Part 14:- Her fear
"I am so sad " Papaji sighed looking at Rishi who was sitting just beside him.
Rishi and Bela maa who were playing with Suchi completely ignored his words.
Seeing nobody responding as he desired, he moved closer to Rishi, "I am sad " Rishi yawned without even sparing him a glance.
"I AM SAD" This time he literally screamed in Rishi's ears. I tried controlling my smile when Rishi got up from his place and went to sit beside Bela maa leaving him alone with his whiny face.
"What happened papaji? " I finally asked him looking at the other three busy with themselves. He looked at me gratefully, "my dear daughter ".
Both the Dadu(s) and Dadi(s) had gone to some religious workshop for which they registered about two months ago. When today they had to go they looked so gloomy. They were looking at Suchi with longing but Papaji stuffed them in car-like vegetable sags asking them to go.
Meera and Shaan had gone to some college function. Let me rephrase Meera had dragged Shaan to the college function. While Kuhu Bua Ji along with her husband was off on a business trip.
It was just five of us at home. Rishi planned for an ice cream outing but we eventually ended up in the park near the ice cream parlor.
"What?" Rishi raised a cocky brow at papa Ji when he sat beside Rishi.
"I am just so sad that you haven't been spanked at least once because of Suchi till now " He sighed shaking his head.
"Dad? "
"Of course! You are not getting proper Karma. Uff! How much I want Suchi to trouble you but seems like she is a sweet girl unlike you " he huffed before giving a slay smirk to Rishi.
"You are impossible dad" Rishi rolled his eyes making all three giggle at him.
Giggling Suchi is the sight that soothes my eyes every time. It's been one month since Rishi and I are married and in this whole one month, everything went so well that it feels like a dream.
Rishi is a husband that every girl desires. He is one responsible and caring husband. I thought his care would be limited to Suchi since he stated very clearly that he was marrying me because of Suchi but I was so wrong. The warmth of his care included me and my father too.
I called papa to remind him to take his medicines but he told me that Rishi had already called him asking him to take his medicines on time. It was a small gesture but it swelled my heart. How thoughtful of him!
I don't understand what was with him that he was always behind my food in this one month. I wouldn't finish the first half of my plate when he would refill it with more food and if I deny he would ask Suchi to call me a "Bad Mumma". How can I forget his famous line, " How will you teach Suchi to eat vegetables when you yourself don't eat them? ". I tried countering his words, "I eat them! " But he just stopped me saying, " I can see that! 2 spoons of food does not count in eating vegetables. So shut up and eat otherwise I will ask Suchi to not listen to you and you know how much she loves me" He lifted his shirt collars making me jealous.
"Idiot man! "
He doesn't have some great sense of humor but his lame attempts surely make me chuckle. He had a very important meeting one day for which he emptied the whole closet just for searching his "white shirt" And that's how I came to know that white is my husband's favorite color.
The word didn't feel foreign to me now. I am slowly growing comfortable with his presence. He teases me by putting those "Don't mess with your staff ! Be a good girl " with Suchi's smiley emoticon Chits in my bag. They together pull pranks on me for which I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. Suchi is finally getting what I wanted for her but just the thought that what if it is a dream that will abruptly end? Scares me to no end.
Rishi, his family members everyone is just so good that sometimes I feel they don't deserve me.
I am Selfish to enjoy all the love and care which was meant for someone else. Someone who would have been Rishi's wife in true senses.
"Saanvi, why are you standing here? " Rishi shook me by my shoulders.
"A... N... Nothing" I quickly moved my head left to right.
"Really? " He lifted his eyebrows questioning me again.
"Of course "
"Fine. Here this is for you " He said giving me a popsicle.
"I... D" I was about to deny when he stuffed it in my mouth.
"Shut up and eat" He said dragging me to his place.
I patted my head as the cold popsicle hit the insides of my mouth.
"Idiot" I glared at him holding the popsicle with the stick.
He chuckled looking ahead.
I settled in between Bela maa and Rishi. We sat in the circle on the grass.
Suchi's eyes twinkled looking at the colorful popsicles. Rishi gave her an orange one and she happily sat in his lap enjoying it.
Will everything be like this?
It won't change after some time, right? I hope it doesn't.
Why this is so conflicting? I like staying with them but I also know I don't deserve this.
What if...
"Mumma catch" Suchi threw a balloon ball at me hoping that I will catch it on time but it hit my head as my reflexes were quite late.
"Sorry Mumma" She closed her O -shaped mouth with both her palms and ran to hide behind Rishi who was already grinning.
I took the ball and threw it at Rishi which he caught deftly smirking at me.
This Man!
I went to stand behind Suchi who was hiding her face in her palms behind Rishi. She peeked sliding her palms aside from her face looking for me. When she didn't find me at my previous place she looked at Rishi.
Rishi shrugged his shoulders playing along.
Suchi moved a little forward to search for me when I patted her shoulder from behind.
She turned, looking at me her eyes bulged out.
"Mumma! " She exclaimed before trying to run away.
I locked her in my arms tickling her. She giggled trying to hide herself.
Her sweet giggles made me laugh. I kissed her cheeks and she melted like a puddle in my lap.
Rishi threw the ball at her, taking the ball she ran behind him with her whistling sandals.
Bela maa and papa Ji too joined making it an eventful day.
I was keeping my files in the drawer when Rishi forwarded me a white envelope.
"What is this? " I asked looking at his serious face.
Has my fear come true?
The dream is ending?
He doesn't want us anymore?
Is he giving me a D... Divorce?
Please ignore grammatical mistakes.
Thanks for reading ❤.
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