Character Ask
➟ A R I
oliviajade1: Happy birthday! What are your plans to do after college with Luke? Please marry him so my OTP becomes canon - Hey there! And thank you! After college, I hope a lot for the future with Luke. I have no doubt in my mind that we'll be besties for the resties and I have a lot of faith in us that we will catch our dreams. I'm not sure what I want to do with my life yet, but I do want to help people. Maybe I'll do the PeaceCorps or AmeriCorps and I hope Luke would come along!
fluffycthoran: Do you wanna have kids with Luke? -I'm way too young to be thinking about marriage and kids right now. I wanna survive college and find a nice job first!
fatecanberewritten: What are you majoring in in college? - I'll be a Communications Major at Newcoast University with a concentration in either Advertising or Public Relations.
ArianaNetflix: Can you be my mom? - Yes! :)
fabuloushood: Do you think your kids will have blue eyes and brown hair or blonde hair and brown eyes -Neither. Asian genes are far more dominant than the majority of them so whomever I marry, whether it's Luke or Liam Payne, our kids will have similar traits to mine. So dark hair and dark eyes. I would LOVE for my kids to have blue eyes though, and while it'd be rare, I hope it does happen!
samantha_hemmings96: On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love Quiff Boy? - I love quiff boy at a -6. Kidding. I love him at a 12.5 :)
anime_lover_1116: Favorite thing about Luke? -Hmmm, favorite thing about Luke? Besides his bright blue eyes that always seem to make me happy, I love how caring he can be. He truly looks out for the best in me, our friends and his mother- it's actually pretty hot.
fivesos26: What do you think your next birthday will be like? Hopefully no one will fall of a roof, that's for sure - My next birthday will be celebrated as a college student. So while no one will fall off the roof, there might be drunk people who purposely jump off it.
ICouldBeYourDrug: Please marry Luke and have children -I don't want to think about marriage and kids right now.
KyndallJackson: When you go to college with Luke, do you guys plan on getting a condo together - Most likely, yeah. As long as financial aid comes through to pay for book and tuition, I've got enough money saved for rent. Plus I don't plan on just going to school. I'm definitely going to have a part time job too.
WolfAura: Can you put in a good word with Michael about me? - Yes! I'll definitely try!
dadadani: What's gonna happen with your mom and sister? - I think they'll be just fine. My sister will return to school and my mom will continue to smother us like the loving mother she is.
dadadani: Are you gonna end up arguing with Jasey? - As much as I'd like to, no, I'm not. She's mentally ill, and she's already apologized.
➟ L U K E
oliviajade1: How did you feel about the nurse flirting with you and Ari getting jealous about it -Who? Kelsey? I didn't even notice that. Ari was there. When that beautiful fucker is in the room, I honestly don't notice anything else.
stayweirddani: What's your favorite think about Ari? - Her strength. She's far more stronger than I could ever be and if the roles were reversed, I wouldn't be able to handle half of the things she went through. Also, she's hot. Like really hot. I wanna make love to her. ;)
ArianaNetflix: Do you like Kelsey because if you do, I will fight you? - No. She's a nice worker at Cobb but I've only got heart-eye-emojis for Ari :)
fabuloushood: When are you and Ari getting married? - I don't want to think about marriage yet. We're only 18. I have no idea what the future holds for us, but I'm hope it's something great!
samantha_hemminhs96: Hi -Hello!
anime_lover_1116: When you ran away, why did you go to Reese at the Lotus Cafe? -I didn't plan on meeting up with Reese. He found me. I was drunk, depressed and was ten kinds of messed up. He let me stay in the safe room of the cafe.
AlHemry: Can I marry you? Cause I'm literally in love with you and you're amazing!!! - Thank you, but I'm not sure that's going to work. Seeing that Ari has stolen my heart and I don't think she plans on returning it anytime soon.
➟ A S H T O N
oliviajade1: Do you love Mia lots like jelly tots? - Mmm... tots! And honestly, I think I do. Yes I'm still very young and I've had a crush on Mia for years, but my feelings for her are more than just elementary.
stayweirddani: What's going on between you and Mia? - At the moment, we're working things out. That kiss I saw between her and Reese a couple of months ago, was all Reese, which I've forgiven him for. I wanna make things work with Mia because I'm completely into her.
fluffycthoran: Do you wanna marry Mia? - I'm way too young to be thinking about marriage. I just want to take each day as it is. Go to college, get a great job, travel, be adventurous and then settle down. I love Mia right now in this moment. I hope to be loving her in the future, but if I end up marrying someone else, then it's okay. But I do know that I won't regret a single moment with Mia.
PatyOn5sosDrugs: How are you, Daddy? -Very well. Hungry.
fivesos26: Can you and Mia just get married already??? - I'm not thinking about marriage yet. I'm too young and still trying to figure out my place in the world.
ICouldBeYourDrug: Are you and Mia a thing again? - Not yet. I'm working on it :)
sockswithoutfeet: Yes, hello. Would you like to do some 'horizontal dancing' with me please? -No can do, dear. Trying to woo Mia.
dadadani: Are you and Mia a thing because if not I'm free - Good to know, but Mia and I are not a thing... yet. Trying to win back my woman!
dadadani: Would you ever get back together with Mia? - I want to!
➟ M I C H A E L
oliviajade1: How are you feeling about being shot in the head and having all your hair shaved off because of it? -I was scared as fuck. I'm not going to lie, I could've died. But the more I think about it, I realize that I'm a survivor! I'm definitely cherishing life's little moments! And my hair will grow back- it's growing back now! Can't wait to dye it again!
stayweirddani: What's up wit you and Ari, with all the feelings and stuff? Like are you guys cool about it? How are you feeling? -We're cool. Ari and I have been best friends for 8 years and it was bound for one of us to catch feelings. But I know she loves Luke and I'm okay with that. There's other girls out there, and have you seen me? I'm sexy as fuck :)
noavaliableusername: Plz fuck me -When and where?
springxtides: Can you even read?? -Fuck you! Just kidding. Yes, I can very well read!
samantha_hemmings96: How is it being bald? - Feels good. More breeze to my cranium but my hair is growing back. Once I have a head full of luscious hair again, I'm dying it!!
anime_lover_1116: Do you still have feelings for Ari? - I do, a little, but it's nothing too serious. I know she's in love with Luke and that's okay with me. I'll be just fine.
anime_lover_1116: You worked with Reese to publish Luke's medical file so that he would stay away from Ari? -Nope. That was Jasey too. What happened was that an anonymous person (who was Jasey) paid Reese for open access to the therapy files. Reese gave Jasey (who was still anonymous) a fifteen minute window of access into patient files. In fifteen minutes, she grabbed Luke's file.
ICouldBeYourDrug: Do you still have feelings for Ari? -I do, a little. But she loves Luke and that's okay.
hoodingjay: When your hair grows back from being shot, etc. etc. unnecessary sad memories, what colour do you want to dye it? Because galaxy was sexy AF. -Not sure yet. Thinking black?
➟ C A L U M
stayweirddani: Dude did you have a girlfriend during this story? -No! There was no time! I didn't get a college scholarship by getting my mind distracted by pretty girls. I had to study, study, study!!
kristinxrutherford: Fuck me please - Maybe. I'm not a piece of meat :)
In_love_with_5SOS: From your POV what as it like dealing with all these romances and dramatic situations? - Ugh! It was horrible! There's only so much drama a man can take, right?
meowmeowkitty22: How are you doing today Mr. Hood? -Doing fabulous!
ICouldBeYourDrug: Did you ever have a relationship that was not told to us? -Nope. I didn't have the time. Too focused on my school work.
dadadani: Are you secretly a turtle? - Shh... don't tell!
➟ M I A
stayweirddani: Honestly who do you truly like Reese or Ashton? -Ashton! I once had feelings for Reese, especially since we had classes together. But at Sean's party last summer, I told Reese that I didn't feel the same way he felt about me.
Crazyforlukehemmings: Why was Mia yelling at Reese? When Ari and Luke came to Ari's house? - I was yelling at Reese because he was yelling at me. He came by to confess his feelings for me... again, and I was getting frustrated. I was with Ashton at the time and Reese wouldn't stop trying to win my heart.
springxtides: Will you kiss Ashton for me? - Yes of course!
springxtides: Do you love Ashton's Cobain shirt? -Yup!
anime_loveer_1116: Why did you cheat on Ashton? Who do you really want to be with? -I didn't cheat on Ashton- I never would. That kiss he witnessed between Reese and I was all on Reese, to which he admitted.
ICouldBeYourDrug: Ashton or Reese? I want the truth - Ashton! 100%
dadadani: Why did you cheat on Ashton? - I didn't. That kiss he saw, was all Reese. He already admitted it and Ashton knows that.
dadadani: Are you gonna get with Reese or Ashton? - Ashton. I think I love him :)
➟ R E E S E
oliviajade1: Are you okay Reeses Pieces? -I will be. Concussion is gone and my leg is still broken but I'll be okay. As for my heart? That'll heal too. I still have some feelings for Mia but she's with Ashton and he's a good guy. I'll get over it soon.
stayweirddani: Could you please tell me how you and Luke got together and decided to stay at Lotus Cove? -I found Luke at the Lotus Cove Cafe one night after my night class. He was drunk and after getting him down to the safe room, he told me everything. I tried to convince him to go back to Percival Shores but he just needed time to clear his head. I promised he could stay at Lotus Cove for a while as long as he texted Ari that he was okay.
Crazyforlukehemmings: Are you alive? Reese I love you! -Thanks, love you too! And yes. I'm very much alive! Can't wait to go to Grad school to get my Master's degree!
gacie_hime: Can I sign your cast Reese's pieces??? - Yes!
springxtides: Dude why are you so hotttt?? -I got it from my mama!
fivesos26: Wait so you and Luke are cool now? - Yup. We've been cool.
ICouldBeYourDrug: Did it hurt when you hit the ground? - Nope. I went unconscious the moment I hit the ground. Don't remember a thing.
hoodlesstommo: You okay, Reese's pieces??? ILY -Love you too and yes, I'm okay!
dadadani: Why did Luke come to you at the cafe? - I actually found him. He was drunk and his mind was all over the place. I had to take care of him.
dadadani: Why didn't you tell Ari that Luke was with you? - Luke needed my trust and I promised not to tell Ari as long as he did
dadadani: If Mia gets back with Ash are you gonna be mad? - Nope, not at all. I've already accepted that she belongs with Ashton. It still hurts a lot, but I'll be okay.
➟ J A S E Y
oliviajade1: How are you feeling about your schizophrenia? Also, did you stop taking your medication because that could be how Kelsey came out rather than Jasey? -I've had schizophrenia since I was 14 - so about 6 years now. I know how to handle it; how to hide it so no one knows. I take my medication every day and I hate it when my "other half" comes out. Doctors say that my stress at work, school, and with Sean was making my condition worse to the point that the dosage of my medication wasn't working. With new pills, proper therapy, and a few months in rehab, I know I'll be just fine.
stayweirddani: Are you okay? -I will be. My family, friends, and doctors have confidence in me and I have confidence in me too. My medication has been changed and I'm feeling well already- even got a visit from Ari, who gives me her blessing.
little-wall-flower: What the actual fuck Jasey? - I know, and I'm sorry! I truly, genuinely am sorry. I was so stressed with Sean and after I saw him with those girls at his party last summer, something in me snapped. My medication was already beginning to lose its power and after (regrettably) hooking up with Luke, it sent me over the edge. I've apologized several times to the entire group and while they haven't completely forgiven me, they still do wish me well.
gracie_hime: What the hell screwed you up so bad? - My life was getting more stressful than it had ever been. Between school, work and problems with my boyfriend Sean, the dosage of my regular medication I had been taking since I was 14, wasn't working as well.
springxtides: Why? - ^ ^ ^
Victoria-Grace: What's the name of your better half? - No name. She's too powerful to be labeled with a simple name. There are none that do my "better half" justice.
ICouldBeYourDrug: What's your better half's name cuz you said that Jasey wasn't your better half's name - She doesn't have one. She's way too powerful to be labeled.
sockswithoutfeet: Um, what the fudge? -I know. I haven't even forgiven myself for what I've done.
tash_2001: Bitch you crazy - Yup, I know. But I have a mental illness and I've had one since I was 14. I'm taking proper steps into fixing me up.
electrikfeels: What happens to her? - To whom? To me? I'm in rehab and I'm doing better.
fivesos26: Did you know about your disorder? - Yes, I did. I've had a mental illness since I was 14 years old. So about 6 years, now.
dadadani: Are you going to realize what you did and apologize? Seek treatment? Plot revenge again? - I've already realized what I've done and I've already apologized.
➟ A U D R E Y E V E
stayweirddani: Why are you such an amazing writer? -Aw, thank you so much! You're so kind! And all it takes is practice. I've been writing stories since I learned how to write. It's a passion of mine!
fluffyrydel: Do you picture having this story having an sequel? - No sequels, but I am planning a spin-off story that follows Calum the summer right after they've graduated high school. It's in the works, but I'll let everyone know once that's out.
hobbee18: What your favorite band? (besides 5OS) -Besides 5SOS and 1D, I love All Time Low, The Vamps, Paramore, Fall Out Boy, McFly, Mayday Parade and All American Rejects. I'm really into pop-punk!
AlexisBooth: Will you make a second story to this? Maybe talking about their future? - Possibly. I'm working on a spin-off story that follows Calum the summer after HS graduation. When you read the Epilogue, you'll see a little glimpse of his counterpart Aurora :)
LukeTakeYourPantsOff: Where did the ideas for this story come from? - It started off with Percival Shores. It's a fictional town based off of the city I'm from. Then afterwards I crafted Ari out of character traits I wished I had. She's brave, confident, and true to her self- ideals that I wished I have too. Then I thought about what Ari would be like if she were to meet a preppy Luke Hemmings. BTW, the way Luke dressed in the first few chapters of this story, is how a lot of boys dress in my town.
9_saucy_boys: How do you write so well? Could you teach me this was and still is my favorite book in wattpad ever - Aw thank you!! If you ever need advice and tips on writing, just shoot me a private message!
Victoria-Grace: Why are you so awesome at life? It actually makes me cry. Literally laying on the floor crying! I love you. - Stop it! Thank you so much for reading my story and for commenting. You've died like 100 times during this entire story, so thanks for coming back to life each time lol
samantha_hemmings96: Are you planning on writing another Luke story in the future? - Probably. I have other stories that I want to finish first! :)
anime_lover_1116: Would you write a sequel or maybe one shots of the future? You're an amazing writer I'm making it my goal to read all your stories - Not a sequel, but a spin-off to this story that follows Calum right after graduating Percival Shores High. I do have other 5SOS stories you should check out. And thank you so much for reading!
fivesos26: Who gave you the right to destroy me with the feels a million times throughout this story??? - Obama said it was okay!
ICouldBeYourDrug: (1) This is my favorite book on Wattpad. (2) How do you write so well? (3) Can you like make a sequel about like Luke and Ari's future? - Aw thank you so much! And writing is a passion. I do it often so that's how I get practice. And no sequel. Possibly a spin-off following Calum.
electrikfeels: Will there be a sequel??? Please let there be -Nope, no sequel! But possibly a spin-off following Calum after graduating Percival Shores High.
WolfAura: What made you pick the song Pieces by Sum 41 for Luke's attempt at suicide? - Glad you like the song! And it's been my favorite for years. I've known I was going to write a suicide attempt for Luke since the beginning and since then, I've known that I was going to use that song.
dadadani: Epilogue? -Yes! Right after this character ask!
dadadani: What inspired you to write this story? What inspired you to create certain major events like the idea that Mia would cheat? - It started with Percival Shores which is based off the city I'm from. From there I created Ari and wondered what it would be like if she clashed with a preppy Luke Hemmings. As for certain events, it started with all the characters. I made a character profile for each, listing out histories and weaknesses. The obstacles kind of just happened themselves because the characters are made like real people with real emotions and real issues.
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