Chapter 2
"Anything becomes interesting if you look at it long enough." - Gustave Flaubert.
A raspy throat. That's what I woke up to. I had to cough several times to ease the current discomfort I'm bearing.
Talking about being uncomfortable, vestiges of what happened prior to my loss of consciousness flooded my head.
Us being cornered.
Wolves appearing.
Midnight Cloaks.
That dark figure.
So much occured that night that thinking about it caused my head to throb. Am I dead? But I still feel pain. It's far from what I feel last night but it still..hurts. Squinting my eyes from the blinding light, I groaned when my body acknowledged every limb attached to me.
I take it back. It still hurts! My arm, my chest, my head, my feet, my back..everything. It felt like any movement would only make it all worse than it already is. Are they even still attached?
Where am I anyway?
Despite the agony, I pushed myself up from what I assumed is the bed-which is very comfy by the way-grunting and gasping in the process. Luckily, warm lean hands helped me steady myself up.
Judging by the rippling muscles on the person's body, I guess he's one of the wolves who took me.
Did they change their minds? I'm pretty sure they want little to not wanting to have anything to do with me.
"Thanks." I heaved as I leaned my back on the headboard, trying to find a comfortable position. Good thing it's soft too. I thought as I relished the comfort with closed eyes.
My, these wolves are loaded.
"You almost got yourself killed."
Almost, huh.
Oh. I almost forgot these people hated my guts. And that night, the last I remembered was seeing that cloak charging towards me. I perfectly recall holding my breath to prepare myself for the bite or anything close to that. So why didn't it happen? I don't have any decaying limbs, do I? And that statement. I wonder if there was an underlying concern etched among the words or disappointment that I was just almost dead. That I didn't die.
Geez, I didn't know resentment comes along with good deed.
"Good morning to you too." I strained. My voice hoarse. With what I went through, it's a surprise I can still talk back to people-wolves. I mean wolves. He might sound hostile but at least he's not choking me to death. That's saying something right? Add the fact that I'm enjoying the pleasure of the soft silky sheets instead of the cold, stinky hard floor of the dungeon where I presumed I should've been locked in. Maybe it's hope or change-of-fate wanting to be friends with me.
Nah, keep your walls up, Aurora.
"Quick question. How am I still alive?" I asked out sheer curiosity. It's a mystery really. I once thought those men would leave me after the attack. It's obvious they hated me. Plus, with the number of cloaks that attacked us, I doubt they would find the time helping me. Not that I think they would. I'm a problem. Nothing much more than a nuisance who tresspased their land. I've seen enough haven't I? They don't care whether I survive the attack or I rot along with those who were bitten.
Intrigued by the lack of response, I peered one eye open to look at the person in front of me.
And trust me when I tell you that subconsciously, my lungs stopped working.
The sight stunned me. Startled my working braincells and twisted my ability to synthesize coherent morphemes. Well this is totally unexpected.
I couldn't say a single thing.
The most I did was swallow. Audibly.
Not the view I'm anticipating. Deep penetrating eyes I couldn't quite fathom bored into mine. Intensely. As he sat on the large bed where I'm currently sitting on.
Who is this guy?
He's not the alpha, I'm sure of that. That dude looked different, way too different than this guy before me. He's probably one of those wolves.
Or perhaps, he's another alpha.
He sure looked... powerful. But would there be another alpha in the territory of the other?
Wait, am I still in the territory where I left Lily and the kids?
How far has he taken me?
"Stay here. Someone will come in to tend to your needs." The indifference. Even his tone said it all.
"Where am I?" I asked as I watched him turn his back. He halted for a second angling his head to my direction before heading out.
As soon as the door closed, I blinked.
Well that was welcoming.
I guess he couldn't bear the sight of me. The alpha wolf that night clearly indicated he didn't like the likes of me.
Drifting back to that night.
I left her and the kids in the forest that night. And the cloaks, how long was I out? It's not the safest place to be in especially with her condition. And the kids.
I just hope they're not out there.
Out in the open. Unprotected. Vulnerable to several preys. I don't even think she can look out for the kids or herself anymore. And that baby-
"Are you alright, dear?" A petite looking woman came into view halting the venture of my thoughts. I didn't even notice her come in. She sauntered her way towards where I sat holding a silver tray of food. "I'm glad you're awake." She smiled warmly. Eyes light with no glare nor a look of vexation. The gentleness in her tone consoled the nagging agitation I was battling and so as the tray of food she's holding. I couldn't help but smile back.
"How are you feeling?" She asked a she placed the food down before touching my blanket-covered lap. I instantly felt comfortable around her.
"Well, that's good to hear. I'm Evelyn. You can call me whenever you need anything, dear." I responded with a smile right after telling her my name.
And that's when our routined encounter began.
She'd help me with my food. Give me medicine for the pain and for other stuffs to which she assured would help me recover fast. She did all those things regularly.
She'd tell me a lot of things about herself but not once did she mention the one guy who mysteriously took and tucked me into this house filled with luxury.
Whatever his reason was for salvaging my life, I'm grateful that he did. Although I might think otherwise once I unveil the thick line of mystery behind his actions, I still want to thank him.
Days passed and I'm becoming more accustomed to the surroundings of the room. In the morning, Evelyn would come inside to check on me. Occasionally she would chat and then leave right after making sure I drank all the medicines she gave. Then I would have the room all to myself. I began exploring on the third day when the ache became tolerable until I could basically memorize which furniture is placed where, the number of steps to the bathroom, the number of steps toward the door from the bed, which numbers the arrows of the clock are pointing to whenever Evelyn would come back to bring me lunch and dinner, the color of buttons on the remote, the size of the television, the number of varying plants placed inside the room and the number of locked windows.
Looking at the spacious room around me, I couldn't help but almost feel even. The odd sense of relief I'm feeling is somewhat suspicious like I shouldn't even be feeling this way. I've never felt this way. I was either locked up or running away that I find this tranquil hard to trust.
I shouldn't be feeling this way. Comfort's not a feeling I'm accustomed to.
Twisting the knob open, I slowly peeked outside. I may like staying inside this space of luxury but my feet is itching to wander off the confines of the room.
I wonder what's out there...
It's completely dark and the only light illuminating the hallway is the one from the room I'm in. Waiting for my vision to adjust to the darkness, I padded my bare feet outside. Squinting my eyes to see.
Now where to?
I didn't want to risk tripping down the stairs so I continued to head straight. This house is definitely no cabin. I took cautious steps as I passed through several door anxious of being caught until I reached an opening.
A terrace?
Placing my palms on the cold railing I watched the mesmerizing sight before me. Way back, I'm only allowed to look at the sky from a singular angle but now, this panoramic view is breathtaking. With the moon so full and the forest so's beautiful. Dim beam from the sparkling jewels up above shining ever so lightly, teasing your interest with the images veiled under the shadows of the night.
Now this is a sight to see.
I always thought that dusk is nothing but a sheet of overlapping darkness, no one told me there's beauty in it.
"You should be resting."
But even this enchantment is momentary. It's a fleeting occurrence bound to pass like it's evading to stay.
Elusive. Just like the guy several steps behind.
I know he's doing it on purpose. I don't know why but it's eating my curiosity. He saved me. Yet it doesn't look like he wants to have anything to do with me. He's been sending his servant to nurse me back to health but days after I'm back on my own foot, not even a shadow nor a scent of him went back into the room.
I wonder why he did what he did.
Most days, from the window, I would see him leave the house early and then come back so late. I don't even know where he goes. What he does. But being in his house bothers me knowing there's a lot of things I don't know. I don't want to pry but the matter concerns me. He didn't save me for nothing, did he?
"I have rested well enough." Chilly tingles of breeze urged goosebumps on my skin that I shivered. That felt good and cold at the same time.
It might be a week or more since our first encounter and I have yet to take a second close look of his face.
Those eyes could keep me captive if it's going to continuously stare. His strong built made him look like you can trust him with your safety. And that face is enough to haunt you with just one glance-not in the negative sense. It's the kind of look you don't usually see everyday but when you do it stuns and strucks you at the same time. The kind of look that lingers in your mind and never leaves. The kind of look you wouldn't mind and you'd most definitely want to see often.
This stranger.
"What's your name?" I blurted out unable to stop. Wanting to know the name of the person who saved you is reasonable, right?
I haven't even thanked the guy, I think.
He saved me from rotting and dying in one of the most gruesome way.
He saved me.
It's one of the things I've been wanting to know since day one. The question seem to take him off guard as something flickered in his eyes upon hearing the words coming off my mouth. Is it that much of a big deal?
I guess it must be if it's taking him longer than necessary to speak. Names are quite personal after all. He must be debating whether I'm worth telling or not. "It's fine if you don't want to tell me." I voiced out after a few moments. I should spare him from this kind of discomfort. It's the least I could do. Also, he may have not taken his eyes off me but he sure does not look like he's about to say anything. "I'm Aurora, and I want to thank you. For saving me."
I might as well thank him again for letting me stay-
My mind and body went stiff when he began pacing. His long strides stopping barely a foot away from where I am that I had to slightly back away to drew some air into my lungs. That scent is making me lightheaded.
"I have no name." He deeply stated. Eyes eyeing my own with a certain degree of intensity that held me transfixed. He's probably some-
"Huh?" Due to the delayed process, I was seconds late in comprehending what he just told me.
He doesn't have..what?
It's probably written all over my face. Is that even possible? I averted my gaze down to his shoulder to re-process what he just said.
"Huh?" I don't even know what I'm huh-ing for or who I'm asking it for. Him or myself.
"I don't have a name." He repeated without any trace of mockery. Like I'm someone who just didn't hear what he said the first moment he said it.
Is it really true?
No wonder Evelyn never mentioned anything. She always regarded him as him. At first I thought she was doing it on purpose but then...when he said it. Is it really possible for someone not to have a name? "Why?" At the question, his brows knitted.
"What do you mean why?" Should he even ask me that?
"Why don't you have any? I mean, surely there's something people commonly regard you as. Anything." Something must be definitely wrong with my mouth because right after the words I uttered left me, his jaw clenched and anger flittered right through his very orbs.
He's mad.
"It's cold. Go back to your room." It was monotonous. Almost sounding like it held no significance. It's not even a response. It's a combined structure of cold and detached words styled out into a form of a remote order.
What an intense character shift. I was left standing outside watching his retreating figure disappear as I analyze what happened seconds ago.
It's obvious what I said provoked him. But why?
A/N: Hi! It's me again, Van!😊 Thank you for reading #DOA! Do hit the star button if u liked this chapter! And please, SHARE!
Feel free to share your thoughts too! I would love to know them.
Stay safe! All of you.💚💚💚
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