Yibo gets off from taxi with his friends and walks towards university yard. noticing him struggling Jiang makes Yibo stand between them and rely on their shoulders. Yibo smiles with gratitude and looks around, remembering old days. everything looks same, it's just them who grew up and changed. everyone inside starts waving hands and greeting inseparable trio. Lei as social butterfly literally flies to them and not leave anyone without kiss and hug. Jiang rolls his eyes and helps Yibo to sit down on the glass, taking place next to him
"look at him, we just arrived and Lei is already flirting with everyone. not even sparing old friends"
"oh right, are you two really going to live together? somehow I find it totally impossible"
"because we're way too different right? maybe we're like two opposite poles of magnet, but don't they attract each-other? I'm kinda tired of loneliness Yibo, Lei is too annoying but being in his company is funny"
"you talk like..." Yibo screws his eyes and Jiang chokes on the beer "don't tell me"
"are you crazy? there is no way I can have feelings for him, of course more than friendly one. no one can handle him"
"but we still do" Yibo laughs and pats on his shoulder "don't you both lack the love? but it isn't necessary to be in romantic relationship, your bond is already strong enough"
"true, I can't risk our friendship and plus of that we're both straight men"
"life may give us surprises but anyway...I'm rooting for you"
"what about you? you still look pale and exhausted"
"I'm going to get back to work tomorrow, I can't leave my responsibilities like this. what I'm doing now is acting like coward, I can't embarrass myself even more"
"yes, that is my buddy"
"our playboy is coming" Yibo winks at Lei who finally joins them and tries to warm his hands at the bonfire. Everyone sits down and gets ready for talking "guys, how did you get consent from seniority for this event?"
"we'll clear absolutely everything until tomorrow, so it won't be problem"
"oh sure, so it has nothing to do with one of us being director's son?"
"come on Jiang, you and your straightforwardness" everyone around laugh and clap their hands "We still remember how you're exposing all wrongdoings and unfairness in our faculty"
"yep, everyone was scared of him. I can't forget when Lei was caught by him having..."
"how could I leave academy without having sex in the lecture room? who do you take me for?" Lei says with offended tone and slaps Jiang's back "he was about to drag me out naked in front of everyone"
"like you didn't deserve it, totally shameless"
"it isn't my fault, being the most desirable man in the faculty"
"as if, hey Yibo why are you quiet?" detective awakes from thoughts and takes attention to his mates "you're always favorite between women and men too, how did it feel?"
"it was pretty entertaining? flirting, having swings without any responsibility and feelings"
"you can just keep living like this forever, having family and kids isn't for everyone"
"I want to have stable family too, when right time comes. about kid...I'll find legal way to have them. being gay shouldn't forbid us from making someone cared and happy"
"there is simple way out, you can just marry to woman. you won't have to stop screwing man tho"
"there is thing called loyalty bro, some man have it you know? and look, here are girls too, don't make them lost trust into men"
"you're annoyingly righteous as before, have you ever hurt someone Wang Yibo?" he asks with mocking tone and Yibo gasps, hiding shaking hands into pocket "life won't let you to stay clear, just mind your own business and don't judge others"
"who do you think..." Lei moves up, but Yibo pulls him down again and shakes head with smile
"no need buddy, he is just being honest. let's not fight at this important day. I'll excuse myself for a while, you can keep talking or...judging" Yibo whispers something at Jiang's ear and leaves, walking towards that unforgettable place. he even remembers the exact spot he fell down then, Yibo laughs at himself and closes eyes trying to get that feeling back. what if they haven't met at all? if there was no Zhan from the beginning, would he still get this interested in Sean? Yibo sighs and his lips curves up into sweet smile, noticing familiar tree nearby. he sits down and embraces his knees looking up to the sky "I made his eyes spark like those stars, but it was me who took it away again too"
"Does starry night make you emotional?" Yibo takes familiar voice as hallucination and shakes his head
"no, I'm always sentimental idiot like this"
"'re good boy" feeling softness on his hand Yibo shivers and finally looks at the side, meeting beautiful eyes "its't been long, I can't believe we meet here again"
"Zhan..." Yibo whispers and turns away, unable to keep looking at his face. he isn't Sean, but it's still unbearable "how come you're here? maybe you're just imagination?"
"you don't even try to contact me, so I run out from house to see you"
"but how did you know?"
"I isn't important at all" Zhan pouts cutely and starts playing with Yibo's fingers "you looked really happy back then, why so sad now?"
"not everything remains same"
"So someone broke your wings"
"would you love to drink cola?" Yibo hands bottle to him and Zhan nods
"you aren't drinking alcohol?"
"not anymore. guess it makes me worse person, than I already am"
"you feel guilty about something, that is why you avoided having fun with them?"
"may I ask you something?"
"I just remembered, that day someone was waiting for you. was he really your boyfriend as I thought?"
"I was never in relationship...I never got the chance to love" Zhan's voice cracks and Yibo holds his hand as comfort "it was him, my brother. that day not only me, but you met both of us. maybe it was only time?"
"picture at his cabinet, it's you two too?"
"mn, right"
"but what exactly happened between you? what connects or separates you two?"
"This" Zhan suddenly breaks the bottle and runs piece on his hand. Yibo grabs his arm and tries to stop bleeding. The way Zhan's eyes shines with weird excitement scares him and asks with trembling voice "those any chance...are you hurting yourself?"
"It's blood, the thing what connects us. But I'm not talking about our blood"
"Oh detective is so easily teasable, too cute" Zhan suddenly laughs loudly and cups Yibo's face, squeezing his cheeks "I was just kidding and the wound isn't deep at all"
"Still it needs to be dressed, please don't scare me like this Zhan. give me your scarf, I'll wrap..."
"no need. my bad but...don't you have something to share?"
"why do you ask?"
"your eyes say so"
"nonsense...anyway I'm going back" Yibo is going to get up, but Zhan pulls him down and detective finds himself laying on his lap. Zhan puts hand on Yibo's hair and slowly moves it, sharing warmth
"You know what Sean hates about me the most?"
"My smile, he hates how I always smile even when it hurts. Cry, show me your tears, don't hold it in, say that you're in pain, you're human, you can hate, you can be angry, you can scream, just don't be quiet"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Yibo hides face between Zhan's knees and his body shakes from strong spasms "please tell me, please say that you forgive me"
"I know that you aren't him, I know it won't be true but I wanna hear, so my hearts stops bleeding"
"I forgave you" Zhan leans down and his soft lips plants kiss on Yibo's temple, keeping the touch. Younger one lets out sound of relief and closes eyes, holding into his hand
"Thank you Sean, thank you so much"
"Such a honor to see you here Mr Wang" noticing Yibo entering station, Ming gets up and hardly slaps his shoulder "would you like to sit down and drink coffee? or maybe go back to home again?"
"I'm sorry boss, promise it won't happen again"
"do you know how many lies I had to say? only thing Lei can do is flirting and passing out when there is blood on the crime scene. who the hell thought that he is suitable for this field?"
"I believe in him boss, someday Lei will prove that he is worth" Yibo winks at the lei, who is standing nearby and takes document from the table "new case?"
"not really. anyway no need to read, there is nothing we can do"
"what do you mean?"
"don't you see the text bellow? it says "authority" Yibo"
"that means no touching, this kind of cases always ends by freeing suspect. I already tried my best, but couldn't even hold into data"
"fuck it, I'm in the mood of causing troubles. so medical malpractice? surgeon left tool in patient's body, what caused death? are you kidding me?"
"victim is young woman, with newborn baby. she had some health problems after delivery and was in need of surgery. week after operation she noticed swelling of wound, but thought it was normal until...she was brought by ambulance but it was already too late"
"and foreign object was found in her body after autopsy"
"right and this isn't first case for that doctor Yibo. at the end he stays always unpunished anyway. last time he took all blame on the assistant"
"I'll go to hospital with lei and examine him. we can't just stay still and let that asshole to keep killing patients"
"this means getting on prosecutor's bad side Yibo. you already have troublemaker image here, don't make it worse"
"can't care less" Yibo takes documents with him and drags lei on the way. later one stays silent until they reach hospital, knowing Yibo isn't on the mood to speak. detective stops at the reception and asks girl with smile "Can I meet Mr...Han? he is surgeon here"
"do you have a reservation? what is your name?"
"no I have other business with him" Yibo shows his badge and moves a little closer, eyeing her with smile
"I won't mind having your name too"
"it's Lina"
"such a nice name. actually you can be huge help for us"
"really?" girl blushes and lei rolls his eyes, annoyed by Yibo's flirting skills "I'm in your service detective"
"not only beautiful, but you're smart too" Yibo winks at her and asks with low voice "how is his reputation here?"
"this is about medical malpractice case?"
"not only his medical skills, but personality is lacking too. absolutely everyone here dislikes him, but can't say anything because Dr Han has connections. he tries to harass us every time, working here became real hell. and we think...he is on drugs. also sometimes...he performs surgery in drunken condition"
"and no one can stop him"
"who has head to lose detective?"
"I'm sure you have cameras here, we can notice it by walking style or..."
"police already took recordings, but they could find nothing"
"really? I wonder what kind of policeman was that" Yibo sighs and looks at lei with doubtful expression, later one nods and grabs his arm, excusing themselves
"I don't think we can win against him Yibo"
"let's meet him anyway" Yibo thanks to girl and searches for the cabinet, getting permission they walk in and cough, feeling strong smoke smell. Han eyes them with curiosity and smashes cigarette on the ashtray "guess you forgot that this is hospital doctor"
"who the hell are you two?"
"we have few questions for you related to your...last case"
"detectives again? at least you're handsome ones, chosen by appearance?"
"as you're chosen by wealth?"
"I have nothing to tell you"
"please follow us to police station for proper investigation"
"do you have a warrant? why are you lying to innocent citizen?" sudden familiar voice makes Yibo freeze and he grabs chair too tightly, his nails almost breaks. there was no possibility he could avoid meeting Sean forever, but it felt even worse, than he imagined. doctor stands in front of him and takes documents from Yibo's hands "this case is about to close, because of lack of evidences. guess you have nothing to do detective Wang Yibo and bothering my colleague out of boredom" Yibo finally dares to raise head and looks into his eyes. there is nothing but coldness in them and it hurts him more
"are we supposed to say sorry? lack of evidence? don't kid me doctor Xiao. there was object found in victim's body, she couldn't swallow it, there is no other alternative but error during surgery"
"what is all this fuss about anyway? I saved her life, what happens after surgery isn't my problem at all" Han rolls his eyes and rely on Sean's shoulder "she didn't even have enough money, so annoying"
"you can't be called human, who knows were you drunk or high during surgery"
"such a nice compliment detective" Han laughs and Yibo hardly stops awaking animal in himself "have you never get drunk and make mistake? there is nothing weird about it" Yibo is taken aback by his words and feels Sean's stare on him "seems like you're not innocent one too"
"let's just leave" Yibo hardly talks out and lei follows him back without asking more. he is already reached the entrance, when someone calls.
"I have some business to do, will meet you at car soon" lei taps on Yibo's shoulder and leaves them alone. Yibo can't help himself but look at Sean's neck, with still noticeable red mark around it. he is so ready to be yelled, cursed, maybe beaten up, but Sean acts like nothing happened between them at all
"you left the documents detective" Yibo moves his hand forward to take them, but takes step back again, like feeling disgusting to come near him. Sean slightly smirks and suddenly throws them into trash bin "you don't need it anymore I guess"
"do you feel ok?"
"of course, why should I feel bad?"
"Sean...I'm sorry. I know this isn't right place and time to apologize but...I know I don't even have right to..."
"let's keep it professional alright? I told you that everything was done between us that day. don't apologize, don't feel sorry because I simply don't care" Sean deeply breaths in and avoids Yibo's stare "and about the reason why you came here. looks like you still don't understand, you can't win with law. you'll keep barking, barking, barking, but will never be able to bite them"
"you think I'm acting unreasonable too right?"
"soon or later everyone gets deserved punishments, or someone forces them. just wait and you'll see that I was right" Sean eyes Yibo one last time and turns away, walking into Han's cabinet again. later one stands at the table and empties whiskey bottle. Sean holds his shoulders and gently presses on them, doctor lowly moans from pleasure and leans his head back
"you're so good at massaging Sean"
"I got best skills in everything" Sean whispers at his ear and teases his neck "call me when you feel stressed and we can take care of it together"
"I can never trust you, you're beautiful but very sly man. what kind of game are you playing this time?"
"look at me" Han turns towards him and Sean seductively licks lips, running hands on his chest "I know that you want me, I find you very attractive too. what is stopping you?"
"don't you hate me?"
"come on, how can I?"
"Xu Kai is going to kill me, if I touch his man. I'm already causing enough problems for him"
"I'm here to help. I love how you treat me all rude and violently in front of him, but it's just a way to show your affection right?" Sean opens his arms and Han willingly falls into them, resting cheek on his shoulder "why won't we meet later? all alone?"
"you make me crazy, you can make absolutely everyone adore you Sean Xiao" Han tightly traps his waist and Sean pets his hair
"It'll end very soon trust me. I'll solve all your problems, so we can be happy together"
Yibo gets in the car and starts engine, deeply fallen into thoughts. lei looks at him and sighs, feeling there is something wrong
"what did Sean say?"
"this time it's really end for our relationship lei. maybe there was never chance for us to be together. if my love only brings pain for both, isn't it better to just stop?"
"I think this is best choice you can make buddy" lei wraps arm around his shoulder and whispers at Yibo's ear "anyway I have something to tell you"
"it isn't only you who can flirt" lei puts USB in his hand and giggles "it only took few kisses and recording is mine"
"good job but we can do nothing with it lei, Sean was right we need warrant"
"we can do nothing with law, but what about posting it on some sites? I have hacker friend, no one can find out who was updater"
"lei, should I remind you? we're detectives you know"
"so what? that bastard is doctor who kills innocent people. there is nothing wrong with taking him down. these videos are going to destroy his reputation as doctor and person too. what do you say? do it or not?" lei winks at him and Yibo's lips curves up into naughty smile
"mn, let's go for it"
So finally I'm back to this story too 😬 needed to reread and remember characters 😅 I feel overly ashamed because of such a long break, but I'll never give up on writing this 😊 anyway feel free to share your opinions or just scold this bad author my sweeties 🥰
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