Chapter 18
Chapter 18
Target: 20 Votes
Only the delicious smell of icing and the faint smell of cookies and puffs clouded Shreya's brain. If not being responsible for maintaining an account on how much they sell and how much they bake she would have by now finished half the tray in front of her.
Yea! Finally, they managed to their bakery after all those constructions. Guru had promised to come back in a month to join them since it was all coming together Shreya felt both weird and happy.
What if she had to move out to Paris? How will she meet Aditya? What will happen to their relationship?
"Shreya! If you are done staring at the cupcakes can you please finish icing them!" Sri said in a tone that she just wanted to finish the stuff she was doing and go back to whatever she was doing.
A smirk appeared on Shreya's face, she quietly slipped behind sri and whispered a boo in her ears.
"Shei! What is it you what now?" Sri asked with the same impatience in her tone
"Answer me! Are you dying to meet him or are you dying to escape meeting him?" Shreya asked and sri looked at her and blinked
"I- I don't know," she said plainly
"Aye? You don't know? Come on sri he asked you out you gotta tell him something
A yes or a definitely yes" Shreya said showing her white teeth at Sri's face
"What's yes or a definitely yes? Where the fuck is a no then?" Sri asked as she wiped her hands on a towel
"Jesus don't you dare tell me you have a no on your tiny little brain" Shreya yelled as she jumped to her feet from the counter
For a minute sri stopped whatever she was doing and looked at Shreya and let out a tired sigh.
"Look Sri! If it's about Guru then... let me tell you something! You rejecting someone for somebody who has no clue about your feelings is like waiting to watch snowfall in May in India" Shreya said
"What the fuck is that comparison?"sri asked to which Shreya shrugged her shoulders.
"Let that go, Sri! But tell me what are you gone do with vineeth? I swear if you're saying no just because of Guru then...if it's a No cause you feel no then I understand " Shreya said to which sri remained silent.
"Vineeth is practically the sweetest guy we know. And he's totally into you.! How I am telling is because he has been spamming my messages ever since he asked you out, he is nervous about your reaction" Shreya said hoping her friend would understand what Vineeth was.
"It's not about Vineeth Shreya! I know he is a great guy.."sri started as she stopped doing everything for once and looked at Sri.
"The night before Guru left, I told him that I like him" sri said and Shreya looked at her with wide eyes, well that was news to her
Sri shook her head and continued
"He said he never saw me like that and will never see me like that, but he was kind about it he said we will pretend like I never said and we will go back to being friends" Sri told
"Honestly Sri, you think he did not know that you liked him all these years? That annoyed me so much you know? He knew it guru always knew you liked him but he never showed it cause he never wanted it." Shreya asked and the place fell into silence
"I still don't understand how Guru saying No to you is stopping you from going out with Vineeth "Shreya added
"Cause I don't want Guru to think I started seeing someone as soon as he said no, this all is too confusing for me, " Sri said scratching her head
"So what? He said No meaning a clear NO how do you even think he will mind you going on a date ?" Shreya asked
"That's always a risk, Sri. But if you let fear hold you back, you might miss out on something incredible.
Vineeth likes you for who you are, and you deserve to give yourself the chance to be happy. I don't wanna force you but if you ask me I'll tell you to go on, this date" Shreya said giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.
Somewhere deep down Shreya knew that SRI had not hesitated because of the guru's reaction, she somehow knew somewhere Sri still liked guru.
Hoping for her best friend to move on she prayed sri goes on this date
Hours later Sri found herself sitting in front of Vineeth in a rooftop cafe.
"The place is nice isn't it?"Sri asked looking around
Somewhere, somehow sri felt Shreya was right! She should move on, right? No matter how she cries over spilled milk nothing is gone change, she is happy to have Guru Atlest as a friend.
Vineeth nodded and cleared his throat
"Alright let me tell you this, I even tried googling on how to make a first date less awkward but unfortunately it did not help so sorry in advance if I do something stupid," Vineeth said, as a person with a very calm a calculative personality sri was amazed to watch the man in front of her blabber words without thinking twice.
She simply laughed out and concentrated on her cheesecake. A few hours later sri sat there laughing at one stupid joke Vineeth made about his college life.
"Honesty Sri! Thanks for coming, especially looking at this gorgeous "Vineeth said looking at her
She was dressed up in a green salwar, not knowing where he had planned the date she chose to dress comfortably hence the salwar.
"You don't have to thank me, I should do instead I had. A-great time here...with you"sri said making Vineeth smile as they slowly went back to sharing stories and laughing.
At the same cafe somewhere far from their table sat Shreya and Aditya, as if they both didn't know who Vineeth and Sri were and pretended as if they were not curious to know what they were talking about but one thing was that the cupid in them was satisfied.
Instagram id: __riii.writes__
(I drop spoilers, outfits and edits of the story do check my page out.)
Shreya and Aditya after being Cupid-
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