was and unknown message, but then I realized who it was. Hinata~kun texted me?! I reread the message and my chest gotten tight.
Bestfriend? I got bestfriend zoned. "Ahahahahahaha". Slowly I was going crazy having a break down. Tears slowly fell from my eyes. "Why does it hurt?", "Worthless trash like a me doesn't deserve love" I mumbled.
A text at this time, just my luck. I grabbed my phone and oh, it's time to get ready. I guess I've been crying for hours then, and probably going to look like trash. I'll read the text later, for now I'll go get ready.
I was now fully dressed and ready to go. Oh who am I kidding, I was dreading going to school, but before I forget I have to check my phone. So, I took out my phone and unlocked it. It was Hinata~kun.
Hinata~kun: Good
morning! Me and
Berrycake are
coming to pick
you up and walk
you to school!
Be ready!💙
Hope Boi: Ok thanks for
the heads up! 💙
I turned off my phone and sighed. I really don't want to see anyone but I guess I have too. I slide down the stairs and land perfectly, grabbed my bag and headed for the door, where Hinata~kun would be waiting. "Um Hinata~kun?", "How long have you've been standing there?" I asked, locking the door.
"Five maybe ten minutes" he replied. "Sorry I took so long i–". He grabs my face, "What's wrong?". "N-nothing, why would you ask?" I stuttered. "You eyes are red and your voice is very hoarse" he replied. "It's nothing I swear, I read a sad story" I lied. He chuckles lightly.
"You're an terrible liar" he says. "I–". "If you're not comfortable or don't want to tell me, that's fine", "Just don't lie about it ok?" He says lightly ruffling my hair. "Ok so I leave for a few minutes and you two are already being gay" Ichigo~chan pouted.
I blush, "No we weren't!", "We were just talking". "Face to face, very closely?", "Sounds gay to me" she says. I blush a bit more, "It's not like that!". "We're all bestfriends here" Hinata~kun says with a smile. That pang in my chest came back. All because of that stupid word.
"Ok, so I wasn't going to say anything cause it isn't my business, but Ko are you ok?", "You sound like you've been crying for hours" she asks curiously. She isn't wrong, but I'll tell her that later. "It's nothing" I say smiling slightly. "Welp let's go to hell– I mean school!" She yelled. We both laugh at her and walk to school.
Hajime POV
I'm worried about Komaeda. It's obvious he was crying when we got there, but why? He's so majestic, who wouldn't like him? Why doesn't he have more friends then Berrycake, Jordan, and I.
The thought of Jordan makes me angry. He always tries to flirt with Komaeda on purpose! He even threatened to take him from me, and I don't like this. Recently I haven't seen him around, but everytime I do, Komaeda clings to me and Berrycake glares at him. Which is weird to me.
I get a feeling he harasses them when I'm not around. I sigh. Maybe I'm over thinking this whole think, like I always do. But what if I'm right? No, i should have more faith in them. Though where is Ko? He was supposed to be here right now unless something happened.
I walked towards the back of the school building, because that seems to be the place he got in trouble to the last time and I was right. Two guys was hovering over him and one of them was Jordan. I listen in to their conversation, not wanting to make any impulse actions.
"Mondo just chill, there's no need to beat him up" Jordan says. He has an smirk on his face though. "Man fuck off, I'm only doing my part", "I don't want to do this either" the 'Mondo' guys says. "Then don't do it", "We can try to work this out and–". My blood instantly started boiling. That Mondo guy kicked him and he threw up blood.
I swear he needs to eat more. He laughs a bit, clutching his stomach, "I guess trash like me deserved that". No, no you don't. "Shut the hell up dude!" He yelled. He must really have anger issues. "No need to yell Mondo", "He was trying to have a compromise" Jordan says.
"Help him or get the hell out of here" Mondo growled. Komaeda tries to crawl away and spots me. I raise my index finger to my lips, and he nods lightly. "The hell you think your going?" He says grabbing Komaeda by his shirt. Don't interfere yet, control yourself. He starts beating up Komaeda repeatedly.
Oh fuck this! He was going to throw the last blow, but I caught his fist. I glare at him really fucking hard. Boy was I pissed that he had the audacity to touch my– I mean Komaeda! "You should really mind your business" he growls. I punched him in his face, losing his grip on Komaeda.
I catch him and run away. "Komaeda can you hear me?" I asked still running away. "H-hinata~kun?", "Drop me" he mumbles. "No way in hell!", "Your body is swollen" I say. "I'll only bring you pain and bad luck" he says, hoarsely. "I'll just deal with it". Tiny tears starts forming in his eyes.
"We're almost at Berrycake's, thanks to me and my speed" I say. "Stop!", "Please just let me go! I don't want you to get hurt too!" He yells, struggling against me. "Komaeda stop and calm down" I say calmly. We finally reach Berrycake's place and conveniently, she's on the porch.
"What the hell happened to Ko?!" She yelled. "No time to explain right now" I said rushing past her. I laid him down on one of the beds. "Hinata~kun, please stay away" he says. "No way in hell", "If they keep bothering you, please tell me" I say softly. "Hinata~kun i–". He wraps his arms around me.
He was quietly crying in my shoulder. I hug him back and lightly kiss the top of his forehead. "Shush, I'll try my best to make sure they don't hurt you".
??? POV
How could he hurt my beloved! I swear this is a monstrosity! I can't lose him like I lost my other. "What are you doing Junko?" Mukuro asked me. "You, I told you to leave him out of this!" I yelled. "Its was apart of the plan calm down", "You'll get what you want and I get what I want".
"That was the deal, was it not?" She asks. "Yes but I don't want him to get hurt in the process!". "Look he'll be fine ok?". "Yeah ok".
Author's Note: Whew this chapter rush or my writing paste is rushed. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter!
Finished on: 07/10/20
Published on: 07/10/20
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