Aella sat staring out the wide window as the sun set and as dusk began to creep over the horizon, making her room glow a warm orange slowly in her hospital room. Ever since Aella had woken up earlier that morning she had stared out of the window listening to the bustle in the hallway, which she had practically given puppy eyes to the nurse who asked if she wanted to have the door shut or not as she shook her head. She didn't want to feel like she was as alone as she was before she was in the hospital. The hospital sitter was a kind younger woman, with a part of her hair dyed blue that stood out against her dark brown hair, who often would ask Aella if there was anything she needed. Each time Aella shook her head in a way that looked as if she never moved.
Her name was Ashley, but she often went by Ash as it was the name that she had written on her name tag. Ash didn't talk much, but when she did she had Aella's full attention. Every fifteen minutes Ash would ask the same questions, thankfully they were yes or no answers.
"How are you feeling?"
Thumbs up.
"Are you in any pain?"
"Do you need anything?"
"Are you thirsty?"
"Do you feel like harming yourself or others?"
NO. Why would she want to harm anyone or herself? She knew she was in the hospital because she harmed herself with medication and with her nails, but she felt numb.
"Do you still hear or see anything that others don't?"
Yes. It just isn't as loud as it was before. Aella had a feeling that no one else could hear the Static as she could. Aella doesn't see anything, just hears the noise. It also wasn't like she could know if anyone else could hear the Static so if the nurse is asking if she still hears it then it probably means that either Aella told them about it over the phone or she could also hear it.
She knew the doctors would have more questions to ask her when she could answer more than yes or no questions, but she was just grateful that she had the busy hospital to keep the Static at bay. For now, though, Aella had been sitting in one spot for too long without food or water and she was beginning to feel that in her dry throat. Her body also felt restless, so she thought she could try to move on her own, but just as she was putting her weight in her arms did she feel pain entering her middle and leg.
A soft whine escaped her dry throat, but it wasn't until a light touch to her shoulder had Aella begin to feel panicked. Her eyes followed the arm that the hand was attached to to the body until she met familiar warm brown eyes, her eyes. Eyes that held concern and so much love and relief in them that Aella felt confusion. More than the confusion, Aella felt relieved that she wasn't alone anymore.
"Careful, baby girl," Charlie said in a cracked voice. "You had a horrible fall down Renee's stairs." Her father choked as he looked at her in a hospital bed looking so much like an abandoned kitten. When he thought of seeing his little girl for the first time since she was in diapers he imagined something happier like those movies he's seen. Or something similar.
Not that he wasn't glad to see his baby, he was over the moon about it, he just wished it wasn't with her hooked up to so many machines after she tried to take her own life. He handed her a clear mug that had a cover over the top of it with a straw through it so she could drink. He held the straw to her drying lips, telling her to take slow sips. She took a small sip as she cringed at the cool temperature on her dry tongue though it was much better after that. Refreshing even.
"I swear, both you and Bells have the best yet worst timing to end up in the same hospital."
Confusion flooded Aella's mind at hearing about her half-sister. What happened to Isabella? Why was she back in Phoenix Arizona? Was Isabella okay?
Aella tried to sit up again, but with another firmly gentle push down from her father she relented and slowly began to rest her body. As she allowed herself to relax, memories of what she had done and almost succeeded in had her feeling trapped.
What had she done? Why did she lose control? Why is her father in her room with her and not Bella? Is he disgusted that she tried to commit suicide? What if she was dead and this was just her mind playing tricks on her as to why Charlie would be with her and no one else? Why was she thinking about all of this now when she had been at the hospital for a few hours already?
Too lost in her mind as memories and thoughts began to swirl around her head she didn't notice that she was too panicked. All she felt was her loss of control as everything came crashing into her mind. She felt terrified of having that happening again and she would be too far gone to even try to reach out for help as she had.
"Aella," she heard her father call to her. His hand reached out to her, but she flinched back so harshly that she fell out of the bed and she was quick to hide in the corner. Somehow she was mindful of her pained ribs and leg as she ran into flight mode.
"Don't call me that," was all she managed to say through her stuttering babbling. Probably the only thing that Charlie could even understand too. She just couldn't hear herself over the low but deafening static.
Her name, she didn't want to hear that name from anyone she cared about. Hearing it from her father had the static coming back.
Her father raised his hands as she slowly moved to sit on her bed. He had to deal with frightened kids before so instinct hit him making sure to give her space. "Okay, baby girl, I won't call you that. Before we can chat more I want you to try to copy my breathing."
Seeing that she was too far into her panic, Charlie felt awful that he felt useless to his youngest child. He already failed one of his daughters, but now that he was close enough to touch his other daughter he would be damned to be so useless. Not leaving her line of sight, Aella watched as Charlie walked to a chair that had a huge bag in it.
She listened as the crinkle of the bag became so loud when his hand grabbed for the handles that she flinched a small fraction which had her father apologizing softly. He walked back over to her and placed the bag beside her feet, slowly backing away to the chair once more.
"I got you a few things that I bought you every year for your birthday. I would always try to send them to you, but they always got sent back to me so I kept them. These are only a few of the sixteen at home."
"I want you to live with me," Charlie said softly as he lowered himself to the floor. "I don't want you to live with Renee anymore. She didn't take care of you at all, not as much as she did Bells."
Confusion flooded her. What was happening? Why did he want her to live with him? What did he mean Renee didn't care for her? Renee did give her food, water, and a home, and even allowed her to be out of her attic. So, was she supposed to do more? What Renee did was more than enough.
He must have seen the confusion on her face as he frowned deeply. She flinched again, she was so horrible at being a daughter, and she felt so stupid for not knowing what he meant. So instead of asking her questions, Aella pulled the first wrapped present from the bag instead of giving in to the urge to scratch her pale forearm.
The wrapping was poorly done, but it was pink with sparkly white bunnies scattered all around, carefully Aella ran a finger along the edge of the packaging. She wasn't even aware of her father picking her up from the corner she was in and placing her on the bed. A nurse watched them making sure everything was okay once more as she checked vitals and quickly walked out.
Gaining the courage to open the presents after checking to see if all of the gifts were done in the same wrapping. Seeing that they were, she opened the gifts. The first one was a baby blanket, it was pure white and soft to the touch. Just the feel of it against her skin had her calming almost instantly, her pupils widening from their pinpoint size. The next one was a bit bigger and a little heavier than the blanket. When she opened it she saw the cutest tan fluffy bunny, the inside of the ears a pink holographic fabric that was like silk. Her hand ran across the body of the bunny and it was just as soft as the baby blanket. Grabbing the last one, her blanket over her shoulders as her bunny sat beside her. Hesitation flooded her at how heavy it was, still, she looked it over finding that there were holes cut out of the wrapping.
"Why does it have holes?"
"Open it and find out," was all her father said as she heard him say as he gave the box a small push towards her.
With less hesitation, she opened the box. Slowly a white box came into view, opening the box she gasped as bright green eyes looked at her with a squeaky meow. "Dad?"
"I found her when I was about to get into the rental car. I noticed a hanging tail on the tire and grabbed her to see if she was alive. I brought her to a vet to get her checked out. Turned out the little girl was a common sight the last couple of weeks and they took quick care of her. I asked why they didn't keep her there, and I was told she escaped them every time. So once she was fixed up enough I bought her and was given everything we needed to take care of her."
"Whose is she?"
"Yours, sweetheart," he said as he carefully took the too-skinny black main coon kitten out of the box. "This was before I was even told about your condition. Now that I got her I was glad I did it when I did. Now the only thing that is needed to be done is for you to name her."
Aella gazed into the kitten's bright green eyes, feeling as if she were staring into green jewels. Those intelligent bright green eyes met her own and it was as if the world stopped for Aella as a name came to her. "Eve."
Charlie chucked, as he left Aella to Eve before ducking out of the room quickly. Aella saw he was only across the hall from her as he entered another room. Fear clawed inside her heart as she watched anxiously for him, not wanting to be alone once again. Absentmindedly, Aella was cuddling into Eve and her other gifts that she had opened as she waited. Brown eyes glistened as tears formed in her eyes as her emotions got the better of her. Was her Dad going to leave her behind too?
She didn't know how long it was before she saw Charlie come back into her room, but she noticed that he was relieved and very angry as he walked into the room. His dark brown eyes held a fire as he sat in the chair beside her bed, Eve casually walking over to him chirping for pets. Which he gave almost absently.
This seemed to happen almost every day, where Aella would be alone for the night, listening to the slow bustle of the emergency room. Sometimes it would get incredibly busy and she would be overwhelmed with everything she would ask her sitter to come in so they could have the door shut. It took a while, maybe three days, that she was awake, before she was able to be let out. She didn't know how long she was in the hospital, but she was grateful that she didn't have to be alone.
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