Ms Wang knocks on the door few times, but there is still no reply from inside. She looks at the clock and gets more worried, as it's almost afternoon already and Yibo is too late to leave to police station
"Son are you ok? I know that you don't like when I meddle in your business, but this is first time you're missing work and I'm nervous. I made delicious meal for you, go out and let's eat together alright?" getting no reaction for minutes, she hesitantly opens the door and walks in. Woman whimpers as suddenly something sharp touches her feet and looks around searching for his son. Detective sits at the corner of room, the way he is curved up, makes his body look too tiny and fragile. His arms tightly wrapped around his knees and eyes bloody, frozen at one place "Yibo?" She calls and boy trembles, hiding face into his palms "what is wrong son? Please don't scare your mom. Why did you break mirror? Let me see, if you're hurt somewhere"
"no, don't come closer"
"look at yourself, did you spend whole night sitting like this? just what happened? who put you in this condition?"
"That man in the mirror..." Yibo whispers and points with his finger "all his fault"
"he was stranger, it wasn't me I swear mom"
"Yibo, what are you talking about?"
"I hate him, I don't want to be him" Yibo starts screaming and deeply digs nails into his skin, almost making himself bleed. Terrified woman tries to hold his hands, but Yibo pushes her back and quickly crawls forward, taking glass piece from the floor "I hate this body, I can't take myself mom. It's too dirty, I want to escape but how?" Yibo tightens fist around glass and weird laughter escapes from his lips "how come physical pain is this enjoyable? maybe because it eases mental one? what if I keep going? it gonna feel better and better right?"
"Yibo, Yibo please my little one" Ms Wang tries best to hold her fear and slowly moves towards her son "please drop that glass, you're hurting yourself. I'm here, come into my embrace as always. mom will help, you trust me right?"
"It already hurts, it already hurts like hell mom. Your son... your son did something terrible. Since childhood I had strong principles thanks to dad, I learned how to be decent man from him. I tried my best to live as good human being, to be sincere and fair towards others. For the people I love, for the people who trusts me as police officer. What is the point of everything we do, if all can be erased in a few seconds? how am I going to judge others, when I'm filthy myself? who am I going to give good examples? Nothing matters anymore mom, your son is gone forever"
"we'll fix everything together, just drop that..." woman screams and instinctively covers her eyes, when Yibo brings glass to his neck. being on the edge of fainting, she suddenly hears sound of door slamming and something heavy falls on the floor. woman dares to open eyes and seeing Yibo alive makes her sob from relief. detective tries to free himself from Jiang's arms, but latter one holds him tightly and calls Ms Wang
"bring medicines aunt, Yibo is having mental breakdown. we should force him to sleep for a while, otherwise it may become worse"
"but Jiang..."
"Yibo needs to rest, after that I'll have honest conversation with him. I know he'll open for me" woman leaves to her room and Jiang places Yibo's head on his chest, whispering at him "it was him right? I'll make that bastard regret brother, I'll make sure he won't hurt you anymore"
"no please, don't touch him I beg you" Yibo grabs Jiang's collar and moves his body up "it's me who should regret and apologize" detective tries to keep talking, but can't find enough strength anymore and just obeys at the end, taking pill from his mom. Jiang puts him on the bed and starts cleaning Yibo's sweaty body with cold towel, changing his dirty clothes to pajamas. after making sure Yibo is deeply sleeping, he leaves room and sweetly smiles to Ms Wang
"I'll be back soon aunt, please call me if there is something urgent. tell Yibo to not worry about work, Lei is accompanying detective Ming today"
"thank you so much dear" woman holds his hands and kisses them "I could do saved my son"
"don't say it again, you're my family. You try to rest too until Yibo is sleeping" Jiang gently pets her shoulder and walks to the door dialing the number "I need help, yes Sean Xiao's address. send it to me right now"
Jiang waits at the door after telling his identity and looks around with curiosity. he couldn't imagine that Xiao's family was this rich and powerful. This fact grows his suspicious even more and wonders exactly how doctor got all property.
"You may come in" guard invites him with polite manner and Jiang enters mansion, greeting Yanlin. Woman forces herself to smile and points to the sofa
"Please sit down. It's kind of surprise for me Jiang, we meet everyday at work so...what is your reason of coming here?"
"actually I need to talk to your brother ms Yanlin, is Sean at home?"
"I don't think..." woman isn't done talking when loud sound of laughter comes from upstairs. it's sure that two boys are having funny conversation, but words is impossible to hear. Jiang takes attention to Yanlin and gets surprised, noticing tears in her eyes "seems like Sean is back already, I'll call him" she leaves and after few minutes someone walks down on the stairs. Sean is wearing long black robe, tightly tied around his waist. long hair is messily thrown on his forehead giving very juvenile look, but at the same time paleness of his face shows how exhausted he is. Sean walks closer to Jiang and younger one understands now, why his friend fell so hard with this man
"you're poisonous" he whispers and Sean winces, faking smile
"did you come all the way here to say this?"
"after everything you did to do you dare to laugh happily? don't you have shame at all?"
"I'm your senior by age and by title too, but you're still dropping honorifics without asking for permission. this isn't how you should behave"
"do you really deserve respect? are you worth to be treated well?"
"Jiang..." Sean raises his voice and grabs detective's collar "don't test my patience"
"do you know? Yibo was trying to kill himself, while you're having fun with your brother" Jiang yells and Sean's grip loosens, while his eyes shows strong concern
" is he feeling now? is he ok?"
"do you really care? Yibo lost his face, I couldn't even recognize my own friend anymore. he is totally broken and why? because you're playing dirty game since the beginning"
"I didn't mean it, I never thought that it was going to come this far" Sean whispers and moves back, falling down on the chair "Yibo is important for me too, I swear"
"how much? all I can see is Yibo suffering because of you. this weird twin thing too, I'm sure you're hiding something"
"don't act paranoiac, this matter has nothing to do with you"
"what was always you?"
"what are you saying? didn't you just hear Zhan's voice?"
"I can't doubt the fact that Zhan exists, but maybe it's only you who Yibo knows now? I'm not sure about first meeting, but after that it was always you"
"you're crazy, stop talking nonsense" Sean gets up with annoyed look and is about to leave but Jiang catches his arm. doctor whimpers from pain and takes it back, avoiding his stare "just go and take care of Yibo. he is lucky for having loyal friend like you, I got no one"
"am I supposed to feel sorry for you?"
"usually I prefer to be hated, than pitied"
"don't play victim please. I saw you, during our university years. I saw you stalking yibo"
"you're mistaken"
"you acted like you didn't know him at police station, but you're lying Sean Xiao. not Yibo, but it's you who was always chasing him. I kept silence until now, because thought it was Yibo's business but...I was too wrong. his current condition is my fault too"
"I see now, you're the type who doesn't gain attention but is smartest one?"
"I was trying my best to find out, but what kind of connection you two have exactly? are you hating or loving him? are you harming or protecting him?"
"you don't need to know, just make Yibo stay away from me and Xu Kai"
"it's impossible because you're still colleagues"
"I'll avoid private conversations promise, but may I ask something from you?"
"what is it?"
"if Yibo asks for old information, just play dumb. don't give anything to him, it's only way to keep your friend safe"
"how can I trust you Sean? what if you're trying to hide your crime or something else?"
"now it's your choice already, I warned you" Sean points to the door and nods to Jiang "I promise again, that Sean Xiao will stay away from Yibo. Now just do your work as friend and forget past. this gonna be best for all of us"
Jiang puts bags on the table and looks around, asking to Ms Wang "is Yibo still sleeping?"
"No he is awake, but refuses to talk. I can't understand what is happening to him this suddenly"
"please try to calm down, I'll try too ok? I brought some products aunt, cook something very delicious as always"
"Sure dear" she nods and jiang leaves to Yibo's room. Detective is sitting on the bed and nervously rubs his fingers together, almost bruising them. Jiang sighs and sits next to him, holding his hands.
"Stop it, are you going to break them?"
"I want to be alone"
"for what? to do something silly again? Yibo, are you ignoring me? won't you say what actually happened?" Yibo finally looks up and moves his stare to friend, hesitating to say something. His eyes shows strong sadness and curiosity at the same time, it's easy for jiang to read them "yes, I met him" jiang nods and Yibo shivers, moving closer to him
"How, how is he feeling? what he said? please tell me"
"Shouldn't you care about yourself at first?"
"Sean is totally fine. He was having fun with his twin. It's only you who is feeling bad Yibo, it's only you who suffers. For how long are you going to keep acting like fool? That man just uses you and your emotions"
"I know, I know it best. Still I love and care about him"
"Yibo...just for what reason?"
"There is no reason, that is why it's love" Yibo sadly smiles and lowers head "we both hurt each-other enough, maybe it's time to finally move on. Still...I fear meeting him, seeing hate or disgust in his eyes, or the worst...emptiness. if we're meant to separate anyway, wish it wasn't that painful. there is nothing left, just hopelessness"
"You need to remember your priorities, reaching justice right? try your best to move whole attention to more important things ok? I know love isn't easy to forget, but you have Lei and me, you have loved profession too"
"Can I still?"
"Come back to work tomorrow, everyone is waiting for you"
"I doubt it"
"They need someone to hate" jiang laughs and points to his phone "poor Lei is about to jump from window, detective Ming is making him work like donkey. He keeps messaging me and complaining whole day"
"Poor boy, it's my fault"
"no, serves him right. Anyway I got good news for you"
"What is it?"
"It's our graduation anniversary day after tomorrow. We're going to gather at academy and then have fun somewhere"
"I'm not in the mood jiang"
"That is why you should come Yibo. it gonna help you to recover soon. and who knows, maybe you're going to meet someone interesting?"
"If you insist...alright. anyway thank you so much for saving me brother. I feel so guilty towards mom, I know she can't live without me"
"you always get my back remember this" jiang pats his shoulder and gets up "I have to leave now Yibo, see you tomorrow alright?"
"mn" Yibo walks into bathroom and splashes cold water on his face, avoiding his reflection in the mirror. he knows this changes nothing, all memories of rough touches, harsh words he said to Sean still remains. feeling of doctor's body trembling under him, view of tears in his beautiful makes Yibo's heart bleed "I hate you, but I hate myself more. you said so before right? you warned me right? I'm wrong one, since the beginning I was only wrong one"
Sean enters huge dining room after getting permission and stops at the door, politely greeting people inside. three men is sitting around table and loudly talk about something, but stop as soon as doctor gets in. Sean's eyes falls on the little packages, filled with white powder and frowns, realizing what it is. Xu Kai laughs and taps hand on the table, pointing to the chair with his head
"come here and sit down. don't you wanna have fun too?"
"how can you offer him drugs?" Han, second man eyes Sean with mocking expression and gets up "I'm sure Mr doctor is going to feel offended"
"I'll excuse myself but before" Sean doesn't take attention to him and places some documents on the table "information you asked me about sir"
"are you ignoring me?"
"I just don't think that you said something important" Sean says with calm tone and takes step back "if you let me..."
"how do you dare to treat me like this?" suddenly his hair is pulled from behind and Sean feels strong pain on his back. he falls down and whimpers lowly, trying to hold himself. Han throws chair away and roughly grabs his chin, forcing Sean to look up "just because Xu Kai rails you, does that give you right to act cocky?"
"I'm sorry" Sean says through his teeth and tightens fist in the pocket "guess you're still sulky about not being the one who does it right?"
"but maybe others do" Sean gasps when his shirt is teared apart and Han drags his body towards Xu Kai "your bitch is full of hickeys and you're going to let it slide? don't you have shame anymore bro?"
"let me go" Sean yells and frees himself, covering naked body. all memories from that painful night hunts him again and lowers head, trying to stop tears "I...I have pride too"
"you both go out" Xu Kai hits fist on the table and rolls his eyes with annoyance "I said, fucking leave" Han is hold by his friend and he has no other choice but follow him back. Xu Kai gets up and knees in front of Sean, moving his face closer "so Sean Xiao, it isn't like I'm being jealous or possessive shouldn't enjoy with other men right? don't make me angry or..."
"he is nothing different, just stupid little boy I'm playing with"
"hmm, I'm somehow disliking him guess why?"
"there is too many Wang in the china, but I still hate this surname"
"may I know why?"
"not your business but..." Xu Kai rubs his nose on Sean's neck and licks mark left by Yibo "do you know what I enjoy the most?"
"taking toys from kids and then breaking them. I love when those little disgusting things start crying. funny right?"
"yes" Sean whispers and avoids his bloody eyes "I'll throw it away by myself"
"such a good boy" Xu Kai grins and gets up, helping Sean too "I was already wondering who to break first, toy or owner"
"you won't have to" Sean forcibly smiles and caresses his face "I know my place and responsibilities very well"
"that is why you're still pretty and alive" Xu Kai pushes him back and Sean bows with respect, leaving room without saying more. his hands still trembling and face shaking from disgust, dying to get out from there. Han's grin freezes on his face, when Sean walks through him and takes step back gulping down.
"what happened? you're acting so brave just few seconds ago" friend asks and Han awakes from his thoughts
"didn't you see?"
"the way he looked at me, wasn't it too creepy?'
"you shouldn't take more bro"
"was it really just imagination?" he shakes head and looks out from window, taking last glance to leaving Sean "this doesn't feel right"
So here is next update to compensate missed time a little 😊 I know it isn't happy chapter, but hope you still enjoy my dear readers 🥰 feel free to share your thoughts ❤️
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