Della and Louie(Family bonding)
28.) "I thought you loved me?" Louie and Della(angst warning)
OOOOHHHHHH BOYYYYYYY HAHAHAHA!!! Everyone's hearts may shatter today! X,D This was requested by Donald_DellaStories! But before we start, let me just explain this a bit: If this angst/fluff oneshot had a title, it would be called "One Step At A Time". Other things to know about this fic is that there's going to be tons of comebacks and references to "Knitting", my old first fic! And this is placed before "My Little Green Bean"(For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, you'll find out soon enough) but it would be even more emotional if you already read "My Little Green Bean" before this fic! Oh boy this hurt to write! At least there's fluff to finish it off! So let's get right into the feels! I hope you all have tissues ready...
What if Della were to barge in when she overheard her son in green confess his worries with the others while they were having a meeting. A meeting behind her back. A meeting about her...a family meeting without her...
What if she were to just up and leave them within that moment, coming back when she truly was ready to face motherhood.
"What if..."
Della laid in bed that night, staring emotionless at the ceiling high above her. The blanket that she randomly found while snooping around in her brother's houseboat -he wouldn't mind if she borrowed it- draped over half her body, her webbed feet peeking out.
She sighed to herself. Her and her boys were fine, right? She was doing ok as a mother, even if it was her second day, right?...She fought off an evil eating block head -after she was the cause of it- and saved Reb- Louie. She was still getting used to their names. "Darn Donald, I should've known he wouldn't approve of the cool names I came up with. Who names their children 'Huebert, Dewford, and Llewellyn?' What in the universe even is a Llewellyn?!"
After a moment of scolding her absent brother, negative voices began to catch back up to her, ringing through her head as she groaned.
"-I've gone so long without a mom, I guess I don't really know how to have one."
"That's because she's not a mom!"
"I think Della is struggling to adjust to this new life."
"After all, I'm used to cleaning after children, dear."
She pulled the pillow from under her and slammed it against her face, letting out a frustrated sigh.
The thoughts wouldn't just leave her alone. They both agreed it'll take a while to grow as a family...why did she still feel
She rubbed at her eyes, words couldn't describe how she was feeling, she just was...feeling!
"I'm such a terrible mother." She mumbled under her breath, one of her arms covering her eyes.
Della's ears perked up, lifting her arm slightly as she peered over the side of her creaky bed.
"Re- I mean, Louie?" She puffed out her cheeks, "Louie wears the green!" Shaking her head, she forced a smile on her beak, "Is everything ok, green bean?" She patted herself on the back, saving that nickname on a list to remember.
Stumbling back a bit, the duckling's heart stopped right in it's tracks, tears pricking the sides of his eyes threatening to escape, "How..." he trailed off, taking in a shaky breath as he attempted to steady his trembling hands. He tried to fight the tears from streaming down his pale face.
Della's eyes widened, cursing to herself as she stumbled over to her green hooded son on the floor, "Louie, sweetie? Is- are you ok? Did-did I do or say something wrong? Do you not like the nickname, because I can change it if you-"
"No!" Louie spat out, shaking his hands, wincing at his mom's taken back expression, "No..." his voice quavered as he softened his words, "'s ok." He stiffened, glancing at the ground.
She wiped at his eyes, looking up at the visibly shaking duckling, "Are..." she hesitated, "..are you sure? You're crying and-"
"I'm sure." He assured her, then breathed in as he continued, "It's just...Uncle Donald calls me that- well..he used to call me 'my little green bean'...I just haven't heard him say it in so long..." he blinked a few stray tears away from his eyes.
At a lost for words, Della bit her beak, sucking in air, "Oh...well I bet you're still his little green bean." Her smile might of been weak, but it was genuine.
Before Louie could respond, he noticed the blanket he knitted for his Uncle, was now on the floor from Della's reaction.
She blinked a few times before following his questioning gaze, peering over her shoulder.
" that the blanket I made for Uncle Donald?" He kept his eyes on the blanket, his voice hushed.
Della, not really understanding, reached behind her, grabbing the blanket, "Uh...this?" She held it up to him, admiring the work that was obviously put into it.
Louie grasped the half he had in his hands, while his mom held the other. He smiled softly down at it. He was proud of this one thing he actually accomplished by himself.
His eyes flickered to his mother, studying her admiring eyes as she looked over his work. The boy's stomach begun to swarm with butteries, remembering that she was a knitter herself.
" made this?" She broke the silence, causing Louie to advert his eyes back on the blanket as hers fell on him.
He shrugged, nodding, "Yea...Uncle Donald's done so much...he deserved something." Green eyes meeting her blue ones, his beak twitched up a bit into a tiny smile.
She smiled back, raising the blanket up to fully admire it. She gasped as she spotted her name knitted out onto the blanket.
"Uncle Donald missed you a lot...he'd tell us stories about you when you were both kids. But he'd never say what happened to you. All of it was a mystery. All he'd say was that you just...disappeared. He was hopeful that you'd come day." He glanced up at her watery eyes, then continued, "The nights he'd think we were asleep...I'd sneak outside the houseboat, watching him stare up at the was like he was waiting for you..."
She lowered the blanket, her voice cracking into a sob as she fell to her knees, pulling Louie in a hug. He slowly hugged back.
After a while she pulled back, rubbing her sons tears away, "I'm so sorry..." she burst out, wiping at her own tears, as one of her hands stayed plastered to his cheek. The blanket crumbled down between them.
Louie watched as his mom broke down in front of him. Him and his brother never really seen their Uncle break down because he would always hide it, trying not to worry them. But that didn't tend to help when the walls weren't thick...
He grabbed onto her wrist that was connected to the hand on his cheek, whispering, "Mom..."
"I'm such a terrible mother! I've been gone for 10 years! I can't believe I thought you all would love me from the start- it would be that easy." She insulted herself repeatedly, swallowing the poison of her words.
"Who said we don't love you?!" Louie shouted out, squeezing her wrist slightly, his misty eyes scanning her teary filled ones.
She sniffed, "W-what?"
"Who said we don't love you, mom?" He repeated.
Her heart ached as he called her 'mom'.
"Just because we aren't use to having a mom...doesn't mean we don't want one, and that we don't love you." Louie stood up to make sure he was being heard, pointing down at his listener. "We promised to take this one step at a time, and that's what we're doing."
Della opened her beak to retaliate, but was quickly interrupted.
"You may not be the perfect mom- hey! The perfect mom doesn't even exist!" He paused, making sure his point was getting across. "You might not know how to be a mom yet, but no matter what. No matter how many times you mess up. How many times you set the kitchen on fire. Let monsters loose. We will still and always will love you. One duck alone is a storm, but all of us together, united...we're a hurricane. And you're apart of this family. Apart of this hurricane. So...please don't go anywhere again?" Louie came to a calming stop, looking at his mother's shocked expression.
Fidgeting in place, Louie leaned on his right webbed foot, "I love you, mom. We all love you. To the mood and back."
After that, Della pulled her son down into another tearful hug. They stayed there within each other's arms, crying every pain out, every worry washing away.
Pulling back once more, she chuckled down at her son, "I don't mean to ruin this beautiful and emotional moment but, what did you come in my room for, again?"
He blinked, before snapping his fingers, "Since Uncle Donald usually lets me sleep with him when I have a...nightmare..." he mumbled. "And since he's not here I wanted to ask you if I could-"
She gasped, holding her hands to her bill, "Of course you can sleep with your mommy!" She smirked.
Louie chuckled awkwardly, "Alright, dial it back a bit mom."
She smiled down at him, kissing her son's forehead, "No promises, Beanie."
He groaned as she ruffled his hair, trying to squirm away, "Moooommm..." he complained, trying not to smile.
Rubbing the sides of his head, she ushered him off, "Now it's off to bed with ya, my little duckling!" She chirped, hiding a squeal.
He began to slump on over to her bed as she called after him, which he turned at attention to, "One step at a time, Louie?"
He smiled at her, "One step at a time, mom."
Sooo...yep! I hope you all enjoyed this...and I'm sorry for the feels if it got to any of you. I'm also sorry if Louie seems too ooc, I always have problems when writing him and Lena, they are pretty tough to write for me. So I'll just see myself out...yeaaaaa...
Leaving with this request that I got tho for Debbigail:
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