Louna(Louie x Lena)
3.) "Make me." Louna(Art is not mine, but I sure dang love it! This is ThatSweetnessDream_'s art!)(It's actually a pic from the animatic she made to the song, "A Lovely Night" I LOVE THIS MOVIE AND SONG SO MUCH AND IT FITS THEM SO PERFECTLY!!!!!)
This was requested by cartoonromantic, thx for the request! Yours are all next in a row! XD So this'll be fun! Now we are gonna be getting into some good and interesting request!! X3(Not that the others weren't good!) So I apologize in advance if this turns out too ooc...I struggle when writing these two, their really tough to write! XD So...I hope you enjoy?
Louie Duck wasn't any ordinary duck. He was never put in the same compatibility as his brothers. All three of them had their own personality. Others described them differently. Not to mention their taste were different as well...and by taste, he means in girls. Granted, they had different taste in literally anything, the fact that they never ended up falling for the same girl, screamed wonders.
What is his type, you may be wondering. Well Louie wasn't one for types. He'd flirt with any girl he'd come across, leaving Webby as an exception only because his brother's UNDYING, OBVIOUS, love for her. He smirked at the thought, also a hint of annoyance of the obliviousness between the two.
He wasn't one for labels, or the type to stay in one place for long. He had things to do, and other people to see. This left a bitter thought lingering through his head though, as someone would point this out and exclaim that he was a player. He didn't like being compared to players, ignoring how he knew deep down that him flirting from girl to girl was something close to a player, he still wasn't one. He would never just date a girl and move on the next day when he got bored. No! He's not like those type of jerks. It's not just the label he was given, but the way it reminded him repeatedly how much alike he was to his Uncle Gladstone that he oh so couldn't stand the thought of.
Don't get him wrong, he loves his Uncle, he just couldn't stand how his Uncle would treat other people, using them to his advantage. He was also guilty of doing so as well to tell the truth. He didn't want to be like Gladstone. Yea, the luck part sounded nice to inherit...but the rest he could -and wanted to- live without.
He shook his head, leaning his chin to rest upon his palm as his fingers brushed his cheeks, the trickle of little feathers -whiskers- peaking the side of his flushed cheeks. The boy has been daydreaming since Huey begun this boring speech for when he'd become a senior woodchuck soon, pacing frantically in front of the staircase. Thankfully, his brother didn't seem to notice as he rambled on...and on about how grateful he was and what not. Louie didn't care. He cared for his brother, and supported him, but in these cases, he didn't care to listen. He could continue to support his brothers, and still not listen at the same time. That was a thing in his eyes; there was no rule saying their wasn't, and knowing Huey, he would of made it one already if he could.
"-and I don't know what I would've done without the love and support from my beloved family..."
Louie rolled his eyes as he tuned his brother out to continue his more then welcomed daydreaming, fighting the slight upward tug at his beak. Family sure can turn you soft. This he didn't like, he didn't like feeling vulnerable. He hated the way his emotions would toy with him like he was some ball being tossed around in a dangerous game of hot potato.
One of the worst emotions that he never got along with was vulnerability. He wasn't good when it came to crying in front of others, or talking it out with someone when he felt truly messed with and hurt. He'd fight with that emotion constantly, losing repeatedly in the end. He could only bottle up so much until the bottle breaks, or overflows. The only few people he was comfortable enough to be vulnerable around was his brothers and his Uncle Donald. He had a reputation to keep after all, he didn't need emotions like vulnerability getting in his way. His emotions for his mom were complex enough, but when love and vulnerability team up...it wasn't a pretty battle. Thankfully, it never really came together that often for him to have to worry about it everyday. It was rare...hint...was.
Sadly...after a while, not rare enough. His emotions were everywhere, and he couldn't figure out why they were going haywire all of a sudden. He tried pinpointing reasons, but always came to a dead end. One of those reasons he rather not explore just yet until he was sure. Webby would nag him that something was probably eating him from the inside out and soon will take revenge on the planet...yea, Webby's never changed over the years. She's still the same old Webby he grew to know and love like a sister.
Chuckling lightly, this seemed to catch his brother's attention, stopping him mid ramble. The paper crumbling in a bit as Louie noticed Huey's sweaty grip tighten around it.
"W-what so funny?" Is there something wrong with my speech?" The boy blinked, flickering his eyes nervously around the room; biting down on his knuckles as he chuckled nervously. "Should I rewrite it?!" He scanned his crumbled paper, eyes shaking between lines as he answered back to his thoughts, "You may be right! It's probably terrible; I don't deserve to be in the Senior Woodchucks if I can't even write a-"
Twitching under the others glares, Webby, Dewey, Lena, and Violet. Wincing, he scrambled to his feet to hesitantly place a comforting hand to the anxiety filled brother of his. He gave Huey a slight squeeze on the shoulder to bring him back from crazy town, frowning as his brother slightly jumped.
"Huey! Nothings wrong with your dumb speech," he cringed at his wording,"Wow, way to stick it to em', Louie!" He shook his head, forcing his casual smile, with a hint of worry, "...I was just laughing at something else entirely unrelated." Maybe he shouldn't of been the one to calm Huey down, cause this only tended to make his eyes pop out of his head more. "Great going, Louie." He could hear the others face palming behind him, he didn't blame em', he would've been doing the same thing.
"Then that means my speech was boring, Louie!" Huey's voice shook, eyes in full panic mode. "If you were laughing about something else that was unrelated to this, then- I...I gotta go rewrite this before tomorrow arrives!" Shuddering, Huey pushed passed Louie, muttering to himself as he tapped his pencil anxiously against his pale cheek, zooming out of there in a hurry.
Turning around, Louie gave a sheepish grin down at the glaring combo. "What?" He raised his hands in front of him defensively as their stares bore through him with a knowing frown. Throwing his arms in the air with defeat, he complained, "Fine, but It's not my fault that I tend to tune you guys out when one of you talks!" They gave him a deadpanned look, "Hey! Don't give me that look, you're all just as guilty!" He pointed, squinting his eyes.
Half adverted their eyes as the purple colored bird cleared her throat, dusting herself off as she she stood up. She clutched a book close to her chest, standing straight as she looked to Louie's direction. She was always so sophisticated, even more then Huey.
Her eyes wrinkled as she spoke, "I should go check on him. I can probably help with his wording while I'm at it, because even I too, can admit it was a bit on the down side."
Louie gestured to her as they nodded in agreement, "See!" The others rolled their eyes, sighing, showing no attempt in fighting back.
Violet being the only to retort back; holding her pointer finger up, she blinked knowingly, "I, on the other hand, actually tried to listen to what he had to say." And with that she left.
Louie folded his arms as he grumbled, glaring at the ground. His feathers ruffled up as he huffed out, his breath catching the side of his whiskers. "Whatever."
Awkwardly shifting onto her feet from her sitting position, followed by Dewey soon after, Webby rubbed the side of her arm, guilt seeped in her eyes, "I feel guilty for not paying attention. But, I'm glad that we at least have Violet who's willing to help him through his..." she glanced to Dewey with an unsure look across her face, "..dilemma."
A chuckled drifted up from the floor, "I'll be honest with you, Pink, I don't feel bad one bit. That speech was boring, and I was out cold the moment I sat down." Louie couldn't help the urge but smirk a little, but regretting so for betraying his own blood.
Lena stretched her arms out in front of her as she refused Webby's outstretched hand, swatting it lazily away.
Dewey watched on in amusement as he looked between his brother and his friends, "It's Huey, he'll be fine." He lowered his tone as he joked, hoping to not be heard as if Huey could hear them from afar, "Let's just hope that Violet was able to catch him in time before he exploded."
The three laughed among themselves, as Lena fell on the snickering side, her arms holding up her head while she laid back against the staircase. She always seemed to hold herself back...didn't she? Louie always tended to notice this about the punk looking girl. He admits, she was admirable and cool in his eyes, his favorite as he once said after their first encounter. Even so...there was something strikingly mysterious about her that he never could wrap his head around. She was untouchable after all, and coming from him, he could understand her distance and secrecy, especially after finding out that she was really a shadow and not to mention, somewhat a trader even.
"Trader..." That word didn't seem right to put onto that girl's shoulders. She was only trying to get free from the miserable life she was under. He would've done the same if he were in her shoes(ignoring the time he was literally in her shoes before..don't question him!). The girl only wanted her freedom, and she'd do anything for it, no limitations...he understood that...he just never really gotten a chance to understand her.
Webby clams that he and her have so much in common, that he just needed to try and talk to her because he could somehow get through to her better? That he couldn't believe. Webby was an unstoppable force that could break through anything, maybe not him because of how thick and unwilling the walls he built up were. But he was sure Webby was able to get to Lena; she couldn't be that hard to talk to...right? Lena cared for Webby, that much was obvious. So why not open up to her? Why ask him to try, when Webby could easily succeed. His thoughts about Lena just kept getting deeper and deeper, a never ending ocean. The deeper he swam, the more he would discover...and question. Who was Lena?...What were her motives now? What made her-
"-ewelyn! Dude!"
And as quickly as he faded out, he faded back in. His eye fluttering, as his green eyes scanned the -now only filled with two people- room. Dewey and Webby must've left at some point while he was daydreaming. What was he thinking about again?
"Dude, are you ok?"
Oh...right! His sight shot down, widening as he took in her expression. The girl he was just thinking of was looking up at him with a grimace look, and what he assumed to be a hint of worry. Or so he let himself believe that anyway. His eyes wandered, taking in her many -and yet so simple- features. The realization of her normally applied eye shadow lids, pale like her skin. A part of him rather her keep the no makeup look. Gliding down, he noticed how the parts of her feathers above her beak were scrunched and ruffled up. His breath caught in his throat as he met her eyes. Were they always purple? He'd count the times she'd blink or flutter them. He caught a spec of light hitting perfectly allowing her eyes to twinkle, as they shimmered. Was she hypnotizing him or something?! He felt like she was a magnet and he was a piece of useless metal as she pulled him in. He had to fight the urge to cup her cheeks in his hands. He couldn't stop swimming in her eyes, he needed to look away now before-...what was he doing again? Wait...
"What am I doing?!"
Scattering back, he almost tripped over himself, as he felt his cheeks burn, while they tingled all at once. He was too close for comfort. The green hooded duck felt light headed, like he was going to faint any moment now.
"Ok, what is wrong with you? You're seriously freaking me out right now." He dares a glance, fearing to fall under the trance again. Lena looked really worried and freaked out, as she was now standing a few feet from him.
He couldn't lose all his confidence now. Not now. He shook off what he could, mustering as much courage as possible. The blush staying consistent to his displeasure.
The green clad breathed in, then out, finally calming himself enough to answer the freaked out duck across from him, "I'm fine." His brain scattered as he tried to maintain steady, then something in him sparked, causing all his confidence to rush back, defeating his blush. "Ya know Lena, it's not everyday I get to see true beauty." He smirked, punching down the feelings bubbling at his core.
She was a bit hesitant to respond, pondering with suspicion, causing him to slightly tense up, biting down on his beak in attempt to hold his sturdy stand. When she did respond though, it seemed to loosen the tense air around them to his delight, his shoulders relaxing. She smirked, pushing his face away playfully, "How long did it take you to come up with that one? You seemed to be taking your grand old time while you stared off into space," She held a finger up to the side of her cheek, smiling as she closed one of her eyes, "not to mention, at me." Her smile wavered as she dropped her hand, closing her arms in on each other as her eyebrows raised, "Thanks for making me mentally freak out over nothing." She lightly punched him in his arm, a hint of scolding dripped from her annoyed sarcasm. He loved it when she was annoyed with him, it sent a fire throughout his body.
He grinned down at her as he towered over now, her being under his beak, "Hey, you gotta give me some credit; true and meaningful lines like that take a while to come up with, you know? Especially when it's aimed to someone as special and mysterious as yourself." Gosh how his chest was burning.
The girl rolled her eyes, clearly enjoying their tactics, "You're such a flirt, you know that?" His grin grew bigger, at least she understood that. Studying her movements, she slowly crept closer to him with every step, causing sirens to go off within his brain, screaming at him to move. But of course, his emotions got the best of him, keeping him grounded out of curiosity. Curiosity killed the cat, he was willing to risk that.
"It's a shame..." she attracted his attention, as his eyes stayed glued to her, his body freezing as she would get closer. She pulled on the collar of his hoodie to his surprise as she brought him level to her face with a smirk that could kill, "...that no one flirted back...or fought back." She whispered, sending a shiver down his spine as his body almost went limp by her touch, "Until now..."
Her finger tapped om his trembling beak, humming to herself, she shrugged as she pushed him away, dusting her hands off, as if she accomplished something.
Lena breathed out, putting her hands on her hips, acting like she didn't just try and mess with him, "Anyway. That was payback for scaring me. I don't like it when people mess my emotions, and I know you don't ether. So next time, don't you dare try and pull another stunt like that again. Don't mess with me, Louie, I'm not one of those girls waiting for you, only just to be walked all over."
He was beyond speechless. This only multiplied his questions and how much he wanted, and needed to know more about her. She was so mysterious, and her mysteriousness was killing him. He shook his head as he rubbed his hands, sliding them down his face, cursing under his breath. "Please don't let this be the reason why my emotions have been going haywire this whole time!" He wasn't ready. But wasn't that what love was like? It pulled the rug from under you without any warning and came unexpectedly, punching him in the gut. Forget love, he wanted nothing to do with it. It meant vulnerability...and he wasn't ready to work with that emotion yet...or ever.
He caught Lena staring at him with a raise if her eyebrow. His beak curved into a frown, rubbing the back of his neck, "I think Webby might be wondering where you are so...you better get going before you have to leave."
"Make me."
His head shot up, almost causing him a whiplash, "What?" He swallowed.
Lena blinked in confusion, gesturing to herself, "I said, see you later, Llewellyn."
He sucked in, growling at his imagination, "Oh! Right, yea..." he trailed off...what was going on with him? She was just Lena, someone who he was good friends with. Nothing more. "Please nothing more!" Deep down he really wanted something more.
Shifting her feet, Lena's face twisted sourly as a thought popped into her head, "You're not messing with me again, are you? Louie?" She warned.
He was quick to answer, looking past her to avoid her intoxicating eyes, "Not this time, I promise!" He forced one of his casual smirks, "I just misheard you, that's all."
Her senses seemed to relax a bit. Smiling to herself, she walked up to him, ruffling his hair to her amusement. "Bye, Louie." She smirked, glancing at his eyes one last time before turning around on her heels to head on out.
He watched her go, his heart beating at a steadier and healthier pace now. Though...he felt empty. Ignoring that fact, he smiled to himself, following in the girls footsteps to head out the room himself.
He was apart of the Duck and McDuck family, and this family always solved mysteries. And he was surly going to solve the biggest mystery in his eyes right now, Lena.
So I'm finishing this super late, it's 2 in the morning for me and I just had to get this out! XD I kept getting interrupted with my family when I tried to finish this up. My backs killing me, but i'm happy that this is done! So I hope you guys enjoyed! Sooo as you can tell I'm trying to improve my writing style! Also...sorry if they seemed ooc! XD I tried my hardest! Sorry if there was any mistakes, I didn't feel like going through all that to check! XD
Leaving you off with this:
So this is a mess because I accidentally deleted the song so I had to try and resync it the best I could...and it's still a mess! X,D
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