Pisspaw and Tequilacoat werehelp I hade a meowing 4 yeae old on my lap pretendinl to be a xat her cat name is Rose now an. She's par or the story. Anyway they were talking to Drunkit, about thair evil plans. Albertfeatherstar was .tarint?at themlwithlnarrowe. Eyes.
"I havw the hiccups' sai. Author.
"Meow" said rOse.
They didn't know why he was lookint at themliikelthwt. Hwhw, it was almost like I nee. To piss he had a lire of being anlelt o tell who was evil or not given to himlby I forgot. But that's crazy, that wouid never happen.
"Hey guysQ ehat?are you talking about" said Raptorpaw.
"Our evil plens" said pissklt and Tequilacoat at the same time
"I CANT"uHEWR OUT OG ONE EAR OR SEE" said authorfur. "HEY NLW YOUR AN ALL STAR I hwve the hiccups help'
"Meow" said ro e.
"We're partners in crime" saifld pisspew"
"Heys guys! Said Crimekitpaw"whats up"
"Nothint xrimepaw," they said. Ceimepaw was too good to be converted. He walked away and they killed rose and she hadlno patents sl ni one said anything, idk hoe that works the 4 year old just said she wasn't a kittenlany or so I decided Rose would die.
Suddently Unicorn existed instead of Rose and she climed on robin?s lap.
"Gayherint time!"
They went to the gathering. The leader of WeedClan was Swagsgwr. She said "an announcement." Then he said "I'm high."
Unicorn suddenly decided she WAS rose after all, and she was just t coking us! April fools!
"YOLO" said Swagstar.
Pisspew was talking to WeedClan qqueen eith nl kits, Robinfern. "I help other people with their kits."
"Wanna be evil" said Pisspew."
"Sure. Swagstar is evil too."
The RosClwn leader, Rose, said "hi, I'm Rose, I'm also w cwt and please everyone I'm not a bad guy I'm a good guy so please be nice to me." She was a pretty red cat named Rose. (I'm not red!) She's a queen who is a leader who helps other clans with their kids. "I'm Roseclan."
The chwshire cat smiled. She was Flynnstar's mother. I mean Swagstar. But she's flt evil.
"I wanna be a unicoen. I mean a pretty fish. It's hot!"
"I nee. To to piss eGAIAN" said author ur."
Mourningdove became a chamption and had children. She was the champion or having shilren.
"'Wtf if's only 9:45/ - said ahthors.
"I'm queen of the roseclams" said rose.
"THis wa meant to have a plot. Okay. Wanna be eeviw with us" said .
PYES PISSpAW" screamed Robinfern. "Wyay! We team up!"
?l?I have somethint to accounce!" Said Albertfeayherstae. "Tequilecoat and Pisspew an. Eniw!"
"We're giving themt o Wvilclwn. Goodbye kids."
"We're tonne destroy youQ" pisspae and tequilesoat .seamed as they eere dragged away." To Avilclan.
"Thnaks dude," Albert rather tar said to Drukdtar's ghost. He smiled down flat his child, Drunkkit. Kwe did good on this one kiddo."
"I can't finish thi. Chapter I'm sorry I'm too drunk this took me like 2 houts ily" auhorfur said
"Wait but I wanted to be evil too :(" said Raptorpaw
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