*~Chapter 23: Feelings & Sexy Femboy~*
Hajime's POV
Now that I've dropped Komaeda off, I can finally be left with my thoughts. I find a nearby bench and sit on it. Ok Hajime, it's obvious you have feelings for Komaeda, and him being cute and hot at same time doesn't help, also the fact I have wet dreams about him.
Though, I'd say I like him romantically, than I love him. I should try spending more time with him to see if my feelings are actually genuine, than lust. I don't want to use him, I just want to love and care for him. The way he talks down on himself pissed me off to the max. Recently I've gotten the urge to protect him at all times.
I know I can't do that, well technically I can, if I can him on board. He's already met him before, though I don't like the way he treated him. Plus it's technically stalking, so that's a no. Ugh why did this happen to me?! I sigh. I just want the best for him and for him to be happy, is that so hard to ask for?
Obviously not because he still the way his is. He is slowly getting better, or doesn't talk crap about himself around me because I'll pin him to a wall. Maybe I should tell Berrycake about this without throwing punches. I take out my phone and scroll through my contacts.
Huh? There was a recent one added called Trash~kun (●////●) 💙💙. Definitely Komaeda. He's adorable but I'll change it up a bit. I type in FluffyMarshmellow and left the rest there. I'ma leave a sweet message for him to wake up too.
FluffyMarshmellow (●////●)💙💙
Hajimeme: did you think
I would see this? You're
adorable but have a nice
evening and try not to get
beat up buy anymore ok?
You worry me too much.
Also take it easy,
Berrycake and I love you
as best friends of course!
There that should do it! Now I should probably go visit Berrycake. Let's hope she's actually home.
"Yo Berrycake!", "Are you home?" I called out into her home. "Yeah just give me a minute!" She yelled back. I walk into the kitchen and steal her food. I found some kusamochi in the back of the fridge. Score! I take it out and close the fridge door.
"Ahem". "Gah! Heyyy Berrycake!" I said nervously. "Put it back" she growled. "Ok, ok jesus". I put the kusamochi back in the fridge. "Now what do you want, and make it quick" she says annoyed. "It's about Komaeda". "What about Ko?", "Finally realized your feelings?" She says jokingly.
"Well yeah" I say shyly. "Details or?". "Summary" I replied. "Sit down, and explain but not details" she says fixing coffee and orange juice. "Well I don't know when it started but it just happened", "Plus the wet dreams helps the feelings too" I replied. "So is the feelings based off lust, love, or both" she asks.
"Both, but leaning more towards lust", "But I don't want it to be that way though" I explained. "I know, you're not that type of person" she says handing me the orange juice. "So how do I get closer to him if he hangs out with you most of the time?". "You get him while he's free", "Ask what he's schedule is" she says.
"Ok". "Usually he would be free more but we're occupied so yeah", "Hangout with him more, walk him to school, give him your hoodies, buy or make him food, and protect him" she says taking a sip of her coffee. "Thank you Berrycake, you're a big help" I said smiling. "You're welcome I have to go now, your welcome to stay" she says heading towards the door. I decided to stay with nothing else to do, besides planning.
Nagito's POV
Ok second day if work, no need to be nervous, though I'm early than I need to be. I push open the doors to the cafe, Ichigo~chan was already here. "Good evening, Ichigo~chan!" I greeted. "Hey Ko, you're here", "Now we have to go over procedures of how we're actually supposed to work" she says.
"Uh ok?". "Also you got a new custom uniform, just for you" she says with a smirk. I knew I shouldn't had agreed to this but for hope, it's for hope. "Where is it?" I asked. "It's in the back, like always", "You should get changed cause we have to practice proper jesters and we can practice more at my house" she explains.
"We can practice at my house", "It's bigger on the inside" I said. "Ok, but go change I'll change after you" she says. I walk into the changing room and see a new maid outfit. I slipped into the dress and let me just say it was tight.
The leggings was a bit tight too, and the worse thing was heels. Why does this outfit has heels. I heard they hurt like hell and are hard to walk in.
(Y'all ignore his chain, and the picture isn't mine obviously so yeah)
"Ichigo~chan!" I called out. She rushed into the changing room. "Omg you look perfect!" She squealed. I blush lightly, "Who made this?", "You said this was customized". "I did, I convince the boss to get you one", "The customers seem to like you more I decided to spicy it up" she explains. For hope, for hope, for hope Komaeda!
"Ok, but why the heels?" I asked, trying not to be angry. "Adds to the sexy innocent look" she says. I roll my eyes. "Don't worry I'm going to teach you, just give me a second, go try by yourself for a bit" she says trying to get me out the dressing room. "Ok, let's hope I don't fall" I mumbled to myself. I tried walking but I almost fell.
"Be careful Ko!", "How am I going to explain how you got hurt to Haji?" She scolded. "Sorry", I started walking slowly and got the hang of it. I walked around the whole building slowly and got the hang of heels. "Ok I'm done" she says coming out the dressing room. She walks so confidently, like she does this for a living.
"Are you ready?" She asks me. "Yeah I kinda got the hang of the heels" I said. "Good now try to walk to me". I walked towards her, not without almost tripping sometimes. "I see what you mean now" she says giggling. I pouted, "Whatever, what else". "Titles, we call males masters as you know, and if the ladies come in we call them princess and your majesty" she explains.
I nodded. "We also have to put on performances, but not right now since it's the beginning and we're the only ones here", "Also we do have to switch between the kitchen and taking orders" she explains. "Ok I understand" I said with a smile. "That's all let's start–". The door opens and a timid boy comes in.
"Um h-hello?", "Are y-you two the boss?" He asks shyly. Ichigo~chan gasps. "Evan how dare you!", "You don't notice me?" She yelled. "I-ichigo? It's nice to see you again" he replies. "What brings you here?". "I can here for a job" he replies. "Evan, you have social anxiety". "I know, I w-want to over come it!" He says determinedly.
"Fine, our boss is in the back" she says pointing in the direction. "T-thank you!" He says rushing towards the back". "Well I guess I have to teach him the basics too, if he gets the job" she says smiling. "That's your friend, I partake?". "Yeah he is", "He's a sweet guy though, sometimes he has a hard time with social interactions and telling the truth" she says.
"So he's a liar?" I asked. "Intenionally and unintentionally" she replies. "Ok?". "Whatever let's get back to work" she says. "Wait it's already time to open?", "What if I fall?!" I yelled.
Author's Note: New chapter y'all! And it's the day after I posted 7 chapters but like, y'all should be getting this soon either tomorrow or the day after. I hope you guys enjoy! Also there will be a chapter where you get to see how Ichigo and Nagito works. Btw sorry for grammar mistakes.
Finished on: 07/09/20
Published on: 07/10/20
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