-Memory Lane-
(All Past. Bold is English. Italics is Japanese.)
If you've read this far thank you.
Sincerely Western_Spirited
'Oh no I'm late!' You think to yourself as you ran to your new school. Teiko Middle School in Japan. You had recently, as in last week moved here. Your parents had work here.
As you ran you could help but feel to revealing in the skirt and vest in which was the school uniform. To add your own flare however you refused to wear the flats. You wore your knee high western leather riding boots. A very tan and pale brown. Your heel clipped and chipped as you ran.
Being a foreign exchange student you were appointed to someone in order to learn the language, culture, etc, etc. An you had no clue who to meet.
"Who's that? I've never seen such shoes." Said voices in which You didn't understand. You kept on going, and going till you reached your proper class. Thankfully there are numbers above the classes instead on symbols.
"Sorry I'm Late!" You say as you barged into class a heavy breaking mess. The students stared at you but you didn't understand why.
"I'm sorry what ma'am?" Asked the teacher but you didn't understand.
"Are you (F/N) (L/N)?" Asked a boy who rose from his chair.
"Yes, I am." You reply.
"She's the foreign exchange student from America." He had said to the teacher.
"Ah, I see. Well she'll sit by you then Midormia."
"She said you'll sit with me." He had said.
"Yes Thank you."
He had green hair and eyes. An black framed glasses. His fingers were tapped up and he held a rubber duck. I looked at his eyes closely.
"Are you a Cancer?"
He nearly jumped from his seat, but he just jumped to one side. "How'd you know?"
"I uh, kind of have that talent." I reply.
"What are you then? Gemini? Virgo?"
"To tell you the truth I don't know."
"Nanadayo!" He hollered.
The entire class looked at him. He blushed and hunkered behind the book he read. "How can you not know your Zodiac? When's your birthday?"
"February 29th, I was born on a leap year." I reply.
He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I have Basketball Practice this Afternoon, if you want to watch you can." He said.
"I'd Love To!" You shouted, the entire class looked to you, as you sprang up in joy. Yet you didn't care.
"Midormiacchi! Who's behind you?" Called out a flamboyant voice, a blonde haired and golden eyed boy ran up to us.
"This is (Y/N), she's from America. She can't speak Japanese." Shintaro replied.
"Ah! I'm Kise Ryota. I'm a model and Small Forward for this team!" Kise finally said in English.
"Welcome to Japan." Said a weak voice behind Kise.
"Gah! Kurokocchi don't scare me like that!"
Behind Kise was a small sky blue haired boy, with eyes to match. He lacked presence and that frightened you. Yet he looked innocent and kind as well.
"Sorry but who are you? Kuroko-cchi?" You ask trying to pronounce it properly.
"I'm Kuroko Tetsuya, he just adds -cchi to names and people in which he respects." Said the blue haired boy.
"Oi. Tetsu, why are you talking English?" Asked a Navy Haired boy who was taller than Shintaro and Kise, very well over Kuroko.
"She's from America." Kuroko had said.
"Yo! I'm Aomine Daiki." He said.
"Aominecchi, don't be rude."
"Anyone have a quarter?" Said a bored like tone, a tall purple haired and eyed giant stood at the gym entrance, having to duck underneath to get in. You looked up to him, he down to you.
"Who's the short girl? Does she have a quarter!"
"Murasakibara! She just got here. Can't you feed yourself at another time!" Yelled Shintaro.
"Who just got here?" Asked another voice.
"Akashicchi! Um, this is (Y/N). She's from America and she doesn't know Japanese." Said Kise.
He stepped around the corner and you saw scarlet eyes and hair. He was your height and he carried himself with pride. "I see, Hello I'm Akashi Seijuro. Captain of this Team. Pleased to meet you." He had said.
"No the pleasure is mine!" You panic and bow without reason.
"Since your new here we'll cancel practice. Shintaro and I will discuss things with you. Like your hobbies and such. We can also help teach you the language if you'd like?"
"Um, yes. Thank you." You reply.
You stood outside the school about to walk home. "(L/N), come I'll take you home." Said Akashi who pointed to a limo zen behind him.
"Oh. Thank you very much."
"I see your a quick learner."
"We can only hope."
He stayed quiet for a moment as the car drove off from the curb. "Where do you live?"
" Oh, (Your Address), Japan." You reply.
"I must ask you something? I've noticed your legs quiver, even off them. Do you have a disease in them?" Akashi asks.
"No, I have bad ADHD. How'd you know?"
" I'm absolute so I know everything." He had joked.
You smiled to his words. Thinking about your day today. "Do you have a phone Miss (L/N)?"
You nodded as he handed you a slip of paper. "Every Generations Number. Including the Ex-Captain. Call us if you need anything." He had said as the car stopped in front of your house.
"Thank you for the Ride Akashi," You paused climbing out of the car and closing the door. "Bye!" You yell waving as he drove away.
-Akashi Seijuro POV-
'How odd, she is different from other girls.' I think to myself. Of course, she was from America. An those western knee high boots she wore besides the flats. They were cute, she really looked cute in a skirt as well. She did seem uncomfortable though. (F/N) (L/N). 12 years old. Born on February 29th.
Has the capability to guess your Zodiac just by looking at you. Her eyes. So lovely and serene. The way she acts, she doesn't seem to care what people think. I do admire that. Not a few moments before I exit my car my phone rings. "Akashi! My parents are Gone!"
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