Debbigail(Dewey x Webby)
14.) "Please...stay..." Debbigail
Hey guys, gosh it's been a while, sorry! I've been busy with school and etc! Which also means I won't be able to update like I said I would. At least expect an update once a month. I wanna try to get back into the swing of things and get back to updating every other Friday, but until then, don't expect an update anytime soon! XD I will be updating on a Firday when I can tho, that's all I can really say! I hope you all had a good year last year, and I hope this new year goes well for you! I think that's all I have to say sooo...
This was requested by cartoonromantic. If this fic had a title, it would be "Their Stars". X3 The OCs that I mention in this fic belong to ThatSweetestDream_ (Vela and Willam) and SophFandoms53 (Skye, Chase, and Danny). Not gonna say anything sooo...good luck! XD I hope you guys enjoy! (They are 15 in this fic!)
That was the last thing Webby heard before the lights cut out, leaving her petrified and swallowed in the pitch black of the room.
Someone cut the lights. She'd be fine if she were in her room, at least there she had her back up lights, not to mention, her glow stars. But standing in the middle of the hallway with nothing, caused her to silently panic as she debated on feeling around or not.
She could feel her sanity slowly slipping through her fingers as a familiar warmness begun to prick at the creases of her eyes. Her breathing was more rapid than usual, as if she ran a marathon. Her heart beat a mile a minute. She didn't know what scarred her more, the thought of her heart beating out of her chest, or the darkness- well she isn't afraid of death so it must be the's definitely the darkness! At least no one could see her cry, she guessed.
Webby was this fierce warrior in their eyes, and crying would show her weakness. They'd think less of her if they knew how truly weak she was! The girl grasped at her head, squeezing her eyes shut, only making her tears and fear build up more rapidly. She needed to maintain herself in front of them, so the power being cut off was in one way a good thing. She could cry and freak out all she wanted now that no one could judge her. Reputation was the hardest thing to contain in her opinion. Why was she like this?
She didn't even know if she was moving or still frozen in place!? Most likely the latter. Thankfully she could hear voices of the others bouncing off the walls in order to help her navigate through the mansion, or in hopes of someone finding her. Being alone in the dark was one thing she didn't want to have to deal with much longer.
Shuddering in a shaky breath, she started edging forward slowly, little by little as she brushed against the invisible surroundings. The trembling girl hissed into the dark as she stumbled over something, her mouth catching a stray piece of hair causing her face to scrunch up. If she didn't want to be alone for much longer she had to do something about it. Grabbing her stolen stance back, she chewed on the inside of her cheek; debating on her options as she came to her own conclusions. No one's going to find her if she just stood there frozen and crying like the terrified girl she is.
Shaking her head, Webby continued to push forward, or what she assumed was forward. Her burning eyes may have adjusted just a bit by now, but it wasn't much help in all honesty. At least she could sort of see her hands now. Shrugging it off, the girl dragged her feet along the floor, still at a slow and cautious pace if she were to ever bump into something it wouldn't hurt too much during impact.
Her stomach was rupturing so much fear that she had such an urge to throw up. Webby pushed that down too; she pushed everything down like she always did. The boys get their mom back and she becomes somewhat unseen, pushed that down. No mysteries really left for her to solve, leaving her feeling empty, pushed that down as well. The boys actually having their family reunited, pushed down the fact that she'll never know what that feels like. The point was, she pushed down everything and she could feel it fighting for a comeback that she was not willing to let win. No matter how horrified or sick she felt.
"Huey, Louie, Webby? Anyone there, or here- anywhere?"
Webby's heart jumped, whether it be over fear or joy, she didn't care as she breathlessly shouted back as relief washed over her like a cool wave in the heat of the summer. She had to fight the yearn to want to run to the sound of his voice, she needed to think rationally before she gets herself into a situation worse than this.
"Dewey? Dewey! I'm over here!"
Her startling voice bounced off the walls, echoing throughout the halls before it finally reached Dewey's ears. The boy's emotions perked up at her familiar friendly voice, sending sparks of energy suddenly igniting within him. Unlike Webby, he did begin running. Running into things head first without thinking was his thing after all; could you really blame him for running to something that could give him comfort and send a bursting joyful feeling through him? In that moment, it felt like he had springs on the bottom of his feet as they alliterated him off the ground with every step he took.
Almost tumbling over his two feet, he came to a hurried stop, skidding his feet on the ground, briefly slipping, his chest heaved as he called out in question, "Webby...where's here?" He chuckled sheepishly, a drop of sweat sliding down the side of his face.
She came to a halt at the touch of a wall, the coolness contrasting with her warmth. Webby lead her hand to her pale face, tapping on her check as she hummed to herself.
"Let me come to you, just-" her voice ran against her, "-just keep talking Dewey!"... "Please keep talking..."
Feeling desperate at this point, Webby sped up a bit, hoping to not run into anything as she did. Dewey followed her instructions and kept talking; he may get on her nerves at times, but in times like these he was her lifesaver. Or was he her lifeline? She wasn't quite sure what he was to her, but she knew he meant something she couldn't comprehend yet.
"-so it wasn't my fault the lights went out, you know?...Web- Webby? You still there?" Dewey ventured a little hesitantly, noticing her lack of chatter. He looked up from toying with the hem of his sleeve, holding his breath as if he could hear better in doing so.
After a bit of silence he felt something or someone grasp onto his arm, causing him to jump and cry out. His eyes shut as he flung them around in an attempt to defend himself.
Webby clung to one of his arms, hovering her voice over his, "Dewey! Shhh it's me! It's ok!"
Grunting, the boy relaxed with relief, her touch sending tingles throughout his body, "Oh! Why did you go quiet on me all of a sudden, you really freaked me out." He complained.
Webby slid her hand down his arm in order to intertwine their fingers, ignoring his reaction of tenseness. Her breath shuddering awkwardly.
Dewey squeezed her hand in reassurance to her comfort, "You ok, Webs?"
She breathed out, flattering a bit of a smile, even if he couldn't actually see her, "Yea..I am now anyway." She murmured in a hushed tone, admiring his drops of worry.
Putting her grip tightening on hold, Dewey changed the subject, keeping her at thought. " you know how to get back to the others?" He chuckled nervously.
The girl blinked, the fiddling with their fingers stopped, melting Dewey's grin. He heard Webby groan, "No, I thought you did? Didn't you come from everyone else?"
Dewey -she imagined him rubbing the back of his neck- answered apologetically, "Not exactly..."
Webby whined, "How are we suppose to know where we are going?!" Mumbling, she huffed out, "My night vision goggles would really come in handy right about now.
Biting at his beak, Dewey tugged on her hand, voicing his worry once more, "Are you sure you're ok? You don't seem to be acting like your usual Webby self."
Her stomach kept doing flips as it continued to bubble, her thoughts were enough to help her forget, sadly not anymore. "It's nothing Dewey, I promise. Let's just see if we can find my room, it should be around here somewhere." Before he could protest, she pulled him along, gliding her free hand against the rough walls. All she could think about were those stars. She needed to get to them before she did something she'd regret. "Swallow your fear Webby..." The noise of her teeth gritting together was enough to bring back attention and concern to Dewey's face.
To his utter annoyance, the girl kept ignoring his every retort and yearn to communicate with her. This wasn't Webby, and he knew something was wrong that she just wasn't telling him. It frustrated him to no end; how could he help her if she wouldn't open up? Biting on the inside of his cheek, the boy struggled to keep up with her frantic pace.
Webby didn't have time for communicating, he needed to understand that- why couldn't he understand that?! Can't he see? She needed her stars, and she needed them now!
Her eyes fluttered as she felt his beak collided into her back. His collision wasn't why her eyes fluttered though, relief washing over her as they finally reached her room. The glow barley illuminated the hallway wall from across it. It's a good thing she left her door open.
Dragging him once more, she pierced into her room, bathing in the glow of her stars. Taking a breath of fresh air, she almost forgotten about the blue duck that she dragged along with her.
"Webby?" She heard the hesitance and worry dripping from his voice. Shivers erupted through her body, readying herself as he stood there eyeing her.
Sighing, she turned to him with a soft apologetic smile, "Sorry for dragging you," she scratched at her cheek while her other hand danced between the strands of her hair with her delicate touch. "I'm..." fidgeting, her eyes jerked to the ground, avoiding his wondering gaze, her fingers freezing in thought. Webby wanted to tell him so badly, but what would he think? He would just laugh at her. Glancing back up to him, the boy's eyes twitched, something seeming to click within him in understanding.
Biting down on her bottom beak, the taste of iron stung her tongue. She wasn't sure whether he could see her shaking crazily from the outside, because his eyes that were wide, melted into something so soft, her heart almost melted, almost. She shuffled under those soft ocean eyes.
Without saying anything, he walked over to her side, gliding his sight to the glow stars, then her. How could he be so blind? Of course she was scared of the dark, it explained so much. His eyes studied her now relaxed features as she admired the stars with a glimmer in her eyes. The girl's shoulders began slipping from tenseness. Not wanting to disrupt her peace, he brushed off his newly found knowledge.
He didn't know if it was just the stars on the ceiling or that his eyes were playing tricks on him, but his gaze softened at the glow that seemed to surround her. He investigated deeper as the stars continued to bounce off her eyes, causing them to shimmer. She looked so...calm.
Without realizing he was moving, his hand reached for hers, grasping it lightly and sending a gentle tingling squeeze her way. His best friend's eyes fluttered from the stars, then to his own. The boy's smile grew as his eyes rested upon her shy and flustered feathers.
Breaking the silence and contact, he awkwardly peeled his eyes away and above him. He didn't mean to stare for as long as he did. He felt his own cheeks ruffling up as he bit back a wince wanting to break out and ruin the peace on his features.
In desperate need to clear the air, he tapped on the tip of his beak with the hand that was still intact at the moment, sifting his thoughts elsewhere.
"Um- what would you call that star?" He questioned, chancing a side glance.
A giggle slipped through her beak, "What do you mean?" Call him crazy, but he could've sworn he saw a shade of light pink dust against her cheeks. His chest burst with flames, swallowing back the tingling feeling of her hand twitching between his as they both playfully squeezed back-and-forth.
Chuckling as he guided their hands towards the stars, he repeated, "What would you call them? You know, Little Dipper, Big Dipper?..." Trailing off, he weighed with his shoulders, half smiling in hopes she'd understand what he was getting at.
A beat passed, then with a hop she perked up, a smile tugging at her beak, quirking up. He'd be lying if he said that his heart wasn't beating faster than he was breathing.
Shaking his thoughts away, he listened curiously, "That one," she pointed with their intertwined hands, "That's William...oh! And right next to him is Vela!"
Dewey mused back, "Why William and Vela?"
Shrugging, she shyly tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear, "It just...feels right, ya know?" Her eyes traveled back to the two stars as she let their hands fall. "Kind of...familiar."
He felt a tug at his beak, flicking his eyes to the stars, raising their hands back up to point at another, "That one's rubbing me as a Dewey JR.!" He puffed out his chest as his teeth presented themselves.
Webby's head snapped back to her best friend, giggling as her shoulders and hair bounced along, "Actually, I see that one more as" she froze in thought, puffing out one of her cheeks. Over the years of knowing Webby, he picked up on a few little things she would do. Yet, she still fascinated him to no end.
Jumping slightly, he blinked his eyes, registering her words for a few seconds.
Coming to the conclusion, he looked to the stars, his features melting with contentment, "Huh...I see what you mean." He chuckled in understanding.
Both caught each other's eyes, looking back at the other in sync, flustering shyly, "I like that name, it has an adventure seeking type vibe to it." He breathed, quickly turning back as he felt his cheeks heat up under her brightness.
Slowly gazing up, Webby whispered under her breath, "Yea..." and while not looking back, she asked him his suggestion on the one next to Skye's.
Dewey beamed up at the star, creating one hand into a confident fist, "Oh! I got it!" He snapped. "Danny! That one's definitely a Danny!"
Webby hummed uncertainly, "I don't know, Dewey?" She smirked, leaning her head opposite of him to see if that would help her see what he meant. Shrugging, she switched her balance, "I see that one more as a Chase." She pointed with her free hand this time.
Dewey sulked playfully, "Then why did you ask me, if you were only gonna knock down my suggestion." He complained, fighting a smile as he heard her laugh, "Also, what's wrong with the name Danny, and why Chase?" He cringed.
Webby shook her head, rolling his eyes in a teasing manner, "Like I said before, Chase just feels right, especially for that star." Adding hope back into his eyes, she elbowed his side, "How about I let you name the next one?"
He hesitated, "You won't knock down my idea?" He squinted, unsure if she was joking or not.
Grabbing his other hand as she bounced on her webbed feet, she grinned, "I promise!"
A smile crept onto his beak, relaxing his shoulders, just noticing they were tense in the first place. "Then..." he scanned the stars, debating his options, "I'll call that one," he freed his hand from her soft grip, drifting it up to the star next to Skye and Chase, "Danny!"
Webby gave him an encouraging nod and one of her cheesy smiles to assure him that she was ok with it.
They continued playing around, pointing at the stars and naming them between laughs, while enjoying the others company.
With Dewey, he always understood her. She didn't have to say much, because he understood and knew how to make her feel better. In this moment, she didn't dwell on her problems, or the dark around them. That was just how Dewey affected her. He taught her to live in the moment of the positive and forget the negative, and she couldn't be more grateful for that. For him.
And for once...she knew she was going to be ok, because she had him to get through problems like these, together
End of flashback
The 41 year old Webby smiled sadly at the fond memories, resting her hand upon the grave she now stood above. Her shadow wavered over the faded flowers, wilting continuously.
Even when not here, he was still a comfort for her. She loved him, and she knew he loved her. That's all she needed in order to get through the unfairness of life. At least that what she would tell herself...Guilt and bitterness phased through her bones as she swallowed back her sorrow.
Crouching down to kiss the top of the tombstone, her hand reaching down to rest the blue fading flowers on its bed-like structure. She ignored the symbolism of the wind mocking her, causing a few petals to gently slip off and into the winds care. They were out of her reach now, leaving her behind to fend for herself. The feeling of nostalgia rustled within her, threatening to break her at any given moment. But she knew better then to give into its ways of torture.
After lingering a bit in the pitch of the night, Webby looked up to the stars, closing and opening her hands in sync with her breathing. Her frown washed away as her beak mimicked a small and determined smile, now turning to walk the opposite way.
Before she took much of a few steps, a breathless chuckle escape her beak, feeling 3 young teens clashing into her for a surprise hug.
"Hi you three, I thought I told you to stay in the car?"
The looked up at her, smiling sadly as their eyes flickered between their dad's grave and their mom's tired, swollen eyes.
The only girl out of the trio spoke up softly, "We know, but we wanted to see dad too." Her face buried into her mom's side, looking for comfort and a sense of hiding.
The mother's eyes flickered from something worried to soft in seconds, resting her hand upon her daughters head. A memory of Dewey running around the house with his little girl in his hold, giggling as Dewey attempted to make airplane noises.
Her features didn't even have time to settle back into a frown, hearing her youngest among the three -around 12- cry out in agreement, "Yeah!" He grinned widely, bringing life to that Dewey classic smile she loved so much. He was the spitting image of their father. Her heart ached, fighting back tears as she smiled down at their children.
Rubbing her hand through her other sons' hair -a twin to his sister- as she answered. "I got a better idea..."
A few minutes later they were sitting around the grave, pointing at stars and creating names for them.
As crazy as it seems, every star they named back then became what she cherished and loved today. Her parents who she finally got to meet a few years back, her three babies. They may be growing up, but they were still her stars. Their stars.
Webby looked at each of their shinning stars, hearing Dewey's voice intertwine with hers in her head, "Skye...Chase...Danny..."
They were their stars, and Dewey was the light shinning throughout them.
P.S.: This wasn't gonna end like this...until the last minute when I was first writing it, I changed it! I really hope you guys enjoyed this! Sorry for the angst, I hope the fluff made up for it! XD Sorry again for being so dang late, like always! This has been in my drafts for so long, I'd update it little by little, and now I'm glad it's done! XD
Anyway, that's all I got, so...
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