Start of an Epic Journey
The Party having left the guild begins their quest to the land of the dragonborn.
"Ain't this exciting guys, we're going on a real quest like true adventurers."
Arthur said excitedly.
"Not much has happened yet though, it's only been a hour since we left town"
Alisa told Arthur.
"True but think of the possibilities."
Arthur explained.
"Ah ah!".
Tykeim pointed down to a nearby rock.
"No you can't eat the rock Tykeim."
Devarius said to the dragonborn causing Tykeim to whine in annoyance.
"Might as well let him eat it."
Alisa said as she handed the rock to Tykeim and much to Tykeim's satisfaction he started crunching on the rock.
"We can't keep feeding him rocks, he'll need actual food"
Devarius said to Alisa.
"Let him have just a few, won't hurt him none. "
Alisa said as she handed Tykeim another stone which Tykeim happily ate.
"He seems to really like rocks"
Arthur said as he started writing down some notes in a book.
"Whatcha scribbling in that book?".
Xepug asked.
"Oh it's a baby book and a research journal wrapped into one, we can keep track of Tykeim's milestones and research on his dragonborn quirks."
Arthur explained as he continued to write.
"That's pretty smart to keep track of the kid, because in all honesty we know nothing of caring for baby dragonborns."
Alisa explained.
"Yeah we don't know if the mok is like regular babies."
Xepug said as he held up Tykeim who started grunting.
"Mok what's wrong, you look like gonna explode?!"
Xepug said worried.
After a few seconds of grunting Tykeim sighed in relief as a stench reminscent of sulfur.
"Ugh! Did the mok?"
Xepug turned to his party mates as they all were covering their noses.
"Yes he did and since you're holding him you can change him."
Devarius said to the orc.
" Grrr, fine I'll do it ya damn milk drinkers. "
Xepug said as put Tykeim down on his feet.
".... How do I do this again?"
Xepug turned to his party members for advice.
"Well you have to take it off first."
Arthur instructed the orc.
"Right I knew that."
Xepug as he removed the straps off the diaper, it fell off the hatchling .
"Oh gods"
Devarius covered his mouth and nose.
"It smells like sulfur."
Alisa said as she slid on a cloth mask.
"Actually that's exactly what it is and more."
Arthur exclaimed be he promptly covered his nose.
Among the waste in the diaper there were other material that resembled ash and volcanic slag rock.
"Just look like a big rock."
Xepug said as he covered his nose.
"And a rank one at that "
Xepug tossed the diaper aside.
"Now what do I do?"
The Orc asked.
"You're gonna have to wipe him, be can't do it himself."
Devarius explained
" Next time one of you lot is doing it.! "
Xepug shouted as he wiped Tykeim, after putting the hatchling in a new diaper he picked up Tykeim.
" So what do we do with that? "
Xepug pointed to the used diaper.
" Just leave it I guess. "
Devarius suggested
" No we're not leaving it, I'm pretty sure that's a environmental hazard."
Alisa scolded Devarius.
" Then you got any ideas on how to take care of this then?"
Devarius turned to the Elf.
"We could burn it and bury the ashes, that way it won't hurt nature."
Arthur suggested.
" I second that idea. "
Xepug said excitedly.
"That actually sounds kinda fun."
Devarius said.
"Wait wouldn't it explode, I would think anything to do with sulfur would combust. "
Alisa said to her fellow party members.
" Nah it'll be fine, there's not nearly gas to cause a explosion."
Arthur said trying to assure Alisa, but she wasn't convinced.
" If you say so but to be safe. "
Alisa grabs Tykeim from Xepug.
"Tykeim and I are gonna distance ourselves. "
Alisa said as she stepped from the thre boys of the party with Tykeim in her arms.
Tykeim looked up to Alisa confused as he pointed to the other members of the party.
"I pray you won't be as daft as those three."
Alisa said.
Arthur hurled fire at the used diaper and as Alisa said it blew up covering the three teen boys in soot.
"See, they're idiots."
Alisa said to Tykeim as she walked over to the her fellow party members.
"Told you it would explode didn't I."
Alisa expecting for the boys to say she was right but instead the boys shouted in excitement.
"Are you kidding that was epic."
Arthur said excitedly.
"We pretty much have renewable bombs now."
Devarius explained to Alisa.
"Making things go boom all the time, sign ol' Xepug up!"
The orc teen shouted excitedly.
Alisa pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Fucking idiots."
She muttered under her breath.
" Come Tykeim I don't want you catching their stupidity. "
Alisa said as she started walking off.
The other party members quickly caught up to Alisa and Tykeim.
After some hours of uneventful travel daylight was starting to dim, indicating it may be time to set up camp.
"It's getting kinda late ain't it?"
Arthur said noting the setting sun.
"Yeah we may have to set up camp."
Alisa chided in.
"Couldn't we walk a little further to the next town is only like five hours away."
Arthur said, hoping to avoid camping.
"You're acting like we haven't camped before
Devarius said to Arthur.
"Yeah but there's like a bunch of bugs here."
Arthur said as he started smacking bugs off him.
"Maybe he does have a point. We have a baby with us and we can't have him exposed to bug bites. "
Alisa said as she turned to Devarius.
" The Mok will be fine, he got tough skin just like yours truly. "
Xepug said as he flexed.
Tykeim mimicked this action as he tried to flex too.
" See the mok is a chip off the old ingot"
Xepug said as he playfully tossed Tykeim in the air.
"Fine but we at least need to find a area less open, preferably with surrounding trees "
Alisa said.
"Well the ayes have it, let's look for a good camp spot."
Devarius said to the group.
Arthur groaned in annoyance as he followed begrudgingly.
"Unfortunately we can't just magic up lodging so sometimes we just gotta rough it."
Devarius explained.
"Ahh help! "
A voice shrieked
" ..... Was that an actual cry for help?"
Alisa asked
" Help please I need help! "
The voice shouted as it seemed to get closer.
" I think it's getting closer."
Devarius said.
A man dressed in rather fancy clothes clutching a satchel was being chased by a small group of goblins.
"Goblins, here? But they're not native to this region."
Alisa muttered to herself.
The man the ran to the party and cowered behind Xepug.
" You four look like brutes who can be bought protect me from these savages and I'll pay you handsomely. "
The man pleaded.
"Get out the way so we can skin coward! "
One of the goblins shouted as they approached the party weapons drawn
" Get ready everyone we got a fight on our hands"
Devarius and is fellow party members drew their weapons prepared to fight the goblins weapon and kicked the creature away.
" Yeah, I've been itchin for a battle. "
Xepug handed Tykeim to the well dressed man.
" Hold the mok, anything happens to him, I'll cleave ya in half."
Xepug said as he rushed to the battle.
"Uh sure."
Said the man as held the hatchling at arms length.
"You're surely a interesting specimen."
The man said as he inspected Tykeim.
The hatchling sniffed the man, he had a odd scent about him.
Whilst the man was watching over Tykeim the party were occupied with the battle.
Xepug sighed happily as he brutally decapitated two goblins.
"Feels like ages since I had a good fight."
"Must you be so brutal, there's a baby here."
Devarius said as he casted a basic reinforcement spell to deflect a incoming attack.
Arthur was slinging basic fire bolts at the charging goblins.
"Is it okay for Tykeim to be seeing this, won't it traumatize him."
The young mage asked.
Tykeim was preoccupied giggling and clapping happily at the ensuing battle.
"He seems fine to me"
Alisa said as she started throwing knives at any goblin that would attempt to get close to her.
After defeating a few of the goblins, the rest of the now small gang of goblins started backing away and retreating.
"Hey come back here cowards!"
Xepug shouted.
"Everyone all good, no injuries? "
Devarius asked as he looked to his party members.
" I'm good. "
Alisa said as she started collecting her throwing knives from the bodies of the goblins she slayed.
" Ditto, just got nicked by a spear is all.
Arthur answered.
"I want to revel in battle once more"
Xepug shouted.
"And you sir are you and our kid unharmed."
Devarius asked.
"We're right as rain."
said the man as he handed Tykeim to Devarius.
" I must thank you all, if it weren't for you, those creatures would've torn me to shreds.
"Why were they after you, anyways goblins don't usually come out in the open."
Arthur asked the man
"Uhh beats me I was just on my merry way home when all of a sudden the creatins began to chase me."
Said the man as he extended his hand out.
" My name is William Slivaneous, you know of the Silvaneous family. "
The man introduced himself.
" I'm Devarius, that's Arthur, the orc is Xepug, the elf and the lizardfolk child are Alisa and Tykeim."
Devarius said introducing himself and his party.
" Nice to meet you all, and I thank you for saving my life. "
Said the man.
" No problem, you should probably get going though it's getting dark. "
Alisa said as she motioned for the party to leave the area.
" Wait, don't leave!"
The man shouted
"What is it?"
Devarius asked the man.
"Uhh it's getting late and my estate is not supremely far, can I hire you lot as escorts to my home and in exchange I can pay you in gold and a place to hunker down for the night"
William offered .
" Hmmm...hold on just a second. "
Devarius said as the group got in a huddle.
"Easy job plus an actual place to sleep in for the night, count me in. "
Arthur said.
" I don't know as much as I would like to sleep in a bed tonight, this guy seems pretty sketchy to me. "
Alisa said to the group.
" Ya think he has food? "
Xepug asked.
"Good question. "
Devarius said as he broke off from the huddle.
" Will dinner be included in this job?"
The paladin in training asked.
"Yes I'll have my servents prepare a feast. "
William answered.
"I see, hold on one moment. "
Devarius quickly went back into the huddle and discussed the new development with the party.
"So do we have a deal?"
William asked
After discussing it over the party broke out of their huddle.
"You have a deal sir."
Devarius said to the man as he put Tykeim down and extended his hand out to the aristocrat.
"Good then we have a deal."
William said as he placed down his bag shake Devarius's hand.
Tykeim started sniffing the air, something smelled off to the hatchling, enticed by his curiosity Tykeim started following the scent until he ended up near the bag William was holding. Tykeim started sniffing the bag as he was prepared to look into it.
"Don't look in there, it's sensitive!"
William quickly picked up his bag.
The sudden motion and loud startled Tykeim.
The hatchling started crying as he toddled to Xepug and raised his hands up to the Orc.
Xepug's eyes started emitting a slight glow, indicating he's in the early stage of his berserker rage.
"My apologies my parcel is extremely sensitive to the the elements, it needs to be handled in a sterile environment."
William defended.
"Easy Xepug he's has a right to protect his stuff."
Alisa said.
"Yeah I know."
Xepug said as he started calming down
"Alright that aside, my manor in this direction, follow me."
William said as he started walking off.
The group started began to follow William until Alisa hung back and pulled Devarius aside.
"Our benefactor seems kind of suspicious, he's hiding something."
The rouge said.
"Is he suspicious? Well I trust your judgement so keep ban eye on him."
Devarius said as he started walking to catch up with the rest of the party, Alisa did the same.
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