Chapter 3
"I can resist anything except temptation." - Oscar Wilde.
I was absentmindedly drying my hair as I got out of the shower. Evelyn was kind enough to open the windows since yesterday, which were locked during the initial week of my stay-and I think I know the reason why-but needless to say, it's refreshing.
After my last encounter with him, he was nowhere in sight again. I had apprehensions asking Evelyn since my own thoughts would get the best of me every time I try to, so I gave the thought of inquiring her up. But..I did manage to ask her where his room was. It felt wrong when I raised it, especially when she just stared at me gaping like a fish for almost three seconds before regaining her composure back but she told me nonetheless.
I wouldn't want to know where her thoughts went then I asked her that.
It's dusk and judging by the time of the clock, I'm certain he's home already. I was restless the whole day waiting for him to arrive and now that he's here, I think it's reasonable that I get this done and over with. Wasting another minute's just prolonging the inevitable.
Fixing the clothes Evelyn kindly lent me, I closed the windows before heading out. As I navigated my way to his room I wondered just how many are living inside his house. It can't only be him and Evelyn, this house is way too big.
Now which door...
I pondered as I was caught up in between to large similar-looking doors. Facing back and forth, I decided to choose the one on my right.
It's always on the right, right? What a stupid intuition, Aurora. But if it isn't, I could always try the left goes nothing.
I knocked. I plastered my ear on the door when there was no response only to stumble in. The squeal that left my lips mortified me more than enough to actually want to back away, running. The door isn't locked. Good thing the room's empty. The only indication that's someone's indeed occupying the space are the ruffles on the sheets and the seemingly familiar scent.
He's here.
And just in time, a door opened revealing a shirtless looking him only wrapped up in a towel bared for my sinful eyes to see.
Fresh from the shower.
The look in his eyes told me he's not expecting my presence. His lack of response also told me that he's not bothered or against the fact that I invaded his room at this time of the night. I could be wrong though.
"Why are you here?"
I blinked. Right. Why am I here.
This is the perfect time to execute all the things I plotted inside my head. It went well actually, inside my head. You know, the scenarios I plotted.
The plot - He's asking why I'm here.He's shirtless..and he's asking me why I'm here.
Never in my life did I think that situations like this would feel so... uncomfortable. I feel like I shouldn't be here. "I...came to tell you that I'm thank you."
He arched his brow.
I blinked.
Real smooth. Now if that didn't sound so STUPID. That came out REALLY WRONG. "I mean, I came here to thank you." I enunciated comprehensively, fidgeting as I realized how foolish I sounded. But there's no use fretting over it. I just need to get it over with. "I also want to tell you that I'm leaving. Tomorrow." I finished breathlessly. Panting right after like I raced with Flash or Sonic or something.
I needed to get the thing off my chest quick that's why I rapped the words out all the while hoping he'd get the point.
Selfish. I know. And weird too but-
Right-"What?" Dumbfounded, I dared asked again. Did I hear him right?
"You're staying."
I guess I did, but "Why?" Does he plan on imprisoning me here? Does it have something to do with the reason why he saved me?
Is that why I'm here?
"You're not leaving and that's the end of it." He crudely pointed before storming off.
"What?" I'm hearing him perfectly fine but.
That's not very nice. I followed after him feeling my own brows furrow on their own accord. I'm in the mood for argument because my own ears could not accept what it was hearing and I'm against whatever decree he just announced. "Why?" I bet it sounded like a whine when I asked again as I rounded the corner. He already had his pants on and now he's onto his shirt. "Do you need me for something? Is that why you saved me?"
The dark glare he directed my way almost made me cower but I chose not to. "No."
"Then what?"
"No." He must be kidding. That's not even supposed to be the answer.
"You're forcing me to stay?" I asked with incredulity.
"I will if I have to."
"It's late."
"I'll leave in the morning tomorrow."
"Again, why?"
"Go to sleep, Aurora." That shut me up. He knew my name. I did tell him that night. This guy in front of me...
"I need to leave."
"You're staying."
"You're being difficult."
"You're being stubborn." He calmly stated as he held me by the shoulders gently moving me out of the way so he could pass.
"I want to leave." I have to leave.
This guy is testing my patience. Did he think a single no would suffice? Did he think it's enough to shut me up?
"I'm leaving." I have to. Regardless of what he says. I owe him for saving my life, but I need to find Lily.
The answer. His answer. Judging by the sound of it and by the look on his face, he's not going to let me have it.
The thing is, I didn't come here to ask for permission.
The decent talk I envisioned turned out to be a volley of me insisting and him terminating each of my persistence. I expected him to let me leave. So why didn't he?
As much as I want to stay, I couldn't. Not when there's still a possibility of Lily and the kids being there.
With that set of thought in mind. I was determined to go. I really was. But when morning came and I was done putting my old clothes on ready to leave, the knob on the door wouldn't budge. Including all of the windows.
I was locked in.
I am locked in.
That guy.
I ended up staring at the golden knob of the door, getting lost in thought whilst a big part of me felt..caged.
"I apologize, dear. He told me you're allowed to roam the house today."
I grunted, burying my face further into the pillow. It's been ages since I was incarcerated and from then on, all I did was curl on the large bed. It's exhausting, really.
Who would've thought not doing anything all day would be this exhausting..
But trying to get to talk to someone who doesn't share the same interest is far more difficult and draining than wasting away.
It would've made sense if I was I imprisoned in a dark cell smelling like rotten carcass, shackled and forced to slavery or beaten up since day one but no, instead I was well-taken care off. Provided with clothes, food, shelter and other stuffs I'm quite sure I could live without.
It would've made sense if he was cruel. If he tortured me. If he starved me to death or made me do things I don't want to do, but here I was, here I am, cocooned in the luxury of fragrant sheets, feathery soft pillows, cushy bed and now Evelyn even brought me a tray of food I could only dream of savoring before, but now it became my regular meal.
It would've made sense if he's not so...mysterious.
The guy doesn't even have a name. Isn't that weird?
"-I can assure you he's not a bad person-"
Not a bad person.
I think I noticed that. All he did was help me. There's nothing mercenary about the things he did. About the things he offered.
"-I've known him most of my life and I can assure you that he won't intentionally hurt you. Don't be mad at him for making you stay, dear. He wants you safe." My ears perked up a bit upon hearing what she just said.
Surely there's a bit of exaggeration lacing along with that line.
Why would he want me to be safe? He doesn't even know me. Doesn't that sound odd and a bit too good for the ears to hear?
Him saving me is a bit understandable. He's probably one of the few existing good Samaritans but him locking me up to secure my safety is off the bounds of my comprehension.
"That's enough." The unexpected order caused Evelyn to stop talking and me to dart my heard towards the door in a flash.
He's here. I could even hear my own thoughts just as I processed who the voice belonged to.
"You may leave." He stated as he stood effortlessly on the doorframe with crossed arms, his muscles rippling as his shirt hugged his frame well. The sound of shuffling made me tear my gaze away from him as Evelyn stood up from the chair giving me a quick smile before transferring her gaze to the guy before us.
I've been trying to talk to him since he locked me up in this room for who knows how long and now that I've finally given the thought a rest here he comes. Standing in all his glory. Casually leaning on the frame as if nothing happened. Looking so calm. So composed. So puzzling.
"I'll be leaving, dear." The least I could manage was a small nod. My thoughts in shambles grasping the possibilities of his sudden appearance. But one thought reigned. One question that I needed to know the answer to.
One that I've been itching to ask.
"Did you change your mind?" Did he come here to personally tell me I'm now allowed to go? I couldn't trust my skill in gauging someone's response by examining their faces when it comes to him. He's that difficult to read. The experience I had with him was enough for me to be wise enough not to anticipate anything, but to wait until it happens. Until he tells me.
"I did." A two-worded line. Monotonous. Quipped.
But it somehow made me apprehensive. Blinking twice I slowly sat on the large bed.
"Then that means I'm allowed to leave, right?" I cautiously asked. The only response I received was a mere nod. One that contrasted his peircing gaze that seemed to make me feel...bare. Shaking the thought off, I nodded back. Relieved that he's allowing me to go.
"Okay. I'll just head to-"
"But I'm coming with you."
Author's note:
Hi guys. So here I am. Trying to start another story.😅 I sure am hoping I'll be able to finish one. Whoever's reading this..kindly share your thoughts? I mean, I would really love to know them.
Stay safe!
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