Donald and Della(Angst/hint of fluff)
5.) "If you walk out that door... don't you ever come back!" Donald and Della(Angst/slight fluff) (Arts are not mine, but the layer edit is...sorry for the terrible Wattpad quality...)
ANGST TIME!!! With a pinch of fluff! This was requested by Ducktalesfan54! Thx for the request! Hope you enjoy!
"If you walk out that door... don't you ever come back!"
The room fell silent. Only the sound of their hearts beating could be heard. The pilot that was going to be a mother soon, stumbled back. Tears welded in her eyes, the shock in her face was obvious to read. She couldn't believe her own brother just- he couldn't of! He didn't mean...did he?
Swallowing hard, she couldn't read his face, the shade of the night covering his eyes. All she could make out on his face was his gritted teeth. No tears? Was he holding back? She noticed him clench his fist tighter, knuckles turning whiter then usual. He was in fact holding back from blowing up on her.
Her eyes flickered back to him, catching the end of his sentence as she was snapped back from her thoughts. Holding her closed hand to her chest, she staggered her foot back, hitting the door frame behind her. "W-what?"
Keeping his glare to the ground, he pointed to the door behind her, "Just go. I know you can't say no to an adventure." And as if adding more salt to her wound, he snapped out, adding, "Even if it means missing your own children hatch! Adventures are more important to you just get out of here already, Della. I hope it'll be worth it." His voice shook, but not as much as her fury.
Gasping, she shook her head, breathing in and out, "You know what? I don't have to deal with this right now, I still have more time. You'll see, Donny! You'll see that it'll be wroth it, I'm doing this for them." She motioned to the room that her kids were in. "So I know it'll be worth it once I return! And I promise I'll make it back in time before their hatching!"
Finally looking up, Donald flung his arm to her direction, "And what if you don't, Della?! What if you don't make it back in time, or-or at all?!" Tears spilled from his eyes.
Whipping around to cover her fear, though her voice went against her, she answered back quietly, "Well then...that's a risk I'm willing to take. You're suppose to do whatever it takes for your family, and that's what I'm doing." Before Donald could retort back, she walked out the door, leaving Donald to cry himself to sleep the rest of the night. Worry never leaving him.
Rubbing his eyes, Donald rocked the three little 5 year old ducklings in his arms, humming a lullaby the best he could.
He regretted those days...those memories. If only he could go back in time and do everything right. Maybe she would be here with her boys...but that would mean he wouldn't of spent all those years with them. Watching their first steps. Their first words. Their first day of school.
If only their were a solution to get Della back and still be able to have his boys. But...there's not. And he has to face that fact. No matter how much it hurts.
Brushing Louie's bangs out of his face, Donald couldn't help but see her. She was in every bit of the three of them. Mischievous, clever, smart, adventurous, brave...stubborn.
Smiling down at them, he closed his eyes, "If only you were here, Della..."
"Unca Donald?"
Donald's eyes fluttered open. Brown tired curious ones stared back up at him.
"You ok Huey? Nightmare?" He assumed, rubbing the red pajamaed duckling's head.
Huey yawned, shaking his head as he put his hand on Donald's lingering arm, "Are you ok, Unca Donald?"
Donald blinked before letting a few snickers crack between his teeth. Pausing as he saw his nephew's worried expression, he cleared his throat, scratching the side of his cheek nervously.
"I'll be fine, Huey. Now," Using the rocking chair to hoist himself up, Donald carefully gripped the boys in his hands, watching where he was stepping as he moved, "let's get you boys to bed, shall we?"
Huey nodded as he squirmed on out from under his arms, surprising Donald for a moment. Raising his thumb up to his perplexed Uncle, Huey gave off a toothy grin. "I can walk. No need to carry me, Unca Donald. Let's go!" He scurried down the houseboat.
Standing there speechless, Donald shook his head, starting down the hallway, muttering under his breath, "You boys never cease to amaze me...or scare me."
A voice in the back of his head echoed through his mind, "Yep...their just like her."
I hope you guys enjoyed this!!! So I might not update next Friday because I'll be leaving for vacation on Wednesday with my dad to go see my brother!
So I'll leave ya off with a new amv I did, my first Scroldie amv!...Even tho it was requested! XD Here:
I hope you liked it!
I'm actually happy with how this came out, also lucky with this being my thumbnail! XD
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