CHAPTER TWO, a very familiar face
The group stopped near where the cabins were at as EJ pointed out what each of them were. "Boys' bunk, girls' bunk, mountains, ocean, and sometimes there's bears."
Oliver raises his eyebrows with surprise, not for sure how he felt about the fact that sometimes bears were near the camp. While Ashlyn and Carlos exchanged a nervous look, Kourtney looks around nervously. "Got it."
EJ picks up his duffle bag. "Okay, I will see you all tonight for the big announcement." He turns to face Oliver with a smile. "Dude, come on. I'll show you and Carlos to the boys' bunk."
"Awesome." Oliver smiles, he goes to follow EJ, but stops in his tracks when he realized he forgot to do something. "Wait, something's not right!" He turns around, rushing over to Gina with a grin on his face. He stands in front of Gina, cupping the side of her face and pulling her in for a kiss. When they both pull away, the two teens are blushing but they both have wide smiles on their faces. "Okay, now I'm good." Oliver commented, turning around to follow EJ to the boys' bunk.
Carlos glances at Kourtney with raised eyebrows. "How many days has it been?"
"Ten minutes." Kourtney replied. Carlos groaned while Kourtney whined sadly, both of them missing their significant other as Gina giggled and smiled widely.
Carlos opens the door to the boys' dorm and he and Oliver find out that two other boys were throwing around a football. "Hey," One of the boy's greets with a smile. "New dudes, catch." He threw the football at Carlos and Oliver, Carlos quickly moved out of the way. Oliver would've caught it but he wasn't close enough to catch it and the football crashed into a painting hung up on the wall, causing it to fall and the protective glass shattered.
"Okay." Carlos puts a hand over his heart, looking slightly scared as he glances at Oliver. "Constant danger and we live here."
Oliver chuckles, putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's just football. We'll be fine." He took his hand off Carlos' shoulder and walked over to pick up the football and then threw it to the curly-haired boy.
"Nice throw." The curly-haired boy commented as he caught the football.
"Thanks." Oliver smiled.
"What's your name?" The boy who threw the football first asked.
"I'm Carlos and this is Oliver." Oliver waves at the two boys with a friendly smile on his face. "We're friends of EJ's." Carlos answers. "I choreograph, and I just peed a little bit. And you are?"
"Johnny, but everyone calls me Crash." Crash introduced himself.
"Hey!" EJ chuckles, pointing at the shattered glass from the painting on the floor. "First crash of the summer."
Crash grins and laughs. "Guilty, my dude."
"Guys, I'm so glad you found the bunk." EJ said to Carlos and Oliver with a smile on his face. EJ had got distracted by talking to some of the other campers there on the way to showing Carlos and Oliver the bunk which left Carlos and Oliver to find it themselves.
"I'm so glad that you are glad." Carlos replied and Oliver chuckled lightly because of how nervous Carlos was.
"Just pick a bed, take a load off." EJ tells his friends, walking over to a bunk. Oliver walks over to a bunk on the right side of the room, putting his backpack on the bottom bunk. "I'm actually the CIT for this bunk, so...That's counselor in training." EJ explained.
"Oh, cool." Oliver smiled.
"I'm gonna need everyone to follow all of the rules to the letter." He said in a serious tone, looking at the boys with a stern expression. Oliver exchanges a look with Carlos and Crash and the other boy share a look. EJ laughs. "I'm just kidding, you guys, I'm, like, six months older than some of you, and this is my last chance to be a kid." He smiles. "So, good vibes only this summer, okay?"
The door then opens again and this time a dark-skinned boy with curly black hair walks in. "Hey, new kid, Right?" EJ smiles at him. "You must be Jet."
Jet closes the door behind him and sighs. "Okay."
"I'm EJ." EJ introduces himself. He then points at Carlos. "This is Carlos." He points at Oliver. "And this-"
"Yeah, I'm actually good without talking, but you do you." Jet interrupted him, throwing his bag on the top bunk Carlos had put his bag on.
Carlos grimaces. "Uh, that's my bed."
"Okay." Jet didn't seem to care as he climbed up to the top bunk.
Carlos nervously laughs, looking at EJ with a scared expression. "I'm scared."
Later that night, Oliver was walking to the stage where everyone was told to meet up. "Hi." When he heard Gina's voice, he relaxed and calmed down, looking at her with a soft smile.
"Hi." He pretends to act like he doesn't know her. "Wait, let me guess, you're Gina Porter from the Honeycomb?"
Gina grins. "I'm local."
Oliver laughs a bit and as Gina removes her arm from his, he wraps his arm around her shoulders, smiling when she wrapped an arm around his waist. "So, who do you think is gonna be the famous person?"
"No idea." Gina shakes her head. "But I'm sure we're gonna be excited no matter what."
"Hey, guys." EJ greeted, joining the couple on the pathway that led to the stage.
Oliver and Gina smile at him. "Hey, EJ." Oliver replies. "You should know this answer since you're a counselor in training." He tilts his head to the side, looking at EJ curiously. "Who's the famous person?"
"Sorry, but I can't say anything." EJ answered.
"Okay," Carlos joins the group along with Kourtney, who was holding a lantern. Where she got the lantern? Oliver wasn't for sure but he didn't bother on questioning her. Carlos links his arm with EJ's. "Who is this famous person and why isn't it one of the Real Housewives?"
"Ollie already asked him that and he wouldn't say who it is." Gina frowned.
"You guys, I don't wanna oversell it." EJ comments. "To me, a celebrity is someone who gets a bunch of questions about their skincare regimen."
Carlos lets go of EJ's arm and laughs as he walks in line with Kourtney. "And I just learned that I am a celebrity."
"Well, I may need a couple of tips because, go figure, bonfires make me jumpy." Kourtney admitted.
Everyone eventually arrived at the stage and sat down at the many logs of wood that were in rows in front of the stage. There were lights hung up and a doorway made at the front of the stage that was also lit up with fairy lights. Oliver and Gina sat next to each other, sharing a blanket Gina had brought with her while EJ sat beside the right side of Oliver with his own blanket and Ashlyn, Carlos, and Kourtney sat behind EJ, Gina, and Oliver.
Gadget, who Oliver learned from Gina is actually named Maddox, was on stage and she was getting her acoustic guitar out of its case. When Oliver and Gina got to the stage, he noticed Jet was standing towards the back which confused him but he didn't bother with asking why he didn't join the others. The microphone gave feedback as Maddox stood in front of it, now with her acoustic guitar.
She smiles widely. "What's up, new campers?" Everyone cheers in response and some people even yelled out they loved Maddox. "I thought I'd sing a little song." She explains. "Maybe one or two of you wanna sing along." She then began to strum her guitar. "Welcome to the Shallow Lake of your dreams. Where the days are full and nights are serene. On the way back to your yurts don't forget the lake is dirt if you fall in no one will hear you scream."
EJ then playfully screams, pretending to fall onto Oliver. EJ's friends laugh at his antics as Oliver playfully shoves him. "At Shallow Lake, at Shallow Lake we dive right into every friendship that we make. At Shallow Lake, at Shallow Lake each year we come from near and far to sing our hearts out in a barn. The stars of Shallow Lake."
Ashlyn claps, thinking that the song was over and to be honest, Oliver thought it was done too whenever Maddox stopped singing and playing her guitar. But Ashlyn stops clapping when Maddox continues. "One, two, three." Then some people in the crowd joins Maddox on singing. "At Shallow Lake."
"There is no lake!"
"At Shallow Lake."
"It's all a fake!"
"When you eat the tacos that's your first mistake. Big mistake. At Shallow Lake, don't go too star into the woods or you'll be gone for good. Under the stars of Shallow Lake. Shallow Lake! Shallow Lake!" Towards the end, everyone raises their arms up in the air as they sing. "Shallow Lake!"
As everyone cheers, Ashlyn smiles at her cousin. "EJ, that was really cute."
"Yeah, we sing it every night." EJ smiles. laughing when he saw the shocked looks on his friend's faces. "I'm just kidding. We don't."
"Good." Oliver chuckles. "I feel like that song would get annoying if you've sung it every night."
Carlos, however, wasn't amused like the rest of them. "What's next, the blood sacrifice?"
"Now, give it up for the one!" Maddox exclaims, pointing at a man walking onto the stage. After looking at his outfit, Oliver assumed he was the camp director. "He loves some noise! Yeah!"
The crowd cheers for him and he fist bumps Maddox as she puts away her guitar. Oliver heard someone in the crowd shout 'dewey' so he figured that must be his name. "Alright, alright, settle down." He tells everyone, but they all continue to cheer which made him grow upset. "Settle down!" He yells and this time everyone obeys him. "For those of you who don't know, I'm your camp director, Dewey Wood."
"Dewey Wood?" EJ called out with a grin on his face.
"Yes, he would." The crowd replied.
EJ looks around with pretend confusion. "Dewey Wood?"
"Yes, he would!" The crowd repeated.
Dewey looks at everyone with annoyance. Oliver chuckles lightly, sharing an amused smile with Gina. "I'm gonna keep this short and sweet. It's another summer. Let's have fun. Friendship is magic. Be careful what you flush. Okay? Now, I know the reason we have many new faces here is because of the exciting news. This summer, Camp Shallow lake has been selected for a very special opportunity and to tell you all about it, here comes a very familiar face."
EJ glances at his friends with a grin. "Are you ready?"
"I'm not for sure." Oliver admitted, chuckling at seeing how excited he was.
"What did you do?" Gina asked EJ with an excited smile on her face.
"Mr. Corbin Bleu." Dewey announced and the crowd went wild.
Music played and the lights flashed on and off as Corbin Bleu and a cameraman walked on stage. Oliver couldn't believe it. The Corbin Bleu was right there on stage. He felt like he was dreaming, but just to make sure he pinched his arm. He shook his head when he felt it, yeah this was very much real which made him even more excited and happy. Not everyone can say they met one of their favorite celebrates at summer camp, but now he will.
The whole crowd were up on their feet, cheering loudly for Corbin. Corbin takes the microphone, smiling widely. "Light 'em up!" Maddox, who had walked over to the electrical box to turn on some bright lights and a confetti cannon went off as well. Corbin laughs and smiles as the cheering continued. "Yes! What, what?" He then looks at the camera his cameraman was holding and smiles. "What, what?"
Corbin faces the crowd with a grin. "Oh, I am so excited to be here at Camp Shallow Lake." He comments while the cheering died down. "Oh, you guys, I can't wait to tell you what we've got planned this summer." As Corbin speaks, everyone sits down. "My pals at the House of Mouse have given us the keys to the Magic Kingdom." He points at everyone. "And that means you guys are gonna be the first camp on the planet to premiere a global blockbuster which became a Broadway sensation." Oliver's eyes widen and he shared an excited smile with Gina and then with EJ. He couldn't believe that any of this was happening. Corbin pretends to act cold. "Does anyone have a jacket? It suddenly got cold in here."
Thinking he meant it literally, Dewey steps forward, getting ready to take his jacket off. "I suppose."
"We're gonna put on Frozen!" Corbin shouted excitedly and once again the crowd went wild.
"Oh, it's a bit." Dewey muttered. He stopped taking his jacket off and stepped back to where he was originally standing.
"Wait, really?" Gina grinned, holding onto Oliver's hand excitedly. Oliver grinned back at her and squeezed her hand.
"Best summer ever." EJ commented with an excited smile on his face.
"Very excited." Corbin spoke over the applause from the crowd.
"Are you telling me that I get to meet Corbin Bleu?" Carlos asked excitedly and Oliver glanced at him with raised eyebrows and an amused smile when Carlos said Corbin's last name wrong.
"And there's more." Corbin said which got the crowd to grow quiet. He gets out a card from his jacket. "So, this camp was chosen by Disney Theatrical's licensing agent, MTI, to do the first every production of this Frozen script in advance of the release of licensing rights to high schools everywhere."
Ashlyn glances at her friends with an amused smile. "Well, that rolled right off the tongue."
Corbin points at the camera his cameraman was holding. "And this camera is gonna be following us all around because we're also making a documentary about the show, and it's gonna premiere on Disney+." The whole crowd gasps. "And it's gonna break the internet." Then the whole crowd cheers again. Corbin smiles. "It's very meta, you guys."
"Hang on. Is that camera gonna be here all summer?" Ashlyn questioned while the cheering had stopped and everyone began talking amongst themselves.
"Well, not in the yurts." EJ shrugged.
Oliver grimaces. "I just hope this summer doesn't turn out to be a reality TV show."
"Wow, I just realized why that health form we filled out was, like, twenty pages long." Carlos said in realization. He looks at his friends with furrowed eyebrows. "I think I signed a release."
Kourtney gasps and fixes her hair. "I knew I should've read that thing."
"And hey, I know there are some real live Wildcats out there." Corbin adds, pointing at the crowd. Oliver and the others smile and stand up, sitting back down with embarrassed expressions on their faces when they realized Corbin didn't want them to stand up. "And I look forward to signing headshots for you all later this summer. 'Cause it's all going down at Shallow Lake. So watch this space." Everyone stood and cheered for Corbin once more.
Corbin waves at everyone with a wide smile on his face. "Thank you so much. Thank you."
Ashlyn puts a hand over her heart. "I don't remember how to breathe."
"I don't remember how to worry." Kourtney grinned.
"I'll see all your beautiful faces later. Thank you." Corbin walked off stage while some people in the crowd chanted his name.
Oliver, EJ, and Gina turn around to face their friends, noticing Carlos was sobbing. "Oh my gosh, Carlos, are you okay?" Gina asked him.
"It's better than Greta Gerwig." Carlos responded and Oliver laughed along with Kourtney.
"Where'd he go?" Gina questioned, causing Oliver to look at her with confusion, but then he looked at the stage and furrowed his eyebrows upon not seeing Corbin and his cameraman there.
"Huh, that's weird." Oliver comments. "You'd think he would stay here longer." He thought it was suspicious how fast Corbin was there and how fast he left. As if he didn't even want to be there in the first place. He shook his head, turning to face his girlfriend and friends with a smile as he talked with them about the play.
After a few minutes, Oliver realized EJ wasn't with them anymore which confused him. He asked the others if they saw where he went and when they said no he offered to go look for him. He found him talking with Dewey and decided not to interrupt so he was on his way back to his girlfriend and his friends.
"Hey!" Hearing Gina's voice made him smile but he was startled and surprised when suddenly she jumped on his back. He quickly held onto her ankles to keep ahold of her so she wouldn't fall as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Hi, babe." Oliver glances at her with a soft smile, blushing lightly after she kissed his cheek. "What was that for?"
Gina smiles lovingly at him, tapping his shoulder to let him know she was going to jump down. He let go of her ankles as she jumps off him, moving to stand in front of him and intertwines their hands together. "Just 'cause."
"Are you okay?" Gina asks him, looking at him with concern and tilts her head to the side. Oliver furrows his eyebrows, confused as to why she would ask that. Gina shrugs. "You just seemed kind of quiet on our way here tonight."
"Oh." Oliver said in realization. He smiles reassuringly at her, squeezing her hand. "Just a little nervous about this summer." His smile turns into a happy one as he looks determined. "But don't worry. Nothing and nobody is gonna ruin our amazing summer."
"Who said anybody would?" Gina smiled softly at him and the couple lovingly gazed at each other. They both began to lean in and their lips were inches away from each other when a familiar voice suddenly interrupted them.
"Excuse me." Oliver and Gina pulled away from each other and looked over in the direction they heard the voice, both equally surprised to see Ricky standing there with a duffle bag and his guitar case.
An awkward silence filled the air for a few moments before Ricky asks, "Do you have room for one more?"
Oliver and Gina look back at each other and while Gina chuckled, looking slightly nervous, Oliver smiled with annoyance since he was annoyed Ricky interrupted him and Gina. The couple glanced at Ricky as the curly-haired boy raised his arms with a smile on his face.
"Group hug?"
A/N read the room ricky 😭 that wasnt the time for a group hug. he doesnt know he just interrupted a sweet moment between olina
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