[Gotham's Freak Club]
The Walking Dead: so Ren, are you attending the Fall Gala?
Timmy's Girlfriend: maybe, maybe not.
Flying Grayson: has anyone seen the newspaper? It is full of a new conspiracy theory these pressers have generated.
Timmy Toes: and I seem to have a really bad feeling about it.
Flying Grayson: your gut feeling is right.
Flying Grayson: it is about our one and only Ren and you, of course.
Timmy's Girlfriend: fuck!
Timmy's Girlfriend: what does it say?
Flying Grayson: it says that Timothy Drake has been romantically involved with both the secret vigilante and Luthor's genius daughter. Speculations are high whether he would end up with Irina Luthor or the masked vigilante.
Timmy Toes: so it's my turn to say that... Fuck!
[ T <•> I ]
T: I saw the news.
I: congratulations...
T: are you alright?
I: no.
I: I'm a little under the weather, you could say. And the press is being an annoying little bitch.
T: when are they not? I woke up to fifty interview requests and a huge line of reporters at the Manor's gate.
I: touche.
I: how's your work going?
T: there's isn't much to do today.
T: Irina Luthor didn't show up. And that's rather unexpected because she doesn't ever take a day off.
I: maybe she was busy elsewhere.
T: maybe... Besides the press people would have been bothering her too. I just hope she doesn't fire me after all this.
I: you really did not have to do that.
T: I know first aid, Ren, I took classes when I was younger.
I: I'm not saying there was anything wrong with the bandaging, I am just saying that do not get me so dependent on you.
T: why not?
I: because then it would be very very difficult for me to keep doing what I do when you won't be with me.
T: I'm not going anywhere, Ren, I am always going to be with you. Right here.
I: that's really sweet of you.
I: but life is unpredictable.
I: and I don't want anything bad to happen to you because of me.
T: don't you know, I'm a Wayne. I'm accustomed to putting up with all kinds of shitty accidents.
T: hey, Ren, can you meet me at the rooftop?
I: sure, give me five minutes.
I: so my aunt is coming to Gotham and I am very excited.
T: that's great.
I: I want to buy her a present.
T: oh... I see.
I: but I want you to choose for me because I am stuck somewhere and can't wriggle out of it while she will be coming at the airport in an hour.
T: of course, no problem, what do you want me to do?
I: just pick up any gift you like and place it in that black Mustang parked in the parking lot. Also a bouquet of lilies along with it would be great.
T: sure.
T: but isn't that Irina Luthor's car?
I: just do what I bloody told you to, Tim! No stupid questions.
T: okay okay, fine. I am not asking any more questions.
I: good.
T: so did your aunt like the gift?
I: she loved it, Tim, thank you so much!
T: and I suppose you're having a great time with her.
I: absolutely.
T: tell her I said hi.
I: and who shall I tell her you are if she asks?
T: your friend?
I: right, I am following Richard's advice on that one.
T: ...
T: you didn't mean boyfriend by any chance, right?
I: what the hell is wrong with you, Tim?
T: oh so you didn't mean that.
I: of course I meant that.
T: Ren!
I: I am not even in the same room as you yet I can feel you blushing redder than a fricking hot tomato.
T: look, it has nothing to do with my feelings for you...
I: oh so you're finally confessing?
I: go on, I'm listening.
T: you know I like you, Ren, I really like you a lot. But sometimes I get a little bit uncomfortable when Jay and Richard tease us.
T: you do understand what I'm talking about, right?
I: of course, Tim, don't hesitate.
T: and I just think maybe it's a little too fast.
I: I can understand.
I: and I have never pressurized you, right?
T: I know.
T: but just because I get nervous doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you. (This message has been deleted).
I: you didn't have to delete that, Tim.
T: um...
I: look, I understand how you feel. And I am giving you all the time you want.
I: I do not want you to feel pressurized about this either. You know that.
T: I do.
T: thank you.
I: what for, Timbelina?
T: for listening and understanding.
I: that's exactly what friends are for.
I: I mean we might be treading on the thin line between love and friendship, but no matter what happens, you're still going to be my very best friend.
I: and I hope it's the same for you as well.
T: of course, Ren, nothing can change our friendship.
[ T <•> D ]
D: I can't believe this.
T: now what?
D: a dog is supposed to be man's best friend, then why the hell is Titus becoming fond of my worst enemy?
T: wait a second.
T: you mean to say that Titus likes me?
D: what treachery are you both up to, Drake?
D: I wanted to teach him to bite you in the ass but now he wouldn't comply.
T: damn it, Damian, can you not be nice for a second?
D: not in my genes.
T: and here I thought you would at least try after I had gifted you with a pet hamster.
D: so you were trying to bribe me with Nemesis?
T: of course not. It was just a birthday present.
D: on second thoughts, if you can get father to agree in letting me keep a pet snake, then maybe I'll consider your offer.
T: deal.
D: since father agreed and I had made a deal with you, I will let you know that I am going to at least try being nice to you for a week.
T: just one week?
D: don't push it, Drake, or I'll kick you in the face.
T: fine, one week. Seven days. So far, so good.
D: but if you start being an asshole to me on patrol...
T: tell you what, just screw it. I'm asking Barbara to set your patrol with Steph.
D: not her! I hate Fatgirl.
T: it's Batgirl, you nachos eating gremlin!
D: come back here, Drake, before I beat the shit out of you.
T: too late. And you would end up beating the shit out of me anyways, so what's the use?
D: I fucking hate you.
T: trust me the feeling is mutual.
D: your girlfriend picked up the wrong battle.
T: what the hell do you mean?
D: I'll give you two hints.
D: Two Face
D: the Bowery.
D: and you're welcome.
T: fucking crap, Damian, and you did nothing?
D: thought it would be better for you to save her instead of me.
D: now hurry up, dumbass, or else she'll get killed.
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