MORNING came and nobody in the apartment bothered to talk about what the hell happened last night.
Lisa, who slept on Chaeyoung's room went out from the room and went steraight to the kitchen to join the others in breakfast.
"Goodmorning, Lali!" JHope tried to lighten up the mood since the dining room became dead silent after she came.
Lisa slightly smiled, feeling tired and seemed to lack on sleep.
"Here, have some pancakes!" Chaeyoung grabbed a plate and placed a pancake on it, offering it to Lisa. Chaeyoung smiled sweetly at her bestfriend.
"Thanks." She muttered.
Jungkook and Taehyung who is just sitting accross her and stole glances at her with their worried look.
Nobody wants to ask any further what happened last night and what on earth did Lisa saw. They knew it will only make their energetic maknae go down the drain.
The five maknaes went to school because the older ones have different schedules.
Lisa entered their classroom, not giving a fuck to anyone as usual. She went to her seat and just threw all her admirers' gifts on the floor.
Taehyung and Jungkook had their eyes widened as they make their way to their seats.
"Yah. Lalisa, we understand that you're popular to boys here but that attitude isn't cute." Joy, her classmate spoke up.
Just so you know, almost every girl in the campus hates her. Because she's not just an oppa magnet, she's also a boyfriend magnet.
"You won't understand the feeling of coming to school expecting to have a normal day but ended up being bothered by men who clearly wants you as a trophy. And oh, you don't fucking know the feeling being hated by your female classmates for no reason. So don't talk to me as if you know how I feel because you never will." Lisa spat back, making all the students in the room gasp and others whisper. Joy was biting her lips in anger and clenched her fist, wanting to punch Lalisa in the face.
Lisa suddenly stood up which made everyone a bit startled and quiet. She just walked passed her classmates and went to the door.
Before going to the restroom, she spoke. "Whatever you guys are trying to pursue me over, don't even think about it." and she made her way to the school's restroom.
She went there and entered a random cubicle. She immediately sat down and pulled out her phone to text her Suga oppa.
Hey Oppa!
Hey Kid!
My classmates are
annoying. Can you
come pick me up oppa?
As much as I would
like to help, Jen will
kill me.
Please oppa? I'll treat you
Fine. Just... don't tell
Jen or it's the end of me.
She was about to reply back when the lights in the cr suddenly flickered. This caught her attention and made her stand up.
She was about to open the cubicle when the lights completely turned off.
A black out?, she thought.
And now all she could see is darkness. She immediately took out her phone and used it as a flashlight. She went to the cuble door to unlock it but when she was about to do so, she heard the faucet opened.
Water dripping sound echoed in her ears.
She stood frozen. She's contemplating whether to unlock the door and go out or just stay inside the cubicle.
But she went back to her phone and dialed Chaeyoung's number, hoping to have a little help.
She was busy finding Chaeyoung's number on her phone when suddenly, a blood dripped down her phone screen.
Lisa's eyes widened and her hands started trembeling in fear.
She gulped down and gathered all the courage she has. She slowly turned her head upwards.
Her eyes were wider than ever when she saw what was above her.
Above her was a body of a woman hanged by the neck with reddish eyes staring down at her. Her foot was just in front of Lisa's face and it's blood dripped down to Lisa's nose!
The quiet campus heard the echoing scream of Lisa.
30 minutes had passed and only the sound of a siren wailing is heard in their campus.
It was indeed a suicide case and Lisa was the one who witnessed it. She's now in the campus gate with her fellow maknaes and Suga who just arrived.
Chaeyoung who was hugging Lisa, spoke. "It's gonna be alright." She patted her bestfriends back trying to comfort her.
Jungkook was the first one to arrive in the cubicle and took Lisa out earlier. He saw the body hanging in the cr with Lisa beneath. And he also saw the fear on Lisa's face which made him worry even more.
Taehyung was the one who called 911. The two boys are worried sick and wanting to hug Lisa right now as she was crying non-stop on Chaeyoung's shoulders.
"What happened?" Jin ran towards the maknaes. The older ones just arrived and immediately patted Lisa.
"She saw Dahyun's body hanging in the cr." Jimin answered him. Jisoo and Jennie gasped and covered their mouths with their hands
"You mean... suicide?" Namjoon's brows furrowed and Jungkook nodded in return.
"Isn't she the one who confessed to Taehyung?" JHope turned to them.
"Yeah. That one." Taehyung answered.
"Don't you think she took her own life because you rejected her?" Namjoon asked him.
"No. She said she understands if I reject her. She even told me to just forget about the confession and be friends." Taehyung answered.
"People who usually say they're okay after you reject them are doing the opposite thing, Taehyung. You should know that since you got rejected by Lisa a lot." Jin, the psychologist said.
Taehyung just pursed his lips and lowered his head, feeling guiltier than ever.
"It's okay. Unnie is here." Jennie pulled Lisa in a hug and Jisoo did the same.
Chaeyoung stood beside Jimin and watched their unnies comfort the maknae.
"This is getting weirder and weirder." Chaeyoung sighed to him.
"Yeah. I just hope she's okay. After that faceless trespasser incident and now this." Jimin face palmed himself.
"She'll be alright. She's brave and strong. All we have to do is be there when she needs us." Chaeyoung patted his shoulders.
But Cheyoung's eyes caught something across the road. Her eyes squinted, trying to contemplate if she's not hallucinating.
It was her again.
The little girl with a weird face. Or mask?
It was just standing across them and staring directly at Chaeyoung. So she tapped Jimin by the shoulder and pointed at the girl.
"What is it?" Jimin turned to Chae.
"Do you see that little girl?" She asked, pointing at it. Jimin trailed where her hands were pointing at and he squinted his eyes.
"What girl?" He asked.
"That girl. The one with a mask." She said, still pointing at it.
"Are you on drugs? Nobody's standing across the street." Jimin chuckled at her.
Chaeyoung turned to him and furrowed her brows like saying, 'What?'
"There's nobody there." Jimin shrugged his shoulders.
She turned her gaze back to the street but the girl was gone. It was the second time seeing her and Chaeyoung realized she wasn't hallucinating at all.
It was real, she thought.
"Chae! Come on!" Jimin called her.
She turned back and realized she was the only one left outside while the others are already inside the car.
"I-I'm coming!" She shouted back.
Just as she took one step towards them, she stepped on something. It was hard and a bit scattered.
She took one foot up and her brows immediately furrowed at what she was seeing on the floor.
It was the wooden scrabble letters scattered on the floor and Chaeyoung reads it.
"I'll take her."
Author's Note:
If y'all are triggered, I don't hate any of Red Velvet members as well as Twice. I LOVE THEM ALL and I just think they're the perfect character for this book.
I love you guys so much 💕
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