Twenty Five
“Come on, baby girl. Let’s get you a bath. It’s been a long day, and you’ve had a particularly strenuous session today.” Jin had left a few moments earlier, after helping Jungkook to clean everything up.
The dom pulled Taehyung into his arms, walking towards the bathroom and drawing a bath, setting the blissed out male who was still only half there. He was still trying to come down from his high.
Jungkook poured some water onto Taehyung's body, warming him up a bit before grabbing a cloth and lathering some soap up into it for the male.
He gently washed his body, making sure that Taehyung didn't pass out and slip under the water as well.
“Tell me about yourself…”
“Hmm?” Jungkook looked up at Taehyung.
“You know just about everything there is to know about me. But I know next to nothing about you.”
“Oh.” Jungkook nodded. “I don't talk to a lot of people about myself personally because it's always business. You can't trust anybody in my line of work.”
“But if you want to know, I suppose I can answer some questions you might have.”
“What was your childhood like?”
“My parents started training me as soon as I turned five. I handled guns at that age, went out on missions and even made my first kill when I was six. And before you say it, yes, I’m aware that that is extremely wrong in the eyes of others, to train your child, especially that young, like that. But this tradition has run in my family for a very long time. I was actually held off from training because my parents wants to wait until I was a little bit older.”
Taehyung looked like he was thinking for a bit. “So they just sent you out on missions?”
“I was heavily guarded and mostly there to observe. They wanted me to get used to the sight of blood. I was around it nearly every day. I was often sick, I took breaks from the sessions, usually I would be shown torture and questioning sessions, and I would often throw up until I’d seen so much that I’d grown numb to it.”
“Uh…” Taehyung looked at his hands. “I feel bad for the five year old you. But I don’t have to do that, right? I don’t think—“
“You won’t be going anywhere near my questioning rooms, Taehyung. You’ll be staying here, my room, and the lab. Okay?”
Jungkook went back to washing the male.
“How many other subs have you had?”
“Curious. You seem like you’ve done this before, although it seems as if you’ve never done a contractual thing before.”
“That is true. You are the first sub that I have had to train and experiment with. All of the other ones already knew what they liked or didn’t like, what their limits were and whatnot. You haven’t ever really done things like this, therefore this is a new experience for me. Plus, I usually only have one or two sessions with other subs and then don’t see them again.”
“Oh. So it’s different for you have a sub for a long period of time?”
“Yeah. But I’m not complaining. It’s nice to know I have someone whom is my type and always at my beck and call instead of having to go to one of the clubs in town to try and find someone to suit my needs for the night.”
“Gee Thanks.” Taehyung said dryly. Jungkook chuckled.
“You know what I mean, Babygirl.”
“Uh Huh.”
“Alright, up.” Jungkook instructed when he was finally done. He wrapped Taehyung up into a towel and carried him back into the playroom, grabbing a robe and sliding it onto the man before carrying him out of the room.
They walked to their room where Jungkook grabbed him some proper clothes.
A knock on the door sounded a few moments father Taehyung had gotten helped into his clothing, and Jungkook went and opened the door, instantly being shoved aside by a small blur.
“Yoonbin!” Taehyung sat up straight, scooping his son up happily as the boy waved his hands excitedly. “He did?” Taehyung asked. “That’s sweet of him.”
“What happened?”
“Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi made him pancakes and Hoseok snuck him some ice cream.”
“Mm. Your son has a sweet tooth?”
“He doesn’t get much sweets since he spent most time with his mother...well, I’d imagine he didn’t eat much at all…” Taehyung’s face fell a little and Jungkook walked over quickly rubbing his back.
“You can spoil Yoonbin rotten now, Taehyung. It’s okay.”
“Not really. I should have been there for him.”
“You couldn’t. You would’ve been detained by the police or barred from seeing your son altogether if you had tried to take him from Wendy.”
“We’re not gonna do this, Taehyung.” Jungkook said firmly. “Don’t make me make you write lines about how there was nothing you could do.” Taehyung clamped his mouth shut and pouted petting his son’s hair.
He looked down as the boy began to communicate with him again, his fingers and wrists flicking quickly.
“Oh.” Taehyung blinked, a little surprised. “Uh…sure?”
“Wait, I thought your son was deaf.”
“He can read lips really well.” Taehyung offered. He turned back to Yoonbin and began to communicate back with his hands this time.
Taehyung’s eyes widened even more and he shook his head. Yoonbin giggled and turned to Jungkook, signing something.
“What did he say?”
“Uh...hello my name is Yoonbin.”
“Hi kiddo. I’m Jungkook.”
“Are you appa’s friend?”
“Yes, buddy. I’m appa’s special friend.” Taehyung blushed a little at this.
“Are you my mommy?” Jungkook blinked a little as Taehyung translated, only realizing what Yoonbin had said and what he’d told Jungkook after he’d said it allowed. “Yoonbin—“
“I can be if you want me to be.” Jungkook interrupted. “Would you like me to be your mommy?”
Taehyung’s eyes widened even more if that was possible. Comically wide. “Didn’t know you were into that—“
“Don’t even start.” Jungkook growled out to Taehyung. The man ducked his head.
“He said yes.” Taehyung finally muttered.
“Well then.” Jungkook smiled and took Yoonbin into his own arms. “Guess I’m your mommy then.”
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