The Deal
Sean slowly opens his eyes and tries to get up, but strong pain and heaviness on his arm makes it impossible. Someone moves next to him and doctor meets worrying stare. Yibo still looks dizzy, his face pale, eyes red and swollen. Sean tries to guess, is it because of the drug or tears shed for him?
"Where are we?" he finds himself stupid, because of those thoughts and sits up, looking around
"don't worry, this is safe place. are you ok?"
"oh really? Do you even know what safe means? Funny hearing from someone who almost got raped and killed last night" Sean says with anger and Yibo avoids his eyes "how did we get here?"
"I wasn't in proper condition to drive, so Jiang brought us here. How are you feeling? Does it hurt?" Sean just remembers the knife wound and checks his bandaged chest "I treated it by myself. Taking you to hospital was dangerous. If police knew..."
"Good that you aren't mentioning yourself as policeman anymore" doctor grins and grabs Yibo's shirt "is your ego this high you fucking kiddo? Not detective, you don't even deserve to be called man anymore"
"Sean enough"
"Enough? You say enough?" Sean yells and suddenly tops Yibo with quick movement. His face shows the pain, but still manages to twist his both arms. Yibo can easily win over him, but something makes him unable to. Sean looks so fierce and so real. wet hair is messily thrown on his forehead, stars are playing into his widen eyes and lips parted, as he tries to control his breath. Yibo realizes very well that he deserves this kind of treat and even worse "do you know what you did last night? do you know how much you fucked up? you ask if I'm hurt? this isn't first or last for me but...but you Yibo? if I was a little late? if I wasn't there at all" Sean stops as his chin starts trembling and leans head on Yibo's chest "can you even imagine how scared I was? can you imagine what I felt seeing you in that condition? you don't know, you will never know how precious you're for me Yibo" Sean cups his face and plants soft kiss on Yibo's forehead, as his hold tears falls "I don't have right, but I still love you. I love you more than myself, but I can't love you more than him. can't you give me some time? can't you just wait until this hell ends?"
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry" realizing this is actually first time, Sean confessed sincerely like this, makes Yibo's heart pain. every time Sean was acting harsh, it was awakening his pride and ego, but he could do nothing against soft side of Sean. just how many different person was this man carrying in himself? "thought I had good plan but..."
"never, never do it again, I beg you"
"mn promise, I'm sorry" Yibo carefully wraps arms around Sean's waist and hugs him. doctor stays still for a while and then frees himself, looking already calm.
"you just survived something worse than death, remember this feeling" Sean leaves him and walks to the mirror, slowly putting shirt on. his tone and expression totally changes in few seconds and there is criminologist in front of Yibo again "by the way...aren't you going to arrest me?" Sean turns back and smirks "I killed those men. I made sure to KILL everyone. there is murderer and policeman in the room together, acting all romantic. that seems weird right?"
"I had my status revoked"
"oh really? so you really went there to hook up with someone?"
"you're doing it again, trying to make me angry"
"don't blame it all on me Yibo. Don't you force me to? what was real reason? your sense of justice or desire to win over me? you don't even know yourself well. you're..." Sean sits down next to him and holds his chin "you're good, otherwise I wouldn't love you need to grow up. until you learn how to separate work from personal life, nothing will change"
"you think this is easy?"
"it isn't, but what about me? never, never in my life I had anything easy Yibo. it took me long and tormenting years to come here, to be this Sean Xiao. yes, you're best student, you're smart and can fight well, but without experience you can do nothing. just after solving few cases, you can't try to catch drug dealers all alone. you need to move slowly, very slowly. don't be hot headed, sometimes hold your temper, your pride, and stay behind"
"and just watch innocent people dying? you know someone is taking my place at that club right now Sean"
"so what can you do? save whole world? save everyone? no, you can do nothing Yibo. but me..." Sean sighs and rubs his temples "I'm getting there already, with my own methods. only thing you can do is not minding me. get back to the police and do your job, save poor within your power. later who knows...maybe we're going to meet as equals?"
"as allies? as enemies? as lovers? or..." Sean puts finger on his lips and Yibo stops, lowering his stare "as long as none of us is dead I'm ok with everything"
"I have to leave now" Sean gets up and walks forward, stopping at the door "this is your last chance Yibo. you have two choices...stop and arrest me for murder, or let me go and turn blind eye to everything I do from now on. you know that makes you my accomplice" few seconds passes and Sean feels tight grip around his waist. fear of possible disappointment makes him freeze, but Yibo slowly unbuttons his shirt and makes him turn back. Sean shivers when Yibo's soft lips touches his chest and grabs his arms "what are you doing?"
"thanks and sorry Sean. thanks for loving, for saving me and sorry for scarring you again. if someday we're able to be together...I'll cherish, I'll treasure you...with every scar, with every pain you went through. I'll wait, but don't take too long I beg you" Yibo pushes him back and turns away "leave, I'm letting you go"
Jiang rushes into bar and starts searching for Lei, being very late. familiar, loud voice leads him to the most crowded place. Lei is in the center of attention as always, cracking silly jokes. Jiang sighs with relief, but his mood changes right away, as unpleasant feeling fills his mind. he turns back and walks to the bathroom without greeting them. Jiang is busy with washing hands, when someone touches his shoulders
"is anything wrong? where did you disappear?"
"did you notice my absence? that is surprising" Jiang faces him and grins "guess I wasn't needed here"
"I was driving like crazy after meeting very serious situation, think you would be waiting. as stupidly punctual person, I was worrying about you being alone but..."
"what is that on you shirt? blood?" Lei touches him with scared face, but Jiang pushes him back quite roughly "Jiang? just what happened to you?"
"you didn't even call"
"it's just...I was..."
"having fun?"
"is it this serious?"
"you don't give fuck at all. wish I was like you" Jiang shakes his head with annoyance and tries to wash Sean's blood away. if it wasn't that serious, why he felt so hurt and heartbroken? he hates Sean, he really does, but expression on Yibo's face made him forget everything. maybe only now he realized, that his friend couldn't live without that man. he hurried here to share thoughts and worries with Lei, but he could never have him all by himself? as always, he was with others as always
"yes I admit. I'm not attentive like you and Yibo, but you're still too much Jiang. how can you say that I don't care? some of them are our high school friends and we met by chance. I was waiting, I didn't forget about you"
"anyway" Jiang murmurs and holds his arm "let's go out, we're distracting others here. I'll just greet them and then leave together ok?"
"but the blood..."
"it isn't mine" Jiang cuts Lei and drags him to the table. friends meet them with cheers and Lei forces Jiang to sit down
"so our grumpy is here too. How have you been Jiang? or should we call you officer?"
"I'm doing fine, what about you?"
"we're not successful like you...just owning some businesses?" Jiang notices mocking tone and frowns, glaring at them "is your ego still that high? honestly looking at you...guess nothing changed at all. you're still the same"
"I don't see the necessity for changes. I'm totally fine with myself"
"maybe others aren't?"
"door is open for everyone to leave" Jiang doesn't mind lei kicking his leg and empties glass with one go "I never asked you to change?"
"that is one wants you. I bet you're still virgin" loud laughter is heard and Jiang tightens his fist, holding the anger "oh you aren't denying it"
"Stop it guys please, this isn't funny anymore. We're grown up men already, why still fighting like before?" Lei awkwardly smiles and taps on Jiang's shoulder "let's leave"
"Guess he is still angry, that this virgin took his girl" Jiang grins and leans closer "I could win over you without using my dick, so who is better man between us?"
"You fucking..."
"Virgin or not, this is my own choice and not your business. No matter how much girls you fuck, it won't change the fact that you're loser. after so many years you still hold that grudge, so childish" Jiang smashes glass on the table and holds Lei's hand "I'm not going to force myself and have any more conversation with people I don't feel comfortable around. if this is my flaw, I accept it willingly" Jiang looks at his friend hoping he'll follow. Lei nods, but his face shows strong disappointment. he takes hand back as soon as they're outside and lowers head "are you ashamed of me?"
"you never make compromises"
"was I wrong one lei? that is my private matter, they have no right"
"you always act like this. it won't hurt if you make more friends and don't stick..." Lei stops, noticing pain in Jiang's eyes "I didn't mean to"
"I see, I'm burden for you right? you're just too kind boy and love to be friends with lonely people. this is all me and Yibo mean for you?"
"how can you say that?"
"they said high ego, isn't it funny? I had always low self esteem, I always thought about myself as someone worthless. that is the reason I acted cold and closed. I don't care if others misunderstood, but you? you think the same?"
"so just talk damn it. instead of being cocky, just say that it isn't true"
"why? for what?" Jiang yells and roughly pulls Lei towards himself "I can be fine alone, so fuck off and go back to them if they're this precious"
"just...just what is wrong with you?" tears in his eyes makes Jiang to let go and hides shaking hands into pocket
"I'll stay at the station today. let's not make it worse. for a while...I don't wanna see you"
"Wow, our hot headed rookie is back" colleagues make loud voices, when Yibo enters the station after few weeks and later one smiles widely, greeting everyone. After taking police badge back, he walks to the Jiang's department right away, missing friend. Reached the door, weird feeling makes him stop and turn back. Between few people standing nearby, that special one is noticeable as always. Sean freezes when their eyes meet and tiny smile shakes his lips. There is sadness and happiness on his face at the same time and Yibo kind of feels relieved. His stare moves to Sean's chest and later one gets what Yibo is worrying about. Doctor nods and moves lips, saying he is ok without making sound. doctor joins the conversation again and Yibo calls Jiang, who is busy checking documents. Jiang runs to him and squeezes Yibo's shoulders
"I missed you dude"
"then why did you keep avoiding me? Lei acts the same. did something happen between you two?"
"let's go out for smoke" Yibo follows him outside and frowns seeing cigarette in his hand
"are you back to smoking? thought it was just reason"
"no, this is just chewing gum. I was very stressed and almost started smoking again, but you won't solve our problems"
"right. so I'm listening"
"that accident at the club came in as just minor robbery case. although about five men were killed. it was just mentioned and then placed on the shelf. now I see how this works"
"no need to tell me Yibo, it's only your business. Sean saved you, that is all what matters for me"
"someday, I'll be able to explain"
"what about you and Lei?"
"we still live at the same house, but having almost zero contact and conversation. I don't even know how and why it turned that way"
"you aren't the one who hides something from us, especially if it's this serious"
"maybe I am?" Jiang sighs and avoids Yibo's eyes, remembering the documents Yanlin handed to him "don't trust me"
"don't talk nonsense"
"there is something wrong with the way I act with Lei. something different from you"
"I don't understand"
"same for me. I became too possessive of him. maybe it was always like this, but I realized just now. I hate it, when all eyes are on him, when he talks and smiles to others. after he moved with me if felt like I finally had real family. you know I'm not close with my parents, they always had high expectations from me"
"I fear...something or someone takes him away"
"that is natural, no one wants to lose someone precious jiang"
"think I'm jealous" Jiang hides face into his palms and Yibo goes silent, feeling confused "I know that I don't have right to have feelings for my friend but...I'm in so much pain"
"hey dude, listen to me" Yibo moves closer and hugs his shoulders "I have nothing against with you two being in love. I'll support your relationship with my all first you need to make sure. what exactly your feelings is? is it really that kind of love or just gratitude, too close friendship? I mean you two grew up together, Lei was your first and only friend until I joined. If you rush things and confess, it may ruin your current relationship. having feelings and having sex with someone isn't always the same"
"what are you trying to say?"
"Lei is straight and I know you aren't sure about your sexual orientation too. you two live together right? pay attention if you have desire too or just will to keep him next to you"
"this is too complicated. I don't even know how to make up with him"
"just have a conversation, it's simple like that" Yibo laughs and taps his back "I'm not the one to give this advice tho. I have craziest love life ever"
"something is happening outside" suddenly officers run through them and Yibo follows back right away. station entrance is overly crowded, as everyone is gathered around same spot. detective hears people asking for emergency, sounds of women crying but can't manage to see what is happening. trying to make way, someone grips his wrist and Yibo meets Sean's scared eyes. later one pulls him back and whispers at his ear
"don't, don't look"
"what the hell is happening, why are you stopping me"
"Yibo...I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I couldn't stop it"
"did someone...don't tell me" although doctor's denial Yibo forcefully makes his way forward and freezes in front of terrifying view. there is young boy laying on the ground, his clothes are teared and soaked in the blood. almost his whole body is scarred and face hard recognizable
"he was thrown out from the car like some trash, right in front of the station. that car had no plate numbers. look they even left ID card with him"
"who, who is him?" Yibo snatches it from his hand and hesitates before taking the look. face on the ID is the same that he saw few weeks ago. pure, beautiful boy with wide smile. Yibo falls down and screams in denial, hitting fists on the ground. Chen's tiny hands looks so cold and pale, his lips parted as maybe...he was desperately asking for help before taking last breath? weird feeling forces Yibo to look up and the person standing in front of him reaches his hand out. expression on man's face shows only worry, but Yibo's blood freezes noticing his eyes smiling with satisfaction.
"he must be someone close to you detective, I'm very sorry" Xu Kai leans closer and licks his lips "so exciting right? how do you like my welcome gift?"
"you knew everything" realization hits hard and Yibo grabs his chest, being out of breath "my fault, he died because of me"
Maybe the way I pay attention on supporting characters makes you bored, but I want to show everyone's personality to you 😊 my love for detailing characters and their feelings makes writing process slower, but this is who I'm 😅
I know this story lost so many readers during my hiatus and only few left, that is why I wanna thank you again for still waiting for me 🥰
and let me know please, what do you think about Jiang*Lei situation?
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