EVERYONE was in the hospital, looking at Lisa's sleeping figure on the hospital bed.
"She's fine. Her results came out normal. Her vitals are stable. Everything is good." The Doctor assured all of them.
"Are you sure, Doc? She looks the opposite of it." Jin said, looking at his dongsaeng's pale face.
"We'll run more tests on her. Don't you worry." The Doctor answered.
All of them nodded, "Thank you, Doc." and the Doctor left them with worried faces.
Chaeyoung couldn't leave Lisa's side as she grips on her bestfriend's hands. Jennie and Jisoo were sitting beside their maknaes bed, on the verge of crying.
Jungkook... Oh, Jungkook. He just couldn't take a seat or stand still. He keeps walking forward and backward, not knowing how to help the love of his life recover.
On the other hand, Taehyung slowly approached Suga.
He nudged the older, "Hyung, can I borrow your car?" He whispered.
Suga's eyes furrowed, "Why?"
"I f-forgot something at home." He reasoned out.
He was obviously giving Suga an alibi and Suga knew that Taehyung is up to something. But he gave the younger his keys anyway.
Taehyung dashed out of the hospital without anyone noticing except for Suga.
Taehyung was sweating. His breathing is uneven as he grips the steering wheel hard.
He drove back to their apartment and wemt out of the car.
He stood there, in front of their door. He took a deep breath before opening it and entering the building.
He wandered around the house for a second, "Lisa... I know you're here somewhere." He muttered.
I need to get you out of there.
Then he entere the bathroom, with a candle on his hands. He took deep breaths as he lit his candle and staring at his reflection in the mirror.
He turned off the lights and since Lisa just played Dry Bone, he didn't bother checking the windows and stuff.
He stared at his reflection one last time before finally turning the lights off and lighting his candle.
Only his face in the reflection illuminated by the candle light is all he could see. He can only stare at himself with his uneven breathing.
"I welcome you into my home, but not into my body..." He recited, succeeded without stuttering.
"Come now."
And unlike Lisa's, his candle light stayed.
But his reflection changed.
"Taehyung?!" Lisa had her surprised face when she saw a familiar face infront of the mirror.
"Lisa!" He shouted as soon as his reflection was replaced by Lisa's.
"How did you get there?! Oh my gosh!" Lisa covered her face with her hands.
"I-I don't know. Where are you, Lisa?" Taehyung asked.
Lisa started to sob, tears formed in her eyes, "Taehyung... I can't get out. The doors are locked. I'm trapped inside the house. I-I... I'm so scared."
Taehyung clenched his jaw, wanting to go behind the mirror and get her out or just hug her and be with her at least.
"Listen to me, I'm gonna get you out of there. I promise. Just... stay there and hide until I get back." He assured her.
Lisa's eyes widened, "W-Where are you going? Are you going to leave me?"
Taehyung pursed his lips, "I will come back. I'll comeback for you. I promise."
Lisa shook her head in disagreement, "No. Please Taehyung! Don't leave me here!"
"I won't! I'll come back for you, Lisa. I will come back and be there. I'll get you out of there! I promise!" Taehyung said and stormed out of the bathroom, leaving Lisa.
He went out of the house and rushed to his car. He's never driven so fast in his life before, but now he's basically breaking the law. He could only care less as long as he arrives at his own apartment complex in the neighbouring city.
Which is half an hour drive.
But he didn't care about how fast Suga's car could go. He arrived at his apartment after 10 minutes.
For him, it felt like an hour as he came rushing inside his apartment and closed all the doors, windows, or any access of the outside world to his apartment.
He's attempting to play the game.
But in a different house.
He grabbed another candle and locked himself inside the bathroom. He faced himself in the mirror with an exact expression of anger and perseverance.
"Let's play this fucking game, Han. If I win, you give me back my girl." He muttered through gritted teeth.
"I welcome you into my home. But not into my body."
"Come now!" He shouted and his candle light went off.
3:07 am.
"Where's Taehyung?" Jin asked Hoseok. The two men were the first ones to wake up and prepare for the breakfast even though all are in the hospital.
Jisoo and the girls are sleeping beside Lisa as they occupied two hospital beds. While the boys slept on the floor bed and the others slept while sitting on the couch.
They just wouldn't let a minute pass by without guarding Lisa.
"He left last night. With Suga's car." Hoseok answered the oldest.
Jin's brows furrowed, "Why? Where did he go?"
"Suga said Tae left something in the house." He answered.
"He didn't came back tho." Hoseok added.
Jin just shrugged his shoulders and continued cooking the food in the electric stove they borrowed from the hospital's kitchen. It's where Jin works at anyway so he took advantage of it.
They were done preparing for the food and gathered everyone to eat. Jungkook was the last person to have the appetite to eat as he just sat beside Lisa, holding her hand. While the others ate breakfast.
"Jungkook, you have to eat." Jisoo demanded and handed the younger a plate.
Jungkook shook his head and gave his noona a tight lipped smile, "I'm full."
The others just nodded and let him do what he wants. They can't blame a lover boy who's literally mourning.
"Where's Taehyung?" Chaeyoung asked the older ones as they eat in peace.
"He went back home. He forgot something." Suga answered.
"Home? Alone?" Jisoo asked.
"Yeah." Suga answered.
Jennie squinted her eyes, "He's been quiet lately."
"Must be blaming himself for what's happening." Jungkook butted in. But Jin and Jisoo rolled their eyes.
The rivalry is still on.
"Can you just stop blaming Taehyung?" Chaeyoung said in annoyance. Jimin looked at Chaeyoung with worried eyes.
"We all know whose fault this is." Jennie muttered in a low voice. But obviously, everyone heard it.
Jennie suddenly felt Suga's hand gripping her left arm, "Enough. Don't tolerate Jungkook." Suga whispered to Jennie. But the girl just rolled her eyes and squatted her hands back.
Chaeyoung pursed her lips, trying her best not to sob. Jimin saw how Chaeyoung clenched her fist on her lap so he sighed and intertwined his hands on her.
"I can't believe you call us family when you literally blame Taehyung just because you love Lisa more." Chaeyoung said in a low voice as she glance at Jungkook and Jennie. But obviously, the two heard it loud and clear.
"Excuse me? You don't have the audacity to—"
"Chae's right. You can't blame a family. Lisa is in danger because she recklessly played the game when Jungkook was suppose to go first. Taehyung just came and interrupted because he was worried for Lisa. We were all worried. And yet... Taehyung was courageous enough to save her. We didn't even know that the game is real. So stop accusing Taehyung. He just did what a family should do." Jimin stood up and walked out of the room.
Jungkook and Jennie went silent and lowered their heads in guilt. Even though they hate to admit it... They felt like they got stabbed right in the chest with Jimin's truthful word.
Chaeyoung stood up next. Her tears falling from her eyes, "I'm going to look for Taehyung." And she left.
Jennie was about to stand up but Suga held her, shaking his head in disagreement.
"Let them be." Suga said to her. Jennie just face palmed herself and sighed.
Jisoo looked at Jennie, not knowing if she should give her a piece of her mind or follow chaeyoung and comfort her.
Jungkook, on ther hand, is also internally face palming himself in guilt and annoyance. He doesn't want to feel guilty towards Taehyung. But he can't help but feel like it.
His thoughts were interrupted when a rumbling noise came beside him. He felt Lisa's hand, which he was holding for almost 2 hours, flinched.
"G-Guys, Lisa flinched!" Jungkook stood up with his wide eyes as he stared down at the beauty.
Everyone rushed and gathered around her immediately, without Chaeyoung and Jimin.
"Lisa? Can you hear me?" Jin patted the still unconscious girl on the shoulders.
Jisoo held Lisa's other hand, "Baby, come on! Wake up!" She begged.
As if her prayers were answered when Lisa slowly opened her eyes, meeting many familiar pair of eyes.
"Oh my gosh!" Jennie went beside her and hugged Lisa.
Lisa didn't utter a word but she sat up, with the help of Namjoon and Hoseok. She immediately felt an unbearable headache. She hissed in pain and held the temple of her head, massaging it. Jungkook worriedly looked at her.
"Careful. Are you okay?" Jungkook asked her again.
Lisa looked at everyone but noticed three missing person. But what caught all of their attention was Lisa's words.
"Where's Tae?" She asked immediately. Jungkook frowned upon hearing his name from Lisa.
"H-He went home to get something." Jisoo assured the youngest.
Lisa's eyes squinted, "What? No... He's suppose to be here."
Jungkook clenched his jaw, feeling jealous and at the same time, angry. But he tried his best to suppress his feelings.
"He was with me a while ago! We escaped together! Where is he?! Taehyung!"
- satanya000
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