The party was at the market of the town, the streets were slightly packed with people engaging in commerce.
"Ugh this place is packed, must we really go shopping during peak hours."
Devarius bemoaned getting into the thick of the crowd for baby supplies of all things.
"Yes we do unless you want our draconic ward to piss on you some more."
Alisa joked to Devarius.
"Not funny Alisa."
Devarius sighed.
"I digress, now how do we find a lizardfolk merchant that sells baby supplies? "
Alisa looked around.
"Hmm we could ask a caravan trader, they usually have anything and everything from all over, who's to say they won't have baby stuff for reptile people. "
Arthur suggested.
" That's actually not a bad idea Arthur, I'm surprised."
Devarius responded to the mage.
" Wow rude, I have good ideas. "
Arthur defended.
" Your ideas usually leads to us getting exploded, hell Xepug's tusk is still trying to grow back after that last idea you had."
Alisa reminded the young mage.
" It still hurts to touch it. "
Xepug chided in.
Arthur pouted as he turned away.
"Can't we just find the baby stuff for Tykiem now."
" Yeah let's get going, don't wanna be out here too long, there be a lot of pickpockets in places like this. "
Devarius said as the group started walking.
"By the gods it's crowded here."
Devarius said as he was squeezing by people while trying to keep a fierce grip on the gold they were given."
"Give the gold to me , I'm taller so I can keep it safer. "
Xepug said.
"Oh yeah give the gold to the clumsy walking behemoth, you totally won't lose our gold."
Alisa said her words dripping with sarcasm. .
"I'm not clumsy elf! "
Xepug shouted.
"I'll hold it, I can even put a rejection ward on it so only we can get into the gold pouch."
Arthur explained. .
"Alright you hold it Arthur."
Devarius handed the gold to the young mage.
"I'll keep it safe, nothing gets past me."
Arthur assured as he tied the satchel of gold on his waist
The group continued to wade through the crowd as they tried to look for a vendor.
" Hey do y'all think it was a good idea to leave the mok at the guild, I know the guild master is strong and all but he said that the mok needed to be killed don't think he'd do something to the Mok right?"
Xepug looked to his party members for assurance.
"You're more of a mother hen then we give you credit for. "
The young paladin smirked much to Xepug's annoyance.
" I ain't a mother hen, I jus want to keep the mok safe is all. "
The orc pouted.
" Don't worry, the Guildmaster is a man of his word, there's no safer place for Tykeim to be than with the Guildmaster."
Devarius assured the worrying orc.
" He better, I better not find not a single scratch anywhere on our Mok. "
Xepug said.
" Bawk bawk! "
Arthur made the sounds of a hen to further push the mother hen behavior of Xepug.
"I'll pummel ya!"
Xepug threatened as he started blushing
"Aww look he's blushing!"
Arthur started laughing until he bumped into someone, the young mage looked down to see who or what he bumped into
"Oh sorry mister. "
Said a small lizardfolk boy as he quickly ran off.
" It's.... okay, he seemed to be in a hurry, anyways we should keep looking for that stall. "
Arthur said as he dusted himself off and he noticed the party members were looking at him with slight horror on their faces.
" Arthur... where's the gold? "
Devarius asked.
" Oh I tied it to my belt right...."
Arthur felt around his waist to grasp the bag of gold but he found nothing.
" Uh oh"
Arthur said sheepishly.
"Uh oh!? What do you mean uh oh, gods the Guildmaster is gonna flay us alive for this."
Devarius groaned
" I swore I had it right here, what happened. "
Arthur looked around frantically.
" Hey guys, I think that Lizardfolk kid robbed him. "
Alisa said
" How'd you know elf! "
Xepug demanded.
" Because I see him over there with our satchel. "
The other party members turned their heads to where Alisa was pointing and just like she said there was the young lizardfolk boy with their satchel as he was trying to squeeze out of the crowd and slink into an alleyway.
"There he is!"
Xepug shouted as he has started pushing past people to chase after the thief.
"Sorry about our friend folks trying to catch a thief!"
Arthur said as he followed Xepug.
The young lizardfolk boy turned to see Xepug stampeding towards him and the boy was quick to crawl into a small hole in a brick wall in alleyway that divides the market area from a residential area
"Damn he's slippery."
Alisa sighed.
"Coming from you, that's a compliment ."
DJ responded as he sighed.
"What are we gonna do now?"
The young paladin groaned.
Xepug took several steps back and he ran full force into the brick wall, breaking a hole into it.
"What ya waiting for let's go!"
Xepug shouted .
"So much for immovable objects."
Alisa went through the newly created hole with Devarius and Arthur following behind.
The party ran through the alleyways of the nicer parts residential area chasing after the young thief.
"H help they're chasing me!"
The lizardfolk boy shouted but all of the people around merely turned away not paying him any mind.
Arthur took notice of this.
"You'd think people would try to help a kid who's being chased."
"Let's not question our luck. "
Devarius said as he ran past Arthur.
Arthur looked around at the people around this part of town before he continued with the pursuit of the young thief.
So the chase has dragged on all the way from the nice and pristine parts of the market district to a part of town that seems more decrepit it got as the chase dragged on.
After running for a while the group was led to an area where the homes were in shambles and the streets were filled with beggars and vagrants either fighting for scraps or groveling for any piece of gold they could receive.
"This is uh..... different from the side of town we were on."
Devarius said as he looked around.
"I like it, it kinda reminds me of home, dirty everywhere, fight fer the right to eat."
Xepug continued to list the hardships of his old tribe.
"Xepug focus! We're gonna lose them.
Alisa said as she ran past the orc.
" Wait up! "
Xepug shouted as he picked up his pace.
The chase continued until the thief turned into an alleyway where he kept running until he was met with a dead end.
The boy shouted.
"No where else to run, kid, give us back our gold."
Devarius demanded.
"I I can't, I need it."
The boy said.
"Give it here or I'll tear you apart!"
Xepug shouted.
The boy started cowering while still clutching the satchel.
"Xepug don't be so cruel , maybe we can work something out."
Arthur said, trying to keep the peace.
"He stole from us, and I intend ta get our coin back."
Xepug said as he started walking towards the boy.
The boy clutched the satchel harder.
"Alright, hand the coin over nice and.. ooof!"
Something was thrown at the back of Xepug's head, the orc quickly turned around to find the perpetrator.
"Hey who threw that!"
Xepug looked around.
"Leave our friend alone!"
"Don't touch him!"
A group of kids of various races started throwing trash, rocks, and whatever was on the ground at the party.
"Hey cut it out, this brat stole our money!"
Devarius shouted.
"This is more trouble than it's worth."
Alisa sighed in annoyance.
" What is going on out here, what are you children doing?"
A human woman walked outside upon the scene.
"Uh oh it's Agatha!"
One of the kids shouted
"Hey lady, you know these Mok's?"
Xepug shouted as he dusted the trash off of him.
"Yes I do, these are all orphans of the orphanage you're next to."
The woman known as Agatha explained.
"Crummy place to have an orphanage."
Devarius muttered but he was met with a elbow to the side by Alisa.
"Be nice."
Alisa said to the paladin.
"Anyways, why do you have my boy cornered ?"
Agatha asked, demanding an answer.
"This kid stole our gold and led us on a wild goose chase here."
Devarius explained.
"But Miss. Agatha this is enough money for the repairs and.."
Before the lizard boy could finish speaking Agatha interrupted him.
"Look, I know you're trying to help Edwin but we don't resort to thievery for money, you know this "
The woman scolded.
The lizardfolk boy known as Edwin hung his head in shame.
"I know, I'm sorry Miss. Agatha."
"Now give these people back their gold, right this instant."
The caregiver demanded.
Edwin handed the satchel to Arthur and he bowed to the young mage.
"I'm sorry for stealing from you sir."
Edwin says as he goes over to Agatha.
" So sorry about all this, truly usually we raise money for the orphanage and my kids know to never steal. "
" It's alright we got our gold back and that's all that matters, c'mon guys let's head back to the market, we still gotta buy supplies."
Devarius said as he motioned for the party to follow him back to the market.
The party turned and started following Devarius except for Arthur who turned back to the caregiver. The mage quickly ran back and handed Agatha a handful of gold.
"Arthur what are you doing!?"
Devarius ran over to Arthur.
"C'mon Devarius they obviously need it, I mean look at this place."
Arthur pointed to the run down orphanage and all the children.
" Sir we appreciate it, but we can't take this especially after one of my kids stole it from you to begin with. "
Agatha said to Arthur.
" Remember it's the Guildmaster's gold not ours, we can only use it for the kid."
Alisa reminded Arthur.
" True.. but. "
Arthur looked at the kids and noticed there were lizardfolk and other reptilian children among the orphans.
"Hey Miss you wouldn't happen to have any baby supplies for reptilian babies do you?"
Arthur asked.
" Actually yes I do, haven't really had a need for some of it as of late since our last reptilian child matured a little recently."
Agatha explained.
" We'll buy it off of you, that way you can keep the gold."
Arthur then turned to Alisa
" And the gold will be used for its intended purpose, everyone is happy. "
Arthur explained to everyone.
The other party members turned to one another and shrugged their shoulders.
"I suppose that works. "
Devarius said to Arthur.
"Well okay let me go gather some of the old supplies, be back in just a moment."
Agatha said she left for a few moments before she came back with two bags.
" Here we go, this is all the spare supplies we have. "
Agatha said as she handed the supplies to the party.
" Thanks.
Arthur opened the bags and the party rummaged through the various items.
" Hey check this out. "
Arthur pulled out what seemed to be diapers but they seemed to have a hole cutout on them.
"That hole is for their tails assuming the baby has one."
Agatha explained.
"Oh that's kinda neat."
Devarius commented.
"Allow me to explain what everything is."
Agatha said as she took the bags.
The caregiver explained what the purpose of each item was. This ranged from baby bottles with longer teats to specialized soaps, rash ointment and other items made for hatchlings developing scales.
"This is a lot of stuff, are you sure you want to part with it?"
Arthur asked Agatha to which the woman nodded.
"We'll be fine, besides we haven't had many lizardfolk babies here in a long time, also with the gold you gave us we can always buy more.
Said the caregiver.
"Speaking of which we need to ask how you're able to get this stuff, we couldn't find a vendor anywhere in town."
Alisa explained.
"It's typically imported but there's usually a lizardfolk vendor who comes into town at the first of every month with supplies, he sells different types of oddities from the marshlands of Faerun. "
Agatha explained to Alisa.
" We'll have to catch them next time, well we appreciate all this, even if led to a crazy chase. "
Alisa said as she turned around.
"C'mon let's head back, the kid probably misses us."
" Can't keep the mok waiting. "
Xepug said as he was quick to start running back to the guild.
"Thanks again Ma'am."
Arthur bowed as he followed his fellow party members back to the guild.
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