*~Chapter 22: A Chilled Day~*
Nagito's POV
I dreaded coming to school today, it gave me an awful feeling. I literally dragged myself out of bed and to school. Not the best way to get up in the morning, but the effective way. If we honestly had a choice to go, nobody would. Nobody likes school anyways.
Let's just hope Jordan kun isn't there before me. "Boo!" A voiced said, putting their hands on my shoulder's. "Ah!". I accidentally back slapped the person. "Ow, sorry Komaeda". I turn to the person and hit them again. "Hinata~kun that wasn't funny!" I yelled.
"Yeah I know now". I pouted at him. "Ok I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he says softly. I was trying my best to calm down and not have a panic attack. The morning had been quiet, so Hinata~kun yelling and catching me off guard, can put me into a panic attack.
He gently wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry, I almost gave you a panic attack right?" He asks softly. I nod slowly. He unwraps his arms around me, and grabs something from his bag. He pulls out his phone, and headphones and hands them to me.
"Why are you–?". "You do like calming music right?", "So here take my phone and listen to it" he says, pushing the items towards me. I take them, since I had no choice. "Hinata~kun, you don't have too" I say. He grabs the phone and plugs in the headphones, then put them in my ears.
Hinata~kun starts typing something, and I hear ocean sounds. He puts his phone in my pocket, then grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him. I blush, but he didn't notice because we were walking now. Why does he care for trash like me? He's too nice but has angry issues and overprotective.
The oceans sounds are very relaxing. Maybe I could add my number to his phone secretly. I secretly take his phone and type my number in, I saved it as Trash~kun (●////●) 💙💙, I slipped the phone back in my pocket. We're almost to the school, but I don't want the walk to end. Hinata~kun is a very warm person and I'm not.
I snuggle closer to him. Also I may or may not had forgotten Jordan~kun's hoodie. Hinata~kun lightly taps me. I take one earbud out. "Are you cold?". I nod slightly. He unwraps his arms and I instantly nuzzle my head inside his chest. "Komaeda how are you cold when it's Spring?" He asks.
"I'm an natural cold person" I explained. "Do you want my hoodie or no?". "Yes, but I don't want to lose the warmth" I whined. He rolls his eyes and takes off his hoodie. I caught a glimpse of his abs and blushed. "Here, take it" he says, handing it to me. I put the hoodie on and oh my hope, the hoodie smelled amazing and has extremely comfortable.
"You can keep it" he says chuckling. My eyes lit up. He wasn't getting this hoodie back anyways. "Let's hurry up, don't want to be late" he says, holding my hand and slightly dragging me. "But I don't wanna go to school" I whined. "I don't either but we have too". "Nooooo". He laughs at me. "You're adorable".
"No I'm not" I pouted. "You're still being adorable, plus we're almost there" he says. "No, take me back home Hinata~kun!". "Ko stop, I'll walk you home this afternoon ok?". "Ok". "Hey you two gays!", "Where have you been all morning?" Ichigo~chan yelled, walking towards us.
"Home and walking" We says at the same time. "Mhm, also Ko why are you wearing his hoodie?" She asks me. "I was cold". "If you want more of them, I have some at my house" she says shrugging. "Really?!". "Wait why do you have my hoodies?!" Hinata~kun yelled. "I steal them, duh", "Anyways let's go because I'm tired of being bullied by Jordan" she says walking ahead.
"Excuse me?", "Jordan has been bullying you?" Hinata~kun growled. "More like teasing but still annoying" she explains. I just snuggle into Hinata~kun, he ruffles my hair gently. The ocean sounds were still playing and it was so relaxing. Though we finally made it to the gates of the school, I wanted to turn around and leave.
"Ichigo where did you go?" Jordan~kun whined. "None ya business" she states. He turns to me and smirks, "Goodmorning Marshmallow". "Goodmorning". "Why are you clinging to him?" He asks me. "I'm cold" I replied, snuggling into Hinata~kun. "That doesn't mean you have to cling to him" he says.
"Yeah you're right", "I'm not cold anymore because of the hoodie, I just rather stay here", "So if you have a problem take it somewhere else" I snapped. "Dayum son!" Ichigo~chan yelled giggling. I giggle with her. "Come on guys we have to get to class" Hinata~kun says, moving away. "Noo, stay" I whined.
He picks me up bridal style. "Let's go, you too Berrycake". "Aye captain!" She says saluting. We all, well Ichigo~chan and Hinata~kun walk to class.
It's finally the end of the day. I rushed out of the class and to the gates, Hinata~kun was already there. "Hinata~kun!" I jumped in his arms and surprisingly he caught me. "Somebody's excited" he says chuckling. "Warmth" I mumbled snuggling into him. "Come on let's get you home" he says picking me up. "Can I sleep here?" I asked sleepily.
"Go ahead, rest easy ok?" He says kissing my forehead. "Mhm". I snuggle into him and slowly fall asleep. Good thing I have an alarm for work.
Author's Note: This chapter is short but cute like my girlfriend :3 I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Now today as you can tell this the last chapter for the 100+ reads surprise. Now originally there was going to be 8 chapters out today, but I released one early so it's 7. Also this would have been released early if I didn't change the number of chapter. One last thing, school starts for me on August 3rd, so I'll be writing more, because once school starts I won't be able to focus like this anymore. So enjoy!
Finished on: 07/08/20
Published on: 07/08/20
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