Scroldie(Scrooge x Goldie)
16.) "Just shut up and kiss me." Scroldie
So the reason I didn't post the last two Friday's was because my brother came in for my bday, so I took a break that week, plus it was also my Granny's tiny party before her bday! Also I wanted to focus on one of my internet friend's bday, which was June 30th! Then on Monday it was my bday, which was July 1st btw! Then last Firday I decided to take another break because of The Fourth of July and Stranger Things was coming out! I hope you guys enjoy this!!! I honestly had so much fun writing this! XD I hope they don't seem ooc or something! This was requested by skye4everandever! Enjoy!
It was the night after the celebration of his museum finally opening up to Duckburg. Scrooge allowed the world to scrounge around and study all his mesmerizing artifacts that he's accomplished to consume over his many years of living.
Standing -more like leaning- with his cane in his hand, Scrooge McDuck gazed over his many adventures, smiling proudly to himself. Every one of his artifacts were all lined and secured by layers of glass and locked in areas, almost impossible to break into and steal. Not even Glomgold would be so dense enough to try and steal rare items that were so well protected. He may be overestimating his intelligence though.
A frown seeped upon his beak, his brow frowning as well. So how in Duckbrug did someone break in and steal one of his artifacts? Specifically the Golden Fleece. He had some hunch that he knew, scowling to himself. He had to close up the museum for the day, waiting for the culprit to return, because he had no doubt in his mind that they will return once more.
Who else loves gold as much as him, it was pretty obvious to say the least. Just the thought of them left a bitter cold taste in his mouth. He checked his pocket watch, being illuminated by the moon light, casting a blue aura around the room.
He tensed up as he heard something drop from the high up ceiling, his knuckles tightening around his cane. Closing his pocket watch with a snap, his eyes twinkled.
"I thought yeu'd be here-" the old duck who still had a hop in his step, twisted his body around ever so slightly, "-Goldie."
His eyes squinted upon the sneaky woman that began to strut on over to him with a flutter of her emerald eyes.
"Aw, don't be like that Scroogey." She stopped behind him, pulling on his shoulder in order to whip him around and fully face her, against his will. "Can't a gal like me have some fun from time to time?"
Ignoring her words, Scrooge blinked, sighing, "What do yeu want Goldie, and where is meh treasure that yeu stole?"
"Like I said," shrugging, she traced his top hat, swiftly setting it up top her head, achieving a grumble from her old partner in crime, "I wanted to have some fun. Is it wrong of me to have fun?" She held her hand to her chest dramatically.
Swiping his hat back, he kept his eyes on her, shooting darts, "Nu, but since yer -well- yeu," she rolled her eyes, "yer fun only ever benefits yeu, and messes with others."
She smirked, messing with one of his whiskers to his dismay, "You think you know me so well..." she trailed off, looking thoughtfully into his eyes.
He grasped her hand, stopping it from messing with one of his whiskers, "That's because I've worked with yeu fer years. Not tu mention, frozen in time with yeu as well..." He trailed off, muttering the last part to himself.
Dropping her hands, he strengthened his glare, "Now, I'd like my Golden Fleece back, or am I gonna have tu take it back myself?" He raised his eyebrow.
Blinking to herself, a moment of silence passed between the two until golden hair blurred Scrooge's vision. He only caught a glimpse of a playful smirk before realizing the predicament he was in.
She managed to kick his cane from under him, while grabbing his cane to catch him with the hook, bringing his head closer to hers as she leaned over him slightly, one of her arms wrapped around his beaten up back. He took a quick glance to the ground, realizing his hat had slipped off.
Goldie had an evil playful smirk spread all across her face. She traced the side of his beak, her whisper sending him shivers, "Just shut up that old mouth of yours and kiss me already." She tapped on his beak, flickering her eyes between his surprised filled ones, and his bill.
The terror in his eyes, melted -as did the apparent blush that tended to sneak onto his face- his beak and eyes sparking with a mischievous idea, causing her eyes to widened in question.
Before she could question him, he literally swept her off her feet, throwing her up into the air, quickly kicking his hat back on, and cane in his hands as he caught her in his arms.
Her arms frazzled out, gripping around his neck, fear coloring her eyes. She looked like a cat that was clinging to a tree.
He set her down, allowing her to gain her posture, "Who knew that the old money bags still had it in him." She breathed out, chuckling as she dusted herself off.
Scrooge's smile faded, clearing the air, "I think it's about time fer yer little fun tu come tu an end."
Sighing to herself, Goldie pointed towards him, "That offer still stands, Scroogey, don't forget that," Before she rounded the corner, she winked and blew her signature kiss goodbye.
His smile didn't last long as realization kicked in, he turned around remembering about the item she stole.
There it was, standing over him with all it's golden glory. Rolling his eyes while smiling, a sticky note on the side caught his eye.
"Same time next week? - Goldie"
Chuckling to himself, he crumbled the paper between his palm, "Blast me bagpipes that woman's gonna be the death of me."
I hope you liked it!!! I love Goldie and Scrooge's relationship so much! XD This is my third time writing them, so I'm still getting used to it!
So I'm just gonna show ya'll the last two amvs I made:
This was made for Ash's bday! I love Camp Camp so much!!! She's also a huge fan of the show! I do not recommend this to younger kids tho.
Here's my Dewey Duck requested amv:
Well, I hope you guys enjoyed all of this, I'd talk more but bad weathers coming in so I had to quickly get this out! UNTILLLLL NEXXXTTTTT TIIMMMEEE!! BYEEE!! LOVE YOU GUYSSS!!
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