Chapter 1
No One POV
Virgil stirs in his sleep before slightly opening his eyes and sitting up. He yawns and stretches before standing up and walking over to his closet. He gets dressed and grabs his bag and money. He walks down the stairs and sees that his mother had prepared him a meal.
He stares at the meal for a moment then looks away from it and walks towards the door. His mother stops him. "Aren't you going to eat?" She asks in her soft kind voice. Virgil turns around and looks at her raising an eyebrow.
"What?" He asks, slowly walking backwards toward the door.
"Your food. I made you breakfast. Aren't you gonna eat it?" She asks, crossing her arms.
"I uh- I'm not hungry- bye mom!" Virgil quickly rushes out the door, ignoring his mother's calls.
Meanwhile, Remus wakes up, opening his eyes but quickly closes them again at the sight of light. "Five more minutes...." He mumbles to himself. But despite that he sits up anyways and hops up to get dressed. He then quietly opens his door and peeks out.
When he doesn't see his mother he smirks and quickly run down the stairs and rushes out the door after grabbing his bag and slams the door behind him. He laughs as he runs through the small town bumping into everyone in his path.
He continues to run and only laughs at the "Hey's" and the "Watch it!'s" and even the "What the hell kid?!'s" He continues to run towards the large meadow with the huge oak tree.
Virgil walks toward the shop so he can buy a few things. Then just as he was about to enter the shop Remus whizzes past him, knocking him over. He squeaks out of surprise and looks over at Remus who is still running. He sighs and stands up, wiping the dirt off of his pants and shirt. Finally, he walks into the store.
Remus finally makes it to his destination and sits under the tree, beginning to make poisons and bottling them up, but he quickly gets bored and decides to take a walk through town instead. Virgil looks around the shop, grabbing items for his mother then he sees the spell books and walks over to them, quickly picking one.
He walks up to the front desk area and purchases the items before walking out of the shop. He spots Remus and raises an eyebrow. "Isn't that the guy who bumped into me?" He thinks, but just shrugs and starts walking away. Remus then spots Virgil and he smirks, before jogging up to him. He starts continuously tapping on Virgil's shoulder. "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!" He says. Virgil stops and looks at him.
"Yes?" He asks, pulling his bag over his shoulder.
"I just wanted to say... You're cute!" Remus giggles and begins running off, leaving the now red faced Virgil standing in shock. Remus looks back at him while still running and laughs, but then he bumps into someone, this time he falls down. "Oof!" He says as he hits the ground.
"Hey! Watch where you're going you little rodent!" The man that he bumped into calls down to him, with his hands on his hips. Virgil shakes his head and looks over at Remus then to the man who is still yelling at Remus. He walks up to them and looks at Remus.
"Excuse me sir, you should really watch where you're going!" He puts his hand to Remus who is now looking at Virgil. The man scoffs and walks away as Remus smiles and grabs Virgil's hand, pulling himself up.
"Thanks." Remus says, looking at their hands noticing they are still holding hands. He smirks and doesn't say anything. "Soooo what's a royal like you doing in town? Don't you have like- servants or people to do that for you?" Remus says, fully knowing that Virgil is not a royal.
Virgil shakes his head. "Sorry you've got the wrong ide-" He looks down at their hands and squeaks. "I-idea-" His face turns red again.
"Oh? I didn't know you're a cherry!" Remus teases, giving Virgil's hand a little squeeze only causing his face to go darker. Remus giggles. "Anyways, my name's Remus!" He says, still smiling at the red shade of Virgil's face.
"V-Virgil-" He stutters out. "Also, cool name!" He says, calming down.
"Thanks! Yours too!" Remus responds. "Soooooo you gonna let go? Cause I'm not-" He winks at Virgil, who squeaks. Remus giggles. "Okay okayyy I'll stop teasing you--- for now-" He smirks and lets go of Virgil's hand before running off towards his house. Virgil watches him run off then covers his face.
Remus stops at his house and quietly opens the door and peeks in. He sees that his mother is asleep on the couch and he slowly pushes the door open and walks in closing it quieter. He quickly sneaks up the stairs and into his room. He closes and locks the door, before running over to his bed and plopping down on it.
He sighs. "Finally I can lay down in be----"
"Remus! Come downstairs please!" Remus his mother call for him. He groans and jumps up, unlocking his door and going down the stairs to face his mother.
"Yes?" He asks.
"Where have you been all morning?" she asks sternly.
"In my room- why?" Remus asks, trying to lie his way out.
"Why are you lying?" She asks, crossing her arms and taking a step towards Remus. He takes a step towards the door.
"What do you mean? I'm not lying!" Remus puts his hands up.
She takes another step towards him. "Yes. You. Are." She raises her hand getting ready to strike but Remus opens the door and dashes out of the house and into town. His mother chases him out of the house and through town, tailing close behind him.
Virgil looks up and sees Remus running, then looks at Remus's mother. "Remus?" He asks. Remus looks at him and smiles.
"Heeeyyy!!!" He glances back at his mom. "Don't worry! I'm fine!" He continues to run even faster and Virgil looks back at Remus's mom and watches as she passes. Virgil quickly pulls out his book and moves his hand in a way to make an invisible wall between Remus and his mother. His mother crashes into the wall and falls backwards.
"OW! SON OF A BITCH!" She shrieks. Virgil starts running towards Remus who has run into the meadow and sat down under the large tree. Virgil slows down and runs up to Remus, panting heavily. He sits next to Remus who doesn't seem to be out of breath at all.
1092!!!!!! This is mostly based off of a rp that I'm doing so------- yee------ cya next time fangirls, fanboys, & fanpals!!!
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