Distress 🔞
Yibo sits in the bar and makes circles around glass with his fingers, deeply drown into thoughts. Everyone is too loud around, but he can't hear anything, as only Sean's cold voice rings into his mind. Yibo was always aware about his anger issues, but he could calm down easily too and forgive everything soon. He had very soft heart and widely open for love, although there was painful secret too he carried since tragedy in his family.
He hated someone, no he had to hate for reaching justice but that feeling he got for Xu Kai last night was totally different. While choosing the profession Yibo knew that someday he may kill someone while doing his duty, but Xu Kai...he was so ready and willing. First time Yibo found darkness in his heart and mind and he hated it. What if Sean was just playing? What if not innocent type like him, but Sean wanted someone powerful? What if...
"I'm glad that you didn't miss our traditional meeting Yibo" suddenly someone taps on his shoulder and Jiang sits down in front of him
"Where is Lei?"
"Maybe flirting with someone"
"You're insulting me dude" Lei joins them and places cocktail glasses on the table "I gonna pay attention only to you two today. Friends are more important than sex"
"Did he take drugs?" Yibo can't help himself but laugh and Jiang's face brightens with joy
"Finally you're getting on good mood, your grumpy face was too disturbing. I'm used to different you"
"Right" Lei nods with smile and leans face on his palms "Do you remember our university years? Yibo was the one always fucking around. So shameless"
"There is nothing wrong with one night stands, if both side is aware of it. Studying was kinda stressful and sex helps to relax. I did never give promises to anyone and now looking back..." Yibo empties glass and swallows sudden tears "maybe it was best time of my life. everything becomes more and more complicated"
"Are you already giving up on him? Jiang told me everything and I can understand, but you're still wrong Yibo, let me tell you why" Lei says and deeply breaths in, like hesitating to keep talking "actually you're so lucky, sometimes I envy you"
"Envy me?"
"Yes, you're capable to love and be loved. Your eyes shines differently after meeting Sean and I want...to be like you someday. Yes having many partners is fun but left alone...I feel too lonely guys"
"Hey dude, you're playing now no?" Jiang cleans his throat and pets Lei's back "what is with this sudden sincerity?"
"We're detectives and there is a possibility of dying everyday right? If I get shot or injured, who is going to visit me at hospital? If I die...who is going to cry at my funeral? I got no one, my parents live far and they just doesn't care" Lei stops and hardly catches breath after taking all emotions out. Noticing friends' shocked faces he forces himself to smile and fills glasses "anyway you should keep fighting Yibo, I think love is worth it"
"I know what you meant by that Lei, but you still have us. Although you always act like pervert and carefree, we can trust and rely on you. You're our precious friend"
"I'm so lucky guys, I really got best buddies" Lei wraps arms around their shoulders and suddenly passes out. Jiang sighs and carefully holds his forehead, making boy lean at him
"This idiot can't handle drink at all. What are you going to do Yibo?"
"Lei is right, I can't just give up easily like this. at least I should get explanations from Sean. Think I got plan, wanna check something" Yibo gets up and hardly maintains balance, as drink makes him dizzy "I'm going to police station"
"At this hour? security guards and duty officers are going to be there. don't make them suspicious about something"
"I'll try my best, will you take care of him?"
"Sure bro but..."
"Thanks Jiang and sorry for leaving already, see you later" Yibo puts money on the table and runs out, while Jiang literally drags Lei's unconscious body up. later one stays asleep until taxi reaches Jiang's place and they get off.
"gosh, why are you this heavy? what the hell are you eating?"
"shut up, you're too loud" Lei complains with frown and hangs on his neck "my head hurts, my heart does too"
"what is wrong with you today?"
"she got married"
"what? who?"
"my first love, there was one at school. I just couldn't forget her and yesterday...I lost her forever"
"school?" Jiang hardly stops himself from laughing and helps lei to lie down on the bed. after taking his shoes off, he sits next to bed and carefully unbuttons lei's shirt "you're really full of surprises silly boy. seems like you have such a soft heart and loyal personality. I'm always scolding you, but actually you're one who eases my life. you're cute and funny, totally opposite of me. why are we even friends Lei?"
"are you confessing to me Jiang?" Lei giggles and teasingly caresses his cheek "I'm not man for serious relationships, you gonna get hurt. I want love but...scared of it"
"what the hell are you talking about? we're brothers you dumbhead"
"then lets live together, we're both lonely right? let's live together"
"are you serious?"
"I'm, sure I'm" Lei nods with happy face and keeps pulling Jiang towards himself, until later one lies next to him "promise, that I won't take girls here. I won't annoy you, I gonna be best boy ever"
"why I doubt it?"
"will you cry for me?" Lei suddenly wraps arm around Jiang's waist and cuddles at him "if I die, will you cry for me?"
"stop talking about death damn it, what is wrong with you?"
"still, will you?"
"I will Lei" Jiang sighs and hesitantly pets his hair, while smile shakes Lei's lips. he moves closer and soon low snoring sound is heard. surprisingly Jiang finds himself more happy than annoyed by his presence. maybe because it's first time he brought someone at home? despite long friendship they never visited each-other, maybe they still were feeling some distance? maybe Jiang was ashamed how dark and lifeless his flat was? anyway, finally someone is here, next to him and it feels freaking awesome.
Yibo walks into police station and tries his best to hide drunken state. colleagues eye him with curiosity and just shake their shoulders at the end. Yibo guesses they think he is acting up again and it's first time he feels glad about being outsider.
"I won't disturb you, just need some documents from my last case" he says with overly polite manner and leaves to Sean's department. there is no one around and Yibo is about to break in doctor's room, when suddenly step sounds is heard. door isn't open yet and Yibo quickly let goes of handle, moving back. his mind writes all possible explanations in a few seconds, but everything goes blank after hearing intruder's voice
"looking for something?" Sean stands in front of him and smirks noticing Yibo's hidden hand "are you some petty thief? such a shame for detective"
"what are you doing here?"
"isn't it me, who should be asking this Wang Yibo? you're standing at my cabinet right now"
"so I became just detective and Wang Yibo again? don't you have anything more to say?"
"I think it's better to talk inside, don't make show here" Sean opens the door and Yibo follows back with lowered eyes. since the beginning he finds it weird how strong Sean's impact over him is, but at this moment Yibo just feels too scared, scared of hearing something painful "what exactly do you want to know?"
"are you really asking? and someone like you talks about shame Sean?"
"let's just...end it here" Sean locks door from inside and turns back again, looking straight into his eyes "ask me anything you're curious about"
"what is the relationship between you two? just...business right?"
"Did it seem like business for you? Are you blind Yibo?"
"No, I could see everything very well" Yibo deeply breaths in to hold growing anger and cups Sean's shoulders "I'm just being silly here, I'm just fucking hoping that it was some mistake. Can't you...for gods sake tell me that it was nothing. That you're mine, only mine" Yibo notices doctor's face shaking on his last words and suddenly hate fills his eyes. Sean roughly pushes him back and says with creepy grin
"and will you believe it? Only in your dreams stupid boy. Did you really think that I was serious with you?"
"Wasn't I pushing you away since the beginning? Wasn't it you who kept chasing after me like a puppy? You kept fucking annoying me, so I thought why not? I'll have little fun with handsome, young boy. It's pity, everything got revealed very soon"
"What the...what the hell are you talking about?" Yibo let goes of him and takes step back, almost falling down. He puts palms on the table and closes eyes, trying to analyze words he just heard "this isn't you, this isn't Sean I love"
"No, this is my real face. This is real Sean"
"Who exactly...you're?"
"You wondered how I had many fancy things in my cabinet right? You wondered how I'm living such a good life right?"
"Don't, please stop"
"Yes, yes it's true Yibo. I'm his toy, I belong to Xu Kai"
"You're lying, I can't believe it"
"He fucks me anytime and anywhere he desires. I do absolutely everything to please him, so he gives more. Do you want to hear details too?"
"Shut up, damn it" Yibo sounds like some wild animal, while his chest quickly moves up and down. Only after noticing blood on Sean's lips, he realizes what just happened and hides shaking hand behind his back. Doctor gets up and walks closer, with still smirk on his face. Yibo avoids looking at red mark on Sean's cheek and whispers "Did I ever wrong you? Why are you hurting me Sean? why are you forcing me to treat you like this?"
"Why? You thought I was saint? aren't you like other men too? don't you want the same? Here, you can have me too" Sean takes his shirt off and holds Yibo's hand, putting it on his chest. Detective gulps down feeling heat of his soft skin and can't take eyes off from Sean's tender body "why are you hesitating? I taste very good, everyone says so"
"You...you disgust me" Yibo says through his teeth and tightly grabs Sean's neck, tossing him down on the table. Older one closes eyes and stays still like patiently waiting or willing for death. Yibo presses their bodies together as close as possible and keeps chocking him, until tears covers Sean's cheeks "If you're unable to value love...I gonna treat you as whore like you deserves" Yibo releases grip and unzips his pants, while Sean tries to catch the breath. Roughly pulling his hair back, Yibo leans forward and digs teeth into Sean's skin, making him yelp from pain.
"Don't, not like this please" Sean tries to push Yibo back, but anger makes detective even stronger. He holds Sean's both wrist and keeps marking him everywhere, acting like beast
"You're scared that he gonna see this right? This is exactly what I want, I wanna show him what kind of slutty man you're" Yibo whispers behind his ear with satisfy and strips Sean's lower part. Doctor bites on his lips noticing maddening lust in Yibo's eyes and covers face with his palm, when sharp pain tears him apart. Yibo places Sean's legs on his shoulders and starts moving without giving him chance to get used to it. There is no love, there is no pleasure, only will to break and ruin him. Beautiful eyes he adored before is tightly closed now, face he cherished shakes from pain, once dreamable lips bruised and pale now. Yibo leans down and slightly rubs his nose on Sean's face, feeling wetness on it. Having Sean under him, all weak and defeatable somehow pleases Yibo's ego, but there is a question which gonna hunt him forever "even for just one second...have you ever loved me?"
"Never" Sean faintly answers and Yibo deepens thrusts, going as fast as he can. Loud skin slapping sounds fills the room, following detective's groans. It lasts longer than usual, as this is first time Yibo wants to hold it in, he wants to waste all anger, to hurt him as much as possible. he waits from Sean to say sorry, to beg, to cry, but there is no emotion on his face at all, it feels like he is having sex with lifeless body and it causes Yibo go crazier.
"I hate you, I fucking hate you" Yibo yells and finally comes inside him, falling on Sean's chest. drink mixed with too many emotions makes him dizzy and closes eyes, holding into doctor's body. it takes few minutes until he hears words, which brings detective back into harsh reality
"are you satisfied?" low, exhausted voice asks and Yibo looks up, meeting Sean's empty eyes "is it done now? am I free from you?"
"it, it can't be" Yibo mumbles with terrify and throws himself back, like bitten by snake. Only now he takes better look at Sean and realizes what just happened between them. All byte marks around his body, bruised wrists and neck, blood covering his thighs...only now Yibo realizes that it was him who did this.
"No, no, no" he screams in agony and starts hitting his face, sobbing loudly "what did you do Yibo? Was this first time, you're dreaming about? How could you ruin everything by yourself? when did I lost my humanity? when did I became beast?"
"my fault, it was my fault as always" Sean whispers and drags his aching body up "you aren't the one to blame"
"this isn't me, this isn't me" Yibo keeps murmuring and roughly rubs his arms, like trying to remove dirt from himself "sorry, I'm very sorry"
"This is all what I could give to you" Sean slowly puts clothes on and struggles to walk properly. Using all strength he reaches door and looks down at shivering Yibo before leaving "just forget about me, about him too. Live your life Yibo, whore like me...will never be worth for you I know"
Hearing guards calling yanlin walks down on the stairs and freezes, scared of the view in front of her. Sean is hanged on their arms, totally out of the strength. his clothes and hair messy, face drain from any color. Woman screams and runs to his brother, hugging his waist. Sean shivers and slightly touches her hair, saying with sweet voice
"Don't cry, I'm still alive"
"How could you drive in this condition? What if something..." Yanlin waits until guards put Sean on the bed and leave. She quickly brings medicines and softly caresses brother's face "you're running fever, what exactly happened? Did that bastard..."
"No" Sean shakes his head and tries to smile, but fails unable to hold it anymore "sis...it hurts dear sis. I don't care about my body, anyway everyone uses it as they please but...that tiny place in my heart, which still remained pure...I dirtied it too. I ruined everything between me and Yibo. I had to harm him, that was only way to protect yibo from those satans"
"Isn't it because of Zhan? Didn't he force you? what about you Sean, until then are you going to suffer?"
"He has right"
"Let's leave from here, I'll let you to take Zhan with us. I'll learn to live with our past, let's not forget it but you had enough already Sean"
"I'm too close already, it isn't time to give up sis" Sean holds her hands and moves closer, placing head on yanlin's lap "can you pet me? Like before, when we're still kids" woman runs fingers on his hair and Sean sighs from joy, feeling her warmth.
"So can I have Yibo now?" Suddenly someone talks out and Sean opens eyes, turning face towards door. Young man with paint stains on his face smiles widely and walks in "did you free him?" Zhan knees next to bed and leans chin on his palms, looking into his brother's eyes
"I'm sorry, I'm very sorry" Sean loudly sobs out and hides face into yanlin's lap, like hiding from someone. Woman silently cries with him and keeps petting his hair, until Sean's body relaxes and breath becomes calm.
"It's ok, it's going to be ok. Even I have to do something terrible to stop you. Even I have to sacrifice Yibo's life for your sake...I'll do it Sean"
So I had really hard time, while writing this chapter 😓 I didn't get into much details, because it hurt imagining Sean in that condition 😭 I can't say anything about Yibo, hope emotions was brought well, so you can judge both of them. And if you don't mind, please share your opinions 😊
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