*~Chapter 18: Bullys~*
Nagito's POV
Yesterday was crazy, with Ichigo~chan almost getting into a fight yesterday. I never got the chance to resolve mine with Hinata~kun either. I wonder how today will go? Hmm.. maybe I should text Hinata~kun? Nah it'll probably be awkward.
My phone really? Who text trash like me? Might as well answer it. I grab my phone from the nightstand and unlock it. It was a text message from Ichigo~chan.
Ichigo chan: Hey
you wanna come
to my house after
school? If you do
bring normal
clothes :3
Hope Boi: Yeah, you
must wanna hang out
with trash?
Ichigo~chan: Do
I need to get Haji
or Jordan?
Hope Boi: No, I don't want to
start anything
Ichigo chan: Seriously
you should let us
help you, you're
not trash
Hope Boi: There's no need, but
you determined to help
me fills me with hope!
Ichigo chan: Your
hope addiction is
adorable to me
and so are you :3
Hope Boi: Thank you but
worthless scum like
me isn't adorable
Ichigo chan: annnd
I'm getting you help,
you have mental
problems and I
can see it
Hope Boi: I don't need it
plus I don't deserve it
Ichigo chan: see ya
in a few 💖
And she ignored me. I sighed and started to get ready for school. Though I wasn't feeling good enough to go to school, or leave the house at all. I groan and somehow motivate myself to do so anyways. "For hope Nagi, for hope" I mumbled to myself.
I made it to school and surprisingly, it was quite which is weird. What is happening today? I sigh and continue walking. There was a whole crowd at the middle of entrance, which is the waterfall. I push my way through the crowd to see what's happening.
Hinata~kun and Jordan~kun, were yelling at each other while Ichigo~chan is in the middle of them. I sigh, and clear out the crowd by acting crazy, then marching up to the three. I slap Hinata~kun and Jordan~kun. They were about yell, but realized it was me.
I glare at them both. "Ko! You finally came!", "Please don't leave me with these two idiots again" Ichigo~chan says hugging me. I slightly push her off. "What the hell were you guys doing?!" I yelled. Normally I'm not the type to get angry, but I couldn't help it.
"Ok so we can explain–" Jordan~kun says nervously. "At lunch, I'm going to class" I growled. I walked away from the two, Ichigo~chan joined me. Something tells me this day might get worse. I groaned and kept walking.
It's lunch, now it's time to give them a piece of my mind. I stormed out the classroom and headed for the water fountain. People were gossiping about this morning and I heard bits and pieces. So apparently there was a fight that happened and Ichigo~chan stopped it.
I sigh. Truly Ichigo chan is the hope for the world. I made my way to the water fountain, since that's where we eat lunch and wait for everyone. A few minutes later they all were here. I spoke up first, "I'm disappointed in the both of you". They look down in shame. I turn to Ichigo~chan, "Would you please explain what happened?" I asked, repressing anger.
"So it all started when Haji was waiting patiently at the gates of the school, Jordan and I just got there, so we all were having a friendly chat", "Then Jordan started talking trash and getting cocky with Haji". "Since Haji isn't the best with anger he threw the first punch and walked away", "Jordan followed after him and punch him back which led into a fight".
"At first I wasn't going to stop the fight because tea, but then I remembered you wouldn't want them fighting so I stopped it", "And they just end up yelling at each other, so that's where you came in" she explained with a smile. "Thank you Ichigo~chan". I turn to the other two. "Jordan~kun, I am very disappointed in you, apologize to Hinata~kun now" I demanded.
He groaned, "I'm sorry bro, but my statement still stands". I hit him in the arm. "Ow! Ok ok, but like I'm telling the truth" he says. Hinata~kun growls. I give him a confused look. He looks away. I sit next to him. "Are you ok?" I asked him. He doesn't say anything. I hug him, though we haven't made up yet.
"Aww, I don't know who to ship you with anymore", "I'll have to take to my detective friend about it" Ichigo~chan says. Jordan~kun growls a bit and Hinata~kun laughed, which took me aback. "Were you actually worried about me Komaeda?" He asked me. "Well yeah" I said. He looks at me in the eye and I blush because our faces were close.
Damn me being gay and somehow met hot guys! I back away from Hinata~kun not wanting to become a blushing mess. "Are you ok?", "Your face is red?" He asks. I blush harder, "Shush I'm fine" I stuttered. "Ko, are you blushing again" Ichigo~chan asks. Jordan~kun grabs my face and says, "You totally are!". He starts laughing and so does Ichigo~chan. "You guys are all assholes" I mumbled.
"Aww the little Marshmallow blushing because of eye contact?" Jordan~kun teased. I pouted. "Guys don't bully him, maybe he isn't use to people giving him eye contact" Hinata~kun says. They both stop laughing and mumble a 'sorry'. "Thank you Hinata~kun, but you shouldn't stand up for tra–". I stopped myself.
"What was that last part?" He asked. "Nothing". "Good job" he says with a smile. "I only did that because I didn't want to be pinned to a wall again" I grumbled. Ichigo~chan whistles and moves her eyebrows in weird ways. Hinata~kun groans and rolls his eyes.
He kneels down and says "Hop on". Which I did but had no idea why. "I'm taking Komaeda to class" he says walking away with me on his back. "Wait why did you pick me up then?!", "I can walk!" I yelled. "Do you want me to drop you?". "No!". "Then shush".
It is the the end of the day. Today has been pretty eventful. At least I'm hanging out with Ichigo~chan later. Ichigo~chan is very fun to hangout with excluding her teasing about my gay panics. Though I wonder what we're doing toda-.
I'm suddenly being dragged to the back of the school, and pinned to a wall. I look up at the guy who dragged me here. "Who are you?" I asked. "Don't worry about it, just know you're going to have a bad time". My eyes widened in fear. I didn't know why, I'm use to it but maybe is because he's taller than me.
He punches me in the face. And he's strong too. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, my voice going away. He doesn't answer and starts repeatedly beats me up. It hurts like hell, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of my reaction. "Ko are you here–", "Holy shit!" A feminine voiced yelled. I turned my head slowly to the person.
"Mondo, what the hell are you doing?" Ichigo~chan yelled. He drops me on the ground and walks towards her. He ends up backing her up into a wall. I couldn't see what he was doing but he stopped then walked away. She looked traumatized. "I'll go get help". Then she walks away slowly.
A few minutes later she comes back with Hinata~kun. He runs over to me and scan my body, it made me blush a bit. "Who did this to you?" He growled. I look over to Ichigo~chan, she doesn't say anything. "Berrycake who did this?!" He yelled. She only looks down. He sighs, and turns around. I tilt my head in confusion.
"Hinata~kun, what are you doing?" I asked softly. "Hop on slow, or do I need to pick you up?" He says. "No". I limp on his back and he picks me up. His back is harm and comforting. Maybe I'll just go to sleep right here.
Author's Note: This Chapter long af, enjoy. I hope you enjoyed this chapter with overprotective Hajime.
Finished on: 07/02/20
Published on: 07/08/20
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